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<br /> �O�+OO�MA1�1��Irt��r�ir i 1�y'u�ii�t�s i�1�1i Mwrj_er�Mi�i a�t Ys.i��t I¢"/nM�t�!.',� �,. �
<br /> c :�. f7�tlOr�!�M1y�/�1��lY�[����f0�t�OR��IE00/�.�Of11�IM��[M�i�i��
<br /> � d�ii.�iet�j►ifs dd�b t�a lrapst�r.i�iisK ri�ia�aad d�i:i�4Jdt 10 aa�►�i�oea d#eoo�d. • _ r� .
<br /> � c�'1'IQS 3�CIJRIiY1Ii.t'1'RUMB�tE'coiriDises�ti�r[fo�at oo�re�i.�for`a�tioe�l�sii aowiif'o�ano'MeelM�ts wWt IiiMO�; ,.
<br /> � . �niMio�b�r:jrei�oais eowti�e a raiioea��eaiitY iMM�seat bar�i�ra1�rapah. ° . . . . .
<br /> =t�N�DRI��t tO�i�ti1'S:.Haio�e�.��dercn+reeiwt iwt�peaas fotlo+ns: � � �. ..�_: �1 �
<br /> ,-_ _�_ :� —'i.�q�wt�7fei�eiri�i I�`�M: !��aii L�ie AMe�.Dix�v�er_d�ti�e�ptllrP�9�ei�'d�e_�it ._-_._ ., .
<br /> ;pridcipt c��ed inlerat aa t�e debt a+rjdeecad D�r�c Nole and aiy preQ+Sraaaot aed 1�1t cYr�ts d�e sder�Nalc. -� ` ,
<br /> ' ' Z..��ia lir�l'�s�i Lw��oa Su6ject ta�pp�c�blt L�r ar to a�rcittea�vsiver try i,�d�r,.B�xta�r�er�l pty ta
<br /> _ _ - -- ——=�D�. _..•-.. QlC.-'g�-i�SC�4lt�s��i}fwll s�l1l.��'�.-�OG1lti�Y_f�_ ----
<br /> �•ilKfil�MbICb 7dy i[�0�IfOf�ly OYC(�i��>i i�lER OQ�IG Y1D�',�:(���t `��UIl�� ---. _
<br /> a�wd r�aai ca die�ic�pa�ty:��nY:.(c)Yadp':11�d,'or�iwnecs p�mumF;(d�ye�rtY 8oad imur�noe P�ua�: ,
<br /> if an�►:(e)7s�47►mo�ti+�e��*�+�Y�.aari.t�1��uY��P�3�bY BaRU�wer:W.I�eadrr,ia a�000ed�oo�vllh
<br /> tbe provitioos of p�raph 8.u�f:�art of.ti�cpt�a�a�t ofmort�qe�uaooe p�emiums.7litsa itati�.��N11e�'Facm�v Ite�.'
<br /> ,. �,pdes mry.�t�!�:;00��d:f�o�d:Fu�iit�o amooat rat to exeoed!be nwci�uut aa�nk a:Chider for a fcdaaUy
<br /> rd�ted mott��Mi1i,m�r r6qitic�c foc Boa+n�r�'�esca�nw ac000nt under tbe federal Ra[�SOe�`�Rooedu�m Act of �
<br /> t974 a+F�d.�5mi�timc to tim�t��7:S.C:5ectioa Z601 a xq.t'RPSPA'),unles�ai�nibec da�iv t����pplia to d�e Fa�� �
<br /> , sets�r Je�a:�emifi�aiC:if so.i�eader m��;�t any time,ooiket�d hold Fu�s in m amo�nt mt ta a�eeio�tbe ks�a�rnamt. -
<br /> , ' t,aidCr,,'ma�r'atim�oe,t�e��Fuads du�e oa the bas�t of cu�seat d�a�d rasombie es�apcea Of eipe�torea of SMute �� :�,
<br /> , F,acY+uM►�s or adhar.R!ise in a�eotd�4ce witb applie�bk law. � - '.` . ' ,:. �;,;
<br /> ' Tbe FuMs sball'�6e hdd'us �`instiwtion whoee deposits�oe i�uced tiy s fedetal �Sacy, u�ty, or:etKitjr �,�;},'°?
<br /> �`('�ludina I.a�der.if l.sndetc is aueit��i�stitution)or in aay�eder�l Home Lo�n Bu�t.I�eodeE sh�ll apply't�le:�'�Is,�a L,rs�F,.1� • :;?���;>:
<br /> :,` .Fac�aa Itam.I.ender m�y not d�eg�B�nowes for holding wd�pplying the Fonds.andQ�tt�.antlytiog tbe w�ruw�obbii�y,�4�c;`: :,'�:`°.'_:
<br /> . vetifying the Esciow Item�.anless Iec�der pays Borrower intenst oq the Funds ancl applicabta iaw permits t.eader W ri�:��� •
<br /> . a charge.However.Leader msY.t+eqaire-Bon�awer�..�ay a ono-tima charge 6or an indepeardait nal�tate tax nporting`sie�6�e :,.�;.�;.
<br />- ; asod by I.ender in�coanection with ttils toa� unt,e�epplicabto taw pmvidc��wisc.'Ualess an sg�t�is made�or� `-�r;�i f,.;:.=
<br />_ �iwbte law nequins interest to be paid lx�der,-�I not 6e required to P�Y'�1 . �Y �SS •1�;���;�
<br /> rrowu Interest or on tbe Funds.
<br /> Bo�rower aad I.eader may agree in writing,6oweve�`that inser�!shal{6e paid on the Fui�ds.Leader s6a11 givo to Ho�rower,
<br /> without charge.an aanual accaunting af tbe.Funds. s6owing ctedits and debits to the Funds and tl�e purpose for wluch exv
<br />-_ drbit to!he Funds was mide.The Fwsds ace pBa�ad�as additional sacuricy for�Ii sums sa�ured by this Savrity Lutrurtleat.
<br />.=i If the Fw�ds held by Lender eaceed.jrlie,�p�rmittod to be hetd by applicable 1aw.Lentter si�all acoonnt to Bomnwa
<br /> for the esress Funds in accordancc with ttie req¢��?°.nis of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds Tietd by Leadet at any
<br /> - ,tima.is no[�ienttopay tUe Escror���das.-Lcndcx may.-so natifg►-BocrowerL�-�tinp,anc�..in;s�xch.case 1.�wu_ ---- - �_. .
<br /> _ ;� ' shal[•pay to I.ender the amount necessacg to rnak�uu�the deftciency.Bartower shall iaak�e upr the..deficieucy in no mare'thaa
<br /> , r. ,J� . :. twelve manthlY PaYme�ts•at Lender's sote d":sereuo�.': . , ,: •� • ; :
<br /> ��t,T::r I:endbr shall' ra tl refund to Borrower an
<br /> �,�= Upon payment in full of a11 sums secured by tbis Security insuument. p in�p y y
<br /> '!' � ""•+"r{'��-. Funds 6eld by I.�nder.If.under paragraph 21..t,ei�iter shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to t�te acquisidon or sale ��
<br /> S . ;:r::.�•tr�;'�:
<br />� ; � ,,;, of the Property.shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cm.�it against the sums secured by —=--
<br /> � ' ��,'ri,j���•.: •:. .�. . . ��..- -
<br /> .'���;F�•�:r',�';}�4- this SecuriEy Inst�ument. : .�� . . �=—_=-
<br /> "_,:; =�, ta'``�'r�'r 3.A� l�s�tlan at Pwyments.Unless ticabte!aw rovides otherwise.all ayments received b L.ender under
<br /> �.: .. PP� aPP P P Y P�ST�Phs ,�,,�_
<br /> ' �'?'. ,'•. . 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first. to any prepuyment charges due under the Plote:second.to ardounts payabte under paragraph 2; -�
<br /> '-='�,.�-: • - - � '°--�'="°°-
<br /> , � , third,to interest due:fourth.to principal due:an�last,to any late charges due undcr the Note. � - >:.= --
<br /> . , . .,,�
<br /> . 4.Chacges;Liensr Borrower shal}pay aIl ta�(es,assessments.charges. 6nes and impositions attributable to the Property -::�
<br /> '. - � . . � � ._ which may attain priority over this Security Instcument. and leasehatd payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower sha14 pay _:
<br /> ' • • these obligations in the manner providal in paragraph 2.ar if nat paid in that manner.Borcower shall pay them on time direciiy -
<br /> � to the person owed paymenl. Borrawer shall promptly fumich to Lender all natices of amaunts to be paid under this paragraph. . �
<br /> •rfi; �� If Borrower maBes these payments direcily,&�nower.rhall prumpdy fumish to LcrKter racipts evidencing the payments. ..;���,:
<br /> t� Borrawer shall promptly discharge any licn which hac priority over this Security lnurument unless Bonawcr:(a)agrees in ` 3;,�,
<br /> ,
<br /> ;..�, •.� .. . writing to the payment ol'the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable[o Lender.(b)rontes�s in good faith the lien . ."
<br /> ��,� � � by. or defends against enforcement ai the iien in. Iegal prncecdings which in the Lender s apinion operate to prevent the � ;
<br /> . enforcement of the tien:ar(c)secures Gam the holder of the licn an agreement satiafactary•to l,ender sufx�rdinating the lien to
<br /> '�yAY � � this Security Instrument.lf Lender detemiines th:��any p�rt��i the Properly ia�u6jcct to a lien�vhich may attain priarity over
<br /> : ;;�
<br />� `t7 �, ��-- • � : this Security InsUvment.Lender may givc B��rmwct s►miticc identifying thc licn.Bnnoa•cr shall satisiy thc licn or take one or �_- --,
<br /> . , :..:';:�,�, . , more of the actions set forth above within 10 duys nf tha siving uf m►N�r. �-� -
<br /> �'� ,. `:!�r,>."r; . .., � ; ,,
<br /> ,•;,/{�,' . . Farn 3028 8/�0
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