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<br /> - .��t�r b�i�i i�wwr�'si�i b 1a.rr t�Mo.■is���+�i�l��ii�•�it���i�4��`�
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<br /> ' ��ia�±o�i�oa willl������Mr���.�!'�'�id�s�1er a a�ie�r. �; . '• ;, �
<br /> ` � � .- :�l�.I��At�i�:I,e�ier�i�e�Mt�pr�wi�arrlie e�MRiis.�#�d io�Ctiv�4�die hepart�r.Y.�det�h�lt�p�
<br /> � Sa���ie fi�e a(a�ejor b�1 i�dioY�ealyiy:�o�W4 a�e frcr ie�i. ,, , °
<br /> ' �Cwi��.'�e po�+eed�bf�a�d ar c]i41bc d�na�.•d'n�ect cr oo�eit�i. is ao�etio�.wii�rag � �
<br /> :_ : �.: �ooNie�w�eia:�or�.�c,p�a�i�r�ct af I�Prop«ty.a�IaR co�ve�r�oe iu��maab�lM.�on.�.M��a.iW _ . �Y-�
<br /> . iiil U6�1ii ro EriuM�dlt. . .. , �• . _ ` : � .
<br />. . . L Iiie�rat of�toW�`af Bie trapatX.��6a p�teaed�t�hW be�piial 1��e s��ec�uad by ttos�$ea�citai(nil�e�t.. .
<br /> _--- - -- ..•,•.•�,�••�_.nd�=a��io.�..I�.ttl�.svs�����_d tbe.�itopenY.io wbicl�t6e bir
<br /> �E_—_
<br /> w�t�R.����Y.��e t6a.od��S a�l a ac i�iMe�a�a� EeE�ia �e.�am��earn��ry . . �
<br /> Saa�ex��or�■�t�en�ad�dy►be�oit die t�ti�..msl�Bixc��ad I�endax.q�►i�C t�ee ie rriitLp.tbe�s aecm�d by �
<br /> tii�SenntY�,�11�.6e n�ucad b�r_!be�a�arat,of,1he p[aaeds�multi�l�ad b�►.�be tdlowio�hattioa3.(s)ti�totd _
<br /> aeorat of�ie�mt�ecwad ia�aedi�ldy:#ufora We hicioE,,dtvided iry tb}.t�e bic�a�t�t vd�e of t6e.P�e�jr�Y-
<br /> � betaeti t6e�;•Mr.b�i�woa�ri1 6e p�id to Borro�er. In We eveat of s p�d�l t�tiaa at tbe Plo�ty,in�vLicl�tbd.f�ir .
<br /> �ciut v�re of dia Fmpat��u�nadiatdy befate the qt�is le�daa d�awaaut af tl�a�r�vnod�aqad�td�r 6efot�t6e:. ,. ,
<br /> titio�.m�lets Bormw�r a�d.L�ader otheaw�e apee i»writins or uaku applic+Me ltw otber�riae pco�►ides„the�voeeds sMll .:. .
<br /> � be applied b We aqms secacad by ihis Sac�ity i�umeat�rLetha or ndt the saa�s a�e thm�x. - '
<br /> If thc P�npaty'is ab�odonod by BortoMer.or if.aRer notioe by l.ender w Bom►�tint t6e 000damnor offas w m�ire an
<br /> a�r�d ot settk a ct�im f�a'drtr�rs, Baio�er f�7s ta�espoed t�t�nter w�it6ia 30 d�ys sRer tbe daoe tbe mtic�e is�ivea,
<br /> I.enda is a�oriaod w ouliax aad�ppiy the pmoeeds.�t its apti�xi.eitt�er w�oratia�or reprtr of tb�,Pmpaty or to the sad�s
<br /> aedu+ed by this Se�vtity In�rtane�t.w6et6ar ar not d�en dae. �
<br /> � � Udess I.eader atd Hormww othawise s�[x ia wc4�ut�.�at►Y�plie�tlon of p�ocoods to principl s1�11 aot extaid ar
<br /> � postpone the due d�te of t6e montLiy pryma�ts refernd to ift�pAtr�graphc i and 2 or ch�nge the amount of such p4ymmts.
<br /> 11.Borrawer Not Rele�ed;Forbear�oca By I.esder Not s Waircr.Bata�sion of the time for payment or rmdification
<br /> of�raocfwtion of tbe stunc sa,und by this Saurity Inctmmeot�anted by I.e�r to any.successor iA intetest of Bormwer s1�a11
<br /> not operate Co nlase the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's s�tccessors in intec�est.I.ender sfiatl mC 6e taquiied to
<br /> eodunence pt000edings agaiitut ai►y s�oqessor in interest or afiue to exteM time for payment or otherwise modify uE+octization
<br /> � of the stims secund by this Security Iastrnment by rea5an of any demand made by the originai Bormwer or aonnwer's
<br /> suoces.wrs ia intsnst. Any fort�eatance by Leader in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or pt�eclude We
<br /> _ . exercise of any riglq or nmedy. ��.,:. . ts of this
<br /> 12.3oeceewis.�pd A�Bo�mi4�af�:tmd Several 1.ia6iUty: Co-�s. The coven�nis at?�agreeanen
<br /> _ _ Seairisy Insuumr�:s5al1 b�ind:and bene�rt.�.�;ia 3uocessozs,and assigns of Leader and Borrower, sub-�c to_t6e provisioas of —
<br /> pauag�ph l7. Bonower's oov�'s arid•a;,�ii�'einentRrshaU:,6e joint and several. Any Borrower wlio co-signs Wis Security
<br /> Insuument but does not exeaite the Note:(a�,.�.co-signing•this Security Lutrument only to mortgage.gtant and comey that
<br /> Borrower's inten�x.i��thp Aroperty uzder the;rednsaf thLc Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> secured hy this Se�ity.Instrument:and(c)aa�rees that Lender and any other Borro�rer may agree to extend,modify,forbear or
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Sew�riry Insttument ar ihe Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13.Loan Cl�cges.If the toan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan cfiarges, -�'•_
<br /> and t�s taw is finally interpreted so that ttie interest or uther loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the . �°°—
<br /> toan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a>an}3,5uch toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to redua the eharge �;-_:_-
<br /> to the pem�itteQ'1u.r�it;and(b)any snms alre�.�r�collected fram Barrowerw�ich exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to ;;�-
<br /> Bomoa•er; Le�1d�._sit�y choose to make this�efund by redueing the prencipal owed urtder the I�Qt:er by making a dinct
<br /> ��'tn Som�wer. li a refund reduces principal. the reduction will 6e treated as a parti� �r�ayment u�ithout ai►y ' �'..:����
<br /> PreP=�-�c charg���nder the Nate: -- - - . - ... . ��":._.�,-• :
<br /> 14.�Iotices._�notice to Borcowcr p�ati�d�d for in this Sccurity Inst�sa.r�ert sl:��t�..�icen�y.u-�s:ering it or by mailing �'�`'
<br /> .��i.�=
<br /> it by first class�i1 tinless applipble law re�r�inas ase of another metho�.��^aci�x s:��:t�e di�.r,�the Property Addmss �;. .
<br /> �•,�:_.
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates b��..�tice ta Lender. Any notice��f�'u�s s��ll be gi�°�i by first class mail to ��:
<br /> Lender's address statod herein or any othcr ad�ress Lendcr designates by notice:a�-rsuer. Any nouce provided for in this �=_`'-
<br /> Security I�trument shall bc deemed to havc becn given to Borrower or l.ender u•he�„�i!�c-r�s pravided in this paragraph.
<br /> IS.Governing I.aw; Severability. 'i'tsis Security Instcument shall �*e govCmed by federa! law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in wfiaAb 1he�Pruperty is loqted. s;i the event that any pmvi�:�Tr.c ar clause af this Securit_dnstrument or the Note
<br /> confticts with app:�qs�1g lA�v.such mritlict shW�l not affect other provisions of this Secucity lnswmer:c or the Note which c:sn be �s�
<br /> given effect without the canflicting provision.To this end the provisinns of thiti Security lastrument and the Note are dectared �,"�;''�`
<br /> to be severable. ,,.;.
<br /> 16.Borrowee's Copg.Borr��er shaU be given arn:rnnformed copy ot'ihe Note und of this Security Instrument. �e.�•,;�;'
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> �' . .
<br /> � , Papo 4 of 6 ( . . �
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