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<br /> ., ... .. .. _ . . . . , . . . , .. . . . . . , .r� .. < . . ,
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<br /> ' . �iaii i■1 I.Raii�t rMl�w�. 'ttie ir��oe c�iriet p�a►jdl�tYe i�ea�cs i�bt��iouMi b�l�rr�l��1b�1i%��iK�. ` `, :. �.
<br /> ', ` �p�aw�1 wl�l�iWt aot M��9��� �!Honawar fiiMt,io n�a�t ao�+�a�e derariberd dio.e.I.w�iet�►:at ; i
<br /> � " .. [wwde:9 opio�;ab��ia oa+ror�e,�o pia�ct I�eederYrijiMS in 16e A�cpe�ety is axbr�ecx w�lh,praa�ph'l: . . � ,
<br /> �1l1 i�ora�ae pot�cia aed e�we�v�b�lt be aooeph6ie al�eader asd iII iiCl�des Wod�rrE poaRj�/e�.,I.e�de� , . . �
<br /> ., �A�i1}are�Ye ti�4t to1wW 1�e��te�ewai�. If i�der t!eq�ires.&*eu�er�hal!p�amptl�r�irt ea E�eeder a1L tpoeipfa ' _
<br /> . oi.�id pieni�ar ad raic�val aanoes. Id die ermt oflan.Ranowet tbdl pve p�oenp�t notic�e ea d�c im�raooe carria�od �
<br /> L�er 1�epder msY�e Pno�of joa if ao4 antde p�aaipdy by BmoMa: .
<br /> ,-- . 1Jnteas I.mdeE�lHoavw�et o�hetMV�e apee in w�i�ausnae pmoee�shdl be spplied/o n�coratioe or.tep�ir af =
<br /> . the Pl�o�artq tf4m�ed,if tb���a�a�tion cr ttpa4t�is e0000mic�aUY fea�'bi��od L�asda'�aecu�iry is ba�{ea�ar�d. If d�e
<br /> mmaahoo a rep�ir is aot eoawmuaaty faa'ble`a I:eader�s sawrity�rauW be kaa�ed.d�e moraoce pncads�lall be .
<br /> __� —- - --__��_
<br /> appiied to dre snras.sec�ne+d by dns Sa�ty tm�mneat,whGtBar or twt tben dne,with ��� �
<br /> _ — �a��e r�opaiy.—_ ' � " _ _ _
<br /> � �aed Ia��tfle a cl�oan.drw I.eoder may collxt dic imaaroce p�oeoeda. I.e�ader may uta the�to or zaAoie .
<br /> t6e Ptoperty a to pay auaas secmed by 16is Seauity Imt�mna��fied�ar not tLea due. 11�e y period�beEm `
<br /> �rben':
<br /> ibe notice is givm. � .
<br /> Uales�I.ender a�d Ha�mwer ad�a�visa s�a u��ni6as,aay application�prnoeeds a priucip�l aball aa e�aead a
<br /> post�one die due dsoe of the ma�rhi�r p�ymeets refared ta in p�agrapl�s 1 and 2 or change tbe�of tbe paymeats. If .
<br /> wKier p�c�paple 21 the Ytopetty is acx�uited by I.endet,Baeowet'a right to aay ms�umoe polx�es aod proceeds ns�ltu� ,,i;:.`�'.:.,�`
<br /> fro�n��°the propMY prior to the aeqmsman stwll p�ss to t.eader w d�e e�nt of tbe atuds�'sawred by t6is Sacuri�g: _.,..
<br /> . Insd�a�t i�tmadiacely prior W the aoqiiisiaoa. . . ;:
<br /> � �,,, �C� p�b�stiew� llt�t�oe a.d�eotatton ot tbe Prnpertys Ban�+ow+er's I.o� Ap�icaRio.; .::. . .
<br /> � f,ta�eld�. Bormwer sl�t ocwpy,e.u�bli'sle.�nd usa t6e Ptoperty ss Bacr�nwex�s p�cipal nsidmcc within six�r d�j+s a�er - �'
<br /> �esawtion of this Secvrity 1�nnm,eat�d sball��ativpy the Pmperty as:BonoW�s prfi�'c�l iesideoce for�t ,�, :
<br /> �p�st aia. ye� �'ter the da�e of oa�paocy.unless [.eo�u'bt�ec�ise�a8�ees in writiu� d?&�fr cAonsant sb�i! uaR be `.
<br /> �ohably withheW,or�exteauatatg�exiu��ti1+�SeYad Bonowa's coi�d Bo�rnwer sball uot .
<br /> � d�rpy�daa�ge or impair die P►np�etty.allow the Ptoperty to de�aiu�6�tir comnmi�-waste on ihe Priopetty. Bonawer a6tll .
<br /> ti�i��defilult if any fafeitm�e action or p�oceediag,wl�her civil or e�oa1.is be$mt tbat ia L.enderlc Eaod titH jud�ment
<br /> °co�Rsuh•�,forfeipue of the Ptaperty a otherwi.se muerialiy �pair t�e lieu c�eatcd by this 3ecurity 1a�uuma�t or :'
<br /> Lender�seca�ty��itenes� Bomuwer mry cure suc6 a default and ieinstat�as pnovided in par�graph 18.by causiag the action 4 ..'�. .
<br /> or pnocadiag ta be dis�nis.sal with a rnling that,in Ler�der�s gvod farth ckoeimmatio�►,Pealuudes fafeitane of the Borrowa'a - - .�
<br /> intenest in the Pt�nperty or otlier material imp�irment of the liea cn�aud by this Seciuity lnstnuneat or Lender's sec�niry .;:;;;"`
<br /> interest. Bomnwer shall also be m defaWt if Bamwer.daring the loan applicaaoa p�ocess, gave ma�erialty faLse ar ..
<br /> ` iitaa.vrate infortnaHon or stater�ts to Lender(or fa�7ed to p�ovide Lei�dcr with any material infom�ation)in cainectioa,with .
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited to,repesentations concsming Bomower�s occupuxy of the , �
<br /> Ftopeity as a principal residence. If this S�c,�uitY In4wment is on a iGasehold,Bormwer shall compJy with all the'p�ovisiaas ,
<br /> 'of the k� If Bormwer acquices fee tide m t�e Pmperty.fha leasehold and the fee tit[e shall not ma�uniess Lender ag�oes , ;
<br />_ tothe merger•is►writing.� .� :•' ,
<br />--_ _ _ ..... 7. Ptotedion of Leader's Rig4ts in the Propaty. If Borrower fails W perfotm the c�n�-+�.*�us and agaa�ents ,
<br />_, oo�tainec3 in this Securit�r i'nsnvment�or ttKre is a tegal proceeding that may sig�candy �:I.eaders rights in the •
<br />..- P�►pc�ty(such as a procooding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeituie aa t��enfarce laws or reguTatiau)then �
<br /> [:ender may da and pay for whatever is necessazy to protect the valne of the Rup�t}and Lender�rights in the Property. �
<br /> ,.:;
<br /> Lender�s ac�ions may inciude paying any sums secuced by a lien which has priarity aver this Security Instsument,appearing ,
<br /> . in court,paying i�asonabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Property ta maice repairs.Although�.ender may.take action
<br /> under this paragra�h 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br />,'"�� My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall 6ecome additianal debt of Bozrower ser�:��by this —
<br /> _ _ $ecuriry Insuaxnent. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,tb.ese amounts sh2i1 bear inxies'L fctsm the =___ __
<br />= ��e af disb,uasecrtent at the Noce rate and shall be payable.with inte�sl,upon notIce from Lende�ta Borrow�reqgrsang =
<br />— �_=
<br /> t`1' '' PaYinear. ,':... �=;-y�_�.
<br /> .•,. g. Ai�ga�e L�surAna. lf I.ender F�..;�ired mortgage insurance u a wndition of maki��'�.toan secured by this .:-;:.L,�,,
<br /> -�.'' = Secnriry lnsii`�~��.�oTrowet shall pay fi�z g�re:niums reqaired to maintain the mortgage insaran:.e'in effect. If.for any :, •�-�:_=�-
<br /> .a.r.c.,-r, . � ; '"=`�_
<br /> ., � ��.� �r, teason,tha mors�a„� vns��ran�:.coverage m;�::red by ix�der lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the , .�,: ,
<br /> • ����_, zF premiums requimd�4 a[;r:,iti�:esage substant�ally.equ�0.�,:5:?:t to the mortgage ins:..�zce previously in effect. at a wst ��::�•: ,
<br /> .�,�:;.y�'; substantiaUy equivaleni to tY:e rost to Borrow�er of thc r.rv::�a�irsery��previousiy�effect.from an altemate mortgage ' :��`
<br /> �'•;:y;.`,� insurer approti�t 9y l.ender. lf snbstan8a'_►c rquivatent mdrtgage ins�*�r;�e coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to -�`�
<br />. � - :�s':;;_> Lender each m�o^.sth a sum equal to one•twelfih of the yearly mortgage insurance premium 6eing paid by Borrower when the '"�-;.
<br /> '-.� .-.:-�;�.>.-
<br /> ,`.• -i, insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to be id effect. Lender will accept,use and retain thesc payments as u loss reserve in liev '�'"='
<br /> '::� :��:. �.�t"�'`-
<br /> 4 of mortgsiige insvrance. Loss reserve payments may no tonger be�equ'ued,at the option of Lender.if mortgage ir.is.aance
<br /> •' �� � coverage(in the amount and for the period that l.ender requires)provided by an insurer approved by l.ender aga�ro�necomes .
<br />- '`�`��f�v� • available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effec�or to provide a �
<br /> • , ..,�.,, :'.'�`�• � loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accor3ance with any written agreement between Borrower �
<br /> :'��:�`;:,C'. "� andLenderorapplicablelaw. •
<br /> r.•; ':. 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upan and inspections of the Property. Lender shall � ....
<br /> ''"e J;;�;-.�;�; give Borrower nodce at the titne of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable c�4:for the inspection. ' �
<br /> '��:;�` 10. Condemnatbn. Tltp�*tooeeds of any award or ctaim for damages,direct o!�cansequential.in connection with any . .
<br /> % ,. :i,.,•-,> .. ,
<br /> .!',;, ' '_•.'.,' rn. . . .
<br /> - '!<•- • � '1' SingteFamity•-Fa�tnkMaNFreddkbfacUNIPORVlL'�STRLNE�T•-UnifortnCovenants 9I90 lpaRa3ojb/wRtsl
<br /> iif'r�: ��.�``�t;,�i�:?'.. . Geestl�ttaBUNxaaFar�lnc.■ �
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