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<br /> � .. . < � � .. . _. .
<br /> �" - °.�°-.- %� - `�` - -
<br /> - _ - _�.� � =T�.`, ,4 t�...- -(_..`` 'C" '-Z..--T -- `'-__" , . , _ �; , '- - ` .- `�-����,� _ �' -�.
<br /> .: - , p4.i.�a�ir�as Uyr l���t�ieei.;�t 4.�d t�ir,it aaelpe i�wr.:oe.anreei�e tt�i��:wc�.�t�r r�tw� � :
<br /> <�It I�+�li1t 1r�4�ry!���'!!iR i�w�et�oi�i i�i�il�c`'i 6io�et�rl�ble�ii vbhi■i.�o�a�r ii�M1► � . '�.
<br /> ` . is�wii�i r�rea�o a�iaia�oet,qe lwaon i d�i a.ac a p u d v i d�a 1 o r reMere.w N i t�Y r e�a t i�e�e�c i a c a o e q�
<br /> . � iMiea�t�e e��lie�000i+iroe wrlie a�►�!►�dua�+�eaie�t�ellMeer boqq�e[�1 Ls�ir or applic�bi�lwr. , • . ` , .
<br /> � •. !.�e�.�,+e i d e r ar its�t�iq'al�loe s�rorUie atrlat opaa rd i e�p e c t i o M a f t 1 e P i a�t y.i�a■�r i�q`i t M e
<br /> Boaoweriotloa�t�e�aaota peior�o�'brpeaioe�pp�te�tararbtac�ara tdr drc i�rpectiae.. � . . .
<br /> , , i/�.CMi�tlM.'1�piac�eeti�af ary awa[d at cLid ta d�m�e�.dicect ar 000�equeati�l,in ooee�dio��r1�►aap.
<br /> c0�dtlrtior ar o�et t�Yis�ot�ny prt oi We Pt�cgerty.at tor ooaveya�oe fm lieu ot oandemo�ioa��re h[eby,a�oei ad
<br /> � - � =. �alt�prid�ols�der. - _ � - -.._. : � . . . . - -
<br /> td mt e�eat of i toql q1p�of t6e Piapaty.l�e P�ooepi��ll be applkd�o tl�e�aas aeeoied b�►t�b Seanit)►�aMe�eat. �
<br /> � . �eN�er ae aot t�ea doe.�h uy e�p�itl to Bonawet.ts tLe e�+ent of a p�tial atio�of�e P��ogaty�n MLid�t1�bic
<br /> ____-_�!�1oet raioe of ttie Peopest�.imme8i�td�r beibc�e tbe qt�is eqo�l`�o cc S{e�oer ido�e amooat ot We amt�e�ted Dy►t�is _
<br /> - - _ - - -
<br /> 3eae�t3► _ _--- ___
<br /> �is Se�rity ldnoase��1WI bi nduced by die aoo�t af tLe P�ooeed�aoiuttiplied by►tt��o➢ta�'1��oO: (s�d�e t�ohl .` .
<br /> , aeloe�t ot tbe su��eqmed i�medi�rd9.befae tbe�.divided by(b)tbe Git m�t v�iu�vf.i�e Ptope�t�►immedlaedy
<br /> r�o�e t�e�.�np bdaoee,i�u be p�ia to aono,�er. fa a�e eveat ot:p�l a13�ef t��topecp ia�fii�fie fiir
<br /> � m�bet ratae ot the P�pe�ty immedi�ely bdae d�e t�i�le�W�u�amount of tbe�nmc aewce�imiore6i�idy befooe tbe
<br /> t�.anfiew Harta�r�ed I,eadtt otbatvbe a�roe�tyriti�ortimias�pplic�bk ta�etb�awri,�e p�u+ri3es;i��i+e pcooeed��b�lf
<br /> 'be applied to�t�iecared by t�Sacauity Im�amaot whnl�a ornot tbe soma aie tffi dae. :.
<br /> �f�e Ptopa�ty n ab�udooed by Bono�er.a i�a8a mtia by I�eader to Bonu+�x t1�t tbe ooad�oor aH'as w m�ire� , �
<br /> �= �raM a satie a staim for.d:m�.HaQO�aer fa�s to n�pa�nd to I.eadei arlthin 30 d:y:a�er tt�d�te t�e�notioe�sivm.
<br /> - lsades�aatLociaed tn oolka�od appty tbe pmcreds,�t in aptlon,eit�w r�ontiau o;zep��r c�4e PmpatY a w tHe aaos : •
<br /> aeCticad 6Y 6ds SrcurhY Imttamwt,�dl�or aot thea dae. •
<br /> � Udess I.e�ader pd Hono�rer albanvi�e�tee ia�vritiqs,anY�PP���of P��P�.+�1 mt extead or
<br /> _ , . po�tpooe tL�dne due of tbe monll:iy paymams iefe:red ta in puaarip6s 1 aad 2�c�e the innioiiotiaf mdt psymeatt. .
<br /> '- 11.�aee+u�er N1at Rdea�e�:Faebe��oe E�I.e�der Not a Wat�a:Exaosioa of tiu t�r fvi`psgnoent:±or'modl8a�ion
<br /> of amotdzatlo�of tbe aaffi secmed by tbis Sec�iry Imuumau gnmted by I.mder w ury moxasat m u�t a�BormMer aLaU =-
<br />-:;:: not opet�te�o:de�e tbe liabjlity of the oti�l Bast�ae:�a�r Bona�t's�000euoie in inteia�t.t�eades s��ot bt teq�cet�:iA.� �_��.�:_�_---_
<br /> wmmeace s000es+or in inoe�tt or nfiue to attend time for ayineot oc�rise modify�oc�no�a h-�-
<br /> P�B����Y F � ���:��
<br /> pf t6e a�ms teca�ed by this Saauity Imtrummt by neaaon of aay dem�ad made by the c�l Bonu�vtr or Bomowa'a ��-
<br /> i .t • rrs�.�-;_ -__
<br /> s,I:, , .. �wrs in inur�t.My focbar�rx by Lmder ia exet�cisin8 anY rig6t or tetnody s1�Il mt fie a waiver.af or ptixlnde We -�t.::.;
<br /> 'J ".r. .�..Y;'"; CxE[Cj�GOfi�jlll�ttO?.tEmCdy. . : _-
<br /> �,,�p' �•.y�,� ���"
<br /> , ';��L�lcd' u. .�[iYiO['S��ww�y.TO��SEYlIi��s'��iC QQ�B�i�� : r�.'Q-
<br /> i f .. \{L li1L.� '"
<br /> N �'`'�,���`: ' Sewrity Imp�aa�at ah�i bimd aad bmefrt tbe sacaasoia aod�ssigat of I�ender md Ban+�r,�-�abjxt to ttu pr�visiar�s'a�" � -. `��"-. _
<br /> '�,��,�•"r,�++� rr'e:�: pac71a17p�1 17. BORaNiR'S oovlwnts �d agmIDeats s�U be joi��d aeveral. My B�n�e��O CasiEns this Sa�uiiY � • .�°:Lr�', _�
<br /> - `� �.. r ''' . ' Inannmeat Uut does aot e��ute tl�e Noce:(a)ia casigaiag tbis Sa�aiiy 13dsuum�t anIy ta�tgage,�and convey t�t �r,-�,,� ,� '
<br />. �., � . ., . - Bomu�ver's interest in th:Pto�eny uader the terms of�is 5eaauy Ias�eat;E6�is,aot Per�ra%IY obuS�d'm pay tbe aams �r�s' : � ��>
<br /> '•. ' 'iID� C f�t Z.E�CI� 4f�iT$OTdCDA�i IO EIILCA� � s fOIbCBi df f1'�/1` �,:Y"�..
<br /> . . . ��Ij/t�IIS.�CAli[��t► �j a� � �� �� , , . ' .�!__,
<br /> .. � m�ice any a�000�od,atio�.s with ngard to the termc of this SceariiY Y�t or t�re Note wi�hout thu Bomawer'a eoasen� � �:,
<br /> � � 13.Lol��ae�es.T�the toan seeutod by this Socarity Insaumeat is subject to a!aw whicb sets maximam ioan ch�rges, �� , . '��;';%
<br /> � ':;,�;; ,. `.: `,�:;,,.,
<br /> ,<i.,�.:.'. Y,��L� �rya.��� �L���L �L� �L�� L- �,,�a �s•i�L� 4..�::.�. .
<br /> f'�.i. itW l{�W���� ��.�Yii{{llC���r DYlGI ��Mlldg�. ����0;t�UG��WKY����w�Yi l�Kr { � .
<br />.. , �'�_11��:!`S�! �.,....w.L"� �� . �` ' .
<br /> Y.'� .:r .. 6�,:: .
<br /> .,:.,t,,;;,:�: � . lom exceed the pecmitcad T.c�its�then: (a)aa5+sncb toaa charge shall be:ed���ihe amoimt naxasuy to redaoe the cl�nge �s;,;:'.� ,: . ` '� .
<br /> , . - to the permiued limir aad(b)a�►snms�lready co.lxtod fmm Borrower w...cb exoeeded permitted llmita w71 be nfunded to � ';i', .,
<br /> ,. ' Bomnwer. l.eoder mry�oose w m�ke,this nfund by �edueiag the prixipal ov�rcl undec tfrc Note or by m�icing a diroet ;�'�`;,,�
<br /> ' ' pryment to Borrmver. If a refiuW reduces princIpal, the reduction will be utar��.a L�rai�l prepaymeat aIthout a�r . , ::?.�;`E:;�.
<br /> . -. .. - . prepaymeat charge uader the Note. . . � .'r,�.' ,,�', :..
<br /> _ .. . lA.Noti�s.Any notice to Borrower provided f�er�tlus Security instru�ser�31 be given by delivs�f�os by mailing � � `;�. _ _
<br /> . .. .. � if by fi�at class mail�less applicable law ra�uires nse cf.aaother method.The s�cv�e s�a�l be diraxed to the Property Ac�.*ess . '.
<br /> : or any oth�address Borrower desigaates by notice to Lender. Ac�rr norice co �er shaSb 8�e given by first class m� co � i; � -
<br /> _ � ' LendePa addnss sta[ed heroin or any other addnss Lender designac�by notice to�orroAer..�►y notice provided for m t3iis � . �.
<br /> ,•:'��". . . Security lnstcument sl�ll be deemod to have ban givrn to Borrower or Lender�v��t given aa provIdod in Wis pa�graph. . � .
<br /> :r�
<br /> �- ;' ;?a,;:.`.' � _ IS.Gorado� I�v: Sevaabil�ty. This Sa;urity Iastnuncnt shaU be ;c;'ernod by federa! law aad tLe law of the ';���' . -� .
<br /> '��'''``' � utisdiqioa in wlucb the is tocated. ln the event that rovision or clause of Wia Sa�ri Insuumeat or the Note ��' •
<br /> '-��;:•,J, �� ooatlicta with appticable law�a xa�h confll�shall not affect other provisions of this Security IaStrumeat or the Nute wbic�c�n be ', `��. �
<br /> - ; given effoct without We conflicting pravisian.To this end the pmvlsions of tLis Secudty Iastn�ment aad the Note are dxlarod .
<br /> . "' to be severable. � ,
<br /> : * ,.
<br /> � � � 16.Borrower's Copy.Bonoaer shall be gtvea oac conformeA wpy of t$e A'ote and of this Sccurity Instrumeat.
<br /> ���. . . .,: 30Z3 9/90 ,
<br /> ,.
<br /> �� . t . ��11(MEI tssos� v+w�o+s • � ' �
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