r._ r.•��:: .._- , -
<br /> �� ` '-�.. •-'� 'Y'SL =' . ` . . - . _. . . ..::r_
<br /> b . . �
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<br /> �_e...._._.._ __. ,_ _
<br /> . . .:. _.__ � . , :.� y � , ... ---. .
<br /> -�-_ --- -'-. _ � .�—_.-: .ti__.�, _'- - --. . '_' .
<br /> _ �!: ___— 4_' _ .._ _-_- -_ - ___ � __. . __ _ '� — _ .'__— _ ` _ — .__ .- — .-- — _.__
<br /> ��,y ._ ` �_ - '� ` , /�.A�. ���' ' � ,
<br /> � �t t110�Optinf!OE T�Of1dllts f�flt0ltp�C i1d11[�f�OCtO COV�!l�ja in1�R16�11101�1t iltd-fOl'�10 p!1l1Qd tb#t Y�ladEt T'OQl�t+Oi}�
<br /> �[OYl��i�fi 1fWN+EP���j���irll�f00011f0���tR�O ttl�1i O�tY�.HOliOQlt�l QRy t�'�l+OA1ltMlli �� �
<br /> r6quirad to maianiA mocty�c mau�noe in dtect.oc to proyede a tar re�eeve;untel the t+equitemant toe enort�e
<br /> imuraooe eads ia a000ed�oa�ith m�►�rrittan sp�xinent bat�reee Borra�tar aad Landar Qr applicabte taw. � `
<br /> � 9 Inspectioa I�ender a its�gent m�7►m�te raeonable eatrias npon md inepectia�e nt tbe Proper�ty.Letidec e�tl ,
<br /> pve Ramxer notioe at the tima ot or prior tu in�rnpection apecitrir�t re�eonable cauee fos�the inspectio�. •
<br /> 10 Coademt�tioo:7'lb.Praceeds oi at�y s�raM or claim for daina�es.iliract or carequa�tial.ia c�ornection�►ith
<br /> _ � any condemastion or otE�er t�tir�o!anY P����P'�Y•Ar far c�o�nveyanae in lieu oi ooridem�iation,are heseby
<br /> -°= asei�ed aad shill be pid to l�et�d�er. ` .
<br /> -- � tn the zvent of a total��of t1�Pe+opetty.the p�ooeeds ahaU ba applied ta tho eums sectmd by thia Secucitg
<br /> _:=�,� Inswment,Mhett�er or aotthen�ue.�rith my e=cees pid to Borrower.ta the event of s p�etial tatin�of tbe Property ia
<br /> �rl�i,c�the fair muket vslue ot the Propartp immediately before the aiciA�is eqwl to ot�reaur th�n the smouat of the
<br /> -—_--s�msso�mv�-bjr�iisSocu�riiy��u�i u�,��i:t���fQraihe ia§is����t��,��Ln!f�l Qth!nrii+e:grx -,---
<br /> k in�vrida�,the e�sms aecured by'tl�is Socurity I�atrtmaeat a�U be raduoed by iha amount oi the praceeds muttiplied by = .
<br />__�.: the foitawin�fractian:(s?the tota{amow►t af tlie sums sx�u!ed immedistely befote the rilnn�.d'ivided by(b)the Lir
<br />._�y' msricet vsiue oi the Property immedtstdy bdote the t�n�My brtane�sball be pdd to HarroRer.In tt�e oveat ot a
<br />_;-i, prtid tatin�o�the Property in+vhich th�tair mukei value ot the Pmperty immedistdy betnr�the taicin�ia te�s t}aa
<br />--�=<: the amouat oi the soms savred irnm«tiatelg before the talcing�uale�Borraxer snd I.ender other�vise sgroe in Mritin�
<br />._��;,
<br />-/:'•� or wilass applicabla taei ather+vise provi�es. the proxeds shall be applied to the sums seciued by this�Secwity
<br /> IasprumentNhethero�not thesumsare thea due. �
<br />::. ' -
<br /> If the Prnpercy is ab�ndoned by Bormwer.or if.afoee notioe by I.eu+der to Borroxer thst the condemnor aifers to --
<br />-. — � m3kc aa aNard or settle a ctaim for damtges,Bonn�er fails to rsspc►nd to Lender�vitl�ist 3d dsps after.the dite the
<br /> � - notiac is given,I.eader is a�odz�d m coUect and apQly the pi0000da.st its option,eitLer io reswation or rep�nr of the =_�
<br /> ._ • -°:�.:. Pn�}�erty or ta the sume aec�medlsy tt►is Security Instrumeat,xhether or nat then dt�. =__
<br />- J.3 ,• •;:.::<Ualeas I.end4r aad Horroxec ottuxrqise a�C+ee ir►.�vritia�.�aY sPPlicat�ioa oi procaeds W pc�r�cipd st�IInt e=tet�d or ___
<br /> ' � poa-�ho�e t�dtse dsta of the moathly�s3?nents refened Lo i�t p�ra�raphs 1 and 2�,ds��e the atnouat aE such __.
<br /> y� � .�, '�� ����'� �� , ,` *' ' ,`� tisaefar' eat.�4`� - _
<br /> �. � , `',�i�.����TatIIclsa�ed;F�icaae�eHS:L.�der�l�ct�sWaivet��. � �i�
<br /> � '
<br /> '>': ;�'.Wt. ':'���'4 '�� � � ' sr��4catim aa�'•a�tiostt�r��a!the suma��'yls��Sec'.RSi'�t�;.�+��ti�.�by Lender to aag s�viceseor�a ,"' L`��-.-' -
<br /> 'r � • ' '" .04�!a�a ^� Or.Borrower'6�rs sn �s°
<br /> ,. `•*�'-�.� �i.-t�rzst af.B�^�'St�+..xtt op6rata to retease ft�:�..��g , g�?i�-�:, � �!�'�",��`"
<br /> U
<br /> ;'� �j��`'�+;��'', �f i�s�si:L�a'[es��:ue�l�c raq+�iced to cvmmem�ixs�,.�ugs a�`r�a.��5c.a�se;tn i�teresi bt re�uae to exteiufl , .... a�J�N�rf���
<br /> -:�`;��- ;�'r 4'``:'r:�; .�tina�fQtpisnte��.ar�.ei���emodifqamottiratia���.nLesuin'ss�i�^�,^aSe.G'ssi�I�.�taimtbgr�oaofang ��r��k���"'�
<br /> '�''�:}��;�'�'�:���`� �� ', `<5�er�d mede by theari�E Bomoa�sr or Borrow�'r��wcessors in'interrsi.'�:f�a��'ilea�etiu exercising fF;-� :
<br /> �,i�y.S..e�� r 1�°� �, C r �'�{v Y�,�'---_
<br /> :: :x.,_�<ts�;,�:�:z,.,;%�{: .: .. . �.�'�t or remedy s1�lI et+a¢be a waiver of or preclude the eiereise ot any'rightoc c�g��;',,' ` ' ��,::.3��,:�.,
<br /> .- '.; � ;�.ut�:�,_: . � , • �s..
<br /> _ �%r � . ' - 12.Sucoessors and Assi=na Hound;Joiat sdd Soveral Lia6ility;Casi�nara.Tfie cnaenants and agreements ,�,:; ., _
<br /> �`_- .�."� '�:; of tlus Security Instrument shall bind aad benert the succes9ors and smsi�ns oi Lender and Borrower, subject w the �.��M�s;: .
<br /> . . p r ovisions of p ara g r a pb 19.Borrower's covenants and agrxments sh�11 be joint and several.Any Bomoxer xho co-signs � '.-` 'y=:�____
<br /> . - tt�is Security Instrument bnt does not execute the Nou: (a)is co�igning this.Sxurity Instrument only to mort�s�e, ;.� � ---
<br /> � ... �
<br /> �-'� .'� grant md convey thst Horrowa's inurast �n the Property under the terms of this Security Inqtrumen� (b) is not , _ �`"` . „
<br /> � . . . .'.. . peraonslly aWigsted to piy the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�and (c)s�teas that I.ender and any othec i ' ' . ���-�
<br /> ,_.._. . .�_
<br /> � - Borraker msy a�roe w extend,modity,forbesr or make any sccflmmodstions with regard to the tetms of this Security � f . ��f
<br /> ' . ' Instsument or the Nou without that�orrower's consent. • � .;r
<br /> .�� �' 13. I.oaa CAar=ea. If the lan seeurod by this Security Instrument is subjoct to s laa which seta m�ximum lou► f' � _
<br /> - . �- _ -�- � char�es.and that law is finally inurpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be col t e c t e d in � ;. .. . .
<br />!� connection�ith the lo�n excad the permitted timits,then:(a)any such loan chuge sha}l be reduced by the smouM �.
<br />° ' � � � necesstry to rednce the chuge to the permitted limir. and (b) any sums aiready collected �rom Botroaer ahich s ��' � � 'Ly'
<br /> t'' ' ' � � ' exaee�ed petmitted limits will be refunded to Borcower. Lendcr may chaase w make tlus ratund by reducing�the� " • �:: .,;
<br /> ' nci 1 owed under the Nou or b makia a dirat yment to Bdnower.If s refund reduoes princi t,the reduction t. ��'�,��
<br /> � pri p. Y 8 w p" r , . ' � :�?,�,
<br /> '. -=-. ..:�� will be ueatod as s partial p�sepsyment without any prepayment charge Under the Not�.
<br /> _ ; . : .:-.� �s_:.�,: �
<br /> � � 14.Noticea.Any notice to Borrower ptovided for in ihis secaritg Ie�stramenishall be givcn by itafivering it or by.�. . f„.. .
<br /> f �::...-..;:;:r't.;'.:':..� �.';t;... . . .
<br /> . . ;��',;;:;';�,;,•;�::,. .. mailing it by first clatis mail unless applicable law requites use of anoth�anethad."d't:s natice shall be directed to the ;, :_;,;,:ii;,, : ..
<br /> ,`._ ;�",�-�� Pmperty Address or any other address Borrower des�gnates by noti�x to Lertdrr.�n�notice to Lender shaU be given bs �,�f.::,-,; .:. -
<br /> first class mail w I.ender's address stated haein or any other ad�i.enda designates by notice to Borrower. Ang
<br /> ,' ��`� � � notice provided foc in this Security Instrument shall be dcemod to�i2�c�e been given to Ba�rd�er or Lender ahen give� ;;��1�:�� �
<br /> - . `,�f;. � . � 5;:-'c:;;;,:.: .
<br />,_ . ,'"..�. ,':�;�_ as provided in this P�B�Ph• �te;,;`"::��
<br /> fd�.:°::'>.' . "� ;� �- 13.Governin=Ls�v:Severabitity.This Secua���t�strument shall be gati�rned by f���tat•ta�r an�•tAe law o!the ;;��7'.�:,':; ..-
<br /> `. ,,� , 1 � ��.�,,
<br /> �, jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the et¢a„t��at any provision or ciause of thrs S�curitp T�strument or the . � ,
<br />"�.'�::� �-•' : Note conflicts w�th applicsble law.such wnflict shaU not affect other provisions of this Seai'c�f�nstrument or the Note i .. � _
<br /> - �t,. which can b�given eifoct without the oonflicting provision.To this end the pro�•isions cf.�T-�.�`.s�ecurity Instrument snd _ .
<br /> � the Note aro declared to be s�verable. . , � I �< ' �
<br /> :. _ _ . ' ;,_;�:;';%+ �-
<br />.,� r; . . . • ,,;,.;:�,�; ,
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