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<br /> st.tii� 'ai Y�ii� d i��e+MOS od�wea�s`�id t�i��a�d.�oe ti�a p�e�e4tl�iw �M1�� .
<br /> . . �ivr�as L�ueiir app+o�id.�.���is b�ooensa�il�bis a�i�tobditid.�ee�rer dl�il pq 11w p�i�- :.
<br /> �iqiud b�ia�eoet��pos iu e�x�ac 10 pro+ide��ar rw�+�e,undl rie rKuinawit�or�►rt� • �
<br /> , iaiurvicee�ia s000e+dMOe wit��qr�reit�e�n,�reemeetUat*eea Baro+r�er�od Lae�der at�ppiioabi�lnif. < � -
<br /> !�oe.t�aidrr a Its�at atsy mste tsroaWe enn3�a upon�od�pxti�oas cf.t�P�p�e�r I�etr�ers6�t �
<br /> �tv�e Bori+�er aotiae st die�ime dar pcio�ao aa iapectian spei�tYinf re�+ao�b�caa�e to`tbe t�peetiop. . . . :
<br /> 1R Co�d�mi�t�a�.Tbe pea�edr of anf aw�tdor daina far da�e�dinct ar ooarequeatiat.ta aouoei.�tiou�ritk�" • <
<br /> ae�cae�danattiaa�r other�d an�pet d t�Pt+ogerty.ac for 000vataaoe_ia lieu ot-coademnatiao,are 6n+eti�r .
<br /> - - ari�nedaaddNltt�e.p�idto��a�Q�eir. � _ : < , � .
<br /> fn.tbe e�vmt o�a�olst tal�i�d tla Pr�opert�,tbe peoceeds alatl6e appiied to tSe swns�ecuned tr�tlus Se'eu��t� - --
<br /> . . I�ienaat,wMber ur swt tben due.�rith a�,j es�qs Pdd to Bdce+awcr:ta t6�event ota p�rOd istjc�ot the P,nopert�ia_-
<br /> wl�ich tliel�ir m�rlmt vatua at tb Propetty&r�ne�stWy be[oa+e the talriuus is eq�al ta or�a tlna tbe uiiomt 6i t6e
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> � - • * �- ����ret ��`_____.-----=- -
<br /> _— _ .— in ar`ri6�tbe surnt ea�k+e�d br t1�SacucitT I�rumaat�Mtl ba redt�oed b�tbe aaiourtt oi d�e pooeed�tmiitipiiad by
<br /> . tf�e idlowi�f:actioa:ts�the mnl amam at the eums�ecurad i�ttnadistd�bdora ttjc takinj,divided 6�(b)tbe isir
<br /> ' muket vil�ba a[tbe�ropaty immadiat�ely bdoro the tacin�.Aay brLoce dWl be pdd to Barmses,ta tba�at ot a
<br /> p�rtiaT Ltinj d tha�Aropasr in��ich tl�a fair�a�fet value aE the Ptoperty immedistely betare s6e tdrins is les t�m
<br /> tlie,safouat d tbe euma extxed immedi�tdy before the t�lcin�valeas Borrot�er ud I.end�r ather�rise a�ree ia�rritin�
<br /> OC 1�l��ip�0 laM Ot�la1P1f0 QlOVIaE/, t�1C QlO00E��6 !�T TfE iQ�tOd LO �lC Oqtlla lOb91�b9 f�B �OCI�l�► .
<br /> I11�tt1R1EQt1f�1Cf Ot AOL�i0 A1Q18 ilQtllRa dFl�
<br /> Ii tha Propaty ia ab�ndoned by Borroxa.oc if,atta aotia by Laadet tb Borrro�t6at the c�nde�n�o�as to
<br /> make u►swalyd or eet�s�.fdr d�ms,�a.BonoRa fa�s ta�espond to I.r�de�.oit3�in.30 daps atta tt�e d�t�.the
<br /> twtioe is�ivary Lcadet�ii�aal to collect an�s�pply t8eprncaede�at its,�ctgdon,dt�et tb'res�Aeta`�+�r.rep�ir ot#he . .
<br /> ., PrnpaY}octothe�t�li�tx�t�isSec�u�itg�en�.�hthero,���d� : ,,, � �.
<br /> , ' . Unlast.adera��,�±it�ia�riaa�es�;��tta�r�rr.�;,a�gpisa�o� : - � ; ur���r,3�tt��-or � `
<br /> '� :;'�;t�ne��d�e c�:.�b���iticoaE�}5:�r7�e�#�fr��'gii��..��v��'t�.i�'.�:,�e��di '
<br /> ,, �' <�Bara�ier 11�a��Yelwed;FocbeandEaG$g;�.eitder h4t s�ar�.�es.E:tensiou of 8ae��+��rps�r��'z c� 't
<br />- ' ��`�'�'� �ad��ti.oa of,�cii�tioa of tho suma eocam►�d bp t6isSav�itg Tms�u��nt�ranted bq I.aed�^�u��isp��rc�ols�dx.in .::,;::
<br /> :.,� �.•...,._. --
<br /> ,','...;`� intexest of Horro�s�lt not operate to rdc�e the'lisbu�isg ot��i±�ig�al Hort��ver or Borro�vet"s s�s�in� . ...'
<br /> L interest,l.ender si�aIll iiot be raquired to commence Pro�edinp a�in4t a�y succeseor in interr�t or ret�e to eitend
<br /> _._ � time foc p�ymeat or eaiJienviae znadifq amortization ot the sums aoe�ued�y this Savrity Iastrument by rasoA of any =-_
<br /> demaad m�de by ttbe¢�ripnal Borroa►ej or BonoAer's s�ots in intens�My forbatance by Lendec ia ezercising o-
<br /> .:J;� — any rip,ht orsemedy sball Aot be s Nuver oi or preclude the e:erciae o[m,y right or ramedy. °°--_
<br />___ 12 Snc�xssora aad Assisns Bauad:7oint and Several Liabillty;Co�si=ners.The coveasnta and��reements =-_--_ -
<br /> .;,; ot this Sacurity lnetriiment stW11 bind u�d benafit the awcaeeors and�eeigns oi Lender and Bomoxer,eubject to t6e =- �`
<br />,,{•. provi�ioae ofp� ph 1T.Bore+nxer'e covensnts and a�roements d�all be joint md several.My Bon+ower Mho coroi�s �-�,
<br /> _ this Seeurity I�ist�nr ent but doa�s not e:ecute the 1�Tot�(s) �s arei�in�this Seeurity tnetrumeat only to mort��e. --_--�-_
<br /> . . e��;r��:.
<br /> �: "• "; aant�nd oonvey tlut Borwxer i interost in tha W+operty under the terms ot thia Security Instru:nrnr. (6)is not �..,._;��.�-_,—
<br /> . � --
<br />="� � persontily obliptod w p�y the aums eecured Ay this 3xurity Inatrument;�nd (c)s�reee th�t Len4er md any other :r�.:��:-
<br /> " � •r����: =� BorroNer msy a�roe to eYtend�tfiodify.torbas a m�ke sny sccommadations Nith re�rd to the terma ot this Securiry - -
<br /> - i-:��.�r ,.., � �. . -
<br /> s z,° �"• lnstrument ar the Note Nithout th�t Borcoktr s consent. . �,.k�:
<br /> . .�.,..s
<br /> - '''�"''�"• � 13. Lwa C6srses.It the Iwn secue+ed by thia Secudty lnstrument is subjece to a ls+v ahicb aets+nsxiatum loin" :.t _� :
<br /> . . .-p�:
<br /> ' t�"�;Y'"`���•� char�ee. and thst ta� is tinally interpreted eo th�t the interest or other lwe�chuges colIected or•w�be collectod in � .� � ., ���:.
<br /> tv,t .:.: .i�,: ,.•. .
<br />__ .4,•.:�:� connection kith the Iwn�cad the peemitted limite.then: (s)any such�lal�n�ctulrges.shalUbe reduced bp th�amount�� t�;...; . . ;�r:
<br /> ,' __,.�;".d�: neces�ry to roduce the charge to the permitted limit; and�(b�-a»y sums�alreidy�.coltected G+om��Bdrrower�ah3ch�� _ a�°
<br /> �..... `
<br /> -,�_"- e:ceeded permitted limits witl be refundod to Borrower�I.end��m�y choase to�mskt�this�refund by reddcin�rthe� + ,�'` ��r'
<br />,.; ; v,.,;��':.. ;�•._t��!•,'
<br />_ �;,�:„ ...,p„; priacipal oxed�der the Note or by m�lcing s direct payment�to�Bbn+oMer.It a r�fund redUOes principal,tht reddcai�n�� . �
<br /> < < Mi11 be treated as a prrtial prtpayment Mithout any prepayment charge under the Nou. • �'� ''.��`'�� �" �
<br /> -" . - - 14.Noticas.Any notic�c to Borrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or br� �- :� ';'�� .
<br /> ��' ''� ` � mailing�t by�rst clsss mait unles�s applicable taM requires use oi another methad.The notice shaU be directed to the
<br /> `�'� =•+ �: ��''.�':• . • Pmperty Address or any other�ddress Bormxer designstes by notice to Lender.My notice to Lender shaU be given by
<br /> . `•�:`{�x° �.'�,:;�;�:..� - Crst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other adde+ess Lendsr desi atss b notice to Borrower.Any . -
<br /> 8n Y �.. ��" ,
<br /> �������� � notia providod far in this Security Insttument shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borrow4r or Lender xhen given �:; �'":
<br /> ::;, . .. ;,<;:° �s provided in this P�B�Ph- -
<br /> � ''"'�':"�����'�' 1S.(iovern�a=Lsw;Severabitity.This Seaurity Insteument aha11 be govemed by fedenl taw and tke 1aw of the � �.
<br /> • "'•>�-'�`'' �'� jutisdiction in which the Property is locatod.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security lnstrument or the i ' �'
<br /> i�'�l'<<�`��" ` � Noto conflicts with apptirable laa,such c�onflict sha11 not affect otlur provisions of this Security lnsttumrnt or the Note j � � �
<br /> �,;�,,:,•',�:,';�;�'„•�.:": - � � � atich can be given efiect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions o!this Security Instrument and y .
<br /> . thb Note are dxlared to be severablo. ;
<br /> ��;s;� � ,. . - � .
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