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<br /> .. . �. .. ��'l�O���Itfljt��is i�ror�i�e�1��c�w a�lreicwWid�a�is woAi�:.s��+iitaaM�.��a�Ar1.��.at� �:� �:
<br /> - ` '� soa ,o���iier a.�t-ef 1re �a�eit�. � If�/MOI�MS �ai�liols i� aYo re:oo�wiet if iiR l�a�y'°
<br /> 1���t.M a!'*e�oi�ft�eleind 1e ii t�t�tkr lw*rwe�rt af 14e."li�openr•� ` . •`. ' ,
<br /> � ` �` .��1►BtiAM'�I�it Da�v�i�ir's i�wflily�eiNdd die,a�e Le��onirNa�re!�d ii��lie if�it to p�t a�t, :�- .
<br /> � oeuMe�►ie:l�i�eety�i 1Yt lie P�opeetx i��ira�a�e�oept t�tt�6t�e�aE�eooed.BonaMar wr�taue�id t�
<br /> �, dekd�1�dre tide Io�ie Propat�apierE a1t daio�atl des�ds.�bje�t b inY�o�'�baned. , . � , .. '' • ;
<br /> '[NtS�BCURIi"Y,H�!'RUMENT aombie�x wifo�oo�fot'a�tion�t eu�ud aon-YOi6on�oo+reaWs wim lia�iled .
<br /> r�ri�tio�s�!►ln�tioR 10 ooe�tihla s uaifoe�aa sec�iR,y ie�trioe�[oa�reriaL�prop�Y• ' . .
<br /> � � iJi�i�?0�►gNAN'TS.-�ccraw�etaod I1ader,aareemtaad�teeas�ts: ... _ , _ _ _
<br /> ' l..�r��1,at hi�eiwl a�i L1Q+a� !ke}�7�t.�M LMe Ci�e�.Baeewra shlt P'ompt�y I�aY"�m..doe�tl�e
<br /> pri.c;pi ara.d iM :o�eba ae6c�v;aa�oea g►u�e rw�t aud aa�r pq,.ymmt:na 1�c�.c�es aue wiaa me rraa:. �_ �,
<br /> , . . __•.���
<br /> . - - - �--� -- -
<br /> — - - - -. -. ii�� , '`.�'.�.-.`'=�ir�r--- _=_ "`"_ _
<br /> Y Ial��tl��C������1�liC�IdQ1�IC�C.��ll16C�0�1S��fL���tm���Ol:�i}��/�. .
<br /> ��!'�1lf�i 1M�lICb 111�f�{ill/�flO�ft�t!I1VEf l�f SEL71[lh1 TOf�t1�i�i«dl UA d1C��r��Y't`������
<br /> or pu�1 naq un t�e Propeity;�if.�ny,;:(a}ye:ty l�ard or p�uparty in�ranoe p�ium�td)Yarty 9aod:inwr�ace P�s.� � .
<br /> • � if�!►:{�)�IY matp�e ins�uanoa•�uaawrns,if aaq;md(�anY wms pg'able 1�►Barimv�r'to Txnd�r,-ia aocoed�ncc�vi�
<br /> � ,t6e pnoviiioos af p�r�aph:8::iic Iku of tl�P�S'���P�imuranoe pc�ermu�s.�ilcm��aidted'EsQVw�ioem�.'�� �
<br /> Iee�er mr9,ataaYlt�aia:,00ltect aad bold t�w�In so��not tn�czcned tbe�mr�naoum ami�:aiNlmdes inr a fedaally
<br /> � .. ieWod mat�e fba�n�nnay,�uquire for Boimees•'�ecsow aom�mt msiec�tt�e fak�al�Rat F.stare S�t�Pmoedoces Aa o€.
<br /> '=. ': 19?4 ss iMae�do�fiioat�tifne.W dme, 12 U.S.C..So¢tion 2601 et scq.("RESPA'),uidess aaother la�r ER�.apQixs.,t,,o.the Fuids •
<br /> �ets a le�ec atnount.If so.,Laoder mry. at arry tuae. oollect amd 6ojd Fuads in m amount not to yaqe�ci ti�e fes�ir imouot. ` --
<br /> Lrender miy ratimate th�amoont of FuMs dae oa tbe 6�asis of cumnt dara and reawmble eatim�of tzpendio�ius of futane,
<br /> � Ficiu�v Items a otha�rise,in sooadonoe�rit6 appliabk law. ;_�:�: �
<br /> Tbe Fuuds s6�lt be hdd in an imtitation wfiose• ts ac�n�sanod by a f�deral ,`�:; . ,
<br /> dqxui ageoc.y.�ity. or aitity
<br /> Cu�cluding I.aider.,if I.eider is such an imtitu6on)or in auy Fodenl Home l,00n Bank.I.endet shall e�ppty We Fu�s to pay t6e
<br /> F.scm�v Itam:I.eoder mry not dsarge Hanawer for holding aud applyin8 We Funds.anaualIy an�lyzing tlu��wx,or •
<br /> verifying the Fscrow Iter�.untess I.ender�WYs Borrower�on the Funds and applicable taw peaaits I�eader sTb�alce sucfi
<br /> a d�arge.How�ver.l.enikr tnry r+aguin Himower to paji�:+�4ime tha�c for a�r inde.pendent rea!estate tax npos��etvioe,:;:.
<br /> used by I.endu in`c�nnoction with this toan.'unless apgl��bie law �ttb�vides oducwisG. Untess an a�menr is mad�:a�` °.t
<br /> appliCabk law�eqai�:�.W_be paid,Lender�all ro�Fse,rBquirod to pay Bomnwer any inte�est or eamiags on t5e�y�:�;;..,.;:' ,
<br /> Bormwer ud I.endc�may a�6e in writing,however,tha�iirlc�t s1�a11 be paid on the Funds.l.ender shatl give ta��t+ro�;�`:
<br /> w►thout c[nrge.aa annuat ac�cunting af the�nds,showcu�`:�adiu and de6its to.the Fnncts and the parpase fc�r`.��i��.
<br /> debit to the fitMs wac n�ade.'Itse Fu�are�Iedged as additidnal sauriry for all sums socund.by this Security Ins�v...^^�t.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender eaceed the amounts permittod to 6e held by apQlicable/aw.Lenda shall account to Borrov►�s:.;;.`<<,
<br /> for tbe e�cass Funds in abcoc�rs witb the requiremeats of�pplicable law. if ti�e antount of the Fw��stretc�bY�:es,�er ai aul,;;:.:;.;;�. -- __..
<br /> . time js rat su�cient r.o pay t5t E�r'sow Items when due,Le�a�may so nutify Borrower in writing,and.in suc��e8orrowes, "
<br /> stwll pay to Lcnder the amouaC necessary to malce up�the d.�fisiency. Borrower shall make up the defictiaxy i����on thaa
<br /> twelve monthly payrtKnts,at Lender's sole discretion. •� . _--�
<br /> Upan payment in full of all sums secured by this Security instramen� Ixnder shall prompdy refund to Borrower a�iy _
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If.under paragraph 21,l.ender shall acquire or seif'u�e Property.Lender.prior to the acquisupn or sate . � `��
<br /> of the Pro shall a 1 an Funds held b Lender at thedme of sition or sate�s a credit nst the swzs s��red b '. �'~= --
<br /> , PenY• PP Y Y Y �� � Y. �:�;�ti,�--
<br /> this Security lnstrument. : . �"� • �.�-__
<br /> 3.Applic9tbn ot Pf�yments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,aQ pa�ments�received by L,ender unde'r paia�raplis,_ �='�'-"_
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.ta any prepayment charges due under the Note: secon�,to amounu ga,i��.hle under paragraph 2� ; �'s-'""'�
<br /> �; � � � . .�__,��.,
<br /> ' r ,� third.to inter�st due:fourth.to principal due:and last.to any late charges due under the Note. ,�m.T:
<br /> `��'����•"-�''� .4.Charges; Ums.Barrower shall pay ali taxes,assessments,charges, fines and impositia�r�rrs3utable ta the Properiy ' d�•��fY�
<br /> - -. .{�-;. --
<br />