--.�� , .L L -i.•c; _. ..- .__ ��-
<br /> _ — ,� - t� ,—� - - - ' - � = -- - � - - ' "
<br /> . ' .< .... __ _ _
<br /> � - -.� :1�14 „".�..'�'� � _ �;���� --�_
<br /> -_.... ._ _._'— '. _ � �ti'� ... ' �' .. ' �y,- r . . . .0 ._,_�" '—_ . —_ t .
<br /> ,. ��.._ .c, ' �;������� �������'.Q���� . '� �'.
<br /> ` '`� �������r���C�d�M��010�.��1�1�aOMOf�r��/�![�,�C� .
<br /> .:•' �00�0[A04���.L��O!!�t Y��.-1���DO��1.M0�����C�d�r�'��. '
<br /> - ,�t t��s.'l�e.i�fwe�ce c�iar p�o���e�Oe i�E be�l�o�a irj��or�ow�x srb�ect b I�wiri,�e�rt � .
<br /> i . �ir�i�Y�ot��ea�a��r�wiilield.jt Huua�wr fa�ta a�it oa�arMG dac+ibed�bo"ie�j+ti■der ar�.`'+t Y�a�de�s-
<br /> , : � ap�or,oUtrir��ab peolect i�a�er's ai�its i�tie propatY ia�000ed�oe w3�h p�r�rip�.� . .
<br /> � A11 irrra�e poli�iet ad taewiN�ll 6e�tabie�Y�odei aed�ll imc]odn a anda�d moet�e�la�e.La�da
<br /> � `iali�nre t1e r�t a Loid d�s pdicies�qd reeewaLt.if Ls�oder t�quitp.Ba�tv�r�eR�11 p�vmptly�ivci�Leader dl t�eoaiy�s oE �
<br /> � ` P�P�'��sd te��i�otice�s:is�e evat otiant:Bort�o�e�a�+d!_Eiv�Peomptaot�oe tQ�ha it�a�oe raetier ad iread¢r.: .. . :.` :
<br /> I,e�+r�ory�toe prbotctlor if aot aMde pramptly 6y Boav�er. . : . : '. -, . ° .
<br /> tJale�I+mder aed Bmo�r.atbanllK���.��P��de applied to t a A O w t i a n or rep�ir af tbe
<br /> �. _ __ _ _ � • � . . �pt�aod I.eader'��eauh�[3s not�e�e�ed.Ti�:e�oor�ioa a - —_--_
<br /> tep�ir i��ot aoaaomialty f�ble cc I�ead�er's�eoo�ity�oald be _ 1La iow�ax �ppi���� �__ -°—
<br /> • .- �eaued byr t�SeatrHp tm�aet.�a�er cr not tiie�,8�+��r racoex p�id W Hoctv�er.If Hoqo�rer al�odo�.tlre
<br /> Pru�paty,or doa aot�Mer wLldu 30 days a nottc�a fioa Iiada tmc�e iaa�ooe�ia�L�t oBeerd to�attle a dais:� _
<br /> ,.:. I�tader mry oolkct tbe in��oe p�ooeed�. Lmde�'m4 R��tbe pc�to mpair�taoa�e tbe PrnpeeiY or ta p�siet:--...� ' `:
<br /> ;:�: " aecun+d by tbit Sacu�ity In�.w�a or mt tbm daG.�c3Q�day paiod�bt�n wl�ethe aotioe i��ivaot. .;�.;°
<br /> � 'Uaieu I,eadat�d Batn�er at6p�ise�ee in�:�ag�PP��P��?P��not almd�ii. -
<br /> -- - pwtpooa t6e dae d�0e o€.tBe ma�jr p:gm���+efr�red W ia,pr�ap�1 �nd 2 or c]�etLt,amouot a€tbe paymeets;.ff . .
<br /> �` ;mdar p�p�h 21 tbe Fiupesty i!aoq�icsd bY IaKi�Hazuwdsr�t to any�t�aooe P�1rxs ao�P�t�dtmf�°
<br /> -- ..�e�.U�e:Rapeitg_I�oc*tu tbe acq�n�iou d�tlpa��tiadiz to the exteat of d�e aams aea�edyr�bis�Y;��
<br /> - — .�.r�;orw+�e�a�uon: ` . .. .: � . . . ::... ..:.:. ..
<br /> ��.;�;--;:-�;. i4 t�oe�e�.ler�.stlo�.Ma�ie�oe sa Iteted�ea��eltnpee�i;aaY+or�ar'a 1t�is:A�ii�:�Lerd�!*1dr.
<br /> °� �:�xm�ei is�ooc�upY.at�blisD.�ad�d�e Fivpaiy a�Borm�r's piinctpo�l ra�deaoe�so�ty dsf s a�at�a�aetiad of
<br /> =- � this.Secucityr Imtnu�eat'aad�11 caatiaae to occagy the Pmperty s�aaoMri's pcinc.�)iaidwoe fo�at ir�t a�yaa'at6x _
<br /> - the dtSa at accqpmc.y.amlas I�eader a�Lenviae a�cees in w�rlttog,�vltich�oonceat�ll not be oarea�on�bly+��itYLe�d.a nmle�s ; -
<br />- pcteao�tias ctr�ca adst ahich ue bryon�Bormwa's contml. Bonmva slall not datioy. d�m�e or�t�
<br /> Pmpaty,�liow�e Pmpetty-W deoed�ate.ot comaoIt�vaste oa the Propetty.Ho�o�er�La!!be in defailt if aay forfeidu+e - �w
<br /> �tion o�pmoeodiag,Mtkther civII or crimfiml,is begnn tbat in Imdea`i Eood futh judgmant could zewlt ia forfeitarz of tbe ��
<br /> � .Pmpetty ot otLetMise ma�1tY imp�ir tbe lim cc�eated bY dn+Sa�itY Insutttant or I.eadet's secutity i�.Ba�tvaher mty �
<br /> �..,
<br /> r�;�.� - cure socb a defailt aod:einstate.as ptovtded in paca�aph 18,bi►causin8 the action or pmcceding to 6e dismis�ed with a ruling �_�-__
<br /> � , : ��` ,
<br /> that,in Lmder's goad:faitb d�on, Pmlades forfeiture of tlse Bormwer'a inte�eat i�the Pmperty ar atber material �-�--.,
<br /> � �' �aq�irmmt of�Le lua cre�ted by tbis Sa�riry Iasuument ar I�dGr's aacarity inte�st. Baaower alnll also be in def�lt if __ _
<br /> .. r��' �;'? Bocno�r the loan lic�ion , �. false or ia�aa�r�te inform�a asstatemeats w Leader(oc fa�led• ��� _
<br /> .: , �-•� - . � a ��S aPP� P�s S� Y --
<br /> .��_: :.
<br /> --. . . �,:�'�� _ . �.eederav_ith any.mueiial inform�don�.6t���Fv'�ed t�nC t�'ate,nrxlndtng,but not limited �'__,„-�__'-'��,-s�f_ ._
<br /> �,'�, ,�-�' � . — o.�oonxming Boauwer's occa�eg dr�e Property as a principil raidenca.Ifiius.Sa�ic�►Imm�maot-� �rs_-=-�-
<br /> `-�f� , �t,;�r, ieasd�ol8, Borrawer abaU compty with all the pr,�.f�ians of tbe lease. If Bormwer acquire+foe t�1e t�tbe Property, tbe � �:.''- !_-
<br /> . . 1'^F r;' h, i; ` . . . .— ...
<br />- . �%+3 i;� . lea4ehold aad tl�e fx dQe si�all not merge ualas L�er agcas to the merger in wrItinB• ;��;.
<br />,. � .•���.. :``�����,:.'� 7.Prdeetlos ot Leader'a Ri�,Ma is the Propaty.If Borrowa ftils to perfarm the�veoants aad ag�eementa cont�iaed ia ��r,��';
<br /> . �' ::r;;;,,t.: �
<br /> ,`•:r.:', :. � :�:�: ,;": th3s Saaulty?��*++�* ^t,or theae is a legal procce�ing that mry sigaifIcantly affoct l�ender'S ilghtS ia tI�e P1opOriy(suCh 1�a . "'`,�:'r
<br /> .<<:.:-.: . .. .
<br /> �, ��;^%s^: � •-� , mbate�fot coadem��r:�ot fotfeiiuze or to enforee laws ot tegulatioat).thas L�eader m�Y do snd . .
<br /> ':.'!,;'"�':-`• . . Qn°oeod�ng i°b�la�t�Y P .
<br /> ����`,,,.: ., pay for whutver is necessary to protax tbe val�e of ihe Property and l�ender'a rights in the Pcvpe�ty.i�er's actions may .. . ...
<br /> . , ����-�,'�;� iuclnde paying any aums sec�ned by a liea w�iA� t�s priortty over this Sauritq Instrument, aPP�B �c�• P�Y�B .. . _,
<br /> � _.y z>���:� i�C afOmCys'fCes�ad CIItCtin$Oa thC PIOP�rtY�����.A1thOUgL IandCi II�ay ta1Ce xtlOn UedG[thiS p�rdgtaph � .
<br />�. �- �°'.L�": •�.� ' 7.Le�der does noc have to Qo so. . • .. �
<br /> �:� .• � •: : ; � .
<br /> :A;�:,,... . � �;- � AAy amounts disixttsed by Lender under tbis paragraph 7 shall bocome addittonal debt of Borra�er sa;a�ed by this f -- ... _.
<br /> - --;�:':��-`- - _—"` Security Insuument. U�less Borrower and I�ender�to other terms of payment.these amotmts sh�I�oear imterest fmm the -
<br /> _ . :I•}4,.: � � . ' .. .
<br /> . • date of diabwss�ment at the Note ratc and sball be payable. with interest. upon notia from�dar ta Borrower t�equesttng � � :
<br /> .. .� , .�,, WYment• ; •'Y-.
<br /> . ��. �:;.;_. • ,1•�, �' , ' S.Mart�age Inso�nc�e.If Ixadt�requlred mortgage insuraace ag a oondition of maYing t�e lo�sccured by this Savdty i
<br /> . . ...i,�, . � . .-- . ��_''�•
<br /> tasuument, Borrower s�all pay the premium+nquirod to maint�in tlue mortgage iasvrance in effect. if,for any rwson. tLe ;. . ..
<br /> _ ; .��...:;. . :- mortgage insnrance caver�ge e�equlred by Lender lapses or ceasea to 6e in effax,Borrower shall pay tke F*emiu mNirtd to � ,
<br /> {;'�N.�, : • obtaiu coveraga substantiariy equn�eat to the mortgage insutaz�ce previously in effect,at a cost subssaa.tia:�eq�iv�lent to the . '
<br />- cost to Sorrower of the mortgage ia�r�ce prtviousty in effoct, from an att�mate mortg�e�reg 2�rcved by ltnder. If ,
<br /> . �.- . . �� � . aubstaadally equivatent mortgage'us�ur�ce ooverage is not available.Borrower shalt pay to L�eaeb r�ontl�a s�equal to �
<br /> : �' onatwelRh of the yearly mortgage insl:raace premiu�being paid by Borrowec when the iasuraacs cocer�ge'fapsed or aaKd to •.
<br /> �� � be in effect.Lencter will accept.use aad retain tkese payments as a toss reserve 9n lieu of mongage m�.r�aace. Loss n.serve ' .
<br />- �. iorm 3020 sl ' .
<br /> , . ' ��it(NEJ�s�od� vaos a o�e n mmec . '
<br /> , .
<br /> . ' . �. :
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