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<br /> -=��.� . . . � . . ,, ;.. . : ... ... . . ... . �T i�- '
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<br /> . .. . . '- � � � -. . . , .. _..`.. . � _. _ . -y� �� _ .Y �.. •_ � . . L .
<br /> �s[A���' � ����a��Y����r����"�'7�-��t��7F � .
<br /> �:i�soi�a�aa�iend ic�i[u�l i�xe�t'i��1onn►�r,c i��oW n�tr�edi�red�rd,aotrt�es i��at��r�+if Mr4�}`�Mia�t.•` . r'
<br /> ': I+�dec`�peiair wcipei� � L�e�,1�5►���ap�o�• � ��.���faie�l�►�M�Wy diie �
<br /> , - ''ewrityLrttrme�t.�ion�rt+�er,tMn,option ri�l1 twt be eu�e�ciNi �� t.ede�it . .
<br /> � of.tl��ec�titp�, . . ' . � : . '.
<br /> If I�de�ra�acira�his option.Ladrs sh�U�ii�e Bor[owd'twfiae of�oo�a�qn.lbe notke alu�ll prnvlde t pniod ot not `
<br /> : leat'dw►30 diyt trdm �d�e d�e notica is�ddivaed os mNled Mi�in�vl�iclt Botto�►�er muft pa�r�II wms securod bg thi� `` .
<br /> SeaQity I�oeat:if BamMer fs�s to pay.ihae snmt ptioR fa tbe eapiratibn Pf thia peliod.L�aide�r may iavoke any raneditt,',.� �
<br /> ` pamil�ed by this Sew�i�jr�iaeat w�dwut�fortha aolioe or deo�nd a�Bo�. � ,
<br /> - 1i:-�Mn+�e,r's �=i��Ld�ta�c. lf.�crarrer-meets c�at�in ooadit�.-�orrowu �1!havt tAe_rijht to htre�.� . � _
<br /> - �c�reornc of mis secaray rnu►mreae diecoann�ea u any time pr;or w d�e euiiar:of: (s)s dars tor sadi aha perioa as _
<br /> � appiica6k law mry apecity fa ni�ta�ement}befae�aak of tbc Propaty pursu�� to anY Power of stte c�w�ed in tLis
<br /> . ..._ __.__ .._.�_1p�t;.o�[b)eahv f�a�tenf�thie_�,..T_lto,�_s4A���ce_tWtBaonmen�r W�_ra-._- -_._ ;� __
<br /> —' aod��s i nv aooe aR�oocurred;(bj
<br /> � au�es a�ryr defauB of u,y a�,a oovemats or�emoeurs:(e)I�Ys W expen�es�in adorcin�this Securitp Instr�m�ent, �
<br /> inc[udine,but�tot timited to,�k�ttomeYs'fas:and<d)talces such achon as I.ader mry�a�bly�quin to iswre
<br /> • det t6e liea of t6is Sa�rity L�sdumaK.iKndet's a�6ts in tt�e Fmpeity and BormwePs o6ligatioo w pay the sums secutied bY
<br /> nus secvrity rnuttumenc shau �oonc;ao�.andnmgea. upon �tanent by �o�toN�, ans S«a�ricy rffim�meoe aoa the .
<br /> ':;obti�sawrod baebp shall i�emeia fully effactive�s if no aoalermion had accarned.However, this right to reinstaflc shall �
<br /> r���<�PP�Y in the esse of s�r,�ion und�er�ngraph.t7. . .
<br /> "';,�:`;� I! S�k of Not� (.'�t�e ot I.an Se�vioer.'#Tic Note or a pa�tia} i� in the Note f w8ether with tttis Sa�etity
<br /> � ��Suumrnt)m�y be sold oot or more times witLout.Pnor no6ee w Borrower.A sate"may tesuft iu a ct�nge in the enoity(tnvwn.
<br /> ,��aa the"I.oan Setvx�et7 t1i�t oollxts momhty paymems due mder tbe Nott ud tLis Security Inshun�ent.Tbece aLso may�lx ara
<br /> ..:,or ma�e citsmges of tbe Lawn Servicer�mnelated ta a salcof tl�e Nae:.If thtne is a chang�of the Laan Serviar.Borrower ivi�:'be
<br /> • .;;�iivea arriaen notioC of ttie�adge in a000cdar�oe with pangraph 14�e and applicable law.Tt�e tntia will statc the naate ud
<br /> �aaate,ss of tbe new t.oau�servicer aaa the aaarrss to whicl,payrnents sho�ta be made.Tbe notice w;u atso contain a�;y other
<br /> infarmadon roquined by►appliable law. ; � �
<br /> Z�:Hasrdoas SM6�seoea.Bormwer shail not cause ot pe�►i�tlk ptesence.use,dicposal, stor�ge, or celease of:any
<br /> Hua�Nous Sabstances on or in the.�y. Borrowu shall mc a�r: nor alluw anyone etse.[a do, anytl�mg affo�tug:dx
<br /> � Property that ts in violatian of any ,E�ental Law.The p�two sentences shall tx�.,�pIy to the pmsenoe,use;ar
<br /> ;::stonge on the Praperty_of m�all q�anti��s�of HazaMous Substances that arc•ge�xially recogrtized ta►be ag�r��riate to normal
<br /> .. :;�:;itesiderui�l uses sad to maintenance of the P�ope�EY- . � .�: -.-�:�.,
<br /> _ :':;:� Borrower st�ail promptIY give Lender written nodce of any inves6gation,claim,deniand; tawsuit c��ntI�s�action by any
<br /> � ''�','`gavemmeatal or cegalaz�y agency or private pariy involving the P�rty and any Hazardous Substance ur�:ri'd�„��.:t.aw
<br /> �,�';.'?�-� •of wh�ch BomnvFer has acroal knowledge. If Borrowar leams.or is�opfiod bY�Y Sovemmental or rcauL�iri.�tcih�o�t':d� � , � . _
<br /> _` ' �:. any�emoval or dher remediatioa of any Harardous Substanee affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower�at!t�maiptSy ra�
<br /> . _ -.:; ':all necescary remodiat ac6on�in accardance with Environmental Law. ,:.:, ..; ,��;� .
<br /> - " As used in this par,�Z0. "Har.andau Substa�xe�s"are ihose substances'�.fined as toxic or hazarc�;;sabstances by .
<br /> _ • r .��Envicunaiental law and_Hu��foflowirig substances: gasoline. kerosene, other�tuqtmable or toaic petroteam prodacts, toaic �
<br /> Qesticides and heibicides,�alatite solvents,materials�ntaming asbestos.or fosruatc�hyde,and radioactive materials.As used in =-
<br /> _ this paragraph 20, "Envimmnental Iaw'�eans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction�afi�c'a the Property is tocated'that�.
<br /> -- --__° relate w health.safety or envimnmentat�vtection.� . � � ---
<br /> _ � NDN-UNIFORM C�IVENANTS.Bosrower a��.eader fwther covenaM asr�a�rrae as follows: °-�
<br /> ' � 21.Aocderation;RRmedies.I.ender s6aU gi`e�tice to Borrower pelo�.ta acceleratton foUowiirg Borrower's breadi �;�g.�,_
<br /> � fli aoy coveaant or ag�nent in this Securfty In�vmeM (bat not psiop to acceteration under paragraph 17 uNess .:"�'�a,
<br /> � ;z. �.�ti.-
<br /> �� �.. �pplkaWe law provides ot6erwise).The notice shall specify: (a)the tkfaulli�(b)the aMion required to care t6e detault; .' ,�r:, _.
<br /> .�."i.,�.�`I
<br /> (c)a dat�not less than 3�days Irom the date tbe notice is gic�t��ormwer,by which the detaWt muct 6e eured;and �����.'
<br /> •, .f<,...
<br /> {�that isdlure to cure the defautt o0 or 6efore the d�te specii'u�ue the notice may result tn acceleration,oi the soans � �`:�'-
<br /> ;.• secarcd by t6is Savn�'t .lnstrnment and sale oi the Property- The�tice sbrt111 turtherdaform Borrower oGthe rlght to ' �=-�``
<br /> :�;�.�t x
<br /> M�te�ttet and the rlght to bring a court action to asserf t�Z nonrexistence ot A defauU•or any other � �;�--
<br /> ' defense of BorroWer to ac+i+eleratbn and sale. It tbe de[�ult is not cun�a?+e�,�etom t6e ol�te specified in the noNce, "�
<br /> de
<br /> - -`;�•-..;�;,� I.eoder,at its option, m���iequlee immediate payment In fuU of atl sqm5.se�ured�by�thl�Savrity Instrumeot without �� _
<br /> - ._ ,�,"'`� f further deinand and may invoke the power at sale and any other remedies permitted bf.anptica6te taw.Lender shaU be �� �°_
<br /> '�� '�i;�.. ,, _ ,
<br />, • ;_r:-,..:.��'r!; � mtitled to coNect all exp�nses incurne3 irn pursutt�;the remedles prbvided ia tLis pacagraph2l,including,but not Itm�tt�1 _!����=
<br /> ,�' <�',r. to,rrasonsiWe aKorne ys'fces and co�sis ot titte evidence. '' • ,;.:�Y:.
<br /> .''�.-� .' � � it the power of sate�s invoked.Trustee shall record a notice of detau�lt in each county in wh'r��y part ot the �-�.Y:;=•
<br /> .` 'r;_.��:{ Properiy is lacated and.s8rsll mail copi�s ot sucb notice in the manner pmstribed by app1�bte!aw�m�nrtower and to ;:-�i X�
<br /> .�..0;�� , , the Mher persons pnsc�3ed by applicable IaN.After the time req,�fred by applipble law,'L'�-tee sl�Il g tve pubtk noNce �r:�; ='�-
<br />=:�•,� ,-;�:�.' :� ot sale to ttne persons aad in the manner prescribed by applkafaSzd�,w.Trustee, without d�rand on Borrov�er,shall sell "�=•�;;:�.�
<br /> :•:�• :���='.� " the Prope�w3�n61ic auction ta the hiphest biddcr at the time and placu and under the terms designated in tiie notlr.�ot = " � �=
<br /> �-;.�: � � sak in oae c��nore pcsR+arls and in any order Trustee d�termtnes.Trustee roay postpone sale ol all or aca�.parcei io€[he ' : . '--
<br /> "�;�•; . .: Pt+operty !ry pqW3c a�m:wncement at the time and place ot any previousl�:scheduled�1e. Lender,or i�s desig,n�e may . �.;'�:.•, � ���1'`
<br /> purchase tbe groperty �t any sale - ,sY..
<br /> t � . . ��•.•,
<br />' .?+ j' '*'y`1;' ' �:. . ;
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