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' �� ������ <br /> � <br /> A:w na�i�s to :.rnda: �hall be qivec bp �izst cire�a sa.i: �o :.r�:;Lrs;��r, �.fi.dr�o• siaLsd hszala or aa� oicor a.�.dzear <br /> Lenc:er deaiczttes b! notic� to Barzover. 11u�;y eaLlea pzmrir�+d ior fn this Bwcrri`_F 1r.�Lssts�+nt �hw17, b� �eard <br /> Lc 1:��Q buen yiv�a to &or:o,doz c: Iwn:ez gic�a as prvrida: in t�is parsqra�b. <br /> 23, Cov�rninq Lwa= Sw.rera�tlitp. This Sccur=ty Instzvnan! •hall bc qcro_ned Dy tDe .av na .Ae Stat• <br /> of &sDraeka, Ze th: woat that a�; rrovi�ian or elaesa o: ;:kia SecaritJ Iastrnz.nt or. t�s Bot� confii^tr rit� <br /> a�plicabla iako ench con;lict �sa7l aat affect oL��r pzwx�ioa� o: thi• Sccnzitp �aa:.r�snt oz t6� !!at• xti:ch <br /> ean be qivsn slfaet vitAomt the �oaYlieting pre�fai�t. 'So tASa aad th� pro+i�la�s af thi¢ 8aevziL� in�tn�r�at <br /> asad tha lioio ars deelazsd to 'a •�r�zsb2�. <br /> 1�• Eorrowrs• Copp, :.orrarrr sl�all bs qiwa ano ccicfoza�rp cen o£ ths Ha+t� and of thi• P.curitv <br /> In�trcrosat. <br /> � 25. �'zansfor nf th� Progorty or a Esneticial Intsrw�t ia Dorrovsr. Z! all or an� �art of th� Pr�rty <br /> or us:y :ntor�at in it i• •ald or tt�nef�rr�d (or if a �na!icial intarost !a Donwrsr i• sold oz tzanaferred <br />� Rnc1 A�uz<+�rar 9s nct a n�2vrs1 stsaar.� rithout bci��r�• pr:az rzitt�t+ con��nt, Twn3sr �ur, �.t it•� optin�, <br /> requixa lawliate pa�ra�nt in .•ull of al?. •naa �eeurod bp ehls g�eurity In�trura:. <br /> If Lenc3�r �zerciies thia oQtior., Ls�z stull qio� Btorrav�r ao•`_ic� oz accel�raLion. Ths aotice a!tial: <br /> prcr�ide a pariod o! aot lses than 30 3ay• fram !hu dat• ths notica i• de2iv�r�d ar atil�d xit�to v:iich Bozrovez <br /> Bssat paq all aums aecnrsd by thi• Secuzity In��r;.�eeat. Zf Dar_owsr Sail to pap �Seme suns prlar to tLc <br /> expiretioa of :hia p�riad, Lendar �ay laooke anp ra,�3:�a �S�s,�-?`„s;' tyy ��� g�rity Znatznasat viLha�L fvrther <br /> aotico or dam.a:�d an Sarzorer. <br />� 16. Sorros�e�re= Rig`at to 3w:nstaCe. Zf 9ozroor�er r;�et cortain c�r.ditions, Borrcwiaz •hall hav th�s s:g1:t <br /> to liave .nfozcesant of thi: secc.rft� 2nrtrvmsnt �iacontinuvd at a�; tSse prier to t!a ��rlier o!� (a) 5 d.�7s <br /> (or nuc'.: othar F�eriod aA appxieable Iaw nay •pwc3ly for r�in�:at�asnty bsios� aaI• ��f th� Pzc�rtq pnrR�ar.t r_r. <br />�t ■ay pcxar of •als containsd in this S�ci:rlty Sa�trua�nts or (L1 �ntry o1 • 9udymriat •afozeSaq thie S�eeuzi:s <br /> f: Irstrus�ent. 2hes• eondition■ ar� thwt berzwer: (ay pay Lsnd�r a21 �uas �rl��eh +:Aoa vd�ld f.�, dn• uud�r t'ai• <br /> Secuzity Tnst n:mant nnd tha lcota had no aeee2eratior. occurzedr ib! ;-ure any dafwnit of anr o�_��r eovaaante or <br />� a reener.ts all a <br />� g F (�1 PaY x,sn�a• ir.eurza3 in er.fozcinq this 5�cnri.p I�strvssat, including, but aot lisitsd to, <br /> zeac�aablo a!tcrnays� fea�j and (dj taks avch ac:ion ar Lender any r'aa��aably requir• to a�sure tha: th• l:en <br />� o£ thia Saczr:.ty Zaa:zvts�at, Lsa��r•• zights in ther 8ro^�.erty and Borzw�z� obliqation to pa7 tr• suas •scured <br />, bY �hi• SecnritJr 2n�trua�nt, s:.all eontinn• nneAang�d. Upon ryin�tatAant bp �orrowr, thi• 6�rit7 2r�truaen>_ <br />� tnd the obiiqations •�curod hsze' •hsll r�main lu12y •f•.�ctive a• i! no tecelozation Aad xcazr�d. Sovwv�r, <br />� this riqht to zsinstats shall not apply in tk� caes of secsleretlon und�r parsqraphs 1S or :7. <br /> , 17. bcce:eration; Rnao�+ie�. Lender •hall give natice :o So:rwer prloz to accslsraLion following <br /> Borrovora• breach of aay cwenant or agrrea�nt in thfs Secuzity Instrvxent (but not prio� to aculeracioa 4r.d�r <br /> paraqraph 15 unlas• applicahle law prwide• cther�. The notice ehail specifpi (a) ths de�`aults (b} th� action <br /> requirod to cuze the default; (c} a date, not lcr• than 3C daye fram tha date th• notice i• qivsa to Barzwer, <br /> by vhich the dafault muet be cnred; and (d) that fnilnre to cvre the d�fanit on or before tA� date epeclfir3 <br /> in thr notice max result ia �cceieratian �f the •naa ■ecureci Dy thie Sacurity In�tzuuanL a�:1 �nle of the <br /> Progerty. The notice shall further inform Bozrovar of the right to rein�iate after aeeeleration and tne rioht <br /> to briag a court action to nsaert the non-exinteace of a default oz any oLAe•_• of B��rrorrer Lo <br /> accalezatioa and eale. Zf tha default is not es:red on or before LAe date •pecified ia the notics, Leader a: <br /> theiz optian aay require ?cnrdiate payment in fu17. of si: :aaa recuzed by Secvrity Iastzwa�r.t •:ithout <br /> fuz:her dcmand and rsay invoka the pover of sale aad ar.y othar remedies peza�ittsd by applicabls lar. Ler.3er ehaii <br /> bb eatit2ad to colleet all ezoenaee iacu:red in parnuing the remedie• prwid�d ia this pazagzaph ine2udiaq, L�t <br /> n�t limited to, zeasoaabl• attornsps� f��s and cost• of titl� �vid�nce. <br /> if tAe powsr of rale is invoked, :ruetas •�all raccrd s natics of dsfa�lt in eaeh countv ia vhich ar,y <br /> part of the Praperty i• 2ocated and s;�all aail eopiea o'_ euch notic� ia the aanaer prweeribed by applieable lav <br /> to Sorrawer an3 to the oiher pezsor.■ preacribed bq applicab2s law. Aftsr the tis.e reauirsd by applicable la•r, <br /> Tr,�etoe elia2i give puhlie :sotice of sala to the pezsona ar� in the nnnnsr preseribsd bq applieable law. <br /> Truatee, withovi d�mand on Barzo�rer, shall •ell ths Proparty at �wblic auetion to the higha�t biddor at the tima <br /> ard p�ace ar�i under th• terms deaignated in the notic� of •als in ona or moze psresl■ and in any ozdsr ?rvotee <br /> detezminen. Trurtea may p��stpone ea2a of all oz any parcel o� Lhe Prapertr by public annouacament at ths tim� <br /> nnd pince of nny previou�ly •chedul�d •al�. I.�nd�r or Swndez•• d��ign�e• may purcha�• tA� Prop�rtr at any •wle. <br /> Upon rec.iipt oi payment of the price b�d, Trustee •Dall deliver te the purchaser Tru�te�e•■ deoC <br /> cor.veying Lhe Proper y. Tha recitale ia the Tru�tse•e deed eha21 bs psiaa facie evidence of th+ truth of !he <br /> statements mado thezein. Trustee s}:�.1: apply ths pzoceeda n' cYe sale in the fallowinq osders (n) to all <br /> ezpeneea of the ea2e, including, bat not limited to, Tn:sLee•s feaa ae perr3tted Ay �pplieab:e lav and <br /> roaeonable attorneys� fee�; (b) to all su�s eecured by thia Sscuzity Zn�tzuasnt; and (cy any e�cca�a to the <br /> pornon or psraans ieqallp entitled to it. <br /> 1B. Lender in Poesession. Upon accelezation under paragraph :7 oz abandonment of ths Property, Lot:dez <br /> ?ia pereon, by agent or bp iudicia:ly appo±nted receivez) ehall be entitle3 to enter upon, taka �ases�:a.-. ��f <br /> and aannqe the Prop�rty end to collect the rente of ±he Frcperty fncln3inq those Qast due. 11ny zents erllocted <br /> b7 ieadar or th• receiv�r shall ba appliud ffrat to pap�ent of ths east■ o! x�anayameat of th� Propert� an3 <br /> collection o� zente, ir.cludir.g, but nat l.irited to, zecaive:•� feee, prs3m�' on receiver�• bc�n6a axnd rexaonable <br /> nt:o^�eye• feee, a:�d then to �ha muns secuz�d by thie 6ecuri:y Znstzument. <br /> 19. Reconveyar.ce. Upon payment of all nume secured by thia SecLZity Znatruseat, Lender enall requeat <br /> Truetee to :ecr,nvey tne Pzaperty and ehall nuzrendez t�ie Security Znetrusient and all notes evidencir.g debt <br /> ,,._c�red �l t`:i� Security _c:e'�r.:_,.._ ±n True*ee. Tn:atee n`ai; rec .v . <br /> - or c the Pro er*_ vitt:ou� wa- `� .�a <br /> Y P Y �ran_ <br /> rYthcut �F.azge to tha pezeon or pezsons legaliy er.tit2ed to it. Such psrsoa cr pereons shal: pag any <br /> recordatian conts. <br /> • 20. Suhetitute Tr�etee. Le.nder, �t ite option, nay :r� ti:.e to ti.cie remove Tzuetee end ..�coinL a <br /> euccc�aor truete� to any Truetea appoir.ted here::nder by an inatrux�n± recorded in the caunty in vhich thie <br /> Secu:ity ,netzuner,t ia zecozded. aithout co^vepance e. the Proper:y, the eucceesor Lruetea shall encce�3 `c � <br /> a]1 * L�tle, gv.rer er.d daties co�fe:red upaa Truetee herein ar.d by applicnble lav. I <br /> 2:. �eques: 'or F�ticeR. 3o^o�eer reyces: that co�:ies of the notican o: default nnd ta2e be. eenL �� <br /> Bcrror+,ere� a�-�..eas vnich is the Prop►rty ]1dr'resa. <br />