— �,1� . - _ - - -� _' -----
<br /> ��� ���' ' - - . . . ._ .. . , .. - � -
<br /> -- : � � -�l�""� -- '— l=---- - -- . . . ' . � . . .. -. ' .-. ' .. c�_ --r.. , ` -- �-<_..
<br /> . !' � ' � � .` ' � . �. � . . . . ���'��� ' � -
<br /> °�c� ` . . . � • . . . c .
<br /> ��tjp�i�it`j,;pldE!1E41I�E1l. �IE��T(IIOV1�Oj�dIC��1dY[�1.'�E l�1t�)64Cj11Ml���i{I�Jl�!1D��l�dl�� �
<br /> , �ppco�v�l��1!uo[!k uo�euop�biy w�itb6eld. If Ba:ower f�to anuua�t�in oova�e deecd6ed�bov�lreader miq',at
<br /> ' I.eoder�a opeon,oMa�o aoNe�e�Pi'ole��1�ada'�nEhta ia tlrs A�ngaty en�coot±d+�ope wHh p�r�ap�7. - <
<br /> . A11 maur+ox policies�od Ya�nvals ah�U 6a ar.oept�ble ta Letider�nd ehai3 inclucte s sdmd�rd mo�t�a$e cl�usa I.erda ,
<br /> S � sHall Miive the right ta lwid ti�policies aod�eaewais.if I+endcr:oqai�rs.BcKCOVrer shalt piompdy giYe to'i,ender all moeipts ` �. '
<br /> ' of P�id�xemiums sad ienew�notices.` tn�e evmt of laas,Bo�owa abalI give p�aap notice to the in.�aace canies aed
<br /> ' : I.ender. t.eader m�y m�t,e puof of loas if not made pnoKnptlp:by Baeovrar. • • � ,
<br /> � � ' Unkss l�endec atd Boao'wet o�se agt�ee in wi'snog,matnano�P�ceeds s�sfl6c applied to nstotation ai npair of '
<br /> �� t6e Fiope�ty dama�ed.iP tLa re,storstian or x�-iz°�ica!!g faa'bie and�i.mdet�sa�nilY_is.not ks.seeed. If Me
<br /> restcx�tiaa a n���s not eoonomicalIy fe�b a.f.endetla aecnrity waul�6e le.s�ened.tbt i�wanoe p�oeeeds stisll be
<br /> app�ed tQ the sums socured by tl�s Security 1as�mem,�whethcr or mt thea dua.with any exoess pnid w Boriower. If
<br /> Bonowa abwndons the ptoperty,or does aa aaswa withire 30 days a notice fmm l.nder thu t6a iasur�oce caRier�as .
<br /> -- - __ _. .
<br /> _. _.__o-ffd3�ias�ttES- ---�- --- --- �ay . _ �ee�:=3�e�strrw:��c�=sQ --= -- --
<br /> d�e pfvpetty or topay s�s sec�uod by tbis Securitytm�tmmeN,whetheror mt thmdne.7be 30dap peciod wi11 bcgin whea
<br /> the notioe is g'�va�. � �
<br /> Unkss l.end�r and�Barrower otixiwise agr�.ia,writin&an3► application°f�4�oc�s w prirtciP�l shall not ex�end a
<br /> gostpoae tha due date•08�mcnrhly,payments sefened ta ur par�hs i and 2 or duoge.rhe amo�mt uf the payments. If
<br /> � �indier paragraph 21 the�is ac�w�ed by 1.todet..Botzuwer�s right to anp�insur�ce policies�nd procxeds�sultin8
<br /> fto�d�m$ge to tbe P►'o1��Y P�'?�����`P��o E.ender to the txtent of�s�uns secaKd by dris SaeuritY
<br /> �st�eat immediatelY Frior Ui ihea�c4uitiho�n. ` .
<br /> � �. Oecup�ncy, PnsKVation. �4laintenance�tnd iftbbextios o� tLe 1*ropert�;:Bosro+isr's Loan �lppiicakion:
<br /> '_ Leea�ee6olds. Barrawer shaU ocFupy,�tablish,aad use the Pmp4tty as Bonawer's p[inc�pai resida�Ce a'ithi�siuY da�s after
<br />�� ��`;;',::- ttx eaavtion of this Security Insmanent and stl`adl cauinue tn accaPX���3►���§��id��r at ` ,
<br /> , � �t o� y� � � a� ���y,.� r.,� «�� �.�_��, �� �c.�'�x �
<br /> u�ueasuoaMy withheld.or unless extenuating c�ncumstances eaist which aze beyoad Barawa�s conapl. Boirowea sF�t not . -
<br /> destroY,dainage or impair the Ptnpeny.altow the Pmp�e�ty to detetiatuc.a conunit waste oa the Pcaperty. Bocru�s shaU
<br /> be in default if aay forfeitune sctian ar proce4dipg,whet6�+r civ�7 m'criminal.'is 1�gan diat in La�dec�s good faith judginent
<br /> �oald result in forfeitnre of the Pknperty ar.�s�wis�materially impair tho�Tien cr�eated by this Sece�nt3►-Iasumtient a :
<br /> •L.eqder's sec�rity intecest. Borcower mays�t�such a defauit and�emstate.as ptoridM in paiagtapt►i�bY eausing the,action
<br />- :; �<<`.°F forfeiture of tUe Beaower� • . --
<br /> • .. ..arg�sucading w be dinnissed ait�n?k n'���;'�in Lendet�s good faith determinatioa,Fce�udes .
<br /> _ - - ;�*-�in the Ptoperty or other ma�eli�l ic�airmart of the lien eceated by tlils Security irismunent or Lende�'s"security ' � -
<br /> = a+_►�,�st, Bo�rower shall atsa'6a iss defaudc�if$arower, during ihe loan applicacioa prbcess,gave materiaII�false or _ -__
<br /> _ . u�cauate informaaon or statements to ¢�fa�ed w proride Lender with ariy material informatcwa3 ia coanedion with —
<br /> _ � the loan evidenced by the Nou, incluc�.i'�bu4 not limited to.representatioas coaceming BorraWrss occupancy of the , _—_
<br />-- ' Fi!*,:�erty as a principal�+esidence. If this-5fc���3nstrument is on a leasehotd,Brnsower shall cumpIy��?s a�l ihe prOvisions .. ------
<br /> - '` a�'i�fzast:If Bomower acguires fee tide to the Proparty.the(easehold and the#ee tide shall not merge�!ess 1�32tagrecs �_
<br /> _- rra!�i:`metger in writing. _ � . , - —
<br /> � ••• '7" Protection ot Leader',4�Righfs�in�f6e Prop�rt�...If Bonower fa:'is.ta perform the coveri�r.ts and a�aements _=-
<br /> �_-_ . _ --- contained in this Seciuity Irtstrument,-or�there is_a le�a3��den�that-maY-siSn�ficanflp affect�rc-;deFS rights:m the �.
<br /> Property{such as a proceeding in bank►upt�ay,probate.for eandetanatloa or forfeit�ue or to enfone����+egulations),then �. ���: _-
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is�aecessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lendec's�=ss in tl�e Property. ,. .�.-.-."";_:—
<br /> ' Lender§actions may include�ying�any�sums securod by a lien which has priority over this Sesz.��`L.rswmen�appeanng ' 'rS�":;;�-
<br /> � A% in colirt.paying reasonable att+�ys'fess and ente�ing on the Property ta make repaars.A�Ithc�.��eader may take action ;'.°.�f��r.;.:�__
<br /> � �-� under this paragraph 7,Lenderdoes nat h�ve to do so: ' • �. %��.�� ;,--
<br /> -:�-•� My amoaus disbursed by Lendeh�ei�this�paragraph 7 shal!become additiona��ebr cf 33�mwer secured by this ,.;.�_�_
<br /> �-`,�'�'�"'�'" Sec Instr�men��•Untet�s Borrawer and�.er'er e to othcr tenns ot' a ent,these amounts s�.::F,�ar intenest from the '�u"
<br /> ,�f..�:y.: �Y � P Y� —
<br /> a:.-,., date of disbiirsertt�nt�at tt��Notc ratc aad sha1�!6�p�yabiei witt►interest.upc�n norice from Lender:�Borrower requesting '� �:a__
<br />: • . • paymene.�� -
<br /> ���-�:; ' S. Mortgage Insuranco. If I.ender requirtd,hwrtgago,ingurance as a condidon of making the loan secured by this �� .
<br /> ••�'��;� Security Instnzmen�Borroaer shalt'pay the�premiuctta�tequirod�to�maintain the mortgage insurance ia effect If,for any ... � �'•:�.
<br /> : �V ,: �' '__
<br /> ' 1,.�.:'�:....� . . .
<br /> ,���.., reason,,the mortgagc insurance cove�agc required by��ikndei�7apaes or�ceases to be in effect. Bwsower shall pay the '' =3',�.`�
<br /> — premiums required to oWain coverage sutx,tantialty'equivalehc�td�tii�me�rtgage in.curance previa�siy� in effect. at a cost = ... __,E ">
<br />: ���;'�• ` substantially equivalent to the cost to goriacvar of the moRgage.inYUrartce previousiy in effect.frc�an altemate mortgage ' , ,
<br /> •�.�:='���k,:, . insurer approved by L.ender. If substantiall}requivalent moRg3�e inomm�ce coverage is rdt available.Bortower shall pay to , ;;.:,,. � �
<br /> �:.s',;r1�: ..
<br /> _ I.ender each month a sum equnl to one-tweifth of the yesuly�mortgage in.sumnce premiurn 6eing paid by Borrower when the .,.�• ,�,• -.
<br /> :�.�i.j��'� !�:Tj�-
<br /> • •• insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceased to bo in effect. Lendet will accepuusc and retain th�;e payments as a loss reserve in lieu . , .�.;,
<br />°�,. . _y,,`;.'; :;..: ,' of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve Qayments may no tonger be requited�at the optian af l.end�r.if mortgage insurance � .
<br /> ' ,�.; . . coverage(in the amount and for the penad xln�t l.ender requires)providcd by an insurer approved by t.ender again becames �`:� �f`:
<br /> .c• • avnilable and is obtained.Borrower Shall pay t'h�premiums required to muintain mortgage�nsurance m effect.or to pravide a � � •• .
<br /> ,.}.�_;.''.' _� l n s s re s e r v e,u n t i l t h e r e q u i re m e n t for murt ga ge insurance ends in accordance with an y written a g reement 6etween Borrower
<br /> .�1�. . �fi. . �.��!l.ender or applicable law. . ,
<br /> � • 9: lnspectlon. Lender or its agent may make ceasonabte entrics upon and inspectians of ihe Praperty. Lender shall • •
<br /> ' give Borrower notice at the Gme of or prior�o an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. � .
<br /> � �j � 10. CondemnaHon. The praeeeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequentist,in connection with any ��• . .
<br /> �°�:•• �
<br /> � •
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<br /> �:,�.°`'',.�., . .
<br /> ,_,{� , ; � faat teke Buemeee Paaw tac.� . .
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