-� ' `cf ` `t - ' . . .`` . - -
<br /> — . ,_- '1:' - - -
<br /> . .._— 7JCy ___F��. ' •-,— .-- . `� ..-.._ . _ . ` c ."' .— ( _ —. . ,_ :�^'_— ._ . _ _ }'— _
<br /> �� �
<br /> . ' :i. . . ' _ . „ a� � �. . �� . ' - .. '.�. - . ` "�'��� . c. . � . � t. � t
<br /> " - L��h�,.�.c.r�r1�4 f.i.r:Raw�r�.ak.c� Ho�d�«ie.0 p�r+rhes a�ea�p�.c1p�d.�a ia�n..i as.,. _
<br /> ° die debc evida�caa by�he Nto�a and t�e chir�es�ra rudfx�5e Nto�e.
<br /> 3, ]�li�`�e1�e�ts�1luoei,��or'a�i qYer 8aro�+er sh�11 iuclnde in a�cb� �-
<br /> ' to�ther w�ith tbe pirjaciprl and_iuwet�est�s�et foAb in tbe No�e��a�r Ta1e d�,�n imWLiaeat vf�n�r(a)� ` .
<br /> • apeci�t sc,KS�ots tevi4d ar to be kried a�una ehe Haperty,(b)Ie�oW paYa!aNs ar t�'�teou oa dNe t'bp�tty�aad
<br /> � (c)P�fa�pa�oeiequiredbYP�apaph4.
<br /> � Bach mca161y i�uWa�t fa�.it�aas(a).N?�t�)�11 equal one�tvnelM of tbe aqaua!�a�te+ron�biY
<br /> - � - e�ed.-bSr I.encfrF,plas ac a�an�us au�sQ�a�a�iosn!b�Lnce of not ma�e_dw►_�:af�We'
<br /> �stim�ted amo�ts.� 'IUe fWt amnal amo�mt fa euh item 3hfU be aoamial�od bY L�ender wn�ip a petiadd�oue
<br /> abd�h fxfcic�sn itaa waWd 6ec�me�cWquotet.,Ieider sLall twld the anaints.00lk�cted ie trast w pay Menu(��(b)�od�
<br /> __ _ �._ -- - ���--_�$�d��y�_ti°q�at-__ � ..
<br /> — `_ #�sde�'€es�t=?rt��£�* wi4i�_dte Miae_mp�phlg,.. . _ - - -
<br /> . . p.ymma fa auch�tems pa�rable ro I.eader piior w the�due d�lcs u�sucb items.�mone tl�a cae*dxtQ.d�e
<br /> . e�qm�tod.amount of.paymmts reqairod top ay such�tean when due,aod if pa y, aa the Noee aie cun�ent.dKa l�endec
<br /> shaU eitver zefmd tbe a�oess over ooe-s�xth of 4be�ted paymeata or c�odrt�escxss aver a�e-si�qh af tbe estamled, `
<br /> ' P�Y����WY�bY�a•��°P�of�nwe�: If tbe totd of tha p�ya�aKs a�sde 6y Ban�o�ner .
<br /> ,` . for item(a),(6),or fc)is msn�'icieat to pay tha ium wl�en due:tlxn BorsoWer s�U pay w Lmder any ano�qu aepas�r}t ta
<br /> - ". malce np the defic"sarc.y an ar befa2tt�date tbe item baw�s due.
<br /> As ased'mYhps Secority tn�timent,"SaletuY°mans t6e Seccetu9 of Rousing aad Uibpn DeveWpm�t a his ac b�er
<br /> desIgnee- in any yar in wtich the I:aider�st pay a mottgage ins�uanoa pemium ta the Secretary.a c h�19 P�Y��
<br /> , shall also iaclude eist�es: C)an tmstaWa�at of tbe annual mortgag� insur�x:e pnemiva�to be piid by i.c+der w tbe
<br /> Seccetaiy,or('ri)s manthly chuge iastesd of a ma�tgage iavuance p�emium if this Sa�rssty lnstrument�s held!�d�e
<br /> Scc�sta�y. Fach monihly installmrnt crf.the mo�[gage u�pRemiam sh�ll be in aa amount s�icieat w accamataoe the
<br /> full annuat. mwuance pcemi�wvrth Eesier a�e mmth pna w ttre date the fuU annual moi[gage.�e •
<br /> :.:.premi�is�thc Secretary'nc�€�s S��ma�nc is 6eld by th Seccetazy.each monthly cd�tgt sh�ll be ia�
<br /> :,;ainoubt equat w oae-�welfth of cne-�xtf p�i���g p�cipal 6r�Ce due on the Note �
<br /> If�qrower taKie�s#n Len�et��„'e'��t�.a�f all sums secatrd.kra��ccurity Insbrament,Bu�n�'i!wePs�wu�
<br /> �� ,SZL7II GC CICd1tOd WRII��.�"""-•:$�:3�.'7ZetA�_nra�rcc��$'�2:1t��8ild(C��AIIjF 11lOR$a$C Q�la'.
<br /> ` pcemium,utstallaient that t.eTtde��=�ii��e abl�gated ta�t�y�t�ae 5e..^�i�Eaig,and�shaIl pianpdy n:ftood a�+:r.�-. :`
<br /> `a,r excass fda�s to Bomower..tmn, ;��t�.}.�rior ta a'fa�ectosure sa��€the��'or.its ac��non by I.eixter.Boaev�;a`�„�.;;. ... ��:
<br /> ; acxoimt saaU be cred"itea with a�r��se remaini.a$for atI instal�ts for�fz?;t��a�f�)• . :`:.�
<br /> : 3 Appliwtioa atPh9oent�a:.?�II{iaYbitnis tmder Paragrdphs i and 2 s�6z appti'ed:by I:ender as folloas: . .
<br /> '�
<br /> _ �,to[he mo�sge iast�.�giemtutu caibe paid hy Lender ta tl�e Se...�ar ta�t�eimonthlY charge by th�•• ;':::• .
<br /> � Se�tary iastead afthe mo�ry�irsvrtgagr insura��F�~�
<br /> .,;f ' �� I� �,to any taaes,sPece�a�szssmenis,tea.se:sotd��n�its or ground rents,aa��s�.ttood and otl�er hazard
<br /> ' ... iisoiance pccmiums,as nquiied;` .
<br /> ' �p,w interest due under the Note;
<br /> _, f.., I 1 �,to�mortization of the principal of the Note: .
<br /> - - ���� �_to late charges due under thc Note.
<br /> �,��'.�f 4. Fire,I�lood and Ot6er Hawrd Insuranca Borrower shatl insure all improvements an the Pivperty.-whether now -- -�
<br /> -�•,,�:n:-�,;;,;_:` in eaistence or sub�quently erected.against any hazards.casualties,and contingenc�es.including fire.for which l.ender
<br /> - Y.��',���,•�;;x�-�'. ,: [equircs insurance. 'i'i�is insvraetce shaU be mainta'u�ed in the amouau and for the periods d�at Lender requiries. Barower —
<br /> • � � shall also insure all improvements on the Property.wficther now in exititence or subsequently erected,aga�nst toss by floods �-�_
<br /> . •. • • to the extent required tly the Secrewry. AU insurance shall be carried with wmpanies approved by Lencler. The insurance '"_�
<br /> . �. policies and �ny renewatc shall be held by Lender and,shall inctude loss payable ctauses in favor of,and in a fom� _';=,,�;�
<br /> . . . . acceptable to.l.ender. •,�•'*::
<br /> . �� . In the event of loss,Qorrower shaU give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender rrtay make praof ot loss if not �;-•,s ,;
<br /> made pmmptly by Borrower. �ach insurance company concemed ic hereby authoriud and directed to muke payment for •••�f=•=;-
<br />�• , . such tass directty ro'Lender.instead af to Borrower and ta Lender jointly. AIl or any part of the insurance proceeds may be ';:�y4�
<br /> a lied by l.ender.at its option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument, :;•�"t
<br /> � • ust to any delinquent amounts applied in the order in Paragraph 3,and then to prepayment of principal.or(b)to the ,. 'r::=
<br />' - - - - restoration or repa�r of the damaged property. Any application of the praceeds to the princ�pal shall not extend or postpone �-��.•. �. :. -
<br /> ihe due Gate of the monthi a ments whsth stre refemed to in Para ra h 2,or chan e the amount of sach a ents. My `j'�•�' ' ••• =
<br /> - Y P Y S P g V Ym �t-;.;.::s::;.�:�:,
<br /> . excess insurance proceedc over art amount required to pay all outctanding indebtedness under the Note and this Security ,,�;�;.��.;.t.;.';:
<br /> .>,, ,y ,.
<br /> , Instru n he e ent of foreciosure of th�Se.�curi}t nsthrument or other trans}'er of titde to the Pra that e!ctin uishes the ���'�;i�'.�'`;Y:;.`
<br /> ' Ae�S 8 '�,i,.:.
<br /> � ` indebtedness.aJl righx tiste and interc�t nf Borrower in and to insurance polieie4 in force shall pass to the pur�taser. �'�%?t�� �.�`
<br /> _ � '� - 5. Occupanev,PreserraU�r. Naintenance and Protectlon of the Property: Borrower's Lo�e Applir�tioa: k��r��:�:�'� ' :.
<br /> � .: . Leaseholds� Borrou�er shall occupti•,establich.and use the Property as Borrower's princ;pal re�idence uithin sixty�.�� •:•
<br /> � � � . ' after the executian of tfiis Security tnstrument and shall continue to occupy thc Property a,Borrower's principaF res:a�rx;• }' ` , � �`-`'_
<br /> � • far at least one year aftev the date of occupancy.uniess the Secretary detcrminc�this mquirement wi11 cau�cndue harc�s�s;p. � . .
<br /> . � for Bortower, or unRess extenuating circumslances exi�t which are beyond Bocrowers control. Borrcx��r shall notify
<br /> . . Lenders of any extenaating circumstances. Borrower shall nnt commit wacte or destroy,damage or s�E+�-.�ntially change �
<br /> � , �', the Propeny or altow the Property to dcteriorate.reasonable wear and tear excepted. Lender may inspeci t2ie Property iP the . r
<br /> "�'�•:�•, � PropeAy is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in defauft. Lender may take rea+onable action to protect and preserve yuch !' .
<br /> ' ' '�:;:� � vacant or abandoned Property. Borrawer�hall also bc in default if Borrower,during ihe inan upplication process,gave !
<br /> _� � � . • ' • materially false or inaccurate infom�ation ur statcmentti to Lendcr (or faifcd to pra�ide Lcnder with any material � '
<br /> information)in connection with the laan cvidenced by thc Nate,including:but not limited to,repmsentations concemin� ,
<br />__ � ' Borrower's•oeeupaney oi the Propetty av a principal residence. If this Secunty in�trument ix an a leasehold.Bortower shall ` .
<br /> ' � } compty with the provisions of the Ira+c. If E3unowcr scyuires fee title to the Property.thc lcasehold and.fec title shall ttot � •
<br /> s . :f.--.--._ :_:...._. . .- �merged unless I.ender agrcey tn the mergcr in writing. . _ .. . _ . . .. . . . . . .. _ .
<br />- i � : 6. Cbarges to Borrower and Protection ot Lender's Rights in the Pruperty. Barrower sh:�U pay all govemmental �f :
<br /> _ #. , or municipat charges.fines:uid impusition�that:ue oot included in Paragraph 2. Borrower�hall p�y these obligations on t
<br /> . Nme ditectly ro the entity which is owed the paymem. If failure t��pay would advcnely affect Lcnderti interest in the j '
<br /> ` � � � Pto u n Lenders r ucst 8c�trower tiha0 r�m tl fumish to Lendcr rccei ts cvidcncin thcse ents. � .
<br /> • Pe�l'• P� rN P P Y P ffi PaYm
<br /> � _._ . __ If Boaowe=fails to make these paymcnis or thc payments nyuired by Paragraph 2.or fails to perform any other 4 _
<br /> � � covenants and agreements contained in this Sccurity lnstrument,or there is a legal proceedin�that may s�gnificantly:�ffect (
<br /> �� Le�der�s rights in the Propeny(surh as a prvcctding in b:u�kruptcy.for condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations>, i
<br /> " • , _ then Lender may do and pdy whatever is necessary ta protcct the value oF the Property and Lcnder's•rights in ihe Property,
<br /> � � ��., �;: including payment of taxes.hazard insurance and other uems mentioned in PSragraph 2. �
<br />. _; ; -- ;-, :.''f: � .
<br /> , ,: ,};.,: . , My amounts disbursed by Lender undet this Paragraph shall become an addmonal debt of Borrower and be�ced ',
<br /> , • , by this Securiry Instsument. Thesc arnounts st���bear imemst from the dac:oFdisbwsement,at the I��ha r>..ce,acd:.T tite i, •
<br /> ; ���•. optio�of Lendet,shall 6e immedcit,:Iy due ared�a3abte. • • ,
<br /> ;�__-- ----_
<br />