' < . - . . �' Y..--.
<br /> x'i �.. �� . . .. . -' _—_
<br /> "___' _ " - _ ____ _^__— �—�.—�-- —__._ ' . " ' . ' . ' ..__ " ___ . ._" -. - ._. _. ..
<br /> . . ---__ —=-. .-'-----� - . - . . �-T � . - .
<br /> . ` . _ . . . � . . . ,g�, �.tos�t-_ . ,
<br /> � ��ondeirnrtian or apar s�irisK of,ny p.�c of a�e Pmpaty,aF tar catrey►+ncx�1�w aF�•��1'�p!�!�,.:
<br /> �i�ll be pud w i.e�dar. . ' , � � � ,
<br /> Itl dle eYt�K tlf#Whl t1�Of.ihG:PlOpE[ty,I�fE PPO�'OOdf i��'�C�ICd.la.l�le sY1RS leCWE�by.1111�i�y�,'
<br /> �IIYOqIt.WbE�1Ef a[,i1D[1�1C11l�IC.W�t�l��CxOCS��t0 BOROWCt`�L�IE CwC111 O�i�(�Ij df f�lO,P1C�lYt�t1�::
<br /> ' which the fair auctoet v�tt4e of the Propeity imrnedia�Ey befom thc tatina��qwl to ai�ter Ih�e the atrMwu,af•,tde��wms. .
<br /> secuied 6y tlus Secarity instcumeat immed'wtely befora We t�hin�:unkss Ba�rrowcr md t.ender aherwisc apee in,�itii�g.
<br /> ' We sums sa.wed by thia Security Ir►stcument st�ll be reduced by the�mcwnt of the procads muhiplied b�r.t[�a�idtowiny
<br /> 5actia�: (�tGe tafal�mou�K of,tbe sums secured immediately 6efae the t�king divided by(b)the fsir fiadcet�va{ua ef Iho
<br /> Ptope�ty iaunediaoelY befo��bc l�iCia&:/1nY b�i�noe si�i1�e�m 8aaov�u._ In t6e evrnt.of s p�tial;Wcing�of:�e
<br /> prt�pe�tjr in wltieh the fiir m�vic,et value af the F�opeRy immediately befoce the tairing is kss thau the amonnt�r�t die;a�ms
<br /> secu�ed immddiatety 6efocs the taktng,unkss Barower and Lendes aixewise ag�ee in writiag or unk�s.apq{jaibie;taw
<br /> � ot6eiwise provides.ttie pmcads sinU be appiied to the sums secured by ihis Security Instrament whCtl�er a�wtwt tl�d,sums aro
<br /> --------,�=--
<br /> _ -------�--- ------.�:�_ -- -. . .
<br /> - -- -�aae. � — — -
<br /> If the ptopeny is abandoaed bp Bomnwer.or if,after notice by t.ender to Boaower�hat the coode�u�a��4ffataso.m�e.
<br /> an award or settle a claira for dmnages.Barower fa�s to respond to Lender withir►30 days after the date 1hn i'wticG is giyen.
<br /> I.ender is wthocued ta�collect and app1X[he pmceeds.at its optian,either to restor.uian or reptir of tha.�nupexty�oc ta tha
<br /> sums secmod by►t6is Sec�a'ity Instrutoent,whether`or not theu dUe. .
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bafr�uwer otl�wise agme in vyriting,any applicatian of pnnceeds to�xincipal sita(i,1�ot�a�atend a�r
<br /> postpone the due due of d�monthlY PaYments refemed w in pazagrapfis 1 and 2 a chaage the amount uf such pay�mts_
<br /> 11. aorra�ra NoE,Bek�ed; For6e�seoe By l.ender Not a Waiver. Extenswn of the time�for�paymont or
<br />; madif�cation of�tiai of the sums sec�ued by this Securiry Luuament granud 6y Lender w any�succsssor in inteoest
<br /> of�orrower shall aot opetate to tclr�se the lia6iliry of thc original Boriower or Bamower's sucr�so�s;iminteres�.Leader _
<br /> . stiait not be�uirod ta comrnenea proceedings against any successor in�uiteiest ar�fuse to extertd titrie�for payment.or
<br /> . ��.���jr�atiar�of the swns secured by this Secutity tasocument by n�son of any d�emand ma�o�sy tl�e aiginai
<br /> Bormwa a Bac+�wcr's'.saeectssors in interes� My forbear.uue 6y Laider in exeneising any rsgbt or cemady��dall nat be a
<br /> waiver of or p�sctride th�e�se of any right or rcmedy.
<br /> � • �. SII[�O�S a�AS6�R5 BOY��.TO�t�S!Ylf�I�Il�I�iS�@�M�S. �.'CAYCIIBlIIS�-d$�EtDE0t9 O�(IIIS
<br /> , S,�y Insfimaeat sHalt bind and 6enefit�he successors ancl assigcs of�'er aad Bomower,subjoCe to tbd�pmvisions of
<br /> � 17.Borrower�s covenants and u�nts shall be�int and sev�ral.My$orrower wha.co-sigt��W�•SeCurity
<br /> tn�nt but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing t�s,Security Instcument o��tu mortgage:•gr3u►t�and convey that
<br /> . Soi'roiver�s interest in d�Ptupecty w�der the terms of thu Secarity Iratzumrnt; ib.)is nof}�ersonaQyob2igqtod to•Pag�the sunu•
<br /> � ' �by this Se�wit7r[nsuument;and(c)agrees that Lender and�ny other Borrower may agree m euend+�modiiy�torbear
<br /> , .. ar make aay accoauaodaaons with�+erard to the tem�s of this Security Itisuument or the Nate�v�-itt�out���ltat Bortvwer�
<br /> - cun.;ea� ,
<br /> : . i� Loan C6asgea- If the taan secured by ihis 5ecurity Instrument is subject to a law whied'sets�msusimum loan
<br /> charges.aad that lavr•is�finally interpneted so that tix interest or ather loan charges colleaed or t4 ba caltd�ted in�connection .
<br /> , � wiuh the loan eaceed the p�rmitted limiu.then: (a)any such(oan charge shall be reduced by the amwAt neces.gaqr•to oedue,a
<br /> "� thb charge to the pemtiued timi�and(b)any sums aiready collected froas.,Soetower which exceeded Qeaii��iKed li�hita wi116a
<br /> • refiinded to 8ortower. Lender may ehoose to make this refcmd hy redur`u� �'principal owed under:iceN�ata:or b}+mulcittg a
<br /> �rliitxt payment to B�aower. If a refund reduces principai.dte�3uctsan��*?i'�treatect as a partial_p.iep��ent�n�rishout,any
<br /> ;_,pre��inent charge undec the Note.• �: ",. r . , ,.
<br /> � ,'� L3 Notkes. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for ir.�ti;;a�Serurity]nstrument s'hal�;be.pven,b�r�delives'g�r��ar by
<br /> �utril.,T.js��it by first class mail unless applicable!aw requires uxe of anather methad.The noUCe•sf�l�e�disrected to tDtN:�r+opetcy
<br /> � A�*dress or any other addre.�.c Borrower des;gnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sli�af��3�'a vcn by�fir�t cluss
<br /> �. mai}to Lender z;addrass stated hercin ar any ather addresc Lender designates by notice to Bor.a7vrr.;Aizy aotico plpvided for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shafl 6e deemed co have been given to Borrower ar Lender ufi�q�$iven:as prQvided in tttis
<br /> Pu7aSraPh• ' " `�
<br /> 15. Governtng•Law; Sev�e;u6i'iity. This Security [nti[rument +hall be govcmed by.federat�latu•and�thd�lat�r of the
<br /> jrf�tsdiction in which�he Property is located. ln the event that any pravision or clause of this 5eeut�g�Instramem ar the Noto
<br />_ ,� ���, conflicts with upplicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisians of this Security lnstrums�n?t�oE t.hi��Note�which can
<br />,_, � � . b�given effect wlHtaut the conf]ictin�provisi��. To this end the provisions oi this Seourity�[nstr�iant�3nd�thd�Note•aze
<br />- � � dc�.-ta�i to bo sc+:rrabtc: -
<br /> �L!�8orrower's Copy. Borrawcr shall bc�iven one c:nnEormed copy af the Note and of thiy Secarity�In�,*rsmec��:� `
<br /> ,` . LT. 7Yansfer oFthe Property or a Beneficial Inter�i�+�orrower. If all or any pa�b of tho Property'ur u�y I�tesest in
<br />- it i9�sold or tran::ferced tor if a beneficial intece.st in Borm�zr is rold or transferred a.nd�otrower•U�not�a naturaJ#�rson)�
<br /> ' w'rthbut Lenderk prior'written cansent.Lend�>r may,ut its option.reyuir+e immedi:ue pa�Tncnt�i�•fu![�l�f�ll Nums secured by
<br /> � thie�!Secuaty Instrument: However.this opcicsi„��all not be exercised by I.ender if exercrsa i�c prohibitc8 by�fedatal la�as of•� -
<br /> ' tfiu�diita of this Securiiy Instrument. • -
<br /> Ifl ixnder exer�cises this optiar�Lender shall give Baaower natice of acceter•►tion:�Tti�•nolieo chail�provida'a period tlf��
<br /> . not les��iui 3Qdayy from the date the notice is delivercd ar mailed within which Borco-�_Rmu�e p�y��ll��'�umN r,ecur�d Np thil��•.
<br /> ' Serurityl�dnstrument�� If Botrower failc to pa}•ihexe sums prior to the expiration of this�pcaod:�I.tndaM�mny�invuk�f�nyn� -
<br /> remottids petmitted b�lhis Securiry Insirumenr R:thout funher notice or��:^::and nn Borrower.� -_
<br /> I&�.I�Urruw�rTS Rip,ht to Reinstate. If Borrowcr meec� cenain�-ca���ition4, Borrower xhalFlh�vc�'•thd��ight!�to��h�ve �.
<br /> ' enfe�emom�nf Qhin�Security Instrument discontinued at amm•time priorio:Y�earlier af���a>�5 daye(or�sucb bthL�r pedod as _
<br /> ' SingleFamity..Fnnnk�fadFreAdielN.x([1`ItORNINiSTR4�tEK'fl:l'�tiPdhn�'ewnan�r 9/9b Ipugv��I��tzes� :
<br /> � ' r ,' -
<br /> n . � . -
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<br /> :€�F-a��i*5�.�`i 7 '%� �'�1'�!a,'�°•'k.,:ki�'°?k'.^ ti,,,.
<br /> _' _;�1�� .,Y� �.",'�- .','�. ��;� i .r`«s�x� �i�i�.����'_.
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