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<br /> � ������.
<br /> � i ±�'�,t�ai�tr�t�j�a�r�.Hoe��o�cf�N lpMp i!t i�.�-�� �4� `
<br /> . G<� �ru!s��i�rt i°'s y'litt.IN�i�oi�¢wi11iM d�t�►'�M���M� a�id a�Or°drr�"�i'� .
<br /> . i�,d���lloaaa`ar�L���� „��arri1t �������H�1Ms�wsww.
<br /> � �rt LMr�d�aippe+olral Nhi�h stMll fat b unew�o�wbl!widJ�ld.1R ����a���� ` t
<br /> s ob_dip,�y�M m P�'�r�,�d�e�s ci�ts ia�e PtnpaetY ia aaoard�ei�wi
<br /> � ��+�� �W.�lw�dre" apeiat� � •< �
<br /> A1l i�ua�roe Pdidas.�Md raAS�r�drl!be�ooApe�b(e 10 Leodu iaid ieil �ndude a�t�ad�e+d mat�ys c�laur•� .
<br /> LpMtK i�tlt �a�as tl�a ti�t ta Loid tha pdida��nd tw�ats. Ii��ender�q�it+ee� Ba�'e�nwer ahil P�an�P�r O�� ,
<br /> Lande,�ait t�eoeGpe�dp�pesmisaea��reeawit ent�a�in tha a+roat Q[1aa►.llarowar$ait av�e�eoti�pt_�ce�01i�e .
<br /> inura�os.c�etiat�od i�aadrr�Laedor tna�r t�u1�e Pcoo[d to�e ii aot:nade P�'a�nPay b!►B�ote+°"'°� .
<br /> �3dat Lad�e�ed Boreo�r�'ntf�nri�e�pee ia writln�.iqw�noe Prooeed��_1i i�.epplie�-m t+e�toration ate�p�� .
<br /> _� _ +�,••_�ne�sts d�m�resd.if the�4oaliaa ac�+e�u.eoonom�cally ie�'ble ard Lender'�sec�ritY is nut le�aed.Nthe `
<br /> - -- — - - - � - - — ------- --- _ � • - —
<br /> e�e�Aoeatioa or t�ep�ir is not�oonan Y � - � --`,
<br /> ' �pptied ron tlre a�ens recured b�r�is Securit7 I�nana►t�whatiier ac aat thea due.+�i�!►an�a�caes pid�uu Bore�oMas.It ' ,.
<br /> `Boeioaer sb�ndona the Yt�opacty.cir doa�not s�rwar�within 30 d�Ys a notice irorr►Lender thst�e iroucst�ca�rier 1w
<br /> olfae+ed tia�estk a sl�im.tbea I�eedec�nsy cbllxt t1w idursncx peoc�edw I.e+�des m�y use the p[oeeeds tQ tep�ir or
<br /> Reppre tbe Psoperey ar ta p�y eums aec�ued bS►tbisSa�riri►I�a►t,�hether at twt tba�dut.The 3o-dsp paiod�rill
<br /> bspn whea tl�natice is pvea • �aM11 not eitend ar - .
<br /> ' Udees I.ender aid Borro�ra othee�rise a�cea ia�ritins.�oY�PPlication atpr to pitncipil
<br /> `: p�oatpone ehe dua date aE 8rasnonthtY pYmeats ersaered to in p�ra�raphs 1 aad Z�clw�c tLe amamt ot the qYiri�ta.
<br /> Q ncider p�ea jraph 21 the PeeQerty is aoqnisrd bl I�eada'.ForroWer'a�I�der�w the ertent d�swns aec�
<br /> caulting iso�damue ta t1�PYr�pert!►pcioc.to the aoqwa�tiaa sd11 p� t . .
<br /> tLia Sac�rity I�trumeutimmed�stdl Priorta thisaoquieitioe.
<br /> . • �::6,(ke�tp�ecy Praervstios,lltaisteia�oe asd Pyrotectios ot the Praperty:HarroRer's Larn AFpticatio�:
<br /> I.ei�re�ol�.Horroirer ahill aaeu�ry aRablia6.and tea the Ptoperty as Borrvwra's pnncip�t e+eeidaioe�rith�n mrty da1�s
<br /> � ait�s tl�e ezecutioa ot tt►is Sa.tiritY I�tsumeat aad sWU cbutiaue to a�cupy tbe Plroperty as Bo�+o�r+er's princiPd
<br /> � reaidenoe for it last one yesr afnr thcdate of�p!�9,unleas I.ender attktRiseig�roes in wrritin�.which coasent ah�ll
<br /> - not be wuea�mltblY�ritiilseld or unless esteawtin�csrcumstancex eri�t wThich arc b�yond Boctowrzr's oontrol.Bornn�rer
<br /> -- -• s1a11 tpt desttaF.��or ir�Pair tbe PrnpercY,sllow the PropertY to detGriorau.or cnmiait xsste aa the Property..
<br />` ` Barroxa st�stl be in detavlt if u►y.fortertu�e action or praxedia�,Rhether civit ar criininal,is be8w►thsi ia l�ender's _
<br /> -�-': ' �od faith judgment could result ia torfeitune ai the Property or oti�riae mataialiy u�npeir the lien craud bp this
<br />_- Secu;ity lastrument or I�ender's sxuritq inurcst.Borroxer may eure such a default atrd reir�u.as provided in
<br /> - �h 1$t'bY c�using tAe action or prooeeding w be dismissod with a rnliag that, in l�ender's �ood fa�th
<br /> '�imtion;procWdes forleittx�e of the Bosroxa's�nter�st in the ProPts'tY or other materisl-impairnsent oi the liea
<br /> created by this Security lnstn►ment or LendePs security intee+�sk BotroNer sh�ll also be in deGtuit if$ocrower,during
<br /> , ' . . , .,,,�.' '' ' . , �c'.loaa epplicstion proce�, gtve mstett�lly iatse os�insccucate intormation oc staumeats m•L,ender (ot failod to .
<br /> - -- . ;._:.. ::�;_•,�v�ride Lender with any mitetiil iniormation)in connection with the toan evidenced by the Nou.includin�.but not
<br /> r , �.�..,, _ ap is a prine'tpat-cesid�e�f shisSecurity __ -
<br /> K: � ' I�m�ted to:represeatstions coixxriung Bartawer's i�ciip�ncY the�rOPertY _.
<br /> `r,.r�. : . .
<br /> �"=--.�:'� �� Instrument is ina a teasehold,Borrower st�aU,cdmply with all the ptavisions oi tt�e te�se.Ii Hairower avquins fee title to �
<br /> }��..-_::.,t� to tAe merg�r.'in writin
<br /> ��.��"-;-�• `:~.;'�",.' tDe Property:�he leasehuld and the fx titlestinll not merge unies�Lender agc�e.s 8� == ,a`�_
<br /> . �. <,: 7.Prote�tion o!I.ender's Ri=hts in the Ptoperty.If Horrow6r fails to perform tf�ecovenants and agreements �;;.
<br /> h
<br /> ' � contained in this Security Insttument,or there is a leg,al proceeding that may signi�cantty affect Lender's rights in the �M ;4'_
<br /> - �. - � ` propercy (such as a proceeding ia banYruptcy, probate. for condemnation or fvtfeiture or to enforce taws or �-
<br /> � : � ' • - lations).�1en Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the PropertY arid Lende*.S �.:�. � ' .��',s,:
<br /> � n'�ghts in the i'!coperty.Lender�s actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has pnonty over tu ( ,,- e�s:;-
<br /> • ��. ' . Security I�'��►ent,apPesring in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entenng on the Property to make repairs. . -_
<br /> � ,Alabough L•�der may tske action under this paragrsph 7,I.ender dces not have to do so. i
<br /> `';,;•;�;,, '.- �1ny�mbunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shaU become additional de6t of Borrower sacuted by this . ( , . :.
<br />, . r,,, ,
<br /> � ' � `�•-�' �� � �� ��mt��Ir-irumens.Unless Horrower and Lender agtee to othet terma of payment.these amounts shall 6ear interGSt
<br /> ::�;�,:,�:;:,.. f::::�:.. ._ .�:.: .
<br /> . ....;;��;,•,;;'° : : .�— •from ti•.e i���f disbutsement at the Note rate and shall be payable.�vith interest.upon notice irom I.ender to Borrower �{;;:�.;�'•. . .- .
<br /> ��'�,'. ;,'�'rj;.,,i?��•:•:` . :;�.';h�� tkstin =cr�snt. .. ` . , 1'..^' .
<br /> n9 81�: . .
<br /> i�`.�''•;�"s+`+���; • •'�Y� g,r{n�a}�:Insurance.N Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of makin�the loan secured by thir,"'. , j��.�,'j,; , ,
<br /> ,:..�r,:.��.>.�,.
<br /> >���"'���-�r Security Ins�rurs;�nt,Borrower shalf pay the premiums teqwred to maintain the mortgage insurance iri effect.If,tor an�. ��:.�t'.� ' � :�
<br /> � �;�,�<.;:�,�, , �
<br /> .ti �,,.:.. Botrower shaU y th� �,.�.,,
<br /> - ,:�,�;';,4�3;. � - resson. the tr.�ttgage in.�a�ance coverage required by i.ender lapses or ceases�€► be in efPect, pa •. ��,1;�..;;. .
<br /> �alen�ro the mort r,�rance reviously in eHect,at a cost �•:* �.�y �
<br /> - • premiums�}�:red to o.Ezai�coverage substantially e�ui ' 82�.= p
<br /> s u b s t a n t i a l l�-r a�u i v a l e n t w t h e c o s t t o B o r rower of ttie ma s t g�ge insurance F:e��iousty m ef{ect.from sn atternate :, . ..
<br /> �.�,;� • mortgage in:�,^:°r ap�roz'ed by I.et►der. lf substantial1y e�ui.a:e::t mortgage insu;�nce coverage is not avai la b te,
<br /> _ r �
<br /> • - - . gQ��;��I�w,a pay to Lectder each month a sum equal te one-t�e.�tb of the��ea:�y martg-n�.insutance premium beir�;; �
<br /> �� - . . - . � �i�bp Horrioner when the insuraace coverage laps�c!ar ceased to be in effe..^�.Lxr.der�iI i accept,use ar.d retain tPxs;.• ��: ; �,,; .
<br /> .' pa�'ments as a loss resetve in lieu of mortgage ensvrance. Loss reser�-c �a�menu rnay no lonoer t�e re�uire�., : . :.`:,,•,.:,'y. ,
<br />_ . �' • ' . • I.`' . .
<br /> F�rn� 302� 11S� , `� '
<br /> .,
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<br />.�. �,t,`; . , . . . . . - �"�'��� .. �
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