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<br /> ,.��� .i ti�'f, f - P,. .. .- S� r�: .. 7i �
<br /> .. ���!�,Sji9� 't�: an'm!i�t.'a�,;�;ad t1�• �. 1Barti�et�ha11 bR/ti.,dCfault an�l
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<br /> . :;r��. � , .,..+����ot c�,�'��f���.�:���'����`�'�� ,���h iin�orfeidtrn of.the
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<br /> . cnre soch A default i�od tei�;a�c pvvidod in puagrapL��Yi:;�'.�i��tiaAt ospirti�,�eediag w be di�mts�D?N����
<br /> tl�t; in I.eader's aood faitb daa�nin�tian.preclades forf'�tr'4€tl`�B'ar.ztixer'a interesC in t6e Piopaty or` ' .
<br /> a�r�•,:., ;.
<br /> � impairma�t of t�e lien created by this Security Instrument or I.encter's searn'ry intet�st.Borrower sh�U aiso 6e i�n delaalt if� `.
<br /> =_- --- - Borm�ver,dudng th�e lo�n eppiicxtion prooess.gavc m�terially.�alse c+r_inaauratc i��lon or stwtaooe�ts to I.eoder(or f�ilad.
<br /> � to pmvide Lender with any m�terial inforaiation)in connaxion wttb the to�n evidenood by tbe Note.including,but not limited
<br /> � to.repn.sent�ioas conaeming Bormwer's aa��pancy of the Prnperty as a principal tesidet�ce.If this Secariry Imdumenc is oa s
<br />- lasebold. Borrower slutlf compty with all tbe provisions of the laue. If Sorrower Acquls�es fa title to We Pmpetly.the
<br /> lasehold and the fee title shall nat merge unless Lender agras to tfie mergu in writing.
<br /> 7.Arotectioo ot Lender's Rig6ts in t6e Ptoperty.If Boaower fails to perform the cove�nts and agroements oont�iad in
<br /> this Sewriry Instrunxt►t.or there is a tegal pracceding that may signifipntly affect Lender's righu in the Prope�ty(such�s s
<br />— pra�oeding in bankruptcy,prabate.for condemn�tion or forfeiturc or to enfora faws or rcgutuions).dxn Ler�der m�y do�d
<br /> -- pay for whatever is necessary to protoct the v�1ue af the Property aRd LeMer's rights in the P�+nperty. Lender's setions may
<br /> , '.!� inctude paying any sums savred by a licn which has priority over this 5xurity Instrumrnb appC�tting in oourt. psying
<br />- :*.�:;.�"';.:...' .,'�: reasan�bk attomeys'fas and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may talce actiun under ttiis paragnph
<br /> �",�.=s:. .:... :'� ` 7.Lender das na have to do sa.
<br /> '. :r;�;=:;.:-'.�.��� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securod by this
<br /> ��'.��� Sowrity Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment.these amounts shall bear intenest fnom thG .
<br /> `�'�.`' ` . ' date of disbutsement at the Note rate and shall be paya6te. with interes� upon noticc from I.eader to Borrowu roq�es�ng
<br /> ,;::. •�,; . , . .
<br /> :`'':°, . payment,
<br /> '�� - 8.Mort�e Iffiunnce.It I.ender requireA mortgage insurarxe as a conditian of making the loan'securod by this Saviity
<br /> .� � ` instrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurdnce in cffect. If. for any reason.the
<br /> . �
<br /> 1 � ' mortgage insurance coverage requirod by Lender lapses oc o�s to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br />, .4.�� ,., .���� ' � obtain coverage sul'ssva.�tially equivalent to the mortgage i:s�rance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> :�,�,:� � ' oost to Bonower�fr t�e mortgage insurance previousfy i�t effect. from an altemate martgage insurer approved by Lender. if
<br /> ,�!%„y; • substantial�y eqaivalent mortg�ae insurance coverage is�na�vailabte.Borrawer sha11 pay to Lender each month a sum eqnal to
<br /> ' `'� one-twelfth of the yearly moi�;sscti insurance premi�:cs�ir��aiA by Bonower when the insurance coverage lapsed or oeased to
<br />" • � ;� be ineffect.Lender will acce;c�2Ye and retain tAese payrr�.�;s as a loss reserve in tieu af mortgage insurance. Ccr�s reserve
<br /> .�.:. •*� , ' . Fam 3028 9190 _
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