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<br /> � �.E11�i`iCC�11C f�+OQ 11��Ct il��:�M�l�C�I��. ' � ,
<br /> , . .
<br /> � � 6. AD e�+a�w fi�lr f�ac�ei�tl we�b p�k1 b�Talc�der P�caph .
<br /> � �-lrereof �it be �1c1 bg ��da, w�lach �1! appiy d�e fiudt it� pa�.� asd ,
<br /> � a�at t1�y beoo�e daa aed priac to dd��rqaa�cy. p�avided dnt Taic is�ot�
<br /> ._I�r�i_�f_�r ooryroirot.�c-�r�a�t-.is_.t�_La��.�,_�odi6dd-��c.=___- - -
<br /> — -- I�eecler�ull mi�ao cirie�e foc 6�oidi��ad applyiq��a fwds s�d�ia�li pay nu iddreit , _
<br /> to Tdk on mch fa�. Imaer d�it pt+�to?at,�rL6oat c�rsr�,.a�imo�l a000amda�
<br /> of d�fuod�,im ib t�at�an�t. Tlre fu�4�[�e l�e�eb�y piecye�a�addidaa�l s�eamlty far
<br /> tbe indeb�edae,is av�deaoea by dre Lo�n�lacumaab,a�modified ba+diy. If tbe� -
<br /> - of dia fimd= l�ld by I�eader at �e time aF�a aocouoti� �ll e�oeed U�t amount � .
<br /> � :.
<br /> -_'.:� �000es�ty tiy Leadei ta p�a�vlde for tbe pnymeat of ta�oa ad s�b,wch e�ocx�s
<br /> --'�° si�ll be Le�d by I.tader to be sppiiad tn ta�es aad�sma�b ppd in d�e ne:t suooeeding
<br /> �_-�. *� �y► *�.�.s_„ 'u-�y�� - -- --
<br /> "^d�i� 6 �: l����i��Vi����i�iYi�l��ii Wi4�� :.
<br /> ?';a, aeemed.nooea�a�y by it �o pty p�es �d a�eo�s, Tak �iWtll p�y W Lender aay
<br /> - ama��3xmed noaaa�bY,�to mal�up Ur�defida�►v�rit�m.d�iKY 4��Ys
<br /> - - a�r�en not�a fi+om�'ris Tatt requ�dn8 P�� ��-
<br /> ';;t�`' ., : __�. Ia the evcat � a de�un�t'i��da.tbe t�rmaR�.�f�.t6���i,an Documents, a�
<br /> : .3 t:f. , .. � ,
<br /> _xr.' �':: -•;� • . , DI� 11CI��I� Ol' lII L� �CIIIIS O't �ittOd4-Of d113 A�1OC��.LL'�Cl � bC -
<br /> J .�:.;k entided to declu�e the i�emaining Sa;a�d P�incip�l and dre r�em�dning IInsocaued Princapal
<br /> 4 �. ��;'��s�.�:, inci _
<br /> _ � a�".� '�. baL�nces fally due and psy�bk, pins interest at die default ratc � atl ot�er uap�id
<br />- ���� ���'• � ���� cl�ges and e�pea�es anb,�a;t to TaJc's right to care anch default priar to uxeteratian �
<br /> :"' ��: `',•. ,.. ' Act, �76-1001 et aeq.,.as mAy then be in
<br /> ':.,�?if� ����� - -;`�;z as pravtdod.by the Nebras�1'rust D�oeds
<br /> �,,, �.-� ' � - _
<br /> „ � �-� �- . . __. --- - __ ._ _ . .
<br /> r<<< � ;_ " `---- .- e€f��� . —
<br /> .�:fi4•\'f �(:. �� � .. .. . .t t . r .( , r . . ' � _-
<br /> IRF � . �� .' ' , � " � �
<br /> �.
<br /> f ,t' ;Y�";.: ' . :'; �. Upon executi�a�ffci��roement,and eff�cuve us of the Commen� ti� , - .� ,� -
<br /> ,�; , , . : . ' . . . � � Datia,a�e Dcod of Trust aad�er�Doaiments,wtuc6 socure tl��bligatioas of tl�e ; _
<br /> - � � f 3 hereof with � ���-. . _
<br /> -- .� Note,as modi6ied, ahall nat secure tlie p�►yment abhgatians o Pars�nph a�.. r. . j
<br /> _= : .:;,,�: , _ - ��'��;; � .
<br /> _ .;:-;%,';� � nspect only tca �yment of the, Unsecund PrincipaL- All other monetary aad i '��°_
<br /> _ �,�.r:• ;, .. ',����:�;;;.., _
<br />—`' � .. � � ,. . nonmonetary oti�igations of dre Note_�t.modifiod and of this�lgreement shall con6nue W ; {::,.j,;�: '=
<br /> �'. � . . � , . � be secured b the Loan Docwnents to�tha full exte�t as stuted therein and'as provided by .. , � .�:�;S;�f: `` . �,
<br /> "' . '�<..,:, ., Y . , . E __
<br /> . , Ncii�aslca law. � . ':� -
<br /> �,.,
<br /> - , , , , .. .'��. . !:-. �..� .. ... �,. . �.,'
<br /> 1'' ,. � � . ' ' � f�45 �
<br /> . . . ' 9. Contemporanwusly with e�ecution of the Second ModiScation, Williun �. :�;,;�,. .. . -.
<br /> <� .�ii:�; , r
<br /> � �" &Fyd 5mith,Pra�ident of Tea1c,eaeGtted and delivtred to 1.znder(formerly Champlain : ,;;;:;��
<br />�,.. ' � Vaif� a te Unconditional Guaran of Pa nt A ment ("Guaranty'} �;�� �: � :. �
<br /> _ . - . � - guar�u tying payment of Six Hundred F'�fty Thousand�Dollsrs (5650,000.00) of thc ` �" � .. . . �
<br /> ,:�,r::;;:. � . '. Principal plus a proreta share of contract intenst, default inttreat and late charges. Any i�� .
<br /> _ � "�'��.' pri11CilpS1�1�.'duCtiO�lS,t0 thC SCCUt�Cd P1711Cipa18�td i0 thC Ut13CA1l� PriIICip81 rCS1�1t111$ � •,,
<br />_��•; ,.. . .
<br /> :, ,,.., . �, �: ,..;.�
<br />•-;��', � . fram payments made �Y Teak he=eunder ahall not reduce the of�l�tions under the :,.. �
<br />-_,•j;;,. - . ; . , . . �
<br />- . . Gu�anty unt� the Pi�ncipal is reduced W'.S'tx HundKd Fifty `'li�ousand Dollars "��. ;
<br />?�.� ' � .� � (5650,0OO.OQj, in whir�event the obligatione�ttder the Guarenty will be roducod by one ,�
<br /> � .
<br />'.:��;.�., � ,:;-,,:.. , dollar for each dollar of Principal paid thereaf�r.b�jr Tealc under the Loan Docum�n�s ar�d : � ;.
<br /> ,,. ; ' :;��, t1�is Ageeme�it. , . :: . - . , �� : �
<br /> ��. ,,.
<br /> ...,
<br /> _, . ;...:._. _ ..,, : . . . . .... . _. . _ . . . ._ . .... _. _.... . ..- - - ... . _. . . .. _ .
<br />= . � . � .. 10. If at anp �time during the term of the l�ai� and Loan Documents, as. :''', � ;�;
<br /> ��';�.;,:`�. :� .
<br />-� - , { . modified,ar at any time�,following a declaration of defaulf°�ar�i3se occurrence and passage � � � �F,
<br /> � � ' ' � of the due date, Teak; ;�Fli�iam Bayd Smith, or any other entity�elated to any of tiie , "
<br /> _.. .... � .
<br />,-- . - -- � �
<br /> - - -� - foregoing by ownership o�aay direct or indirect beneficial intei+ests in auch entity, aells � ' -
<br /> �_,_ 5� : or convaya any inter�est in the Property, or a refin�x of the loen clases, 'T�aSc aball :
<br /> . _ titereupon and without demand by I.�nder pay to Lender all w�paid Se�ured.1?risrcipal, .
<br /> i.- - _ - . -
<br />.r� : . '
<br /> - (-. - -. -- , .
<br /> - �_ � . � -
<br /> _ - . ---_ ,— - , �- - -_--. ---�- -
<br /> � . � .• . . . � . .
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