,.._ . .,.. .. -_ -- —
<br /> �.Et �}�,.. , . . .
<br /> .,- _ �__� �dig. . . ..v..-.. _ ' _- _- ' " _ _ "'
<br /> _�,��.s.�� ' . ` �� . 7 f` ..- . � _ Z.. , ` ��`.��I�� .`c ... _ .
<br /> . ��t-O�QR�EA�O�r.� �1��CaY�l� � �R�1A��O['�i'.�l�ar.�� f!!� - � _
<br /> �a�rii�i�l�r�iriwrc a�pppo�i b7►j�1M'a�t b�ooar�s itt�bis�aud'i�oblri�d.Boee+o�wc l�Yi1 pq eM pw�i�e
<br /> , rr�rt�b�iA tiwt�p:�twineos iil�aR��oc b�eaaide a lors�+reev�u�iF�q r�uirMeaeif fa snatM�
<br /> : i�w�tss�e a�r8��t aooadrioe�t�i��rrit�a�sernait b�tw4eu$ar:owar aod Leodet,oc ap�iic4�,�,. ' .
<br /> ` . ' l:.�etio�.IraW�ra�iti��entnnajm�tt�areroa�bleeatnasuponandi�ectiansdt6ePtiopertr Laidet�ll� �
<br /> � . Riv�s Hoemi�x adioe a tbe tims ot«pnoe�aa�io�pectioa�paa►fjia�t+eron�bte cau�e icr the inipe�c�i«�. , �
<br /> < '.1R.t'.o�d��tt�a�.fix pra�ieatls oE�aht iwat+d or c�aitn[at�as,diract or oor�equenwl,in oo+iaea[ion rits � .
<br /> . aaY aond��n�W�br odmr tikir�d atyr.p+rt ot tM Fropaty,or fac convayatice ia lieu ot cnedemeatioe.�c+e 1�e�c+�b�►
<br /> ' aip�ed and s�ll be pid tn I�+dAr. . ,
<br /> =�t��c er�ea't at a Lot�l 3akins ai tt�Plrnparty*th+e proceRds ahall be sppiied m.tba eua�s eecimed bg.ebis Se�utit1t� . .
<br /> tasavaient,Kh�t�a�ac nat tben duG erith aa�i e�oees pid'to Bocmwer.Ia th�eva►x of s p�cti�t t�lcin�d,tl�e Pr�opacr ia
<br /> �. � wlpd�.tbefair m�rlcet valua oi tbe Propat�i�mediately.bdoe�tbs�tin�ia eqr�l to a�caLer tbaa tlre amou,t d tse
<br /> _ _ _� -----_. . .. :._a�vms a�radht.tLi��t�I��mit� .'9d���d�Lbd,oee ffie.tatia�.uolees_Barowermd I,ader ot�erwise�jtee _ _ __._ .. . __._
<br /> �n wtYtm�ihawuns �t�ecun�en IIP+��
<br /> ` the�dlowit�iraatia4{a)tbe toql ueeount ot t6�aums aec�und immedi:tdy betoti tbe t�ici�,dvided try�b)tBe[air
<br /> tnarkat valye of t?r�'Pha�pat9 iminediitdy be[oc�th¢t�i�.Aa�b�taooe ebatl6e ptid to Boeio�ra.Ia the�vatt ot s
<br /> ' ���i��'�Y in wbich tl�fiir�natket vaiu�o[the Ptoperty immedisoety bdoi+�tbe n(cin=is ttes tl�t�_
<br /> the unowit ot tbe�n�is:�ued immediat+dy.Uda+e t6e tatin�ualess B�nower a�}d I�ender othF�►ise a�+ee ia�rritin�
<br /> or aoless applicabte_lt�v athenviae provides„�tbe pra.roeds sbai! t�e applied to the�sums savred by ttis SecUrity
<br /> - Ine�umeat whether or{wt ti�e wm�s me thea duc. , � .
<br /> 1#tba�Psopesty i�s'bmdonat by Botro�ner.ot if.siLer�ee by I�ender to Homa�►�;tlu�t ti�e condemnor o�tecs to
<br /> . maka ac.rvvard or a�ttle s claitn far damages.Borrower faila..ta respond k�I�eadec�vitCiia 30 days afses the dau the
<br /> � natice i�s�iven,I,enderis suttwriud w collocc and spplp the�eds;�tt�#:bption.dther w resWtal?tina or repair of tbe .
<br /> . ,.�`co�etty�or to tAe s�nts sxured by tlus SectuitY Inatrumea�e�cror iia�titen du� � . . � �'.
<br /> . ,. ,..Ut�i�s I.et�der and Borrawer othetMise s�roe in�rtitin8•�=PPlication of pe+oceeds i�priacipit��all not estend;o'
<br /> �P�P�;�due dste of tbe monthlY P�Ymeats refemed in_.in P�*�B�P� 1 aad 2 or ch�nge the amouat of such
<br /> . P�7m�: , , .
<br /> I l.Borroxer Not lteleased; Foibarsace By Leadar.-�1tot s.Waiver.�te�ion of tbe tima for payment or
<br /> � moditication of un�rti�6on of the sUma secue+ed by tlus 5ecurity In�trumant grantod by I.ender to sny succesear in _--- -
<br /> uytet+e�t of Harroxet,�iall not opente to relase the tiabil� :;�of tJ�e or��pal Horroyer or Bomoxer's s�drs in �:_�
<br /> .�' .
<br />= intens�I�ender shall not be tequiced to oomme�pmce�urg�ag�inst any suaxsa��in inierrst or refuse to ertend �'--�=- —
<br /> = tisne fot }"�'�--
<br /> paysneat or ottxrMiae modify amortiz�tion of the surans secuced by this$ec�cicity Iaatrument by rason ot any � -�
<br /> . . demand msde by the original Bonnxer or Bonnwer's s��e�oes in intensK.Any focties�by Lender ia�xercising � ;;:�=-_._�
<br /> - any right or ren►ody shall not be a traiver of or preclude the exenci'se of any right or remedy.. � .:��' ,;.-"—
<br /> � 12.Sw�cessosa sad Aaaitas Bouad;Joiat aad Several Liabitity;Co-sijners.The covenants and agreements �y'�
<br /> .~>.,.��;'.-�
<br /> • �of this Secvcity In�ument shall bind and benert tha suxes9ois and a�signs at.Lender and Borrower.subjoct to the =- _
<br /> . . :� ,�. : proviaYati�nf patagraph 17.Borroxer's covensnts and agrxm�cs shsll be joint and sever3l.Any Bonower who 0o signs p''�;.;�;;;..���
<br />- ' this Secv��y Instrument but does aat-e�ecui�-ihe-I�TUi�-{�#is.�o2aigniag this Secui�ti �nstrument only w mart�ageT---. -- --C.�:����`ra�__, _
<br /> "� -' - gratit and oonvey that Borroxer's iAterest in the Proper�tu�u'er the urms oi ttts�'�iacurity Instrument; (b} is aot ��=�-=-=�:
<br /> : gra �' � ,��.,�..:_
<br />- • -�'= personally obligaud sn pny the sums secured by this Sec�irit�'Mstrurried�and.(cj_agr�s that Lender and any other I . ._-,:v�,. ;--
<br /> , . -;°����^" Bonower msq agnee to extend,modify,�fvrbear or maka any accommod�suir.s with�cd tn the tecros of this Security �.�: .' -�=_
<br /> - ",'� � � InstrtT��or tha Nou without that I�.imnwer's wnsent. ' ' ' '�
<br /> '{"'" � ��.�an Char es.If the lbaaz�asred b� this Securitp instrument is sub' ta�l��which sets masimum loan � ' •�',�:�"s'.,:.
<br /> r y � ,
<br /> f:. . �:;,,.:;�-t..�:.
<br /> ��'�� charg�.�.�id that law is tinaliy ii��reted so that the interest or other loan char�a�1ltcted or to be collected in ,. '•'s:�;,r;�.�,
<br />: .x::.,:�,.-��� oonn�on with the loan exceed the permitied.l`units�then: (a)any such loan charge st�,atl 6e rodveed by the amount ! �,' �•._t.,. .
<br /> � ��.=-���� ' �� neces�ty to rodnce the cbsrge to the permitrr�,lirnit; and �b)any sums already collected f=n� Horroarer which `;.<�,.. ,� _
<br /> , •':ji��':.::�;' excoaded(xtmitted limits will be refunded to i�c�rower. Lsnder may choose to make this re�irad by reducing the '. .� . •,•;..� �,
<br /> _._.�;,,,� ,. . , .
<br /> principa��ai�ral under the Note or by inaking a direct payrri�r.e�.0 Borcawet.If a refurcd e�duoes principal.the reduction � :�:,�
<br /> . _ :: , ,:. will be t:eated as a parteal PrepaYsnent aithout an9 P�Y�itr���harge under the Note.. r .`. ':�<i;;;'.:.•
<br />" ��_._._,-:._.....;._.:.. 14.Notises.Any notice to Bbrrower provided for ia�itis$ecurity In..�trument sh�l1 �e given by delivering it or by : __ ,`�':,�;,:
<br /> � mailing it by fitst class mail unle�applicable.law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the � ; '�_'`�`�
<br /> '�' ' � Property Address or any other address Bonower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lendet shall be given by � , �r '
<br /> ���.•:,.,. �. , first class mait w Lender's addree�stated herein ur any other address Lender desigitates by notice to Boaoaer.Any � ' ' . ;,A;.. .
<br /> r
<br /> notice provided for in this Security Instrumrnt shall he dee�r��to have been given tn Bc�rrower or Lender when given i , ;s:
<br /> ' . as provided in this paragraph. : � ;' � �. ':}`;;, �.
<br /> � ', ',;: `'�. . , 15.Governin=LsR:5eversbility.This Secutity Instrument shal!be governed 6y federal law and the law of the � - �`-''"���� -
<br /> , ;.� • . . jvrisdiction in which the Ptopecty is lacated.In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the ` ' , �
<br /> �?.' Note conflicts with applieable law,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nate �� �, �.
<br /> , _ • which can be given effect without i�te conflicting pro��sion.To this end the pro�isions of this Security Instrument and : � : � ,
<br /> �-�- the Note are declared to be severabie.. .
<br /> • . ;, .
<br /> ' F�n�302� !/!0 :
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