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<br /> ' � • �c�����������.�������fR��.��. ` .'.�-.
<br /> '�;�:',
<br /> . , '�,��y*i���r yis'1ws,il.�w►`r�f�i�ir wiiii is rw'�ifiri�.awwy�.ai.a�►!liw�tr�" .
<br /> r
<br /> � `. iwi�r i�i�i,�,��Id�t�rl�r�r�+�riares,°'Ilis i�wiii�+r ri�rr�i 1i ilie aiai�.a��or�is��
<br /> � . it l��r r�ir�:'!�i iiiu��as eurilr p�ariili��iilwi#�oe di�lt.le c�b�►1o�io�.srljw�t la L��r"��w� •
<br /> '. �. �4..i�111`�t be w�r�ro�l�►willreid.�Bafq�!er l�It q_�iue�ia aaMe��e de�ei6�ei a�a��e..t.e�iir�.:t�L�!�s '
<br /> , .,e,pio�,�ay�oo+!er+e b Pa1K;t L�+Mec'i'�ci�it i�Nie lra�y i�oei�we wMti��'., '.;- ` .
<br /> , ' ` . . Af!i�taps poiie�es ari wM�ls i�t be aooepe+�lC ta L�tler ad i�lE i�clyd�s w�0`t��tY�ie.:i�e�ir
<br /> ' .
<br /> riiin��v�:ri�irtfff-1w�i��iep�o�aoaia�err�Is.�ff�sier�e�,:Ho��-i.�upi�pdy��e-�oi:�riee.rFr�eo�:a�. . :
<br /> ' �pee�iiir iri�aoiioa.I��eraait bf io�.�a�er ii�!�va pivaipt ac�oE id i!�i�ii�rr�a��i��d�rie�: :_ .
<br /> Irea�et i�!►�p�oqFoi lo,�c if wty�.�d�e�pra�epl�r!ry Hcetdfirrr. `. , � " ` '. � � � - <.� ,` .
<br /> �{0��f0��wa�wJC���11�:�OE p0000�/i��E��,1D 1�/I�M�O�O�1��G��O. . j.
<br /> . : s'eP�ir ie uof�oa�c�ic�lly fe�i6le az Le�da�'s��w�ald tie te�aied:�i8e�p�to�e�+�s iWl bi►�i1iad�q�t��twt . ...
<br /> . �ei.titod by tiw Seauky?n�enatt,�'olt 4ot t6at drC.�vidt"�r E�ooe�p�id b Boea�!e�:tt'Bono�ror�bltloils�c
<br /> Pi+opatX;or does Aot-��rar�ri�i'30:�s::�ptioe from I.��nda�tlLe ina�pe a�nef-ti�u1�+ed tu ietde a cJ�ir.dies
<br /> � i�tod�er mla�r'adie�t it�ieguiiiioe-pcooee�. L�pda mt�►u�d�e,P[�aoeeds�o npir or t�otG tbC'�paty a b pay wms
<br /> ,aoa�ei!ti�r t�is Sew�r Ic�rumc+i�:iNl�ber or�rot t�diie:'#'[�c�Paiod�r�l bepn.�dlcnotib�is pva�. -
<br /> �J�s,f.a�t e r a o a B�m R r a��.a�a t i n.�, .��P P���P��.P�:.�f�l:n o e aqeodt a �
<br /> . . po�tgoee t6e c�e d�e of the motlhly pagmnrts ret,�sxo��ia p�CapM 1 aod 2 or cluo�e d�c�nn�io[af�tt,�ayma�Ot.:If �. ''
<br /> uod�er p�r�e�21 the pnnpaty is aoquued tsy Ierider,Botmwar's r�tit w�ny i�ocaoc+e pdjcie�aod ptocere�3c rawkiu�tioe� •
<br /> ttm�e,tu tbe P�ty prior to tbe aoqwauicia sbal!p�ea�c►I.e��da!a tBe exteat of the soms seaired by tbis Seca[ftSi In�tn�e�eat-` ' ,
<br /> immed'�tdy p�iar to tha soqtnsitioa. . � . �
<br /> �•�l�Y���M�i�e�uoe a�l ltriettfo�a�t�e Pkvpeety;aereeeet's Lo�Applicatiwi;I.e�elriir. .
<br /> ' H�xmwer sb�ll aocupy,tatablish,ud usc tHe.PmQatY,i�-8�mw�er'a P'nn�iPV�KSidan�e�ritl�n:i:ty days aRer the exewtioa af
<br /> tbi�Seauic�r�tv�nt�ud�1uU ooainuetiv:oavp�r tbe Piuperty�s Bormwar's ptincipl t�i�eac�for�t leiit oae yac atkr
<br /> the date of ooaj�wy.anless[�ender ai�ec�ise agizes ia wrltmg,which ooaseat ah�ll not be�nneason�Wy vvithbdd,or unlas �
<br /> �xte�6ng,cait�a�stanoes�xist wtuch ane'�$eyoad Borrower's rnntrol. Borrower sinll�not.destmy« dsm�ga ot lmpuc tLe
<br /> Ptoptcty, atlow the'Pnnpetty to detedorate.os oommit waste on tl�e.Pc�operty. Barrciwer shal!6e iu d'efaiutt if any forfeitune
<br /> � aoti�,�n oc prooeoding,whether civll or criminal.is begun that in I�encler's good faith 3ud8�nt ooyl�t t�esWt id forfeitur�e of the
<br /> Pi�pe�ty os othavvise a�aueriaUy impair il�e�a creatad by this Sceurity Insawnent ar l.eoder's se�ity int�rest.Boriowex any
<br /> cu�e such a defatl�aad ieinstate,as pmv��,i�paragraph 18,by ca�sing the action or pmc�oediu�'tia bie dismissod wjtb a Yuliug- .
<br /> -- that, in Lendet's good fiith�`{�tudes forfeiture of the Borro'war's intarst ia t�A�vpertY or ofher materb�l°;:-,.
<br /> impairn�ent of tti��ien cre�ood.by t1�i.5 S��L�t or Lender's seatrity intenest. Bormv�s`�11 also be In de6ult i�':'
<br /> .,•�e�� �a�,�; � " ''. �.." ' ' " . . .
<br />� Borrower,durjng ttce,l,�n��:. �r ,`�:.�:�m�r�'.,Iy false or inaocurate mfomuaon or s�ents w I�ncter(or failed .
<br /> ---.. ^.� . -- �o-proyide Iin�er a�i�: . '�mo�'�°o�a��a6�ir��un��ian�wi 3�e Idan cvideiiced b !ht Nci�,'inclattirt bar not tim�te�� - °-- --
<br /> _ . ....:..�..::��.,_; . . . ....... . .. , �.,. Y S ,..
<br /> .:,—_—�-� — to.repr�sent�tia�•ra�l�orrower`3�ia;:a����u��tie�'ro �s�pdncipalresideace.Iftl�sSecurityInstnuneatisou.�-•.:'�
<br /> - _ .. ., . ?�'. ... _ �'_. ,.
<br /> =� leasehold, Homaiver shall comply arith a'�'����cri��`r;sx�s,of'the"C¢�9;;:If Borrower acyuites fse title to ttie Property, d�e°:,`.'.:��"?,':;:•.-.
<br /> �:� leasehold and the fce ritle shall not merge anless�s�r�'�to the merger in wriung. ' .1;;::—
<br /> 7.Protedion o!Lende�'s Rights ta the Pt+upet��.�lEorrower fails to perform the covenants and agroements contained ia -
<br />;�;y; ;r�r � this Socurity Instrument.or there is a legal proeeeci"ing:a��'may significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Propertyr(such as a . _
<br /> ' proceoding in bankruptcy,pmbate, for condemaaGon or forfeiture ae to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender m�y do and
<br />°�-�'��� ''``° � pay for whatever ls necessary to protoct the value of the Propem,r.��i.ender's rights in the Par�erty. I.ender's actions may .
<br /> ; �. .�;'-;. include paying any sums secured by a 19en whieh has.�cioriry a�er this Secvrity Inctrument,"appearing in court. paying �.�<
<br /> ,r:�,•• �.• , .�s:,...
<br /> � ,�.,��:%:=: re�sonable attomeys fees and entering on the Property t�m�ic�repairs.,Although�e�er ctiay fake xtion under this paragrapl� �-
<br /> ':'�,',�:•:.
<br /> �k ,. . ��� 7.Lender does not have to do so. � . . �'`-:_---
<br /> .�'ht r �:_ � �; �= Any amounts disburse�by Lender under this paragraph 7 sl•.��.�:ne ad�a�ona� d°be oi Borrower seeured by t#tis'"`:, ''`�l=�-
<br /> �-'� �y'.' . "'��.,-�.
<br /> :�:i,�: .. • Security Instrum�mt. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other ter�,.��vfi�aymer,i;these amn�unts-shall bear interest from tde '•� �
<br /> ':..7�•':�.. . .. 'h�.�;._
<br /> ..:-:�:;. . date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable. with interen.'upa;� na�ice from i.znder to Borrower requestiag�.� :s�:�,�=
<br /> ' F, PaYment. , . . :s����
<br /> . :�"=:=-
<br /> � � ' 8.Mortgage Insuraace.lf I.ender re�uired mortgage insurance as a condit's��n ot�rrlaking the laan secured by thia Secttrt.ty ;. ;a��r-
<br />. �-"'� 1� Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain ti�:e eioitgage lnsurance in effect. If, for any reasan:�ttte =��'
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by 1.e�Qer lapses or ceases to tx:ii42 effect.Borrower shati pay the premiums required�o� '
<br /> s�". ' obtain covemge substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance p�=;��:sly in effect,at a cost substandally eqaivaient to the �:;e,
<br /> 'i��/�;����;Z•`_�� ,, ,. cost to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previausly in effect. frer+.,an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If �`•�'�'� ,
<br /> '1W�(.:'.'r:._� ��A'�• •
<br /> . � °���„3,;,,� ; • substantiatly equivalent murtgage insurance coverage is not availabte,�i�orrdwer shall pay to Lender each mont}y a sum equatl tp ;��If;, .
<br /> o�lwelfth of the yearly mo»gage insurance preminm being paid���f�t�rawer when the insurance wverage lapsed ar ceased to -
<br /> ' be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a i��:7��servo In lieu of mortgagc insurance. Lvss rese�ve ' , .
<br /> ;.' � •• , F�rM30?.8 .8180 •��':'�i;;'
<br /> . �oaols • '�:tf��i�'� _.
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