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<br /> � , 4��rr r Yw�ji�r r�.d�t/*�.:� ��r,siii` ii�r is awrwi���;�. � '
<br /> i�l�■�t.Ai rti��wi�i�1����ii Y��rwdrr t�irtiw�t�i'�t'*l�y►•' .�: � . ..Y: ,•'� .
<br /> � �: lQ�O�li��i70iY�lIAl�f1'�it�nrtiwr Y i��►i�i,rt��Mbr'e��1�i Yi ir�t'��■�ta�!N� .�� _
<br /> aaMr�!►M�b�M IMt�N►.��Mb:i��w�oir��:��ali`�et��i�ow±qt±!!�!�:,1�A�'wr. .
<br /> �� i�.i NirrrNy tln fUb b�lit l,�q yirt i a6ii.a:�/��WiOr.w�ot'1s Mq►�+r.t,.ao�nE. . � , ::. , .
<br /> ?IOi�CttRYRY 1Nfl�(11�i�tiT an�iiws�Ifot�+eerr�i!ec�lio�we�i�e�i�ea ooM�lt�iA IM�ial � ..
<br /> " riiii�iois blr�ii�i�if�o�tTo i+o�ltl�a�ifi�t�Yrtarit�t i■ww�1`a�eei�ywt_po�'�x: .. _ ._.. . --.- .,-.. .- - - . _..
<br /> _ - UIi1PaRM'O�VF.NAM3.Da�e�ec aii i,+�iea�arwiii�t�iii ri�riie aC fioBows: - - ° ` - `- � ��-- -
<br /> • !•;�i0�■rt�ilrLdrt a�i.4M'M!i TI"�'�wt w�Liit t'1�'Nt:<'lloe�r�iar tl�p'c�p4�i� M!►i�iM�rs:11K ''
<br /> pripcipl oCwd ia�etie�t oat�ie debt e.rideNead b�tlr�No�e aed�i peqnx�+�t�d 11Ae cir�es dMe�t�rNole. � ,
<br /> " Z:�wi t.r..�'�a��e.�Ilbiect ta selic�lWE_la�C��•�s••r�:�iwr hv i.�av Bon�n.M!_i:il,eaY b--•--- --
<br /> _f
<br /> �i01�G�OIF{�C 1� �E �!f!�C HGIC�Ydl��C ROIE�S���.i lllm(��I�i�')�0[:��)jKI�'r�� . . ... .
<br /> . il��ft�L'IY M�Cb 1f�,iR�pl'jOFR�t dilP 1�.S0f�q�tY�/[}l�G��[���Rf�1�t.�0�!ll�i.(�1}�jt jR�Oti�M/� .•
<br /> . Q j�O�/d LaMf aB ihe h�ope�tyi if a�y;(c�xaKtg Ir��ri Oi�0�lft,f.i��f!bCp�ari�(dy yariY�ood m�r�c�p�w!r�.. '
<br /> �+�3:(�)7�.��P�,��7b��f��°Y�'s pa�r�.bg°Bort'vMrer w`i.exia,in sccanf�noe wldt �
<br /> , t6c pror�ioas of_p�s�pbr�in liaE of d�e P�Y���P��uanc�e pr�.31ia�e ik�r aoe cdtad'�lie�t." ° .
<br /> � Landes may. �t�ay:time:,cofkcc �od l�oid FuMa in an a�mount aot�o etcead tLe ma�imom�mouat a lander i�ac a fedaaily� ,
<br /> td�ted moct�e laa majr'ii�ine fac Bon�va's e�ctvw aocaunt ander We fede�l Reaf F.�e Setdemeat Prooe�dutes A�t cf
<br /> ` •I974 u�maxled fi�m time W time.12 EI.S.C.SeCtion 2601 d�q.(�ItESPA'):�okta.aeotLa lawr dMt�ppries m the I'�dt
<br /> �--- �. . :-,;,�ets s.tessa amouat.If s��ax��,as�uy=tis�;cc�ll�s aad latd Fuods itr�aa�rat ia cu�d�sc��.. � �
<br /> -:"�;:I.a�iez msy�te tbe�,aouot af Fvad�due on fhe 6+�is'af curnat d�IS rod�onrbie estnaite�of�a�1�a of fi�[utu ..
<br /> _'�Facraw t�ems or 6d�a�vise irt.sooptd�i�oe,jiv�th�pplicable lawr. �.. . ` • � . . ,' - : . ` � . ,
<br /> � 1bc:F�!uds ehd: 6t held in ac,,i�ution.�rha�e deQo�its ate�mut�ed by a fade:al�y. i�dM�lity,os esAify
<br /> (Liciu�dio�.��`,IE�der.if Leadei is achairi:"'x�ppuaon)a in arry Feda�i�#iame Lo�n&ot.I.eader'i�Wl�PP�Y tbe Fwkh b p���irc , .
<br /> Escrow�:�I.ender tt�y not ehacge��irower for 6�oWinB aac�appt3`iu8 tLe Fnr�s,aonwllY�Y�B dje escmw�ec�nuaf;'Dr
<br /> ���.:�erifyiq�;�ie Fscrow Items,unless Ie�ecpays Bomuwer inte�est 6Q Bx Futd�?o�l;applicaMe.�uuw pennits L�ender to maEe su�fi _
<br /> ;;'$.cba�ga:.HQwever.l.ender may nequEae.Hor�owu to pa}r s one-time s�tacg�e fi+i��i��tadent rtat es�e tax iepatting se�viix� � •�.
<br /> `':,�ved bY $�ler in waoaxion wide.�:1oan, unless appGcabte,1ay�'. �cmid(es�oi�e�wise. Ltr�#ess an ag�earnnt Is m�de a '`;
<br /> 1,
<br /> appliraMo3aw�ra�uires inteirst to�e:�.:t.ender s1ja11 aot be�qau�3 tv 1�Y:Bi�rm�r�.�or araings on the Funds. , - .
<br /> •.:;":8vmnwec a�t,encter ma�?:a�%ui!w�'r�ing,however.thai interat s�t+e g�,ud";�.�e Fus�s:�6�dar sba!!.�iYe to Borrowa..
<br /> ..;..: ... . . . . ., .
<br /> ��.�lfioot charge, an anm�a2 afa�onateng+o�tl�e Pn�s.slwwing c[edits.as�d de�.+a3s;::a�Fdnda�id'tiie�.for whicb each .
<br /> t{cbh to the Funds was t�de-The Fu�id�an pledged as additional se�riZ�'�dr���ec�u�xl;T�.tIsis Savtity i�trument.� ..
<br />-�::��, ��tfi�`.�a�iids held by Lender excca�#fhe amounts pemutted to be�,el�by applicable la�.�nder shail aocuunt,to Bo�'
<br /> _• .fai�lF�e a[eess Funds ia accordaace with tlte t�cluinea�nts of applicobfc_laer_.If ihe=amnunt of tI�e.Funds held by I.endes a+�:�fa►y_.= '--- -
<br /> *� — - _ �_ tiz�ie is not sutficient to pay the Fscrow Itcros when due,Lender�y so natify Borrower in writing,and.in such case Barrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount neressary to make up the deficiency.Borrower shall makc up the deficiency in no mo�th�n
<br /> � �5 twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ' ' �`�. Upon payment in full of all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument, Lender shall prompAy refund to Borcower any
<br /> ",�';�`' s�' Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.l.endcr shall acquire or sell the Pcoperty.l.ende�.prior to the acqoisition or sale
<br /> '.�;
<br /> _ s` ""�'� of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition ar sale as a credit against t1�e sums secured by _
<br />-- r� � this Security instrument.
<br /> � �''''�f 3.A ication of Pa ts.Unless a licable law rovides otheswise,all ments received b Ltnder under
<br /> ; � �.;''�� PP� Y�� PP . P Pa9 Y P�S�s
<br /> �,i ;�;�`�-';:�'°�� 1 and 2 shall be applied:fint.to any prepayment chazges due under tha Note:second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2:
<br /> ' �"�r�� � third,to�nterest due:faurth.to nnci al due;and last.to an late ch es due undM the Nate.
<br /> ,,..•,.;�_: -..::�:;,,�;- P � P Y �
<br />� :�'' �. .`�'!�`�� 4.C es;Liens.Borrower sha11 a all ta�ces,assessments,cha es fines and im sitians attributable to the Pro
<br /> . .•,.i:?K°; • " �8 P Y � � .. W PertY =
<br /> ',.���.;;,. :;�.;��:�.� which may attain priority over this Seeurity lnstrument, and lease�ac:d payments or ground rentc. if any. Borrower shall pay _
<br /> ;i:,-r:�;. '••� ' • . ' these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not pae;�6�that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time-directly
<br /> 't�r}�%���';'�`�'�1l`��� to the pesson owed payment.Bonower shal!prompUy fumish to i,e;a,`,'.r all notices af amounts to be paid under this paragaph.
<br /> - J� cr,.,w,},;;;,,;: ,. ce.
<br /> ` '`•<<�`ti}'±;��?`,L:. . ' If Borrower makes thesc payments di«:tly.B�rrower shall pmmptGy tii::mish to Lender receipx��e�i¢encing the payments.
<br /> • �;,.,, ,
<br /> ���''-� BorroReS shall promptly dischG.�e�y licn which has priority aver th'is Stxurily lnstrumer,r u�less Borrower. (a)agrees in
<br /> � � ;�=�.�. . , writing to the payme,mt o8 the obligare�n srcurod by the lien in a manner acceptable m l.ender: (b j.cante;ts ia�ood iaith the lien -
<br /> ` b ,ar defends a ainst enforcemers��:'thc lien in, le al roceedin s which in the l.e�der s a inion o
<br /> ', Y S S P S p perate to prevent the
<br /> . . � enforeement of the lien:or(c)secc�c���fi-om the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactary to �;en'�r subordinating the 1iea.to =
<br /> . ;'•+:`t.`;,�- this Security I�lstrument.lf Lende�4:��r.r.sines that any part of the Property is subject to a('e�:���e�:ich may attain priorit;�•:��:r . �
<br /> .�:•�,�:.. . _
<br />: ;,,,,�,;;>;,, this 5ecurity Instrument.Lender ra::k�.y.&�trowcr a noticc ide?ixct';��ng the lien. Bc�rrower��e�J.l'satisfy the lien or take ci:m cr• ,
<br /> • � '�}' , mote of tfie actions set fo►th above M�::iin 10 days of thc giving of n��9ice. ...,
<br /> . � Fartn 3028 E�9� , ., _
<br /> , - . - .. Vaga 1 of 6 ' ., �� ', . . _.
<br /> . . . . ., ...._.. �. .
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