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<br /> � ` 3`j�Or���fr0ii.HO!l�0����1V-1Mp[OMM�I�.,.yw,�01��MI�O!MlM�r[NC�
<br /> � ��O�f I��MI�O��L�0�tij�lM.��L��11�1�1V Mftill��swww�O�t� MI�,IM�01���,
<br /> �U���00�Ot�00�1'�i�11�C�1��M�If l�1�1d111l�0�:���' �b����MAOIl�.
<br /> • M��Ot�0 pIf�10�1��LMidD[!�llM.�111MiN00�Nf't�IC � �0�x100���bi'O�IO�IA���� ` .
<br /> •11
<br /> �{I�CL�Q T.��i i�l'Or�.�LC�L��A0�b0 tMM�O(M��U►l�d.� �d10 t!lf�flh�A C0�l�dl/�Y;� ' ,
<br /> •�OY!p.I.lMIdOR 1l1�Ys�t I�EIYdOt�e O�ff10Q,O�YQ ODYil��1D pI0e00t I.00dOt'S tldld�11.tlli PNO�Rj�A�OQQ��QM�witb
<br /> -���7 � " ". , , , . ,
<br /> : �10�11[�t104�1Ci��t'OIIEMi�t��b0 r000�R/�0�D Tr00�Nd���11d0 S�AfOf�j��Ct�i�.
<br /> L�endee�il Lave tbe ti�f►t to boW t�poiicia and taiewai� It Letrdet �qu� Horto�er��L�ll pt�oe�Pdy pve 1of .
<br /> � I�endet slt�+eoeipbe d paidpeemitu�md tepe�a!nctio�a:te tbs.ara�t d 1o�e,� �reo�roet�ll�iv�e p[oenpt�oeioe to ths
<br /> . iMUCanoe acrlar�od I�mdx La�dec rosy a�fal�e Pc'�aE fas it att mde P�P�Y M�� �
<br /> �Tnlei.Ladecaoa Bor�ow,er a�herwire,�+ea in writin�inw�eanoe pnooeea.abdl be sppliea to e+a�boration or ebp�ir
<br />_ _ - -_ _ _--=� `�t d�a res�oea6an ar e�epir is doomeniwll�r bniblc aad Lendd'i secwity is uot bireaod.lf tUe
<br /> - ---r=—--•-� �► !_l�i+--
<br /> ia�oorae�ooarrepura��coeomi�ttYf6ai��r�a�3e�s�ecaritrK�ui��ei�►�i�u�ps� -
<br /> sppiiad to t6c alans recurad bf th�Ser.�xit�Inttumen�Rl�tlbe os tat t6en due.with m1r e�oeis pdsl�o Borto�nec Ii.
<br /> Barnwee ab�odoos thc Propa�ty,a doa�rot aa�sa�wittua 30dsrs�notio�iran I,and�t1�e tha inwxaace arrier b�
<br /> a[for+ed to setd�s cl�im,dxu I,aoder 3nsy oollect tt�i�ranoe pcooeeds.Lender ms�uie tbe pe+ccaeds m rep�ir a
<br /> r�aRore the Prnpaty or topa�e�ntsaec�aennd by tbis Security Ir�etttuncat.�l�ethxoc twt tt�en dua The 30'dsy p�eriad wiU
<br /> bejia when tbe Aotia is pven.
<br />- . Ude�l�der sod Barmw�otherwtse s�ee ia wirtin�.at►Y sPP�iwtion ot p�+nc�eeds to princip�i sh�11 not aitand or
<br /> - - pastpone t6e due d�te ottlre moat�ly PaYnieats ederted to ia p�tapsptm 1 and 2 or chan�e tbe atnamt ot the pyma►ta.
<br /> Ii under p�ra�rsph 21 tbe Prapes't7 is soqnired bY I.eader.Borsowe�a ri�ht ta st►y ineuwac�a policies aad pcoceeds
<br /> _- reeutti�from d�mate to the Ptopaty piia�to theaaNisitioasball p�to Leuder to tbc ert�iof tl�e suena aectu�ed by .
<br />-- _ thisSaamtgIa�mm�a�timmadistdygsiortothaaoquia�tloA. : ,
<br /> =- — . 4.Occ�pdcg+�te�erostio�.Maistes�ac�ad Ptotedios at the Property;Horro�'ri:Laan Appliwtioa;
<br /> - �olds.:$oc:ri�ra a�b�dt.gvcupl.asablish,aod usc tbe Property as Borrnxec's priacip�t t"�s�i�irice.�tl�ia eirtY dSYs .
<br /> -- ` �:�ec'e�on a��aa:�xritq I�sient aad s�sil con6aut to oxupY��P'�'RY:�-��s Pn�Pa _
<br /> �:`��uaui�soa.farigiidastaaiagi�sa�rtbe chts of aocup�acy;anleas Lender utha�eises�+ees in;w�tiit,�.'�vtue�consent shs11 .
<br /> ` �aos�rc �PI.�.�Z6+JC'iMI!ffi EIbCIIilf�Ag CItCiIII18��;�PI11611,iRS�BQlI�.T6'".tGl�`8 COntfOl.8orro�rer
<br /> �i�� ' q,�+G i � ,�O�T�IG��f`�D�litElL�I�IIi:�.t�'L��,`?K'JS=L OII�lC Pt�OpEltf.
<br /> _ :': _ �s11�ot.dee�i::�j'F-,. ..�'�t �Y .
<br /> - '�`;�;<�' . Borinxac`s�ai��e ifl ddsut2��ny forfdt�ue action or pr000edi��x�tther cY'�s�'�cirirsit��?beg�m thit ia Leade�s
<br /> -�` ' �o�e��faith j�d�teas covld i�lt iA fosEeitute of the P'ropert9 or�xise�'fta�'-'r�is lie��c�eated by thas
<br /> _4 e
<br /> , .' rmt�ur Lender's 'znter� BorcoWer ms�cr:ra sucH�,a�autt air��a��istst�as gsravided ia
<br /> �' � Sac�����..�. ��'.�.
<br /> i ' f �-� .� • par�epti P�, L'�;:causing the action os �rocadin� to be d'i.aai�sacd with a roling tha� a+� I.tndea�s good•fsith : , �
<br /> ,`�`,'`' -•rT l��:'�~� �.'.'`; , deteFittiiastioa,�ecludes fotteitun oi tiia�onowe�s iniecest in thc Fmperty ot other materiat impaismGat oi the tien =_-
<br /> ,�.;: .:� ,.�,,� .,,�:_';:
<br /> : �,_.�..
<br /> � .- .�.,Y`.�; �neated by this Soctuity Inswment or I.eader's aecurity interest.Hon+oRer shill atao be in defsult if Bomn�►er.durin�
<br /> .�-::'�� ,: the Ioan applicatia�pc�a�ese�pve mstetially f�lse ot intccursta iniormstion or etatemeats to Lender (or failed W =
<br /> ��::�-:�.• : -- provide Lender With snY materisl infotmation)ia connation with tlu loan�videnad by the Note.including,but twt ����-,
<br /> .�-r,---
<br /> _-- i x .-�-,�.- '�� ' limitod to.nperaentations concerning Boiraxet's oc�trpm�,y of t1�e ProperEY-as�Prir�cipai reaidanc�.N thisSeeusity�---- - - p:;':.L:�__--
<br /> �'° � ` tnstrument is an s lasehold��k��1 comply Nith dl the provisions ot the lesse If Borrower acq�ins fee tttle to � � �a �.-•.
<br /> .:.. . . ,
<br /> - . •.:�', � � � the pmperty,the lasehold snd the tee title sta11 not iner�e unless L.ender s�s w the mer�er in writin�. y_ . -. -
<br /> � � 7.Pratectioa of Lender's Ai�t�ia the Property. If BorroNer fails to pertorm the covenar►ts uid aQreements ; ' �
<br /> � , contained in thia Socuriry Instrnment�or thero ia a legal proceedin�ttut may si�ni�icu►tly aNect Lenckr's ri�f►ts in the . -'"`���
<br /> ' property (such as s proceeding in bu�kruptcy, probate. for candemnstion or iodeituc� or to enforve tsw�s or ' � =
<br /> ,;• • �� .. re�ulationsj.then I.ender may do md pey for whatever is necessary to protect the vslue of the Property snd LenOer's ; � � . ;
<br /> nphts in the Property.Lendet's actions msy include psying sny sums socured by o lien Nhich has priority over this � . . t
<br /> � � � Security Insteument,spparinY in wurt,paying nasonable attornays fees and entoring on the Property to msice repaira
<br /> = Aithough Lrndec rosy t�ke action under this peragraph 7,Lender doea not h sve to d o so. ;.
<br />: � My amounts disbursed by Lender under this pa�agraph 7 shall bocome additionsl debt of Borrower secured by this �." . �
<br /> . � � � � � Securitq Instrument.U�les Bortower and Lendes agee w other terms of payment,these amounts shaU bear inurest � . ., _ .
<br /> - - �-� ��� --- -- from the dste af disbursement at the Note:ate aad s�a11!x psyabte,tvith interest,upon natice€rom I.ender to Borrower : ' _ :
<br /> � . � requestinBFryment. .�:::':�;
<br /> , S.Mortp=e Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insnrance as a condivan of stsascing che toan savrod by this � . °,�,-;.,,... ,.` '°`�,
<br /> � Security Instrumen�Botrower slu+lt pay the premiums sequis�d to maintain the se�artgage insurance in effoet.If,for any ;.�,�,,;;,;; '
<br /> _ ' �;``!;`"` , :' '�'� reason.the mortgage insunnce coverage required bp g.ender Iapses or ceases�.t�e�n effect,BonoAer shsl) psy the �' ' ,.. ' .' .
<br /> ,_.,i.:c,,.. . ,, ,
<br /> :•t,.� ,
<br /> .._. ,- �;.:�''��;;'{' premiums requirod to obtain wverage substantially equivalrnt eo t�:e mortpge insurance(sc�iously in eft'ect,at s cost . >. . :.+
<br /> . , .-:'. ,, subshntialty eqnivalent w the cast to Botrawer oi the mor��insurance previouslp ia eftect.frqQn an alternate
<br /> �r���: � �� . mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If substantiaSly equivatent mortgage insurance ooverage i� r,ot availsble. . .
<br /> . Borrower shat)pay to Lender each month a sum a�vai to one twelith ot the yearly martgage insurartce�s.^e�ium being s
<br /> �. , ' 4 paid by Botrower ahen the insu�nce coverage lapsed�ot ceased to be in effect.Ixnder will accept,'ure���retain these � ;:,t
<br /> � psymrnts,as e los9 reserve in lieu mf mortgage msutance. Loss reserve payments mar; no lun.�er be required.
<br /> : •. - •
<br /> . :.� � � � .
<br /> . w. �o�a ���o ,
<br /> �ipMEtta�osto� ►.„a•i s tnttiatc . .
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