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<br /> - w.,. • � �_ �.
<br /> - -�.;.��2±s6s:.i]va: ' �f k' . ' - ; ' " -�l'7-:r ' --:NJ�.�g•.i',-.'"�--y--'• .-s'.l� •
<br /> � '7 . '_ , t ii, f.�:c�+t`h ��i :.a^",;. . .�. �� � � ''i 3 � . . _ :.
<br /> � �i+,_'^ � t
<br /> . . � ,:����� t ,/._ ;..�`if�01�iK�I�,��p0���1�� ��'�•
<br /> 'f�t. �IN1���yy�M��,:.. ,�1+�#�� ,���l���Iflr1 .0�1111�Q04�. .
<br /> ;.��{'°'11�������±OE flOO�j!�fi�,'.lr1�Q�►�:OiOiddt t'OIr11t'0��{�SRD�.���i�11l�MOb�1l.bO a1�lf�ired fa i�t:M1�
<br /> .. �_f� tlrb t�rue�nos�tt ba. Boer�►Ner.
<br /> ��- snci•�of;tLe p�rlgdf�t�aiiiil�ki�f!equi�e�,'�'�e i�ir�noe atria'1�+����w���,��►
<br /> . -w�bj�;�t to La�er'is�provat w�h�tE naR be�abi��i�dd; ��� .
<br /> abaMe.Iiedder firi3`,st�mdek'�i oplia�,otiHiiR coa!e�ye�o PR'oroct I:a1iMlee:'s:ei�!►1a in tbe E�rbpert�in a000�ooe rrith
<br /> 7. _ �:::� P�a�e'ap� • .�.: _.. . . . . .. -..: _.
<br /> .: Afl�aiucanoa pohaas md reaawab�11 bs aooephbie to Irader�nd�113nclude s tlaod�rd.mottp�e dau�e. .
<br /> Lpidet�11 �ve die tist►t to hola�fre poticiat std e�newrals�U I.yr�datrequ�ire�Ba�o�ehdt P'oa►pd7 P�s b,.
<br /> �.a�dec at roap�s of p-�d�r�nium.�nd:ao�wat aotice�In�e evens ot 10+�,Boreioaar�tt.dre a+wnpt rwace m f�e
<br /> . eAwirrro0 arrier s�d�wodet I�arder tnay ntake pe�ct!us ii no�t tn�ds pramptt�lyr Borr�►ar � -
<br /> � Uniew I�aidx a�d Baeo�rer otha�wi�a sp�a ia wri�iawi�ano�a p�o��hdt b�ppiid to e�e�0oeifioa or�r
<br /> d thsPf�opqctJd�mye4 iftl�a t�a�tocatioaot tep�ir is eooroenically fa�'bi�sad Iwnd�e'saecutitp is not taMened.i[d� ,
<br /> - .----_;�� • ' �;{ • a�.��cc�.�b._�in:in�t[�iiawrince_p___nae��bttbo - - --
<br /> apptied to�ke wau�v�d b�r�his$a�rlt�r t�ue�ent,�►1wtlar ae�rot than dua,�risA 1ny e�s p�id�ta Hor�+c�r�r If- -
<br /> � Aotro��ba�don e!M Prag�etr�ar does�wt�ew�nec wIdiia 30 brs a notk�e h+an l.end�r.tlrt d�s�nwraroe c�riiee.6�s
<br /> � �ol�ee+ad to wttM�daim.tlMe Laider m�j ooikct�he ia�nesnce pence�dR I.adar may u�e tLe to m p�dr nr
<br /> e
<br /> r�a0as the Prop�rt�ipr to p�r wnts recured b�r tt„sSecwit�r In�wmea�Mhethetor acrt then dua. ' 3o-d��perio��riU
<br /> 6esin wAen eM aottoe isa va�. - ' �
<br /> . Unlaw Lsedae rnd�urrower atl�etwi�e sptaa ia�rriti�.mY sppiiation d to peincipt abdl not e:ta�d oc
<br /> �u �r
<br /> pwtpona the dua d�te d tl�e�nonthlY p�7�tea�rdaee�ed m ia 1 and or chsn�e thesmount ot t6e payments.
<br /> Ii undec pas�npt►2I the PropeRy is acquire�by LaWu. Ma's ri�t ta any i�vranoe poticiee md p�oceed�s
<br /> re�tti�imm damye to tlf�Pmpaty prioc to the aoqtdwtion ebalt p�es to I.endee to tik ettent oi tha auma eia,Kired by
<br /> . thm Sec�ity Imruenaatimu�ediaLeiypnac to t6a�aquiqtion. • .
<br /> 6 Pre�tvatiaai,ll�ia�te�asoaaid Protectiao vf tbe Property;Borrowe►�s LaanApplication;
<br /> Le�se�lot��wer ah�tt ooct�y:eetablisb,and uea tiie Prapercy�BorroMer's priACipd e+eaiden��vithin aisty days
<br /> atta tAe e�eeution oi tUis Secimtp Ineorurncnt and eb�ll oontiaue to oocupy the Property as Borrower'a princlpal
<br /> re�ckrioe fa at tart one yac atox the date of oocupancy,tmteas I.eader othar�se a=cees ip Nritin�,�rhich coneant shtit .
<br /> not be unraeooibly�thhdd.or vnlees ertmuttiu�eircumata�aiiat�rhich are beyond Bono�rer's contml.Bonoxer
<br />- shall not dastmy.du�asEe a impair the PropettF,allaM the Property to deteriorate.or oommit wasoe on the Prapetty.
<br /> Bortoxer shsll be in detuilt ii aay fotfeiture action or pt+nceeain�,Nhetlxr civi!a csiminal.is begun that in I.ender's
<br /> r. aood tiith judstnent c�ould reault in fodetum o�the Property oc othernise materially impair the tien�croated by this =
<br />- Secutity lmst�vment or Lender's security interts� BonaAer may cure such s detiutt and ninstate, as provided in �-
<br /> panpa�h 18, by cai�sing tha aetion or proceoding to be dismi�d with s ruling tha� in Lender's good futh , „�
<br /> � determmstion,preclude�forteiture of the Borroweds i�►terest in the Property or other matesial impairment of the�ien —_—�
<br />= crested by this Sxurity Instrumeat or L�ende�s soc�rritq inuerst.Borroaer shall a1s�be in d e h u lt i i B o r t o�rer.during -_- —
<br /> _ . the loan application poncess, gave materially filea or inaccutate informatioa ot statements to Lender(or fiiled to �
<br /> provide I�ender with any msterial inforacazion)in connection with the loan evidenced bp r�e Note,includiag,but not �;�_
<br /> ;� limital to,reptes�statioas amarning�a�awet'soee�epancy of shc L'rapertg�as-s ppiacign+Q saaidence. 1t this Sx�uity.. . � = --.
<br /> �� ��'`� Instrument is an a leasehotd,Borrower sE�:�'camply witb all the provisions of the tease.If�uniower acquires fee titlet� -�.~�^- �
<br /> r ��_
<br /> - :,='�r`r��=:� the Prapertp,tt�lasehold md tfie tee tit�e�Sall not merge unlee�Laader agreas to the mergecin writing. , ,•,'R@�,__—
<br /> " °' � �- �:�'..; . 7.Pmtecttoa of Lender s Ri=hts in!he Property.If Borrower fa�ls to perform the covensnts and agrcements . ..�.�,
<br /> ���;��� , --
<br /> contaiaed in this Secarit Instrument.or r,��ere is a t 1 m thst msy signiticantl alffect Lender's ri is in the ``-~�,-�
<br /> a��,..•:{:. = :. '. : ' Y � P�� g Y P,�► � ._�
<br />- '�r�:.'..: :`,� .:�,''.� : Property (such as a proceoding in ba�n'uptcy. probau, for condemnation or forleitcc�or to enforce laws os
<br /> :`: ' �• .�,. .`; tegulstioas),the�Lender may do and p�r.�ar whstever is n�ry to protect the value m�f t��roperty and Lender's - ?'"':
<br /> ;r.:`�::`.-� •`",'•'�': � rights in the Property.Lender's aetio��r.'ay include paying any sums secured by a lien vsRich has prionty over this �- . � • � :d;�;;:
<br /> ..�.: �•, . •
<br /> -�f;�'.��{:,�;:, �� ;'� Security Instrument,appearing in courc.paYing reasonable attomeys'fee,sand entenng on the Property to maice repairs., . � , � ';.
<br /> t r, �, ; '. i._?t'�:•,` ,f ,�- : ,'
<br /> ti; ,.�+ Although Lender msy take actaon vnder this parsgraph 7.Lendet dces not have to do so. �";�,.:�;1:, .;.�' ;
<br /> � ' • `� ` '`��-� An unounts disbursed b I.ender a�s$cr.th�s te h 7 shall become additional debt af Barrower sxured by this �. -
<br />',,;;r ;,.��.,:��; Y Y P� 8�P � . ���.�'';';:
<br /> '� ' , ,,:;:. Security Instrumeat,Unless Barro�ea r��.ender agree to other terma of paymen�these�mounts shali bear interes� , ...... __. . ;�.;,,
<br /> . ; -�'•.�.„�.--:,•;.:.:�,;'` from the dete of disbursen�es;t at the N�ote ra*.s and shall be payabte.�ith interest,upon notice irom Lender to Borrov�er ;. . . ��.:�
<br /> ,:,'' -�•,;r�y;� .' , . .�.�r- requestinSPsYment. �-, : • - =; .
<br /> ����"''� ' 8.Mort�ja Insursmmce.If Lender sequir�d rria-tg�ege insurance as a condition of msking the loan secured by this t . ��:,��
<br /> :,.�;;..,.:,. : .
<br /> 't t'`� ` Security Instrument�Borrower sha31 pay t;�e premiums requircd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect.If,fot any !. .'..
<br /> . .��;'-�:.,.:• . '.. :'
<br /> r � •,q,�. ,. ;;:� reason.the rraoitgage insurance coverage e�quired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the i :;;;
<br /> , �`',';�i�`; � premiuma rafuired to obtain coverage ss;t�stantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance pra•iously in etfect,at a cost �- � . ��-:
<br /> '�. . '� � �� -'"``'` substsntially equiv6lent w the cast to $orrower of the mortpage insurance previously �n effect. lrom an alternate ;• `'si;;:
<br /> , .: v,,. _:.. • , , :,,,�.,,._
<br /> .�� � mortga�e insutes approved by Lender. If substsntially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available. • .
<br /> ` � . ' '.•��� �'.'�j�,.
<br /> �,�--"� , Borrower shall pay to Lender each manth a sum equa)to oae-twelfth ot the yearly martgage insurence premium being.
<br /> � ' paid by�orrower when the insurance e��erage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender weSP accept�use and retain these ' ,
<br /> ' � �� � .' � payments es a loss reserve in lie� o° r:�ortgage insnrance. Loss reserve payments :r.�q no longer be required. • �
<br /> , - , .
<br /> �„�`1��;;1 F�rw 301� !NO • `
<br /> ; �:,;;;:'..•
<br /> ::',: , �-61tMElrowe►a� o,�.a er e �
<br /> �� Initidr
<br /> , . .. '?,,� ' , '
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