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<br /> No�eat �t'�•Nebraske;`National Association - •. `'
<br /> ,:;� _,,..,: - .. ,, f,',.�
<br /> ,_ ("�'iristee").'1Lebenefici�y'�`�: '�� • ::': ,�r' ��', ; �
<br />. '.N�rWest $aak Neb��� National Associatioa :;;'.;:.'= ' � , ''°•` �. �
<br /> �F`r
<br /> which is argpnizod and e�n�.u�«r tl�e lawa of The United Stat�rt,Ot At��rf.ca.��� ,;J . ,�:�I r �
<br /> ,�dnssis 202 �fe�.T�f,s'd;Stleets �raad I9laads NE 6880��;� _ 3, .r��
<br /> , � ; . ('I:eeder"):$ec�wer owes L�der the ptFc�l.s�a(i a�����':
<br /> .. ,.. . - f`�>•" .
<br /> - _- -,--_- •:T�a--Thsrueand_'Pyo. Aundred_Tventp—six and no/1d.0.ths__ ..:`'°[�� --1Q fi.l141**:`��'_;.;'`�•'. ��'�
<br /> • ����V•S.E�"- � I:�.:�ii�.,�:.. f
<br /> ' ' This dabt is evideaced by Boriower's note dated the same date as:ttiis Secunty�s�fium�mt("Note"),whi�h pravid�`��t',''.•'�:.,
<br /> moi�thIy payments,with the t�ll debt.if not paid eariier.dae and payable on December 4s ZOII�'��,,- � .:��`
<br /> Tbis$ecurity Instrumeat secunes to I.ender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,witti i¢ic�est,and all renewafs..�::
<br /> estenstons and modifications of the Note; (b)the payment of all other sums, with interest. advanced under�aaa$raph 7 to
<br /> " protect the security of t1US Security Instrument: and (c) the perfom�ance of Barrower's covenants and agnements. For this _
<br /> . purpose, Borrower��eivocably granTs and conveys to Trustee. in trust, with power of sate.the foltowing described property ---
<br /> located In County.Nebracka:
<br /> . �:=-
<br /> Lot One (1), Block Seven (72a Clauasen Country View Addition, City of !�-_
<br /> Grand •Is3aad, Hall County, l�ebraska. ' ' ��
<br /> . . �>
<br /> �r-=�.
<br /> ; ;y=:
<br /> whichhastheaddressof 903 S. Vfae� Grand island ���ti���'1• r�`
<br /> N:�raska 68802 ' ("Property Addrexs"): ' >r�:
<br /> �'l.ip codel ' `
<br /> TOGE7'HER WITH ap the improvemecs now o;.'�,�reaFter erected on the property.and all easements.appurte:.a�ces.azx�
<br /> futures now or hereafter a part of the p*c�►:�ty. Atl replacements and aclditions shall also bc covered by tAis Sec�riry
<br /> Instrument_AA af the foregoing�s refened ta in ihis Se:r:raiy Instrument as the"Pmperty."
<br /> BQRROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is law�l�y sciscd af the cstate hereby wnveyed and hac the righc��►grant and
<br /> c�myey tt�c propeRy and t�th:Property is unencvinbe:�s3.�xcep� for encumbrances of recard. Borrower warrants vnd will •
<br /> def�rd generally the titte to tlh��raperty against afl claims arid demands.subject to any�++rumbronees of�ecord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS'!'RUMENT co�nbines uniform cov'enants far nahonal use�nd nort-uniform covenants with limited
<br /> variuions by jusi3dletion to constitute a urrifotm sccurity instrument co�ering reul propeAy.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender covenant and agre�e as follows:
<br /> l. Payment ot Principr�l and lnterest� Prepaymcnf and late Char�;es. Borrower shall promptly pay when duc thc
<br /> princip�al of ud interest on tAe debt evidenced by the Nott and any prep�yment atb late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> 2.F�mda tor Tsxes and I�uraece.Subject to applirable taw,ai to a written waiver by l.cncter. Bonower shali pay ta '
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Notc.until the Note is paid in full,n sum�"Funds").for:(a)ye�rly taxrs
<br /> and assessments which may attain paority over this Secarity Instrument:s a lien on the Property;(b)yearly lr�sehold payments
<br /> or ground rents an the Proptrty.if any:(c)yearly hazacd or pmperty insuru�ce premiums:(d)year�Y flood insurance premiums.
<br /> if arry:(e)yearly mortgage insnrance premiums.�f any:and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender. in accordance with �
<br /> the provisions of pangr�ph S.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are calied"Escrow Items.'
<br /> I ender mtiy.at any Hme, collecl and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the rnvdmum amount a tender for�foderalty •
<br /> related tnongage laan tt�y roquire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of
<br /> 17►4 as�kd from time to time. !2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. t"RESPA").unless anuther law that applies to the Funds
<br />- • se(e a tasser m�unt. If so,l�eader may..at any dme.collect and hold�unds in an arttount nnt to exre�l the Iesser�maunt.
<br /> ' I,ender tns�y estimate the amrwnt of Funds due on the 6asis of current data and re�anable estittiates of eapenditures of fu[u�� � ` :
<br /> ' Escrow ltems nr otherwise in r�toord�uce with applicable law.
<br /> .
<br /> II�MA=KASinpt�familY-fan�Y IMN(FnQ�M�c tlIYIFORM INSTIIUMENT . Fotm 3Q28 8/90
<br /> ��1m7�0 VMp MORi(i/tGE i0NM5�1313�193 8100•1800�SI1-729t PKyn 10!♦ , . A�d 6l91
<br />