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<br /> pQ10df i�LdidlT OOQU1tC3. 7�IG II�Ai�C�ftIK p[OYI�l�IG�RSt�iliCt 3j1�����W�i�►�Q(t�bWtC SYtiJCCt ID l.iC11dE[�
<br /> 3 . i�lDYi�WbIC�S�Y��IIOf�r W�' O�li��It�1G{a.-��RUWa f�1�S W SWlN11ip COYEt�Q dOSC1l�lEd�fOt�C.�GIi�G�Illiy`•�
<br /> E,ClIdC��S Optlpll,Obfsl�CQ'YCr1�C�D,p[dlCL�.C11�GFS fl��lI1�IC p10QM�t!11�CCO[adilGQ fY�fit�Ci�tJ�l7 �.
<br /> • . -AIl insuranoe policKS aod tenewals ah�ll fit accapt�bk w Ltndetard slwlf incfutk a stu�datd matgagt clause. l.endec
<br /> shall f ave the rigbt to ii�oM the po}icies�rt�twaLs:.U Lader mquues.Satower shgit�Pr'�P�Y�Ye to Lender�Il ieseipts
<br /> ' _ �of paid premiums and miewai iiotices. bs th�eveoe of toss.Bamwer s1�alt give pnompF notict to the insur�c�rrler md
<br /> . Leader>'LxnQer may m�lce p�oof of tos9 i4 t►ot�de Pr�P�Y�Y B�ower. , ,
<br /> Unkss E,e�der and Boimwet athciw�sa agroc in writing,iasur�nce pmoeesls shuU bc applied.to�estoration or rcpair of �
<br /> ti�e Ptoprtty damaged,if tl�e restaatio�t,un�pasr•;s annomipily fcasib��and t.atders secur:ty:is seot lessaxd. If the
<br /> �sw�ioo ur:epia ts bot economicallp�feasibk or i.et�der's secunry would.be leasetKd,the inwnoce pmoeeds s6a11 be '
<br /> apptied to the swns securad by tbis Securitg Iacuuma�t.�whetlxr or not tlten due+:witTi aay:excess paid xa Ronnwer. If
<br /> -- A�w��bardons the Pmpem.otdoea.mt aacwer within_30 daYS a a�xice.&am:.Let�r that_thc_insutana carrier has-----,-_--
<br /> — -- offemd to seule:clsim.thrn.Lende�t�uy ooikrct the ir►4tuance procoeds. I.ende�ma�n-use�ie;�to iepur or rastore - --
<br /> the PtopeAY a to pay sums socuced by ihis Security InstnuMnt,whetl�rr a aot tben.due: 'F6e 3Q�d1y period wllt 6egin whert
<br /> the notice is given. � �
<br /> . Unksc I.tnda aid Boanwer othenvise sgrne in�vriting.any applicadon of p�oceeds to pincipal shall aot extead or
<br /> postpone t(�due date of tht montlJy pzyr�ents nfernee to ia pangraphs t and 2 or�inge tt�e anwont of the pay�nenrs. If
<br /> _ uader paragraph�21 d�e Aroperty is xqairod by^Lender.Bomnwer�right to any,iastirance policies u�d proce��iesutting
<br /> from damage ta tbe Flrope�ty prior to ti�e acqulsit�stiall p�ss to Lender w the e�berR:o��tl�a sutas�secut+ed by this Security
<br /> Instrunwnt immedi�tety prier to the acquisitia�n: ` '
<br /> 6�. Oiecupsoay, Pres�erratioR, Msinteeaee aod Protecti�ln ot tlNe Ptopjst'ty: Bornasru's I uw ApWication:
<br /> _ l.easerdds. Hormwer shall occupy.establisib and nse fie Property as Bortuwerb pancipal residence withiri sixty days afacr
<br /> tlx executioa of Wis�Security lastrument arsd s6at1'axuinue to oocupy t1�e Prope�ty.as;BoRUwerk principat�sidence far at _
<br /> kast aa� year after the date of occupaticy. unkss Lender othe�rvise agrees in:wriring. which consent shaU not be
<br />= umeasonably withhetd.or unless eatea�uing ci�st�exist whicl�are bayond BoctQwer�s contmL $omnwer s6a11 aot
<br /> destroy,damage or implir'thc Ptoperty;•.atto�wtht Prupe�ty to deteriorate.orcommitwaste on ti�Fioperty. Bomower sha11
<br /> be in default if any forfeitw�e action or pSoceeding.wliethu rivil or criminal:is begun that in t.ec�r�?s gaod faith jndgment
<br /> coWd r+esult in forfeituie of the Ptnpetty or otl�envise materially impaur�the lian cceated hy this Se�arity Insdument ar '
<br />_ - Lender's security interest. Samower may cure such a default and reinstate.as pnavideii in paragaph 18.by causing the actian
<br /> - , or praceeding,to be dismissed with a rutiiig that,in I.ectder§govd faith determinatiaa:precludes forfeiture of the Bor�ower's
<br /> intenest in t�e Ptuperty or other material�impaimient of the lien created by thi9�ecurity Instrwaent or Lender's security •
<br />° interest. Borr�wer sha11 atso be in def�ult�if�Borrower.during tfie ta3n applic�tion process,gave materially false or -
<br />- - - inaccurate info�on or statements to txnder(ur faited co pravide[..ender with w►�r ms►terial infaimation)in connectian wi�6�
<br /> , tt�e toan evidenced by the Note,.including;bue�not timited to.repmse�uatians c+�nceming BoROwer's occupans� bf the
<br /> Property as a principal residence. if this Security In�nt is on a teasehotd,Borccsver shall comply with all tl��visioas ,
<br /> of the lease. If Bomnwer acquires fee title W the Propera<<�the teaschold and the fee�atle shall not merge untess f..eiider agrees
<br />_� to tbe ttierger�writing. ; , •
<br /> `" �y 7. Pturla�fbn of Lender's Rights ia�tht•Prvperty.� If Bortower faits to perform the covenanu and agreements
<br /> - contained 'ur�#:i�s Secnrity Inswmenu�orsfkra is:a:fegal proceeding thnt may.significanUy affect Lender�pghts in the
<br /> _ .�.;f Property(such ac a proc�ifl'g in bankruptcy:pro6�te foir candemnation or forEeipn�e or to enforce taws or regula6ans),t}ien
<br /> � �: f.+ender may do and paT���4hatever is�necess�ary to pmtecE the value of iha�PTm�-and Lender's rigfits in the Pt�perty.
<br /> ',#- " � .:'.;.•-,;:.� Lender's actions may a�su:lc,�aying any sumc secured by a lien which hac priority�cts this Security lnstrumen�appearing �.._._.._
<br /> , y.%?+�':.. tr !�; �--:_�_�
<br /> . ;.,�'�,;� in court.pa�:.�¢rcasonxUt:attomeys'fecs and entering on the Properry to make n;p�.:rs.Althaugh Lender may take action --
<br /> -..v::,,,� �y.. 6'�r�—.
<br /> _ _ti; ;-,�;,.•-- under this�a�.-��,4 7.Lender does not have ta do so. _-_ --�-
<br /> �;��' '• .• Any a�:r.•=�s disbuiaed by Lender under tbis paragraph 7 shall beco�na�dditional debt of Borrower secured by this ��+'�_�°=
<br />_ ° �•'�" � �`'"'' Security Inscn:.�:r.t�n;.-�s Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymenG thesc amounts shall bear interest from the ��.��='�=-
<br />, ::-� :,.i:�
<br /> = n�:� date of disburser�uec.t:u a:-jr,Note rate and shall be payaSsfe,wi�h interest,upon notu:.e-from Lender to Borrawer requesting i ,,;t_
<br /> � '��a*� t. . PaYment. �� ��. .. • =
<br /> • ����=u.'�� '" S. bicatt,`m��t�nsurance. If Lender tequircd mortgage insur.�nce ac a candition af makiag the loan securett by this ^ ��-`_
<br /> ^�-�"`-'� `�'r' Security Instrr.r,n�u Barrower xhal!pay tire pr.emiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insur�n�:e in effect. If.for any =.'.;a:��
<br /> : ..: • - �.�t..
<br /> •��a�.f'.� .�. : . �[F. _ •.:5_.:,`.L,.
<br /> ,�y,_, .,. •,,� ; reason, the i;�a*gage insurance coverag�e require�i by Lender lapses or cea�tcl be in cfti�. �orrower shaU pay the :,.
<br /> ,� -"-" � • �preminms required ta ohtain coverage suAvlanteally �scic�t�nt to tha mortgage�in:UiX:�:c:��viiiusty in effecl,at a cost r . I••
<br /> � '' svbstantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the rra�n:cga�e insurance previou4[,'±n��ffect.from an altemate mongase ���'' �� �-
<br /> j�,,,':, .. ,;,��. . :,.,;:�surer approved by Lender. lf subtitantiall�"eyuivalerft r,�.�t;age irtsurnncc cavera�-z:cs t:as availabie,Bottower�haU pay to ,�����;,:".,!,::
<br /> �ty;�:� •. �';}���; • Lender eacfi month a sum equal to ane-twelith of th�yearty mortga�e insurancc Qrc-cn:::rn being paid by Borrower when the -
<br /> insurance eac t.;sge Iap�eA or ceased to be in effeet.�Ixnder aTll arcepr,use and retain ihase payments ac a loss reserve in lieu �`�t��
<br /> _ ���_: �'.� .Qf mortg�,�rt�;�.-ance. Lass reserve payments may na fonger[�e rr�uired:at the nption ai lxnder,if mortgage insurartce ' ��•�=
<br /> �,•, �., . . s:c'verage Firr_•`t�i,amoum and for the period thit Lcnder cryuires;prc�v;ded by an inxurer approvcd by Lender again becames . ` �
<br /> '�s, :,. .�•:: ;i��ii�GGt�"aiT.0 is obtained,$orrower shatl pay th@ premiurrzs myuirrd toms�intain mort�age inzurance in effect,or raprovide a • �.
<br /> .� ': ._ .�,,,• ,.l+�'ss te�eis•�z�nri�il the requiremem for mo�gege in4urunce ends in ac�rrdaitce wiih�ny written a�:reement betwe�Borrower • : j'�
<br /> �.:� � `�r,';1` ` � ,�.'•cr,dl:er.di:�or�applicablelaw. ,• � �� ,
<br /> .'?rt'. �if;.,�J � , . .
<br /> ���. ':•�:'. . 9 ldspectlon. Lender or its agetm�mar make reatinnable erttr�ea�pon und�nspections ufit;e Propeny. �.ender shall � �
<br /> �?`'�'' ����''�`'�" :� tve Borrower notice at the time of or �o�to am�na etio�s c�f in reasonable cause for the irt, ion. .�,.' �
<br /> �� , � & Pr P� p� � Y � `f��
<br /> • � .����"'�� ' 10. Condemaation. The praceedw oi�any�aw�rd or claim for Jamage.r•.din�:t�1r.ontiequentyal.in conaea:z?�n with any ����-`�!'.: . . '
<br /> �k � , , tii
<br />. •;.,.• . . •.. �.,.<<�,. .
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