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<br /> � ' . . � ` � . .[... ` ` f.. . .. . .r. ' � � �� . . : � � . .
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<br /> , . (M��.`11`C�iE l�'s10d 16 7s S.�C���t�01�0��C��I. A�laL7i��OOM�A�A ', ' .
<br /> �ed��o���dsi+�iitr'1i�e l�io�0�d iir 3acwrity L�i►rr(IMt�be�r'ii o i�►' <
<br /> � � `f ,�.Pvls I.eudtt mi�►ooiNct Sees aod chtr�es�ai+�et)b�►t6t Sec�y .. � ` ; . -
<br /> !Ge�i�r Aooeler�lio��tDeiE. - _� . . .
<br /> � -` - (�j D�i�rif.t�eader�rjr..exapt ws fded 6y�i�d 1�►die S�a�etacy iu 1bt cre at p�p�o�+et deta�its. z `
<br /> '. �eqrie imese�we ia fiU a[rl som�seerad b�due 5ec�it�►In�rqa�a�t ff - �
<br /> ' - {i�Bbrm�et�by ta�'tiet b is tvU an�mosd�jr P�Ymmt mq�i�ed b�du��:�itY-�P� . . . -
<br /> . to ar oA d�ilne af the n�ct ma�Paymed,ar • .
<br /> � �. . ' � f� ,�d e�yS►fdti�q�far a P e�i a�d t L u c y d i Ys.W P e c f a r m�n3►o m e r o 6 i�a b o a�c a�n e d i n 9�i s. ,
<br /> _ _:.... .__. �_1w���:�..�wlt�������+i��f�T,••s»itMllw�r_�s.��!1_+Lr3d�d�e;q(iacaooro�vain[the . .
<br /> Soq�y.nqui�e�mmedi�e QaYmaat ia fNt of al!tbes�s seea:ed 6y tbis Savrity�emeat iF � � � - --
<br /> `: (i)/l ll a p�t of ttie P�opaEy,a a DeaeFicLi inle�t ns s en�sc ownin��a pnc d d�F�aparty.u sWd ar, , .
<br /> ot6awi�e t�sfened(otber ti�a b y devi�e a daoer�t)b Y d�e Hanonrer.�d .
<br /> ('ii}'!be Rapeatty i�not ooeupiod bir tbe pta�or�ao�ea at bis or Ua piociQal�au�deaoe,a tLe pu�c6au
<br /> or granoee does so occvpy dre Propaty bta his-at 6a ctedit 1ns not beea a�o�ved in acca�d�noe
<br /> wit6 We rcq�aemeMs of t6e Sa:teta�ry. ,
<br /> (cj No�Fiit�es If c�r,ea axmr tbat wouW pamit L.errkr to ieqmne imraadi�tcp�yrnent in fu11:but I.rnder
<br /> � does not suc6 �.i.et�der doa aot waive its nghts wh6�espa�t tQ subsequent events.,
<br /> ' • (d)�d�� Tn ai�ny cucumwaooes iegatuions i�by 8ie Se��y will limtt I�eader�s
<br /> agi�ip tbe cue of ps►ymeot defaults.to tt�uu+e innnodiate P!a�fii.fuU aod faroc1oee if aot paid. 71ns _
<br /> Secws�►Tnstr�eat das not auihocize accetaaaan a fonxllasuc� aat pemuaedi�y ngol�ons af tlic Sec�tacy.
<br /> ` � fel�Not Ta�rrtd. Hamw�er ag�ees tl�t siaatd mis Sea�cg,Tn�+mt aod d�r ma�c socmed dya+eby tw�._: :`.;: ::,:; .
<br /> .. be'r�ig�lefor�under�theNaaoail Housiag Act�itlim �•��,::.'$F�Rtbs'.-;;�:�-';:`:'. � '. :.£coostl�C: - .
<br /> :dai0etia+ea�f,.I:ea�eci�my,�titsvp�tion�mdno�n�g�'tfi'si�:qt���g�e�e=�niiioa�'��n�t�'`:�%�;
<br /> E fu[IeC��saussa�ucdbyt6isSec�it�Ie�. ;�tv��.��a�mg�;�nca€�e.S�y
<br /> �� . :dat�si.bsequent w S ��s" �'•� . .,: ���e dau he%eof.dedi��o,ia§uie xl�is Se�cY° , .. .
<br /> , _,.., Iasoro�ent and tUe note seraued,�iehy,slr��be dxaie��ca��tisive pnoof of such i�ligrY�nty. Notw�tandiag�,.:,;::.
<br /> .... . - . ..,,
<br /> � . ...:.... .... .....
<br />-.• tlie'€�zeguiog,this oprion may not be exe�ised by Lerides xs�en the unavv'labitity�of�.
<br /> u�s�ce�s sokly due an�:..;;..;
<br />_. Lend"er's fa�urc w:emit a m�rtgage insurance pc�emit�m m ti3e Sec�etary. �
<br /> -- 10. ltadsfi�temm� Barawer has a right w be nu�.4tated if Lei�r has mquired iminadiata payment in fu11 because '
<br /> - _— of Bamwer�s failun to pay an amount due under the•Nate or this 5ecuriry Instrumens. 'Ihis right ap�Ues even after
<br /> '== foreclosta�e proceedings a� insututed. To reinstate the Seciuity Instnunent, Bmmwer shall tender in a lump sum all
<br /> amoaets required tobring Boirowesls account cwient including,ta the ex[ent they ara obligations ot Barrower under this
<br />';�,:' Socurity Inclrumen�foroctosure costs and reasonable and customary attomeys'foes and cnpenses propedy associuod with
<br /> the fonclosure proaeding. Upon rtinstaument by Barrower,tfiis Socurity lnstrumrnt and the o6ligattons that it sectmes
<br /> - . shall nmain in effest as if Lender had not r�ec�uitrd immediate payment in fnll. However.LCI1dCf IS f10!RQUftlA tppc nnit �
<br /> reinstatement if: ti)Lender Nas accepted amstatement after the commencerttent of iore¢iosure proceedmgs.within two
<br /> - yprs immediately preceding the cexnmrncement of a curtent fore�:tosure pRacading, Qii) telnstatement w�ll preclude
<br /> - �,_...... � forcclosure on differcnt graunds in thc futurc,or liii)rcin.statcment will adversely affcrt the priority of the lien created by
<br /> '{ :�.` .�•`� thisSecurity Instrument.
<br /> r . �1 r-,: -,1°•�
<br /> '�:•. 11. �orrower Not Rdeased: ForbeArance by l.ender Not a Wairer. Extension af the time of payment or
<br /> •'`��`''-� �` '' - modification of amoRizatiorr otthe�ums tiecured b thiy Securit Inctrument rnnted b Lender ta an successor in inte[est
<br /> �„•..�''`��� : . Y Y S Y Y �,�---
<br /> ,;.,- . ,.. ,�.,=
<br /> .-F.._ ..- of Bartower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's succeswr in interest. L.ender ��7
<br /> "!`.�'='_�� � shali not be uired to commencc roceedin +a �ntt an tiuccexsor irt interest ar refuse ta eatend time for a ment or �` -
<br />- ;:. .. req ' P S•' 8a' Y. P Y --
<br /> • �•_�� ; � otherwise modify amoRization af the sums secured by this Secuaty Instrument 6y rea.wn of any demand made by the
<br /> `,'��= - _ � original Borrower or Borrowerk successon in interest. Any forAearance by Lender in eaercising any right or nmedy shall ���-�`
<br /> '�� not be a waiver of or prectude the exercise of any right or remedy. r�z
<br /> 1�. Successors siad Asgigns Bnund;JWnt aed Several Liability:CaSigners. The covenants and ageemenu of �.�'��'•,•;%� _�
<br /> � �`�' this Security instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assi�ns of Lender and Banower,sub'ect to the rov�slons ' �°�����"'�
<br /> J P �:.:;:-•.._,::
<br /> = —� af i'aragraph 9.6. Borrowers covertuncc sind ngreements shail be,{oint and several. Any Barmwer wh�co-signs this - -
<br /> ,. • '. Securiry lastrument but dces not cxecute the Nate: (a)is co�signing th�s Security Instrument only to mortgage.grant and ' �
<br /> convey that Borrower's interest ln the f'roperiy under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to � ' �• .::-
<br /> ;.::;,.�.
<br /> pay the sums secured by this Sccurity lnstrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any othcr Bonower may agrer to extend. •• !� �_�: .
<br /> - . _ .... modify,forbear or matcc any accommadations with regard to thc terms af this Security Instrument or thc Note withoui that ."::",�• :.{�°
<br /> Borrower's consent. ' '�-
<br /> � � ' � �.� ` - �. 13. 11ot�ces. Any notice to Borrower providcd for in thi,Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by : � .
<br /> ; .�: '� � mailing it by first class mail unies�applicable law rcquirc�usc of ar.oiher methad. The notice shall he dimcted to the ,
<br /> ;�.w'!�' • Property Address or uny other address Borrower deai�nates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> �L-`" ' • first class mail to Lenders addrexs stated hcrein or any address Lender designate,by noticc to 9orrower. Any notice �
<br /> � . �, .. . . - . prwided foT in this Security M�trumcnt thall be decmcd to have been given to Bosrower ar l.ender when given as provided t . .
<br /> • in this paragraph. ( .
<br />, • - � 14. Coverning l.aw; Severability. This Security Instrument,nall be gnvcmed by Fedzral!aw and the law of the } ; �, . .
<br /> . jurisdirtian in which the Property is tacated. In the event that any provision or clausc of this Security/nstrttment nr ihe .
<br /> � Nore conflicts with applicabie law.such conflict shaU not affect other provi�ions of this 5ecurity lnstrnment or the Note ,
<br /> ; which can 6e given effect without the conflicting provision. To tbiti end thr provisions of this Security Instrument and the � ,
<br /> � • Note are decl:ucd to be sevcrvble. E :, �
<br /> ,�, .____._.. ..._.__ 15. Borrower's Copp Borrower shap be given.one conformed copy of this Sccurity Instrument.
<br />, . 16. Assigoment ot Renfs. Borrnwcr uncondiuon�lly ucsi�ns and tramfcn t�Letider aU the rents and revenues of the �� � ' � .'�
<br />. '. .,. • �, Property. Borrower authorize,r Lender or Lender ti�ems tcr callec�the renGti and revenue�and hereby directs each tenant of � .
<br /> - • •. � the Properry to pay�thc rcnts to L�,mdcr or Lcrtdct c agents. Huwevcr,priur tu Lcnder's nndce to Borrower of Borrower's ;
<br />- � breach of Any covenant or agtcement in the Security Insirument.Honower shall collect and receive all rents and reqenaes of �
<br /> _ ' the Property ns ttustee for the bencfit of Lcnder and 8arrowcr. This assi�nmem of rents constitutes an absntute assignment �•
<br /> • . . . �and not an sissignment for addltianal securiry only. �- - -:-
<br /> _' ,� � . � � tf Lender glves aodce of bteach to Borrower: la)a11 rcnts reccived by Borrower shall be held by Bonower as trustee '
<br /> . . , for 6ene�t of Lender oniy,to he applied to the sums secumd by the 5ecurity Instrument;(b)l.ender sha11 be entitted to {
<br /> � ' - - - coltert and receive all of the rentsof the Property:and(cl each tenar.t ot'the Propetty shall pay all rents due and unpaid to '.
<br /> ti :; _: _ _�_ _ I.ender or l.ender's agent on Lender's written demand ta the tenant. �
<br /> �••� ` ' • Bomower has nut executed any prlor assignment of the r+ents 2r:�has Rai:s:.3 will not perfarm any act that woatd .
<br /> �%!;:�:,�t' � ' • prevent Lender fram exenisin$its tighis under this Ygragraph 16. ;
<br /> _, _ -�•--.:-=.==.`� Lent�er shall not be required to�.rer np�m:take contro!of o�€��:stain�n�F!opetty befa*.+e Esr after givi.ng notice nf . -'----. ;
<br /> ' r;��:�;r�� �..�.,�;�:;.;� breach to Borrower. tiowe�•er,j.K7���8 jUdICl3]�}�8p�01Ai�Sc�3"�'2'.'*.:I3y��w at•r.ny i::r.c,�ere is a breach. Ar.y '
<br /> e
<br /> •• ,:, , �• . ., : application of rents sl�ail rYmt cure os waive�ny def4�or mvati�ti�::�c.�:er ra�:�a1�-�;aS p.ender. Ttcis�si�,r:..,t '' `
<br /> . _`,, of rents Qf t6e Fro
<br /> • : . . PertY s,�-.�.ts taminate when the Gebt sa.�ed by II�S°..st:rity 1ns�::t is p.::�7�fuil. .. . t:•-� --
<br /> _ .. .
<br />_ .-__� �..��... - �..��. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . _... . ... . ..... ...... . . ._._ .... ...._. _ �:.(4.� .__..
<br /> r-
<br /> .�S;i� • , , , � � , �. .. il� .
<br /> 'ai, ' ' ' . _ . •
<br /> . .. !
<br /> •. - � IPoKe 3 oj4 puges, �. . .
<br /> , . .' • ��'
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<br />