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<br /> . .. oo�e�aa}Aaut:s or.s�i wet oru�ePwpatr..a ta�oonYey�eoe e,iw ac�oaaaao.aa�ine ba�y.�a.id- , .
<br /> � �iW be p�id to I.cnder,. • � ' < . ' ...
<br /> . Ia drc tveat vf a wW qki�ot�be Plopeety.ttie procee�4 s6�1! be applio�to the �ecr�eed by d�Secrrity `
<br /> � . ,'�dA110�.�O[a0t�101�IC.�Mrldl i�iX0li.f Q�(0 BCffb1Il�Cf. lll 11lE lRCII�af e.�t�lOj Of 1hC�0�lfly�11 �..
<br /> • "� - ' 1Yf11C�t 1�IG f1�t AI�CS Y�IC Of I�IE�1�O�C[�JI�I�G�}f(1l'�O�C I�IC fik�1S'EQlli�l0 Q�IC�t�fYl.fbG�IIIOWK O�l�i!f1Y11i
<br /> �ecueed iy t6Is�ecu�ity Imo�upeat unmediately befoer the W�ina.w�lbss Baiower and l�ender odinwjse att�ee in writic�.
<br /> the ams ea�ea ey�aus Secwity u�onnnent sb�u be�eaucea!ry tbe�io�ouat of the prooceds mi,kipliea by the rdbw;n�c
<br /> f�action: �i)t�e�onl amoirH of tiK sun�sec�rd immediatelq befoe�e the eii�L�.divided bryr(b)the f�ir nwk�!wl�oE ib� ,
<br /> . PeopdtY i�n�ialelY 1lefaoa tIK titing. My b�taace sdalt 6t piid to Bort�t Trt tbe tvent af a p�ttiai Wdns o[llrt .'• <:
<br /> Ptapaty.m wi�ic6 tbe fa�ntt�kst v+�Iue of the Ptvperty�m�rKdistety befooe ihe tatcing is kss than tbe amauK of d�e� `
<br /> aecu�ed un�medi�tely D�fart the tattu�g.unku Bonower and l.e�der dheivrue�g�et ie wntiea or unkas appli�bie isw
<br />__ _ ..,_ ... �:���cnceed�shal!_��pQlied�the sum,tsea�tied b�r this Securitg-In�ttument�r?�ha gcmtiL�sums ate.-- -- . ..
<br /> ` thea due. ' •
<br /> ff the Fbopetty is ab�ndooed by Baro�aer,or if�after notice by t.ender[o Batowec tha�the sa�demnor uffas w make
<br /> �n awrard or settle a claim for dom�ges.Boaower f�I1s ta respond to I.ader within 3E1 dsys after tbe duc the no'tice is pven.
<br /> T.erder is�ortned W colk�ind spp�ly t6e pmaeds.at its opuon,either w restontiQn or tepair d d�e PtopRty o[m d�e.
<br /> sutps secumd lry tbis Security Iesuume+rt,v�+hetlKr or not thend�e. � � :
<br /> • Unkss I.ender and Banower otherwiu agtee in writmg,any ttcatiao of p�nxeeds to pcincipal shall mt eatend a.
<br /> � gostpooe tbe�e dste ottbe moothlY paymwis iefetred to ia p�an�c 1 and 2 or change the att►ount of such payma�ts. • ,
<br /> ' 11. Eoee�awer Nut ltdmed: I�orbesnoce By I.eader Not t Wsiv� Extension of tbe qme for payment or
<br /> �of a►nortizuion of t�e sums sav�od by ttis Saauriry Tnstrumeat granted by Lerder to a�ry suv�es.wr in iaterest
<br /> of Samwer sh�ll not i�petate to iek�se the li�b�ity of t4c arigiaal Bamwcr or Baaower's successors in inte�es�i.endcr
<br /> � ahaA not 6etsq m cammence Pioc�odin&s ag�nst a�successar�a irtte�est or refi�e to extend time fa payineat or
<br /> othaw►ise modify�a�ortir.ation of tiie sums sa.^�rced by this Sa�rity Luw�nent by��easaa a�aaiy damaad made by the onginal
<br /> ' Borrnwer a Baaave�r's suceeswrs in inte�est. Any facbearana lry l.en3er in exencisiag'�iy right oEi+emedy shaU not be a
<br /> waiver of or piocLde thc eaer�eise of any righc or cunedy.
<br /> 12 Srcceswes aad Aaei�n+Bound;Jota!aoa S��aa1 Liabllit9.Co-si�eecs. Tse oovenants and ag�eements of this
<br /> So�rity Instsumeqt stiaU bind and benefit the successoES amd as�igns bf Lender and BoRbwer,subject to the provisions of .
<br /> paragraph.17. Boirower§coveaants and agceements sGall b�joint and several. My Borrower who co-signs thi��ecuriry ,
<br />- Insuumeot but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sigaing this Security Instrument only ta mortgage,grant and camey that
<br /> _- Borrower�intee�est hi the Property under the tenns of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personaUy o6ligated to pay 3he sums
<br />:�. , socu�ed by t6is Security Instncmen�and(c)agees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to euen�modify.forbear
<br /> — , � or�alce any accommodatioas with mgard to the.temis of shis Security lnsaument or the Note withvut that @ouower's
<br /> `- cons�t. . '-••
<br /> :r '�� . �3 Loan C6arges. If the toan secured by this Se�cy Instrument is subject ta a iaw which sets maxmama_roan
<br /> ;._
<br /> cti-�,and that Iaw-is finaUy inttrpreted so that the int�anr other laan charges coltected oi to be oou�ted in cai�hn
<br /> _. wiib die loan exrad the Rertnitted limits,theo: ta)any sucfi toan char�e snall be reduced by the a�nouaE cecessary t4�ce�dce�
<br /> - �r the charga to the permitted limir and(b)any sasns already coltected from Borrower which exceeded pes�:�d lirnits will i�e . . `
<br /> - iefmdeA to Borrower. Lender may c600se to make this refund by ceducing the principal oweau�tlie:�ot�or by matcing a�
<br />_ ditect payment to Borrower. If a refiu�d mduces princi�l,ihe reduction will be treated as a partial pre�ayme.�t w�hout any °_=-
<br /> - pr�payment charge under the Note. --'---_,
<br /> �,'•���'"r:�-� 14. Notkes. Any notice to Borrower grov-ided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by deliverir�i�or by ��+�-���
<br /> 4 f,'�=-:_;.
<br /> ,.�;•:
<br /> ,,t.°_.., mailing it by fust ctass mail unless applicable law requires use of another methad.The.notice shall be�rz�cted to ti�e Pcoperty :::��
<br /> '�,- • �;���.°'.�� Addcess or any other address Borrower designates Iry rtauce to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shai!be a ven by fitst class ._. -
<br /> -�'�`•`�` `"''`���" mail to Lender's address stated herein or any o�h:r address E�ader designates by notice to Borrower. ,�ccy no#ice psavided for . ; :
<br /> . �`v"��_� in this Security Insm�ment shall be deemvd to have beer,given to Bortower or Lender when��ea as provi�:d in this _.
<br /> . � �Y.� . . . ,�,
<br /> ��..-.�;��; ParagraPh• , : ... ...
<br /> ,,�-;� "�±���.'.'• 15. Goveenlag law; Sererability. This Secudry Instrument shall be goveme� by federai law and the[;s�•44 ct�e -�_'
<br /> , ..x�, �y�s•.�. :
<br />> , :.:�:�:..�=: jurisdiction in wfiioh the Property is located. In the event that any prov isioa or clause of this Security b:s�ment er�,e ti�e•: ,
<br /> � • conflicts with appticable taw,such conflict shaU not affect other provisi�ns of this Security Instrum������e Kete sa'��:z can � ' _
<br /> • _��` be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this er:�the pravisions of this Security I�strumer,t and che��e are
<br /> . --.- . . - ' decta�d to be severabte. . - � -
<br /> . � ' � . 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be gi��en or.e confarrned copy of the Nate and of this Security Instrun2�=
<br /> • �7. 7�ansfer ot the Praperty or a BenefECial Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any�ierest in ,
<br /> •.., �
<br /> �'�;+� . „ i��s svld or transferred(or if a bcneficial in�r�sc�n Borroa•et is sold or transferred and Bnrrawer is not a natural person) •
<br /> v��*�aut Lenders prior written consen�Lendermay,at i�s ap:ion,req�sire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by
<br />'`�` � � •�� '' �h"ss S�t+�rity Instrument. H'awever,this option shall nat be exercL�by ft,z:tder.if eegrc'rse is prohibited by fcderal L:w as of ' .
<br /> . �;;�.;>+` ' tne d4.e of this Security Instrument. '' '. ' ,`�:;''
<br /> '�''�:i •- ' 6f Lender ezercises this option.Lendcr shall give Borrower noti�e a�arceklaci��a. The notice shull provide a pe�^ud of • �
<br /> .'�i .
<br /> ,. not}ess than 30days from the datc the noticc is delivered or m�iled w ithin�yfiieh Bonower must pay all sums secured 6g tt�is
<br /> -• ' ,•�._� ,. - Security tnstrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior tn thr expiration of this periad. Lertder may in�•ake:n}
<br /> ' �''' ' ' ;i?.�<, �� . ' remedies permitted by this Security lnstrumem withom further notice or c�.maad on Borrowcr. • - " .
<br /> , ' „ • IS. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Borrowcr mcetti ccrt�in randition�. Bonower shall have ihe right o� �.a��e f •
<br /> '_ .. _ enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinucd at any time prinr to the eadier oi: (.i)S dayw lor such other pe^�d as
<br /> . ` Single F:unily•-Fannk l�tae/Freddk blac UN160R'.0 1�5PRU�1F.ti'P••Uniform Covenan�+ 9190 IpaR�s�f hl�te.u�
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