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<br /> � �,. �� � , . - ,' , ,.`.,- .. . �f� � " oe YiwlMr��il�oMdaw v
<br /> - " �1 at l�ia��e��:�i�es�a:D�eto+rir�i�ll�p disi�apta�aMs paw*a�d�!� .
<br /> .. 15s�oNeq►i�ueri�irtl�s ti!!a�ti4'swd��du�d iitite 1dl�eet`�tle�d`ou�wt� a�d.aa a1�Miei� , �
<br /> .ardri�llepda a�loe�,irarl�irb I;e�du r�ns iaw�r�roi.'F�is i�ur�noe�il bs�a�ia�d ir!!it�eo+rrra`� -� ;
<br /> . , ,. aed kr 1ir pe�odr tir�t lwdvc fi�quiew.TM ia�u�oa:arr�r� ' tba ia�urirics aArU bs c�ea b�r&ieiar�er .
<br /> wi6�ct b IwodK'i�ppemal wb�ia�sdiU not be ua[arombi�wit�heid.lf •�w maiMaia oorac�s eleadbed`.
<br /> : jbov�b:I,eedb�m�7�st 1raRde�'s cPha�.oMa�n oorroiys to peoiect Leoder's a�b in tbc Prcpbrty ia�000e+dMia with. .
<br /> w�►T . � , .. .. , �.< < � ` , . . .
<br /> � �. Alt iawxanoe policias aod�a�eiwati�11 be seoeptabl4 to I�nder and ab,�11�iaduda a�ed mortpIIe`dfu� ,
<br /> � Lehdes al'rdl ha�ee tbe ri�t�o bold tLe Pdidas ad ran�ral� H Ladet requira4 Bocenxer al�tl P�'o�►Ptl�t�o'a m �
<br /> - . , -�.en�Me�d[rece�ptsatg���md rer�+rd aotioe�.In tAa�v�eu!aElosr.Bo�e�o�sb�ll pve pcvmpt mtice to tbe _,_ r_
<br /> . iewitanoe c�esiae aad I.ender.I�ender msJ endce P�'oot of las it aot.nnade PeamP'dY 1�7���. .
<br /> ��U n i e�L�m d e r�u d B o r r�o w a�t i e�i�is wiY p n�inw�r�aoe p e+n o e e d s s1a11 be�ppl�ed to tee�ocsdoa ot repar
<br /> _-- -
<br /> -- __ .. __- at�P�o.rt�r d�en��ed.ii tbe rm�c�eat�onot.�ia.�ex�tY��ie t�d_I�endet's becwit�is aot lee�eaed.Utbe
<br /> _ ___,-. ---_._
<br /> �oorstioa or t�ep�t u uot e000aN-�fr a� a uu�ecrs secwity vwuidbe�i�eoed.tha it�eutanoG p�a�u`o�- �----_____ _
<br /> appiied tu t1�ewnt recue+ed b�r tlus Secixit9 I�Eriu�ent,whcthee oc rat t1�at du�with sn�ezcees pid to Barr�wer.If
<br /> Ho�mwa abaodatrsthb Plnopeti�r.ot does.not auswa�rithia 30��s a natioe irom t.eodx.tbat tM ir�raso�ca�rier hse
<br /> dtee��o eetMc�dam,tt�ea I.aider.msy cdlacE the�rsnoe pc+ocaede.I.ender ntay uee tbe pe�nceeds to rep�ir or
<br /> � rrsooce tp�PIroPa't7��P�7�s secnrod by thiaSecarity Insdrumedt��vhether or not thett duG The 3ff-dsy paYOd�rill
<br /> bepn�rhen tha�wtice ia�►vas. ' ,. -. `:.
<br /> U�lees Lzndqrmd Horeowa othaaise a�ree in RriH6�;aay app�ic�tioa oi�s to principt s1vi1 aa€ettend or
<br /> pos�one t]�e dus dsta oi t6t montblY P�Y��reienedta�ut p�c+pFi��,and 2�`san�e the a�smuas of th��ie�[mada .
<br /> � !t under paa�ripii:�l the Pt+operty ie aocgirA�br t�^;Borrt�ri�s��hi ta auy iasuua�ce�ciea uid proceeds
<br /> t�lti�front�mt�to t1k Pfropeac9 prFa�.t�t'�e aog�iR�iaahtlt p�ps�o I+ei�d�er Lo the e=tm� �csums exnrod by
<br /> thisSecurity�sCreuneatimmed'utdypn orint�esoqus��dr:. � �°.;:''�'. - .
<br /> ` G.Qc�Pncy,P1�serv�tt�.Ms'tstedsac�sad Prutection ot t$e Ptopecty;8onower',sz�oan Application; .
<br /> � Les�a�olas.HattoRet ahili ba.�py.cs�►blish,md ux-tLe Property as Borroxex'e pcirxipl rp¢�ace Mithi�a�rty daya ._,`�;.;::`�
<br /> ' stta tUe e�ec�rtion of t}�is Se�oety laswmeat arid sh�il �oatinue;to occupy the ProperEy,:�s°�"orm�rats principal �: ::,.�::
<br /> reeidenx for�►t ieas�w�yac t�fsect6e dat�of occupiu�cy,w�le�I�end'r othenviee s�rees in xritir.��rhich consent ehall �
<br /> not be onrasonably pithhd�.a¢.unle�e=tenuatin�cinvmsts�oea c=ist�►hich are begond Bort�nR'3�t's contc+al.Borraxer
<br />- sl�aU not destrny.d�ms�e at;iri�pair the Property.sllaw the Property w deteriorate.or cummit w�ste on tha Pmperty. . �-
<br /> ` — Borro�ra shsll ba in de[aWf if aay forteiture action or pi�oc�ng.whether civit or criminal,is begua tbst ia LendeF's -_--
<br /> -_ �ood isith jodpnent could te'sult in for�eiture oi the Pmperty or othenvise macertslly impair the lien creaLad by this �_
<br />-- � Secority Tztatrument or Lender's axurity interest. Borro�ver msy cm+e soch s defiult and reinststa,as provideci in �_==__
<br /> psrs�rraph 1$ bY cau�iag the action or proeeeding w be dismiased with a ro�ng tha�. i4�Lander's good fiath � _.
<br /> a
<br /> 'determinstion,praclu�tes fotfeiture oi the Borrowe�'s interest in tbe Property or oiher materiat iitipairment of the lien ��A
<br /> �:�:.:9-.,.::
<br />= c�esiod by this Securiiy Insaua�t or I,ertder's sxuritq intetes�Bonower ehall a�s�a�ba in defatiit ii Bomu�er.duting ---_-
<br /> `� the lw�n spplicatia►prooes�,,�are materi�lly falae or inaccur�te information os statement�as i:ender{oz failed ta =`°=..o;::
<br /> ��� _ pravide I.ender�rith any mat�isl informatian)in com�oction wit6..t�e lnaa evideaeed by the�o:�,iacludin but not �'��!�_-
<br /> � ��f . ,
<br /> �:. • limited to,rePreeentations conoeeniag-fforrowar's occupm�ncy af the.: . as a priipe�residence ifitfus'-Secnn'�y---�'�'"
<br /> =���.. � . Instn�ment is on s lasehold,Borrower shall comply aith all t!�prov�sions of the la�se.If Borrower acqu�res fee title to . ,�
<br /> � ;. � ��� �� the�'cvperty,the lasehold and tlie fe�title aha11 not mergc uniess Lendet sgra.s to the merger in writinY. , r��;-';;,•;_-_
<br />_ r,,. � ' '_'�• �• `± �'.Protectlon of Leader's Ri�hts in the Property. If Borrower iails to pertorm the covenants and sgrcements .
<br /> .. �>' �� , '. �
<br /> c: "�-�•Y: • contsined in this Security Inst�vmen�or there is a tegat procading that may sign�ticantly affect Lender s rights in the '�-•�� {.,�
<br /> � ;.��,,;.��.:�� : ,
<br /> ,. .�.�,.:.;,;• Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy. probate. tor condemnation or fodeiture or to enforce laws or ; . _.. �. :��?.-T
<br /> �, �� � � regulstions) then Lender may do and pay for whatever is nete�ary to protect the value of the Property and Lender s , �
<br /> ��;���.'��� rights in the Property.Len�s actions msy include paying atiy sums secured by a lien which has priority over this a ,.:�� �:�';"
<br /> *v�+�y�7�j�' �'s� SoCUflty I14StlUment,appe8ii�?iA COUft,paying reasonable attorneys'foes and entering on the Property to make repaiss. , . :: .•.��'�,t;;,�, t
<br /> � �,,f � .,., ��
<br /> ""'yli�:�'�'�:��tij?`1.�i:'',:4'' ����l�:'`i:�;:5-�,J,'•
<br /> ""� ,,:,:s:::..}.;, Although Lender msy take ac�n under this pamgaph 7.Lender does not have to do so. �,:�����-?.
<br /> ;�;;�t�;;;'�� .,`�'% Any amovntsdisburse3 by Lender undes thia parag�aph 9 shall become additional debt oi Borrower secured b this � . ��y``•'''�
<br /> Y :i;�;::i��,
<br /> - '. . Security Instrur��:�X.'niess�orrower and Lender agrce to other terms of payment.these amounts shaA besc interest . ;.,:,�4;�,,;i: _�
<br /> �.�: � trom the date of da�,:.�c�s at the Note rete and shatl be payable.�u4P►intetest,upon notice from Lender w Borrower �' ;';t:�,�;'F . . '
<br />_ � .. ,.i;,�. � reque.stin8 PsYment. . � ` � ��+r;"';<�.� ��•
<br /> � ��.,. .
<br /> ',�� '��� �:� 8.Mortp=e Insunmoe_Li Lender requited mortgage insurance as a condition of making tha loan secured by this � '"`'`''�' "��
<br /> � ;, ,:.�,.
<br /> .i;:�-� r ,� . Security Instrument,Homnarr shail pay the premiums roqtured to maintain the mortpge insutance in effoct.If.for any ' ':"���°:��
<br /> ������ reason,the mo r t g a g e i�urance covecage tequ�rcd by Lender iapses or ceases to b e in e f fect,B otrower a ha l l pay t he � .. ..
<br /> �' � p r e m i u s n s r e q u i r e d t o o b t a i n c o v e r a g e s u b s t�n t i a l l y e q u i v a t e n t t o t h e mort g a ge insurance previousl y in e t fect.at a cost I ,. �
<br />..'``;; .�`�,_r�':,:.. .' . , f .
<br /> ,,,,.,, substsntially equicatent to the cnst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. irom an altemats
<br /> m o r tgsge i n s u r e r app r o v e d b y L e n d e r. I f s u b s t a n t i a l l y e q u i v a l e n t m o r t g a g e i n s u r e n c e c o v e r a g e i s n o t s v a i t a b l e, . ; �':'�:��', .�
<br /> �: r�� � ' Bon�ower,shall pay�to Ler:d��h month a sum equal to ona-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being j 1��"'���
<br /> � ����' - • w �F�.:rance covera e la ar ceased to be in effect.l.ender w�U accept.u�e and retain these �,,;j;�;;. '.
<br /> paid by Borroa�r hen ttte g psed ' .
<br /> �. •� � payments as x [oss rtsene s� lieu oi mortg,age insurence. Los4 reserve payments may no longer be required, ; •
<br /> .. . F
<br /> �, .
<br />- >�; ..
<br /> ;,t, � • � F�3f2i !N� ; � �
<br /> ,.,'��`'(;;'t; ' ���i�cstosiot vcp.a e�s . Inisiala: i
<br /> ' , 1`}a..< • . .� �. -
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