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<br /> • `_. , T�g���� � 1�M�1W� � �If �IIN��f' l�+bClMf � �li �i � ��M�MIMws � � ...
<br /> .�ppu��RO�,a�d fispw�iaw a prtatdapee�pirt�:Ali�.iud tx�i�ia b�t��i, �
<br /> ill
<br /> ' �r t��ry. 11U d �ar�/a�i�t ia reteend yo�a tbis S�cue�tp I�umeot�r tl�e•Fna�rtr.� � .
<br /> � � Bpltltp'�IBR dNC Dorrowar ir 4�tuii��eiwd d.thi�itws hn+�t+9t ooRV�s�sa�l�t tL�.tid6t to ' ,
<br /> aaat wd conv�eq d�s pleopertr and tiMt tbe�lnogert�r is unencanbbnd.escepe for ancumbranoa�ai raeoed. Borte�rar `
<br /> . . xarrsaa aad Mri1t ek[and�enersll�►tba titte to tfw Propert�a�inet dl cl�ims uid demmdR ab,jact to any eoeumbeioeas . '.
<br /> •,o[eaoo�d. . , , . , . , .
<br /> TEA.S SBClJRTf Y IN31RU11�N'T oambtna ut�forrn o�vea�its for mtioo�t u�e and�wnlniform oorealnts with
<br /> � tiarited variatioa�6y jurisdlcac�a to aintiatoea uniiam eecvrit�r�netrwaaitoovaIu�ra1 peopeRty. ,.
<br /> . UI�iiFf3RNf:QV$Nlii�!'S.Sorr�oMa1'u�dl.endercvavl�ntands�+ee�sfdtwrs • � �-- � . � - �,
<br /> 1.P�tyene�t o[PrLctpal atd I�tecest;Pnpsya�aat sad Lata CLst�es.Hotro�ret ebsU,prortiPtlY P�Y xl�en due
<br /> the priaci�l dsnd is►tae�tan she debt evida�ted by tlie Not�aod aaY P�'eP�xment and latecb�rsas due undei the Note: , �
<br /> 2 F�ndR fn�-T�.��-I ' ' �o�isa��ritte��t�e�l�F-L.eeriesLNae_o�e�r�12 . - —
<br /> _ Q�to Laidec aa the dag montt�ty payments ue d�under the No�,untit thc Note is pdd ia fui1,a aum t'Funde' ior.
<br /> l�)Y�l►taus aad aeeea�meats t�luch tnag tttaia priority over this Sec�uity Ins�ttmeat as:lim on tLe Propaty:(b) , .
<br /> ye.riy t�ta p.���,�or�a�a��«��e�cy,�•�r.t�)i►«�r n�or�cy��►t�
<br /> . (d)7ar1y ilood i�uatioe p+emiwns:it�nY:���Y�Y������P�iwfna if auy;aud(f)artY��P�7s�� .-
<br /> by Boaoaa to La�der.iA a000�danx w�th the provisioas of p�ra�raph$in lieu ot the paYment of mort�e I�oe ,
<br /> ptemiw�a.Tl�e items are called'F�cro�v It�ems."Lender may,at aay tima collect aad Lold Funds�n an unamt not
<br /> tQ ezcead th�muimurq amount a lender for a federally tdsted mortp�e laa may require fos BarroRe�s aacrax
<br /> � �cootmt imdec the fedecal Ral Bstatz Seulemait Ptovedures Act of 1974�s amended fmtn time to tim� 1213.5 C.
<br /> Section 2bOl at sp. l"RESP�1").nolaes snotfra laM tbst applics w the F�ads eets a Imaer araoua�If e0.T.end�er may. .
<br /> at an�tima,oollect and�otd Fvnds in�n amourt fiot to e:oeed tLe le�etr amoun�Lender msy estiraite t1k amount ot ,
<br /> Ftnds due on tbe�eis of current dtts snd rasoaable eatimates of e:pendiwres of fu�vice 8scro�r Itemsor otherKix iA
<br /> s000c+�txe�rith�ppliable ts�v. _ � ` -
<br /> 'TLe Fu�tds ahall be Leld in u►institutioa RLaee deposits aro i�tred by s fedecal a�ency,intrui�teat�litY,a enUr9 —
<br /> � (iacludin�I.mdec,ii Lasda is auch m inatitution)or ia any Fed�enl Home Lmn Bsnk.�.aidx sh�►1�ap.��ty the Funds to -_
<br />_ P�q the Escra�Itema I.ender may rat clw�e Bo,roxer for holdin�and apply'ing the Fuads;�aaauo�II analyzia�the =-__- --
<br /> escrnN scWt�or vaif�ring the F�croM Iuma,unless Lender paps.Borrower interest ar tit��lunds�applicsble lsp -w�._�
<br />" - pettnita I�to m:ice sucb a char�e. Hopaver,I.eader may require Bomnwer tu pay��<nae'tia�e.+�arge�os an ���„:��,
<br /> ` ipdependent tnt estau tas reportiag serviee�s�cd by Lender in c�onnectioiz Riffi�ttais toari;�i�s sppt`a�...'�Ie law provides' � �t��zrr..�.
<br /> - otlxrMisa Untess an a�CCeement is made or spp3iwble law toqtnres interest ta�fiie psid.�der s1�a11 noi be requirod W ,�,�Y•�j.;:°
<br /> ee
<br /> P�Y Borro�e;aay interast or earaia�oa the Futtds.Borrokec aa�d i�ender ma��g�cbe in vpriting,however,thst interest ''.-:^t:�'-
<br /> - � " shall be.paid on the Fu�ads.Lender shall give w Borcower,withaut chuge,a�z�nnsl accovating of tHe Fonds,showing ': ..::� �
<br /> �y� '.:' M�:.:.
<br />= credits and debits to the Fvnds�nd the purpose for�hich each debit to tha�`w�a was made.TDe Fuus�are plodgod as :r•�;^;:.�
<br />= sdditioaal seeudty foratl sums socuted by this Security lnstntmen� � . :� � .` .'° {;
<br /> � �.i�
<br /> If the'Funds held bp Lender eiceed the amounts permittod to be he13��-�pplicable law.Lender��hall accwunt,to }��. �
<br /> --. ,.;:�... . BatroMer_for the axce�Funds in aasordanca with the roqustements ef agplicable law_If the ainoun�'��the Funds.held _----_ - •r`' �t�'��.�_;.=-`.
<br /> �r . ..-- by I.ender at any time is not suificient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may sa�aatifq Bon�ower in�+riting, ;'�'..�T�"--.=_�"
<br /> _ ';'• ' and,in such case Borro�rer shall pay to Lender the amount necessarq to make up the defl.,u,��aey.&�smwer shall make �. :`_'�_':_• :g=
<br /> .:�,��... ..� :.,.. , .-. . . . . _
<br /> • - �'�-�'., �c s p t h e d e f i c ien c y in no rnore than twelvo montht y p a yments at Lende�s sole discretion. � . � --
<br />- '�: �'�.' • I'..A..-'� .
<br /> � I . 1:::^J . ��
<br /> ,'.,�;�.�V; :,. .,,.:�:�.; , Upon psyment in fvlt of all sums secutal by this Security Instrument,Lender shall�pzomptlF:�find to Borrower ,,,..;,. .
<br /> . . ��.:_� .. ���
<br />=_ �any Funds held by Lender. Ii,under paragraP b 2 1, L e n d e r s h a ll acq ui r e o r s e U t h e P mpertp, Ia��,psior to the �;�';:; :. � �,i
<br /> -���'�� �� = acquisitio�or sate oi the Ptoperty,shall apply any Funds held hy Lender at th�time o°aoquss�tioa�sate as s credit �
<br /> ;�;,;,: '-•.-- ;.;.,..=. ag,e�nst the�s secured by thisSaurity Instrumen� `. ., ►- : ,
<br /> �1�.���;°�. � 3.Appliatioa of Payments.Unless applicable law psovides otherwise�all paytr_��s received��Lender under . ��•. �
<br />.. 7i<y..,..-... . � . •iu`�-: . . .
<br /> , piragraphs 1 and 2�sh�tt be applied Crst.to any pnpayment charges due t:cc�sr the Note;secon�,to arr.vunts paqable ,.°-�� �
<br /> �; . under paragraph�:x�u+�..v,�interest dus: �t . P Pe . , " `"::
<br /> • � y;;�;,;.:.. . iou h to nnci 1 due�and last m4..p Iate charges due andec��Note. _ >,;;'�'
<br /> ,.,.;`,,,:. ..� � : • .
<br /> ;R'_.�;:,,. . I:Charses;I�u�s: $oirower shall pay aU tages.a�,essments.charges.fines and tni�asitions attt�'�utable ra=rx�e � . ; . .
<br /> • .�;:, Propetty atrsch�r_ay attain priority�ser this Securiry Instruanent.and leasehold pap:uu��or gro+md rents,if;���. t::--:- -� ':�,%.
<br /> -� - -� -, � Sorroxer sfiall pay these obligatior�s in the manner provided ir�patagaph Z.or if not pa'3 in that ma:.aer, I�eti�'�a�r � ` . .,�;;;',:...
<br /> �- �� � shsll psy them an time directly to the pesson owed payment.Bnrrower shall promptly fumish to Lenac�c'�!1 nouces oi � , � . .�J,•af-�
<br /> . � �`�s;,,.�,�� � i:`,,,:,: <>.� .�.
<br /> .,.: - amounts to be paid under this paragraph.If Borr�R�r makes these payments directly Bonower sha1F�cc��tly furnisb y;,;��.:,; :.;:..,
<br /> . �,<,y,. . ,
<br /> '-.1'F� , to Lender receipts evidencing the payntienss. . � � ; .:,�':;�'>};'
<br /> {;:-;-�
<br /> � � - .�� Bonu��shall promptly dischargq any lien which has priority over this Security Insu��::^.ient ur�.i���orrower.(a) t '. - � � �,,.;.,:
<br />;;,;;�- �•� � -. . _ - agreGS ia���ng to the payment of tAe obligation secured by the lien in a manner acce�r,aL-ie:�I.er,;:-�;i�b)contests ia �_ , . �"'�;:•;
<br /> . � ••;•,.. •. � ,:,
<br /> �, good fa�tb the lien by,or detends against enforcement oi the tien in,legal proceedin�s�+�ii:�'�in the C�,der s opinion �
<br />' •:�;. ' ,;� operate to prevent the enforcement of the tiei►:or�c�secures from the hotder of the ti�z�agreemcr_2satisfactory to ,
<br /> ��°�- • er etermi tAas �!+ it o!the� is sub' ��.''�`
<br /> .� ,�.� . Lender subordinating the lien w th�s Secunty Instrament.lf Lend d nes �.. t�2 A�Y � (r��.'':
<br /> �.r: .. - .
<br />;:ti,�;.�`� � . � .. � to a lien which may attain priority over this Secwity Instrument.Lendet r�����i•e�crower e no��s�entifying the �;
<br /> ' : tien. Borrower shall satisfy the tien or take one or more of the zctiona set f�-�:a�a�e within 10 dass cr:tie�iving of
<br />�`' ' � ' notice. ., .
<br />,�' ;� . . Fir� 3Q21 !/!0 �'�
<br /> .:,;,., ,
<br />. ..��7�� . • . : ��{�(910510/ Pap 7 0�6 ' '111�t�i}L• '
<br /> . .,�: . • , . . .
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