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<br /> � ' O��'�'�'r�'1G�I]N[L OE�IE""!"�•7+Ot f0[CC11��IOE III�CItOf IC011�Q.����
<br /> �11E pid b I,e�rde� '' ` • ' ,
<br /> In the e�t oE a tual,tilcinj of tbe Ropetty,d�e P��mc.�eeds'shall tie ap�ikd"to the s�m6s securtd�by d�is Socu�itY
<br /> .` bo�ua�ne,�rLe�6er a'�wt��hCa doe.with aay eareac p�id to Bomower. in t4c event of a gartiat tating of t6e Fiopatg in .
<br /> which t6t faic tnricet value ot.tix Ptoperty Lamediately Defae the t�ting is eqoat ta ar gcrates tban the amount of the wms.-
<br /> ' socpted by this Secuiity tnstrttmeat immeduDely befa+e the taking.unkss Bornawer and Leada�fN1���in writing. .
<br /> the s�mns senaad by this Sec+uity Inst�unxnt ahill6e eeiluoed 6y the amouM of the proceeds mW6piied by tl�e fotlowing
<br /> fraction: (s?��l�of tbe sums securdi immediateiy befae tAe t�laun�dividcd by(b)the fair maricet v�iue of tha
<br /> _pnipe�ty ima�edi,uetY liefaG:th�taictng. My tul�ee si�tt be paiA w Bonower. �n tlse evau of a�tial nicin8 oP tfie
<br /> Pkopaty ia which the f�ir�m�tl�et valoe of d►e Pmpecty immedi�tdy befae tt�t talcing is;kss tl�an th�amoant of the sams•
<br /> saanM immedi�tely befcra t8c Wdag.m�kss Bartnwer�and i.ender othawise ag�ee ia wiiting a unkss appliqble i�w.
<br /> ---_--=_�+thawisy;xxwidecz�earg�shatibe_ap�tied tath�sums soCwe�.bY�Sssttr�ht Lutiument whether or not the sutns a�e�.
<br /> - �� - -_=--===_:—. _— __ �_ - _—
<br /> If ti�e Prnpe�ty is abo�abd bY Son�nwer,ar ff.aRer notice by Lender to Bamwer that the cademnor offers ta.maYel�.
<br /> � �aw�cd or seale a clains fa�dam�ges.Bamwa fa�s w isspond to Lender within 30 days aRer tbe date the notice is givea,�_�.
<br /> La�der is audro�ized tn aolkct andr�Pp1Y�P��•at its option.eitlkr w ce�or.aian or npair of d�e Pt!operty�pr tatbe�,.
<br /> � • snme sec�ued by.this Sec�rity Inst�meat,whether ar rat t1x�t due.
<br /> Unkss l,ender�Basrovirer othecwise ag�ee in writinS.anY�PPlication of pruoeecTs w prirjcipat shait_not�extea�oc,�
<br /> postpooa tire due ci�te of t6e monthly PQ}-ments nfeRed w in pahgraph.s 1 and 2 oi change tI�e amount of such paycuontai�,
<br /> 1L Eanrnrar N4t�Rekasedf Faeba�raaee By Lende�r Nd s Wairec Fa�teasio� af the tim�e for Qaymnnt,�or �
<br /> modificatian of�.of dfe swns securrd by this Socurity insuumern g�anted by I.ender w any successor in�intorest..
<br /> of Bamae�r ahall no�op�iate m ielease the lia6llity of the original Bomawer or Borrawe��succusors in int�e�t:.�.endei �
<br /> aluill not be tequited ta c,ommenre Prace�ip85 aSainst any successor in interest�nefisse to c:xtmd time�for payi�pent�or�,
<br /> ott�awise modify amoitit�aa�o�the sums sceund by tttis Securiry Insvument b��raswt of arty demand mada by th�ocrgttlal �
<br /> Bonovvar or Boauwe�s suxesso�s in inu�st. Any fa�bea�ce by Lender in eze�ising�ry right or rematy,shaU not,be a �
<br /> waiver of or p�ecivde tt�e e.�oet+cise af any right or cemedy.
<br /> 12. Sapcettors a�ed•A�Bound;Joint aed Seversl Uability;Co-sianers. The covenants and ag�eementa of thia�
<br /> Securiry Insumnent si�ll'bind and beaefit the succ�sors and assigns of l.ender,aad Borrower.subjoct m Qhd:provisions of �
<br /> paragrapl� 17.Borrowers covenants and ag�eements shall be joim and secera�.Any Bormwer who co-signs�thfa�Security =
<br /> Iast�ua�ea#but doas noteucute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Se�ty insuun¢ent oNy to tuortgage,grant�nd�onvep thut� -_
<br />-_ Borrowe�r'�intezest in the Property under the temis of this Security Ys�swmeni: (b)is rrot pecsaaally obligated w pay�the swns =,_
<br /> — secuiod�s�this Soc[uity iagwmeri�and(c)ag�es that Lender and any other Banower may a�ee to eatend,modifjr�forbear � __�-
<br /> - or maice any accom�rtodations with regazd to the temis of this Security I�ent or the Note without•tliat Bomawer�s _e
<br /> - consent ---
<br /> l3 L.o�t Chat�cs.. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjeet.to•a�aw which sets msu�imum Ioan� _.------
<br /> v charges,and th�t law'is�inalty intapceted so tl�at the interest or other laan charges coII,eck��'to be coltected in cannection�
<br />'� with tha loan exoeed the permitted i"umts,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduce�i�����:amount necessaty�ta neduca . �-
<br />� the charge to_the pemutted limit;and(b)any sums already coltected from Borroaer which ei�eded permitted timits�wili be � �
<br /> ' - -�e to -wei T:ender may chaose�o make-this refund bymducing the�e�eipal owed anderthe Note or byv►ui:ing�a .-- =- -,-,_
<br /> . direct payment to Ba.-a��.�er. If a refund reduces principAl.the reducrion w�l!Q+��ated as a partial Prepayment�without any� _ ----_
<br /> - • prepayment charge urt�+�the Note. �. . -
<br /> � 14�. �otices. Ar.}, notice to F�orrower provided 4or in this S�curity Instr.iment shall be given by delivering�it or by Ct',� �J F,
<br /> t e� mailing�F�y first class mail unless applicable law mquires use of.ar�ther method.'ihe notice shall be directcd to tha Property #�w'��j, ,.-_-
<br /> '�c ,
<br /> , � Addiess or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. At►y notice to Lender shall be given by�firxt cluss �''
<br /> i/{�I(,:+-iS;'l-, .—
<br /> r�"`;�':=; - mail to Lender's addras stated hecein or any other address Lender designates i�}�notice to Borrower. Any notiee provided for fsr�r:•:j.;?;,'�;'TE;
<br /> r in this Securlty(nstn�p.nt shall be deemed to have been given to Borrowes�r Lender when given as•provided in this 5';�';i:. � +,;^'.y"
<br /> .c.,r i,., —
<br />_ _� paragraph, . �,,`'..• ;,;?;
<br /> ' �Sn,T�,�' 15. Governing I.Aw; Severability. 77�is Security lnstrument shall be��+tie�ed by federal law and the�law of the , � ��';•��-
<br /> ° ' �;r jurisdiction in which the t'ropertp is tocated. in the event[hat any provision orc!a�aseo;eFei�:Security Instrumant orthe Note `%-"•;;�y
<br /> •;.;`;:�.s�:::��
<br /> �•T,•��_� -� ,. ;� � - conflicts with applicabEe taw,sach sunflict shall nat affect other provisions of[I:is Scc�:�k�.�rument ar tha�Nota:which can • .
<br /> :�,��;`;,,.. : � .. . � .,
<br /> ;„�`{.• • n�•. •,. � be given effect withm�t�[e con�tictin� provision. To this end the provisions UJ t':s S:curny Instrumont and�ihe Noto are .
<br /> '�s+a';�';`;';.:.'i. , '` � , declaredtobesever..6?e. . .
<br /> u�'`'k• ' ''�' �� 16. Borrower's Ca�ay. Banv�er shatt be g�«ane wnformed capy af c4.r;:�Q e z.^.�o£t�is Secu.�i.:pructrumont.� .
<br /> �5.. .
<br /> �'�?' '•.�•'.' �` XZ: 'g'ransfer oithe PropertF ora Beneficial lnterest in Borrower. lf a:D az a:t}•p��!or:ne Property or any�interest in : ';
<br /> :�� �� it is sot�ar transfeRed(ar if a benefic'ral interest in Borrower is sold or trzns°�,3�.�d�-�swer is not�a natural person} ; ll'` �•
<br /> _ `�- � I' ' without�,ender's prior written consen�Lender may.at its option,rcquire im:r•.�:at'e pay�:�:r�'in full of all�tuma secured by _. �'° �.
<br /> _ .,:.���: '�.':._, � - `�-
<br /> ��•. ;,•.••�> ,..• � this Security Insmmsers.• However,this option shall not be exercised hy Lere3e�iE�exercise is prohibited by fedeml law�s of � ;
<br /> _ the date of this Securit�'Cc�strument. , ���
<br /> �`#'. ,�.: � • If Lendar exercix�cP,is option.Lender shall give Bonower notice of ac�:.�l�atian. The noti�shall providcs'a period af • . W
<br /> . not less than 30days fro:n the date¢he notice is delivcrcd or maitcd within whic3�Sonower must pay aU sumti sceumd by ihi�� ; , � `
<br /> ; :�.,•�� , � • � Securiry Insirumeni: (f Bonowee �'aiIs to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any + ,,i�;;:,
<br /> I�''., I , remedies petmitted by this Security fnstrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. � '�'-:':�
<br /> `� ``�� . i I8. BOrrower's Right to lteinstate. If Sonower meets certain candit`nns, Barrower shsill have thd�right to havr �:`
<br /> '' 1';,;.� : enforcement of this�eurity Instrument diva�ci*�i:�at any timc prior to tne�:;3rlier of• (a)5 days(ar 4uch othdr perioJ�s�
<br /> �. ;`,. � �
<br /> •,
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