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<br /> • � lM��.�i Miflt!w�ri.�s:!�i i�e#�ii wiil�i�ir r■i�`�rlMidiii.�w�.i�i_a�i�Ml';., '�� , .
<br /> �oii�Miy,f�r w1ie�:I��r!�iiM i�wano�.'lfi�i�ie�s�M�i w���ie�a�i1i�F , ��i ..
<br /> :. ��in R±ni�r w�i�'�.�iwwi��andrr.�rili��t ir i�r�ee.i�'w�i���jr rnoMr.!dd,Kt.e t�iii�i�a a�r�l • .
<br /> .° '�Ir tM�wt Me�iorii�r wi�MYid.�ff�an�+�r'4�a��i�l�i��'w'���Mwk��der:�lq►:it ti�ii�"`i . . �
<br /> . ... ,a�eio�;aMrit ow�s�rra�at i�ie's�i�Mi is�r�qe��rt�e�ier iil �M+r�drr! , . .
<br /> _. . .
<br /> . A<i�eroe.lolieiis�i:�e�a�!��ill:i��1li�lii 10 _ ._.. tulii--.----ii�iris�.--...- --=.-in!U�e�iiwii�._t"_!rir' : `
<br /> =�Mre�1e�i�t t�#oId��oiiai�c ad�aiL:-lt l�eaaei�eqq�a�:�el�e�rc�!�!liwFli lrMic��o�l�.�[',:, _ , _�-
<br /> . '. }I�ii p�iiir a�i w�a�i scMiow.is ie ar�t af ini�.Doe�o�+ar i��+e p+�t�b 14�t a�ec�M t�rr• 'Y . :
<br /> y� r.
<br /> . . , ;
<br /> :j�����lQ���'����`7� �.. .. .. -., .. � �- •-„-r- -.:-. -..;-: .
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<br /> ...r�:,_�.� _��..�._._���.-_..�.._._...._..�___..r�.,. .: � .
<br /> . . _.._.— . �
<br /> � �triw�pi,�l6a�oiara�irision�crie��lw'ikard.t�wfi�dis.e�rie�rY'ie[la�+�f�i:�l���!�, ::
<br /> - ��ir i�ot eoo�o�alt�-.lra�ie oc L�ea�'��ee�rity wodd.Ur k�i.t�iiww�or�eee�ti�i��i Is ie w�a .:.;;`��
<br /> secaie�l�r tl�k Seatitx.L�n�we�.�a�fier oc�ut dkn drg._�a�'a�aes�id ta#�: H l�ait�aaee aM�a�a'ie
<br /> � .lhnp�adp,ar doss iot a�rw+er M�iia�O di��a m�ioefiiroiae I�Mc=1h�t tie i�ae e�iec�r aNi�e�ta�el�ir i�ili�rr ies� �`� ` '
<br /> � Le�dar may ooIIett di��'s�ce parnoee�)r..Isoder�ni4�t a�e d�e pinoead��o rep�ir�c�.1�r tra�re��eo ta.�~� ,
<br /> "' .�a�a�d ly►di�Sea�t'Lrarmwt.+�W�Il�ec a,pat�iCU�dne.'1Le 34day pri�od Nill6epa�r4e�ie aetict iia�is's._: � �"
<br /> Ude�r L�der iiud.H�er orhawi�e_�nee�iw writio�. any app�ioo s�P�'cc`ad�to Pri�l�mt.es�e�d oc ' ,
<br /> . poMpae tre dve d�oe af the�ooa6ly pa�►maots�eferi+ad to ia p�apir 1 �ad 2 cr ch�e�tMe�at at ti�e pg►�ea�s.1e .-` .
<br />- ,maa�3i��y��e�ea ey�.����c�����a���=-_-- �--
<br /> d�e to the Peopuly prior b sbe i�oquis�oa s�l!p�s b Lea+dCr�t-WE��neot OF d!e wmt fe�ed by ffi�Saarity Iwon�e�t
<br /> im�aed�dY.pia b d�e�oq�itian. ,
<br /> f.p�ce�/we�,�,1M�iii�oe ari le�eefiM�itre�aebT��M'lsw�er's Iwr A�e�iffi�LaNMIi• .
<br /> . Baeu�er�6w11 oarpy,atablish,•aod me the Piopaty a�Hon�a's prioc�[�enoe writYi�sa�ty'days ahr tLe acecstioa af `
<br /> tbus Sequii�i�.I�tument�od s6ai1 aontiaoe to ocapy tl�e Pmpeity�s Hario►v�ie'a p�cinapd resiAasce far at lwt eaa y�a�;f�l1a .
<br /> tbe d�re ofbocupm�y.anteas I,eader vd�awi�e a�in wiitug;:w�ici�s+oi�aAt aball mt be aaneasoo�bly.�riAi�e�d,ac:�
<br /> E�1� C�[C'�:L70ST'��T�C �1CydOQ HO[!O'IYEf��CC'�'t�. �OQVI�! 1�� �Ot dCN10y, �., ' «l�t-1bC - , �
<br /> Propaty,sUow the P�upe:ty to daer�te,a wapaiit waste on tbe PmQct�:8orio�er sLall be in def�iailt-if any fo�fdaue •
<br /> actioo or pceceediag,whetl�er civ�ar�.is begna t6at in I.�ader's gaad futb judgmdrt coaW trsWt iu fortadme of tbe '
<br /> Pmpaty or othecwtse m�:ri,�tig impxir 81e Iien create8 by this Socurity Iasaumax ot Leader's secarity�ntaeat.Bam�res may
<br /> aue sach a default aod niasttte.as pmv�dod in puagrsph 18,by caosing tbe actioo or pr�noeeding to be diamissed�rith s tuting.
<br /> '�< t1�t..in I.ender's goa!6gth detamunuian, pcocL�CS forfd�te of tbe Hormwer's i�e�+est in tht Piropat�►or dher m�telial
<br /> — "�`:impairajait of the lirn,�ed bY this Secvriry Iasttuman or Letder's sxutityi.inte[est. Bonuwe�abal�•�tsn�,be•in defaWe if
<br /> ,�•:,•
<br /> ' • '��,�8��.:�P��•Save n�terially fatre ar in�a�infom�uioa or�,�-Ea�dcr tcsr fxilod
<br /> � to pcovid��adei wit�atty�ttriai•inforrnation)in connoctiomwit�t•tlte lw�n•eyiQenoed by the Note.inc�u��;bat�not limited
<br /> � to.repre��ans oonoat�iag Bormvaer's accupancy of tl�o Pnoper.s�as�a pr�iACipal nesidence.ff this Secu�it��MstruinGae i�pa s
<br /> - teasehold, Borrowa s'tu11�comply with a11 the provisions af the tease. IP Burrowu acquues fee�titJe ai��,ttia'thf+�er'��,,the
<br /> leaselwld ud the fee title sBall nos merge unless Lender agress to the merger in�wttting. .,.,�:,...<,•.
<br /> . 7.Pk+ntertloo ot I.eoder's Rights 1a tbe Pe+upe�ty.If Borrower faits to perfmm the coven�nts and ag�atiants oonudned in
<br /> this Sxurity instnut�ent,or there is,a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender s rights in the Ptt�perty(sucb as a
<br /> _ procooding in bankruptcy, probato.fq�condemr�ation or forfeiture or to ertfarce laws or regut�tions),tl�ea Lender�ty°do ud
<br /> pay for wh�tever is neoessary to protect the vatun ai�the Property and 1.ender's rights in the Pmperty. L.EII(�Ef'S 8CfI0f1.41pi}�
<br />- . inctude paYinB a�ry sw�.secured by a lien whia;b lias priority over this Security Instrument, appeariog:.in eourt, paY�B -
<br /> ,,�.:.� -�_ rcawn�ble attomeys'fees and emering on the Proper[y to make repairs.Althou�ii Lender may taice sction uncGbr this paragraph
<br /> •" ,' `�':��='�: 7,Lendts does nat have ro do so. ..
<br /> ;�����"'`�'��!"`��ir A�..siea�unis disbursod by l.endet undet this P�S�P� 7�s'half be¢dme sd�litiona] debt of Borrowee secured by tlris
<br /> �'t°tj,�l,�N,��!4;
<br /> �, �,�,•. .,:;�` Security-�1��xmt. Untess Botrower and Lender agree to other.t�mrs af�s�rxnt,these mnoums shall bear interest from the
<br />`�;,. .,,,,,ry.,:;,. • date of d�sbutsement at the Note rate and shall be payabte. with interest.�e��fln notice from Lender to Borrower roques�ing
<br /> ,`�'�• ' PaYment. ,
<br /> "''' S.Mort�ge Insurana./f l.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loaa secured by this$ocurity
<br /> �t,��4.'y.. ,.• .
<br /> �+���� lnstrument. Borrower shall pay the.premiums required to maintain the mortgage insuranx iz�effect. If. for any rcason.t6e
<br /> ��:����;. ,. �
<br /> •..�r�;;;�r : mortgage insurance caverage r�equirad by l.ender lapses or c�eases to be in effect.Borrow�s��11 pay the premiu�s required to�
<br /> �`'=�� �=. ' obtain coverage subst,�,..�+.ialty eqnivalent to tbe mortgagc insuranc�previously in�eff0d;at a axt subssa�tfltetly equivalent to the
<br /> - �. ..� . .�, cost ro Borrower mf u7t r±�ortgage insurance previausiy iri effect. from an az�.�ate mortguge insarer;��;�re�ved by Lender. If
<br /> �'� � �• •,., substantialiy equiv�:,'�c�rr,�:tortgage insurance cuverage is not availabte.Borrour�r s�all'Qay to l.ender ea�:�r�onth a sum equal to
<br /> �.�� '�+:j;,;,: . �� one-tw•ei�t�•vf th�;y�arTy mor[gage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance co�•e�rge lapsed or ceased to , .
<br /> . , .:�,:,�
<br /> � "�±t'`{'�"f..i:u�• � be in efCa+�.4ear�i.ls ar:t1 accept.use and retain these payrt�ents as a loss reserve in lieu of rnartgage insuranoe. Loss reserve •
<br /> :(;4d�p;�}.;l':'. . . • �. _ ' . � � �
<br />- t'�r�S�({5:�• � , . .
<br /> F.;.y,,��i,�.. . Form 3028 9/90
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