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<br /> � Udecu�ea.P�,accrned ialeic�ert rmd v!a�caip�id�Faituc�10 p�y npo�o ,°
<br /> . ` tlra ooaa�moa af a�►.o��4cb ev+eo�d�It ooa�ta�ie M defiult uotkr d�e Lam D�o� .
<br /> . -md 113�A�c!e�e�t. . , - -- �. �
<br /> _ � _ , 11. T�s Ageeote�t does �ot.�ra�ivo any r�i�t af Laidec auidac tbe Im .. .
<br /> . � Doamreat�,aod npoa#b�ewc�oc�of Tat to abro�uldy�md compie6etY compi9
<br /> _ - ,--�--_..�__ -__..--_-�vitb.�a�c.and sll cf iah��_--�nodi�t..�_araaa�e�of iis A�+Daneat w1 of flra_ �
<br /> -- _ . ._ . -_-- --
<br /> IaO�n DOComeab,k.�ader airII 1�a1l�aad 1e1y pm'�r alt�e�ies�t L�w�d�a�iiys - -
<br /> � indodiqa�ll i+emedfea spedfied�ocler tl�Laa Doc�a�eab•
<br /> 12. . Fram aod�er the Commenoa�eqt Du�e,Te�ic�ull l�t�c right to p�-
<br /> paY thc Prin�i uad��the Nole�od this A jroement mber in faII ar id pat�t ury time
<br />__� �tl�ont Pe�p►Yme�t pe�i�Y•�.�P�Y�� ��'Y Taic af ait Secarod Pr�Cip�l, ;�--
<br /> _=- �ther�ith accsued�rMe�dt aod d6er c1Wn�es:+elsted therebo,I�eotler shall diac,h�rge ==--_--.
<br /> - tT�fiea�s`of'tbe Ldtn Dowmeds fiom ttre PniperiY- l�a�araver;�..-�C�Note and.lbia ���� -- -
<br /> -__ . A,�n e e m e a t s 1�a 1 1 remaia ia full facx and tffaX tmW Teak ha�s.p�d.all Unsa�med ��_
<br /> _ Pniia�cipal stid any a�r,t o e d i�d�n to Y.encier - � �-�
<br /> . � . ��-�
<br />_ 13� Eacxpt u�ificaliy modif od Iwrein,all tanms and condi6ona of the Noce, ,__�- _
<br /> . �,•�
<br /> Deaa af,'�';uu,�nd ad�er Lo�a Doau�ab,�i±P�!nou�lY ma�d, �11 nem�in ia fuU . {'`�'��T--
<br /> � force arx�effod. In the av�ent of�ay oonflid betv�+oen t h e terms o f t b i s'A g�e ement and� � _
<br />= the Note, D�eed of Tiat, oc od�er Lo�n Doeumaus. as madified, the te�ma of dua :`_`: :'.�=`,_�°-
<br /> , �:� �::1-. Ag�+cement ehill co�ro�. Tak�y reaffirma d�e ablig�Wicas of d�e Note aad other _ .__� .�
<br /> : ,� � Lo�n Doa�menls �nd ra�ffirms tl�t tl� D�eed of Trost, as modifiod ptavioasly and ' ��.z� ., _
<br /> - � ��-I .5: . hereby c�oa�tiprtea i Sr�t aod s�edo�'liea agai�st d�e Pmperty, aub.�t only to nal �=j��;},< _.
<br /> .�`;..`.- �.° :: ' 1'sast contiauGS �.,:�':�:
<br /> � . .:.:��,=� . attate m�es aid s�aessmenta smd tbat �a'sd Dc�d cf � � � r-��f�:.._.�'�-
<br /> � :•-"`_�°'��;:��"��'� oyligatioas of the No�e ta modifial p�eviou.�ly and henby � ;:`°>` �
<br /> 4_ y • t ,::t r -
<br /> . ' ����.,��4.y•� •,_ , ' . `'��A:.#i��� �_
<br /> � S
<br /> . � 14. The tzrms of tl�ia Agneement and of @ie I.an Dov�cnents supersede anid are . : .
<br /> � - ,,��: . � irw aubstitution of the tetms of a ixrtain Plan of Ii�on eonfirni�by the Unitod '� . .
<br /> �
<br /> -_ � � � � St�tes Banlnvptcy Court for the Norther�qt Distda of Old�homa,in Cage 3�cr�0-0164,�C, �:., . " � •,
<br /> � - � " on Auguat?a4, 1992. The pravisions�t�Agreenknt�nd of the Lv�mi�me�s� , � �
<br />��::, � �
<br /> .,,:.r., . . , eulusne and in no manaer ase sobje��v�ttrpretation unde�'auo�'�6en�s taf auch Plaii of
<br />" '':z, � .:s��� Reorga�aation. : . . . . �. . .
<br /> :,. , r,..�r � ,, . . .-.. �- --
<br /> -- —_',. .�j,',:5. . � - • ��.'•:'. . .. ._ .
<br /> . � ;�-�`���,';`� ���j: ' 15. It is tl�e intent of the pu�ties IureW t}�the origc�l boaower,Grand Island , �=:'•::;`�'`'�:f��:---�
<br /> �„� ; �e . '`:i�:E �
<br /> �,1. . . �.�a+estors, sh�ll nm�dn lietile for paym��mt of �Il n�dleb�odnesa due w Lender . � , ;�.`.
<br /> „ ; .
<br />' ` ;:�%. � � �,.:.�,: . ��h�and puisuant to tbe Loan Dowments, �d that ti�e liabitity of Gr�u�d Ialand , �..� �.'
<br /> :�.i;;,�^� -; . .�..._ . t� : Sd�C.�estor� and of Rayld C. R�rauss, Vsda�. Rrauss, Gary L. Lace, Marleae � ;� . �,.'
<br /> ��;,;�,' ,;. . Loeoe�d John P. Chudy, GuarAntor�,�11 be and remiun joYnt and stveral with and in
<br /> �t'�+` �. add�c�Go Teatc and William Boyd Smid�:
<br /> ';' ,,.�_;�� , ' � , �
<br /> :.,. :� � ,
<br /> .. , . .. . ,3 . �, .
<br /> . ,� � �. . „ ., , ,,,.Y�Y WITNESS WHER�F,this Agrament has boen executed ac�cf,�d;�t�vered by the . .
<br /> : �; , � underaigaed to be effecdve as of the date first wriuen�iwve. � : . .
<br />_- � . . , i �. .
<br /> . . . . ,
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<br /> • S L`�Ol'�18 COlp0f8t10i1, 8n/a TC�t , �. � .
<br /> _-; � : � ,, . � � ; , �'Inancial Associates, Inc. , � . �-' � ';
<br />'��fJ'`� 'I "• �•t! • , . , . - . . , � .
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<br />_� - : :, . � � . , � . �Bsr...�..9-Q-�-1`�' .
<br /> � . . � - William Bay�5mi ,Pre�ident , .
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