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<br /> . .l�E'�r����bt��.���1V�C��E 1O�l�� i�0�![� . � •'�'�'� •. ,
<br /> ' - (�lM�j�lwLl.If��dlr 1��L'�L�t 1�1tl0)C[H�1 FO�Ef�E;OI�C T+P��k.Z+L�N'�lt�1�11bC W�t�. �. _
<br /> •t E�ao�s lll�e.��ier wry not c1r�e 8a�o���mi+��Y�i tbe Fuad�.apawU�►�adYzip�tbe e�eto�►�i000rnER a�r• ,
<br /> � �e�ifyi�1be F�ciow i�«twler Isede�pays�ara�r�est c+r 14e Fuedt md�ppll4'abk 1tiw pe�ts l���eir,to�foe�rcR .
<br /> , ��y�e,Ho�ev�,I�ender mRy teq�tire Bormwer�.W p�ty a bae-time cl�rje 4roi an indepeadeot red enKC wc repoitdL fa'nia
<br /> �Erade� ip aoeuectioa xitH thu la�o. �ude+s iPPiica6le:lrw p�ovides od�ernise. Unkss an a�roaneot is a�dc or ,
<br /> is�r teqaires IaOetrst�,he,p�id.La�da�tt uot Ee requirod to pyr�atower at►y intenat or qmipp ao.Me Fmds.
<br /> Hoao�rrr ana l�ender m�y�ree ia wrritin�.howava,tt�t idtetetE ehall 6F Pdd on the Fwds•t,eade�sh�lf�ive to Boi�eo�+ar. .
<br /> widiout cl��e..an a�W�coo�unhna af.the Funds,sbowinE c.�edits ud�debttc ta tbe Fu�aod tbe p�iipoee for rvhicli�ac�
<br /> - debk to tbe i�uds�made.'tLe Fwids ue pledged as additional seainty fot aU sud�s sea��ed by this Saauity Iasauma�t.
<br /> I�'ttic Fuods fidd by Lendei�xeeed the adoou�a�s peteuttod to�Ijdd by spplicai�k iaw.I.e�oder slult axetu�t u�Bo�r�rec- "
<br /> fa the:tacoe�s Fwods in a�oa�ooe w�th tUe raquiremants of�pplic�bk lsw.If the awouot of the Fands bdd by I�eader at any �
<br /> wae is aot wf�'�cieet to pay tbe Bse�ow ltems�rh�d�te�,l�der maY so notify BonowCr in vrriting.aad,in s�h case Borrower . .
<br /> __--� -._ __-_—�����+�.,�.�_+w���.v_ts�k_•�-��1,e.deficien�.y�=Borr�aqqer=s�ll mt�e a�the sk6cietw�`itt no^more th�a ___
<br /> ----- - ..
<br /> t�dve moetNy payrnaict.�t Larles's aole d�cntion: - .-•=--- - - -
<br /> 1Jpon payma�t ia full of�l! su�s sav�d by tbis Ser,urity lns�uma�t,_l�ada shall ptoa�ptly tefad tp Hormwer anY .
<br /> Fw�ds Udd by Lender.If,under p�rs�aph'21.Ladec sb�U aoquine or sell tlie Froperty.I�eMer,pnor to tbe aoqwsitiai or sak
<br /> of tbe Pmpdtq.sh�ll�pply aay F�ds I�dd by teader at the ti�ae of acquisition or sale as a cted►t agvast the sums sxutiea bY
<br /> t6is S�ea�rity Iastnm�ari. •
<br /> 3.Appiiaitloe of P1��n�d�.Unless appticable!aw provides aherwisa,atl paymrnts rooeivod by I.eader wder par�hs ,
<br /> I md Z sbail be apptied:first.to ury PnpsYm�at c�s8a dac nnder the Note:second,to amounts paS�able ut�dtr p�agsagTt.2:
<br /> thiid,w inte�st due;faurth.w principal due:a�l�st,to aay tate charges due utder the Nae. . -.
<br /> I._C6�e�i.ieas.Bormwer sh�ll pay all�ax�s.�ta�char8es,fines ard impasidons attn'batabie tr�tbre�;.
<br /> whkiti uiay attai�priasity ovu'this SeeuritY Ias�t.and leaaeMtd or' te�ts, if aa .Soct�wec.� � "
<br /> -- P�Yments Stnu� 3' . �::::
<br /> _ tbese obligatwns In the man�r pmvided ia puagc�2..ar if aot paid in dtat a�armer.Horrower sbal!Qay t�ii.�.t�irc�tire�iy,�_ ._;� :"°-
<br /> _ to tbe perscx�owed payu�Bonower sh�U prom�pdyF:6unish to L.mder all notice.s of amounts to be patd�1iirs.�•. . _.;,�,;
<br />- If Barrowec malcas tl��payments dinctiy.Borrb`wersitali promptiy faanish to LeMer raxipts evideuciag the�eysnents;,; ;;`? '� _ .. .
<br /> Sorrower sludl pmaiQtIy discha�g�aay{irn which t�s priority ova this Saurity L�suument unless Harrower:(a)�m �.
<br /> • writing to the paymetu of the ob Ggation sewr+ed by the lirn in a mannet a c c e p t a ble to Lender,fb)eornests in gbod faitd t�� •.
<br />= by.or defends a�eafon�nent of tUe lipt,is►.legal procoodings which in tha Lender's iiQiniaa opecase to preveni;'fUe .'�';.:
<br />- eafarcemeat of the lien:a�(c)secvres from the iraider of the lien an agreemeru satisfxwry to L"eader sub��;`�pag the iien to : , .,.,.:;':�-__
<br /> 1 this Saurity Insd�mea¢..�'Lender determines that any part of the Property is sa6ject w a lien which may�"ain priarlty.Qver ' ,:,.•;_;.: �_
<br /> ' this Sea�r�ty Iiutrump�,%�ender may give Borravaeea aotice idertifying the(ien.Borrower sha[�satisfy•the�"�n or talce dne"or• , .;�� �'._,._�
<br /> ..:;f`. ��r._ �..
<br /> .` more of the actians set fdrth above�ithin 10 days aE the giving of notice. , '� �r;K_� =_
<br /> '.� - ' S. HazArd or Pinpaty Imma�ics. Barraaer shall keep the impruveme�ns now exis�g or hereafter eroci�jon� � � :-
<br /> ' , .Ptoperty insurod agaiust loss by fire,harards incini�a,�.within the term"extended covernge°and any othec"f�ands.itti�a�uS ° '
<br /> �,' ` - 13oods or ttooding.:fnr�vhich ixnder requitcs iasiscanoe.This insurance shall be maintaiaed in the amomnts�for tfie periods '}r —
<br /> 9rik� •�
<br /> � . . � . that Lendet ieguir�s�;A�iruurance camer pravi¢jng�tbe insurance st�all be clwsen by Bouowec su6ject`ta l�der's a��mval � ` .�- -
<br /> f , � � wl�icb s}�1t,��not be unreasonably withheld. If Bor�awer fails to maintain coverage descaribed.�6iive:I:efiMde�maY•at.i�ie�''s �.:;
<br /> F .'='�.� S�H�t���� ' option.ubfaia coverage to pratect Lender's dghts in the Property in accordance with parao aph:7.;!' �'��'�' � . ���'-�`---_
<br /> ��� -A{I i�surance poi�cies and renewals shall be acceptatsle to I.ender and shall includc•a standard mortgage clause. �.ender _. �� _�
<br /> . ;; � , . ,��ti,:� shall have ttie right to hold the policies and renewals.If 2.ender requires.Borrpwer sha!!promptiy give to Lender ail rece�pts of ;- � ;-__
<br /> .4`6.i<;.:_,c�,:;".�1.,'.-.i . ' ,.
<br /> �r paid premiums and renewal notices.ln the event of loss,Borrower shall give ptnmpt notice to tfie�nsurance carrier and l.cnder. ,,: �_
<br /> ;�:_ k-��:;.+;.;;.�-: .�� . ,;;,.
<br /> `�'� r -.T..�,. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly f�y Bonower.
<br /> `'''":� '. Unless Lender ar�d Borrower otherwise agree�n wating,insurance proceed.s shall be applied ta restoration or repair of the , , ���='
<br /> ' � Property damaged.if the restoration or repair is econamically feasible and l.ender s security is nat tessened.lf the restoration or ` �`
<br /> . � repair is not eaonomically feasibte or L.ender s security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds sBatl be applied to the sums : .� � '••�_
<br /> ` ' secured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due. with any exce�s paid to Borrower. If Borrawer abandons the _ . .
<br /> ,?':;�.��.r..��. ; :". ` Property.or does not answer within 30 days a noticc from Lender that the insuranre carrier has affercd to setNe a claim, then _,.....
<br /> .. .:r: , I.ender may collect the iacuranoe proceeds. I.e�der may use the prnceeds tn repair or resrore the Property.or to pay sums •
<br /> `'`:-='`�' ' ' secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether ar noi then due.Thc 30�day periad will begin when the notice is grven. • •
<br /> - . . �'� Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise a�ree in writing, any application of proceed.ti ta principal shall not extend or
<br /> . �� � postpone the due date af the monthly payments referred to in pa�agraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If � .
<br /> i . ' � under paragtaph 2! the Property is acqmred by Lender,Bc�rrower's nght to any inwrance policies and proceeds resulting fmm � ;�
<br /> . . damage to the Property prior to the acquisitian shali pass to Lcnder to the cxtenl of the yums secured by this Security lnstrumeat • .
<br /> ', � , immediately prior to the acquisition. --. � '
<br /> .. ,.:' 6.Orcupancy,Prtservation,Maintenance gna Protection olthe Peopests;Borrower's Loan Application;Leaseholds. Y �
<br /> ' �' '"'' , Borrowe�:shall occupy,establish,and use the Praperty as Borrower's principal r�idence wilhin sixty days after the execution of <•••
<br /> ;Hi..'� " �i. .
<br /> �,�•.. . � _',.
<br /> '�` ` y,.; , this Seairi'ry.Instrument and shall conGnue to occupy the Property ac Barrower';+principal re�idence for at least one year after ,
<br /> .- " �. the da{:of occupancy,unless l.ender othenvise�ree�+in writing, which cansent shall nat be unrc:c�onably withheld.OE 7,tIli�S , '�
<br /> _ . ;,;,��, • � eatemtat�ng circumstances exist whicb are beyand Borrawer's control. Borov��cr sha(1 not destray, damage or impW- e1:� ; ; ,' �
<br /> ,M• R � '. Property.a31ow the groperty to dctcriorate, or commit wastc�n the Propeny�. Bnnower shall be in default if any forfe3*_a�re � .
<br /> r G� � �•�� •'�IOII C;'praceEding.w4s;�her civil or criminal. is fiY�un that in�_Lendet's gmd f.aith judgmen!coutd result in forfeitur�"o4 the - . �� �'
<br /> ,�.� j .
<br /> '�i' Pro :�*i;�a otherwise mafcriall im�ir the lien creaicd b this S�writ I�strumrnt or Lendes�securit interest. Borrow n s�ea• •� •�
<br /> `�.�':. .��.;.•;.�,,;��;;;:��:..� Pe,`._ " ;''
<br /> • � . - :�`,;.;:;;• cure sW.n a default and reinstate ati pre�vided in patagraph 18,b3 caus,ng the action cir pmoecdin,to bc di.rmitised a•ith�:r.��dng f =+"`:::„''.
<br />- • "'��`�r"� , that, in I.cnder's good faith dMermination, preclu�ies forfciture of thc Borrrnver's intcresi in thc Propcny or other r.��:r'ral I • . :��`
<br /> � ' • ' • impairment of the tien createcl by this Secunty En>tre�ment ar l.ender's security interest. Borrower sltall also i�e in defauit if I�
<br /> • ' ` Bonower.during the laan appliration procecs,gaue materi:�lly false or insccurute infam�ation ar statements tc�Lender(or failed f . .
<br /> °_ to pravide Lender with:iny material infi�rmation)�'sn�vmnertinn with ihe loan evidenced by the Note.inclad"rrt�.but not li^.aited � �
<br /> � ' to,representations eoneemmg Borrower's�xcupaney of the Prnperly a�u principal re�ider.c�. lf this 5ecurity lnstrumenr.'i!��rn�
<br /> �. ' • (easeha29. gorrower shull compty wiii��all the provisions vf ehe Ica�c. If Borrowcr acNuirc� fcc title d� the Prc:�x:�y�. ihe •,
<br /> . '.• , •:
<br /> � � �'� - ---�--=•==�--- teasehv?��nd the fee title sfial!nos E*tr�ge unless Len�lcr agrces to thc merger in writing. - � - i•
<br /> 5�. � , 7.Pr+utection of 1.ender's Rigi�Ts�n tl�e Property.If&+rrowcr fail,to peifarm thc rovenants and agreements n�qf�:��ed in '
<br /> _ , this Scxurity Instrurn.�rit.ar there is a legal procee�ling that may sigaificacEtty aifect Lender's rights in the Pn�peny Isuch a�a �
<br />° • ' proceeding in bankr�pEsy:pmbate. fnr condemnation or forfeiture ar to enfvrcg Ipws nr regutatinns),then Len�ter may do and ;
<br /> �� ' � �ay for whatever is nece.ssary to prdfect Ihe valuc of thc Properey anJ Lendcr's righis in the Propcey. Lertdcr s actinns may f.
<br /> -�Y. �;g_-:,, ,�:;`�,`,;.;;z,.','• , �aclude paying any sums scrureQ b�+ a� lien which has ptiocity t�vet this Sccurity Instrument, appe:uing in wun. paying i;
<br /> '=-` , "°j,+;s� . ,, reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to mike repalrs.Atthaugh Lendcr may tuke actian unJcr this paragrrph
<br /> _ : '' ! �' � • 9.l,ender does not have ta do so. •
<br /> �~,��y . . �. : Any+ amannts disbUrscd by i.ender under this paragr�ph 7 shall hecome uddition�il debt o1' Borruwrr sccurcJ by this
<br /> ; _ 5ecurity lnstrumenc. Untess Bnrrowcr and Lender agrec ta ather terms of payment, thesc amuunts ahall brar interest Gom the .
<br /> . � - ; • date of disbursement at the Note ratc and shall t+e payablc. with intcrc�t, upon rtotice from Lcrn3cr t�Bnrrower requ�ting � :
<br /> payment.
<br /> _�, .' S.Matgpge Iosuratue.If Lender required rm�rtgage insuran�r uc a conJiuun of mr)cing the I�rsn secured by this Security
<br /> � ;_�.��,. : instrument. Borrower shall pay the prem�ums required tu m:sintain the mongage insurancc �n effect. tf, for any rra.xm, thc
<br /> • mortgage insurance coverage rcquired by Le�xler lapxs or r�ses to 6e in effect.Bnnower shall pay the premiums required to .
<br />:.. ' = - �:_ ::!'�- ` abt�in coverage substantially equivalent to the martg�se insurance Qreviousty in eftec�at a��st substanti�illy equivalcnt to th� ; .
<br />- _ ��_ _ _. :--�-:-_-� .
<br /> . :�, cost to borrower of the mortg,age insurance previously in effect:fr�m sn�itemate mortgagc intiurer:�pprcived by Leedef. it �- - - � �- -
<br /> . � . • - .
<br /> � :�.. ' , .
<br /> � :a � . . . o-,,�2 0+� Fom�3018 9/90 • .
<br /> � _ ., . . �� , .
<br /> _i
<br />