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v �.1���� <br /> claase. :.ecdar .hail hav� Lha riqAt te� hold Lha poliaies azd :sas�raL. Z# ��er z�q�aim, Sonorer sha�i <br /> pr:�rLly 4iva L�I,�rxdaz a12 r�cwfpz• of paiQ pr�siss�s aad rsss�nral aotic�a. Za Lh�e Mat o! loa�, nc+tzowr •h.�21 <br /> give pzarst±c� ic tb� insaza.�scs earzi�r aad L�adar. UaC�r a�s ia�lc� prco! ot loss :! aot ra�o prespi27 bp <br /> S��ravar. <br /> IIn2as• :.a�adar ;zsd lsorzc,s+3r oi�avr+riee aqrce � r�-itir.q, in;urwncy prxpds shall ;�e*i to <br /> .►.esioraiic: or rsariz o! iisr Frcrp�zLr daasq�d, ij tha ra�tcratioo or rrpair is �cvncaic�ll� lou3blw as� <br /> :.anrl�r•• sacczi�p i• ,n�,er.x2, 7.f �h� reetozatioa or r�paiz is not �eoa,�sicali� fse�ible cs UaCar•a <br /> a�o.�i.� wu'.d *� Iain+.a�d, .e. <_ascruuc� pzx�s s'sall io� appli�d t.o th� �m�s s�car�d b� Lnl� 6�cuzity <br /> Ins:rttaent, c+�mtnwr or r.ot �han dcw, wiLn :..-r enccwss pai�5 to Eorsorsz. 2f Daszowz abaadoa tb� Yrop�rty, nz <br /> d�rio aat annxar r:iDin 90 d�r� a aotica froa I.�ad.�z t�: tA� �asnzaacs earri�r ba� oft�r�d to �wttl� • elain�, <br /> titaa Landoz aa7 collect L!� ina_r:ne� pzoeaeds. Lwarer �a� aae E;:e pzoe�edt to r�ais oz z�stoz� t� Dzop�rtr <br /> or co g.:; •uaa eecnrW3 b7 tht� S�caritT Faytros�nt, �rAst2ter ar aot t6sn da�. :"� 3Q da�p�ziod �ill b�in rbaa <br /> th� aotics is qivea. <br /> Ual�ss Lendor aa�' Sozro+rer othsrrise aq:s� {c writiaq, aaY appliutioa at proca� to prineipal •h+sll <br /> na: srtor.eS oz postpoa� ths 8u� 3ai• of tha pa�at zsf�rzyd to ia puaqnphs 1 and 2 oz chang� tb� aaoua*_ oi <br /> th• paqmaat. ;f v�dar parsqraph 2T tha PzoQ�rty i� aaaquirr� by :.�ud�r� Dozrovezs• riqh! Lo aa; inaar�nc� <br /> polici+r� �ad prx�sds r�sn2ttaq lrc� daaaqe to ths prop�rty prioz to tE� �,oqni�ition �hwil �ya• to Leod+r to <br /> :ba ezisnt of t�s sasa sees:rvd br taia f�eazit� Iastrnmuat i�diat�ll gr�or to th� aextaisitirn. <br /> S. Pr�sarratioa and riainteaance rf Prope:tT; Lsu��old�. 9orzowz •hal2 not da�tr.o7, damaq� or <br /> ssbstan.iallp c.4aags tIIa Psvpazty, allor t'�e Pro�rtr to det�siarate or c�ii �ra�te. 2f tDir S�c�rity <br /> Snstn:snai io oa a l�as�hold, 3ozrwsz -?ull easply +rita tAe crasiaiona ot t�a 2w�, aad :f 2ozrowr aegnize <br /> f�s iitl� to t4a prop�rtr, tD� 2�asaIIold snd fo� tiLls •3�.a12 noi csry� nnl�ri Leadsz aqzssa 'o t�s �zyaz in <br /> +rrit iag. <br /> b. Pza`wcYian of Lead�r•s Rfg�ia ia LLa Dra-,�.oztT; !loztgags Sasnrancs. Zt !Jezzoaer fail ta p�ztaa t�� <br /> cav�.:ast• a:d a3z�eisnts xa��ai�ed ic Lhis t�eczlty ZsrtrBVat, or t6�ra ts a lega2 �toc�iag t'�at sa7 <br /> aiccificaat2r a*i�ct L�aCsz•• :-iqhLs ia tD� DzoQ�rty {sncs u a procMdinq in bankzup2eT, pro5at�, Lor <br /> eoa3�aatiea az to •afoze� lavs oz z�q-slations), thsn Zoad�r wr do and pa� for dhat�z is n�c�s�ary to protect <br /> th� valne of th• Propsrtp and Lor.�'�r�a ziqhte in tew Frog�z-ty. Lendsr�a aetioa� �a� inclads parinq aar suas <br /> ■ecuzed L+p a liea vhicE Aac priorit7 or�r lni� S�cnzitr :n�trsAant� app�ariaq ia court, paYiaq z�asansbls <br /> atio^sys� toaa saUzing on Lhs Prog�rty to aak� zspaira. riltbasgh Swad�r aa� Sak� actioa under thi• <br /> paraqra�h 6, Uad�r da aot tu�s Lo do w. <br /> Aap ax.^.unt• dishursad bq Leudez nndar t6ii pazaozaph 6 •eall becos� addit�oral d�bt of Bazzowr •scuz�d <br /> by *_Ai• Socuri:y in�tzum�at. Onleos Horzowr aad Iwadwr sgzees to otIIaz t�rns of pararat, tE��s aacnnts sha.11 <br /> bcar int�ze�t tzoa t� c:at� of di�burrsr�ant at ths ltot� x4t� wnd •lull b� parabl�, ri�b iatar�st, npoa notics <br /> fzas Iwad4r to sona�v�z rsqu��tinq payao:zt. <br /> 2! Lar.c.'er r�quir�d sortqaga wcsnzaac� a� a coadition of aakiaq tC� loaa •�cnrsd bp tlsia 3�-sity <br /> Sn�tr,:msat, 9orrwer shall pa� tk� gz�a� zeqniz�d ta maintaia L2� iasnraaes ia �ttsc: nnii2 �ne9 ti�a an <br /> Lhe zeQuir+seat foz the iasnranca terminat�s in acca�danc� rith 8erro�v�rs• and Laad�r•s rritt�n aqremaL or <br /> applicabls lax. <br /> 7. Ir.e�ectiea. Lender or Lender•• agents may nak� rea�oanble antziee upoa +snd in�pectiona o: the <br /> Propertv. :.ander e�.all give Borzawer notic� at th� Lias of oz prior to an inap�ction •peei:yinq r6aeonau:la <br /> cause for tha inepectica. <br /> 8. Ccn3exuatioa. The proceed• of any avard or clain foz daaaqe�, direct or consequsntlal, :n <br /> conr.ection witla any condemnation or other iaking c. aay gart of th� Prapsrtr, oz �oz eoa��rane� in lieu �f <br /> eondeanatior., ar� hezebp asaigneC wnd shall D+ pai3 to Le�er. <br /> In Lha event of a total taking of tks Properip, the pzxeeds •hal? bs tpplied to the sums secured ty <br /> this Ssc.:zity Znstruaent, rhether or.not th�n dne, vith anp ezcees pa�id to l�orro�wz. 2a the svent of a partisl <br /> takina c'. the Pzapertp, unle�e Borro�ar ar.d Lsndez othezvise •qree ia vzitinq, !he •ums •sevzsd bi thi• S�cuzity <br /> Zn�!rument �hall bs redueed by the ama:nt of the procesde multipiied by the follwing fractioni (a) tho totni <br /> amaLnt of !he �um� aacured immadiately before the takinq, divided bp (b) tA• lair mark�t valne of th• Property <br /> .i�rcliatsly bofo:a ths takinq. ]1ny balanco ahall bs pa:d to Bosrowr. <br /> ;f the Pzoperty is ab�ndoned try Borrowez, or if, after no!ice by Iw nder to eorzowar that th• condesnor <br /> o:lere to maks an adard cr aettle a clain for damwgee� Sorrorer Sail to respond to :.ender r•Sthin 30 deye i!tez <br /> the dnte the .^.o:ice ie qiven� La�3er ie authoriz�d to co2lect and applp the pzoceeda, at Ltndez•• option, eiiher <br /> to sestere oz repair the Propertp oz to pay the s;iss eecarcd bp thin Sec��rity Inatrument, vh�th�r or not Lhea <br /> due. <br /> L`n2eas Lender and Borrower othexviee agree in v,ritinq, any application of proceede to pr±neipal sha11 <br /> not eztend or poatpone tbe due date of tha pearlq paymtn4e zeferr�d Lo in pazagraph• 1 �ssd 2 or change the <br /> amuuni of euch paymenta. <br /> 9. Borrower Not Relaseed; Porbenranc� by Lender Noc a xaiver. Bx:eneion of the ti�ae for paysent or <br /> mc�dification o€ emortizstinn o: the ei:me eecsred by thia Ssr_z;rity Inetruzent gzanted by Lender to any eucceeeor <br /> in intereet of Sorzovez sha12 not operate to �eieaee '►�e laabflitq of tho original 3ozrouaz or Bozravor• <br /> s::cceaeoza in intere�t. Lelder s.*.all not be rc:,ufzed to c��cAnce pzoeetdinqs againat any sueeeeeor ir. intrreet <br /> oz r�:une to eztend �ime far payseat or otherviee moc�ii� amortiz:tion of the suma •ecured �y tAie Sacuzity <br /> instrument by reaeon of any demnnd mada by the oriqinal Sorro+rez or Borrevers• s�ccesuoz■ in intereat. Any <br /> forbaarance by Lender in exerci�inq any right or xexadp •hall not �a e vaiv@r oi or pzsclnde th� ::szciss o: <br /> ar.y zight or ra�e�y. <br /> iC. Succeesoco a:� Aesigne 9ound; Joint an3 Seve_al Liability; Co-aianers. Tha cav�aante aad <br /> aqzen�enta 4f :hie Security Inetzument ehall 5ind nnd benefit the scccesaore and assiqns of I.ender and Bozzwer, <br /> ' eub±ect to the provieiona of paraqraph 1�. Borrorrers• cocenaat• and agraement• ahall be joint ar.d several. <br /> 2;. iegielatior. Affecting Ler.des•s Rag;ta. :f enac�aent oz expiration o= appiicable iawe hae Lhe <br /> e`fect o: rendezi�7 a:.z provieioa of t}:e l:ote oz thia Sec.e-ity Inet:ument unen:ozceab2e accozding to :ta t____, <br /> Lender, nt Le.^.:]er•e cption, mny requ:re i�adiate =.ayse�t in :�11 of all •uAe aecured by th�e Security <br /> Iaet:ur.en'_ and cny invoke any reae�!iee pe�+tted by pazagzeph I7. <br /> :2. !:oticea. Ar.y .,,,,,.ce :o Ror:ower prov:d-_d for ,n thie Secur'_^y .inetruWer.! ehall be given b� <br /> d_:iver:ng ic ar hy U.eili�c i! 6y fire'. elaex zail unlcee a�r:ica5le lev zeqciree t:ee of anothez �a:hod. ^`.e <br /> ..��'.1•.!` 5�!?a .�`,4 ,^�.1:CC�R� t0 LrC ?IOCflZt7 add.eea ct anv o`�e� ad�r��e Rnrrrnrr.r r!�.w�nnwPn hv nnf:�w �., -wn.e.- <br />