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<br /> ` .. ,t ��aa i�wi�c;ap�ea7wd ti!► +�.�-�nil�i��d is vbt�i�sd.,Hoerow�r i�1t p4 4r pi�iii�r. � �!�
<br /> ` '�d��iM�i�aioe�i i�wu�i°'���eot;ar b pauid�a los[ree�,t�tls r�quierr�t liar�ioey�/��, .
<br /> ' � .i��aaMdsiR�000eiMO��a�.artitMaap�Mwatb�twwnHarrawt�od�+��deror.�pp1' law• ~ ,` .
<br /> l.b�clio�.�l��ait�yMttiy�►�e�barwodbMeateiaupoaaodia�peotiara[��rop�tty:1����a�1 • •
<br /> • Ov�s 8orraree noeias at tM ti�ot a pdos b��p�.�iaa spCif�ivai nMau��N�aur to�t6s i�p�eei�o. �. . . � ,
<br /> -. .. 10�Caii�a�tior.'T6���owedt��U►�+r,�ot d�tm fa d�e�awr�dieuct or onaMQuenti�l.in aau�ce;aa'�ith ,
<br /> , �r ao�d��tia�ot ad�t t�b�-a[w►.p�t d�Pt!oprty.vt ta coawrna ia l��d aond�a�re+an.�t+r 1��
<br /> iripidalldidll�P�id b IAn�r., . : �
<br /> _ -� ia�s�a�nt�!'s,tou!blciq pt sM.FYopKt�r.!lr pe+ooMd��hlt,bt appli�d to tba a,re��cu�d 6�,tti�&�urit�► �._
<br /> � � lu�ay�ne�at.�ilMtMr a mt t�s ifw.�th�r aow piid t�HosrNrw:Iu.tM eEV�at d s p�Aid takin�d the�ropatty ia � ,
<br /> � � '.M�:ths bir niirbt r�1ur tiI t�Ptop�ety i�nn�ldY 6�[oeu,tM t+itia�i��qud�o or p�ar t�d�s a�nounsa�[dw�
<br /> �uew Mcueed b�r s�-8�uri�I�e�enEt�Pnmdi!tet�bdoe�s tM ta3nj.�nteir Hatoa�snd I�aider otberxi�e a�cee.
<br /> � .._��_'_'._'� . . �„'_--'.--�.e _ —_-�—_'.��R.�k,.� .c.�.-,--'"_-___--�-,__—_
<br /> . - . - . ..--- - - - � � - O[i��i7GCO�ARaH�7f�fs v� -, �
<br /> � tve tollo�nin�tirc�ion:G)��t snwuat nt the.um..xurea ir�ntnediatar babe+e fl�e t�tcia�,dZvIded t�i(b}tbei:r
<br /> a��e1�aR vslue oi d�e P�rap�et�r immediatet7l�eRa�e'tbe s�kins-M�hfaaoa d�atl be pad to Bormrrer.Ia the eveat ot s
<br /> � p�cti�i t�icia��at tb�,Acopeet!ia xlbdt th�e hir aintet vat�d d�s�topaets itnmediat�el7 betae tLa t�lcint is las ti�n
<br /> tl��ant ot tbe�ss seci�red iazmedia�ely bda+e tbe a�lrin�valas Hoaowa md G�des atha�ise s�rea in wrttin�
<br /> a unlas �pplicabla lsw ad►e�ise pcovides.dre P�'noeeds a�ll be appliad ta tKt s�ms seaund by this Secusiti►
<br /> Instrumaitwl�ed�arotnotthesumsuetheadua : ' �
<br /> Ii tba Propetty i�abndoned by Boriowrer,ar if.adoer no6oa by Lenda to Borru�rear tl�t the oondemnor oKexa to
<br /> � m�ke sn�award ar setNe s cl�im for d�mstes,Botmwa h1'1s to reepond to Laides witbia 30 dsys afta the d�te�tlie
<br /> natia m�Ive�t,Ixrider is avtbosised w oollect�nd appty the praoeeds,at its option.dtl�er w�+eawration or repair oi the
<br /> Ptoperty or m itse sums secuorod by tLis Savritp Instrumen;xl�etl�er or s�ot tba►due.
<br /> ilnlees Larda aad Bare+oea otha�wiee apec in�rritia�anT��P��O P�'i�PV ahail mt�aad or
<br /> pe�stpone tha due deu oi tAe montblY P�Y�enta safaYad to in pr��aphs l snd 2 or chan�s�e amrnxst ot such
<br /> P�Ymeats. .
<br /> � 1 I.Borrowec Not lteks�ed;Forbearaux By Leadar Not a Waiver.Ert�ion of ti�e tZme foc paymeat or
<br /> modircation oi amoraz�tian of the s�nns eec�ned by tbia Security Instrument�sated by L.ender to any aaxx�eor ia
<br />_ .. � intere8t ot Botrnwer stuU not operate to relea9e the fiatx'�itp ot the original Borro�ner or Rorrnue�'s succeeeocs ia
<br /> interes�I,ender shall aot be roq�ured to commenoe.pra�sedings apitut any �ar in intermt or re[use w astend
<br /> — time for payment a�.9ther�rise modify amortiution of the soms seciued bY t�is Se�vcity tnstrunteat by e,+eason of anq --
<br />-� domand made b9�4tiginal Borroxa ot BortoMa's s�a;e�ors in iaterest.My forbearsnce by L,ender in e:ereisin� __
<br />-_ — � my rlght or remeagsi�l not 6e s waiver ot or preciude the e:er+ciae of aay ri;ht or remedy, � _ �=
<br /> 1Z.Suc�soes�d���9ad;Iotat and Sevenl Liabitity;Co-sisners.The ouvenants and agr+eements —
<br /> a
<br /> of this Savrity Iasttiiment s�Q.bind and��eneGt tbe succeseors and a:i�as oi Lmdec�ad Borrower,subject to the
<br /> ,.; � . provisions of pua�raph 17.Boraviwe�s covenants and agroements s1vU be joint�nd se�=eta1.Any BorroWer�vAo co-gigns _
<br /> -,_ .�.:. .._ �Secunty_Ynstnnaaent but�nes Aat ezearte the Nota.(a?.is_ca signing this Sec�ttity Instr�srat only_to tnortplpe._ :._ __ __ ---..
<br /> ---, -- ' grsat and oonveg i�t Borrower's interest i�the Froperty undec tt�'terms oi this Securitg�astrumcn��bj is tsot �_�
<br /> _ � � peraomlly ol�lipntai a�psy�he s�sms secared by this Secutity lnstniment;and(c)sSroes that I.ender and any other
<br /> ' � Borcower maq agine to eatend,?a�odify,torbeas or mske ar►y accommodations with re$ard to the tecros of thia Socurity '�—
<br /> ` :��� Instrnment or t1:e I1�te withouti t'aat Borrower's consea� �:� _-,��;'
<br /> � {, �` t '�;r,�
<br /> , ,�:��_... 13. Loaa Char�es.If the Ioan securod by this Security lastrument is subjact to a law ahicb sets maxitrium loan ! �`.:;:;;::��'�?'__
<br /> :.'.� .. '�;' �+�'.`�� charges„ and that�sAC"is finally intetpteud so that the interest or otfi�er losn chargas collected or w be collected in t `��� �?
<br /> . ,�'�•.:�?+�_:.�>:� connechon aith*�ie f�oan excxd the permitted limits.then: (aI�►y such loan charge shall be teduced by the amount �-�;,.,;'�•;.�: _�-
<br /> .,;�;.�.�,
<br /> '��, �.�,�-':";��:,;,• naxs�ry to reduoe the charge to the permittod limit; and (b) anq sums alreadg collectod irom Borrower which , , ��
<br /> 'Y'.�,'��,��Y.. .
<br /> :.� 1%;� : �,;% ezcadal permitted limits wi11 ba rePonded to Horrower. Lender may choose t��ec:ake this refund by red�.i�.ag tha '�`";�`:�"�
<br /> :;� 3�, �`�.; ,,:,;t;;S;'��
<br /> 'i .3 a ,r,_�.7,: �,,�-�
<br /> ..-,:,.:�,*?�;ii���°'..;�. �� Pi'��PV owed utider the Note or by making a direct paqrm�t to Borrowet.If a re�.sr:d reduces'principal,the ra8'uction � .�'�'' . ;��:
<br /> :,,',�"';°....`. . ,-.� ;i wi11 be treatedas a�rtial PrepaYment withwaaaanY ptepaYment charge�c.^der the Note. , � ' ';. '. ,.
<br /> ,,,.,;-,; . 14.Noticas.�r.r.g°notice to Bonowec�vided for in this Secvrc��strumer�t shaU be g'�e?��;y delivering it or by '. �� �_.�_ �: ;j"'_
<br /> "`f: ��;:�;•�. maiting it by�rat cIIass msil unless applicabie 1aw requires use of ar.�s�:r method.The noti�s��ll be dirxted to the "..�� ,� , . ,s��;;,.��.rr
<br /> �>��#�� ��'+:ti��`'�-:• � Property Addres or any other address Borrower desi ates b notia to Lendec An notice to Lender shsll be ven b '<<,��'�^f�''�
<br /> • �.:+�s,w� Sn Y Y 3' :a.r.�.;�.;..,�•.:
<br /> �..'`': . & ;,. �...;;.,Y �.
<br /> ' �i;;>r�%i,;��� � first cla�s mail to Lender's address stated henin or an other address Lender desi ates b notice to Bortower.Any �%'�;t�;��-.,�;;F`•
<br /> Y 8� Y ��'�::�,�`�tk�,J.�•: �..
<br /> notia providod tor in this Security Instrument shaU be deemed to ha�e bcen given to Bortower or Lendet whrn given .;,,��,:,�t,;,;r
<br /> , ., . :: . Ls provided in this PatagnPh• ,.',r,±.�`;, ,
<br /> ��'' = 1=-�; ' �'" � � IS.Governins Lsw;Seversbility.TT�nnsSecurity Instruments'h:��be governed by fed�faw and the law of the * •-;.!`••,�`�-� �'
<br /> � ,
<br /> '';��:�� �tm sdiction in which the Pmpeaty is located.In the event that any pro�ison os clsuse oi this Se�,.^�ity Instrument or the �'�;;;';'', '`,
<br /> ��:`"��� � Note c�aflicts with applicable law.such conftict shall nox afr�ect oihet�r+nvisions�ff t�1�ss Seturi3g iiistrument cs t�e S�'ote • � •�';�;=:
<br /> � c afl = ;,,_<:.:, '.
<br /> {^ '�• ;�'� � . which can be given etfect without the conflicting provisi�n.To this ertd the procLsc�:.s of tfais Sacurity lnstrurrtena and i . ��.''',,$t'::%,
<br /> the Note are declared to be sever�ble. ! � ' . �-
<br /> . , . ;.
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