�.-�--.t.�: �, :_... .. - - - -�- � -- -
<br /> •��T . ..�'} i'' �. � ' -
<br /> =:.�` _�:'�'• � �. . �..__._ -= " - = _ _--.- - -
<br /> ..� _� �
<br /> — - -- -
<br /> � — - -- --- -- _- — - � _ . .. . _ - - - -
<br /> -� - � =� --- . - - - : _ - . . �,�•1/� � � ;
<br /> � � � �.His�ct Propretf twwwa.Boeeow�r�ll kMp tbe impi�aivemenb noN etiidn�at betq�itar aroc�ed an
<br /> ' wr ptaput�r 1nw�nrd y�iaw la�by tin.l�s�nds"includ�d�ridii�t th�tann•aoerded aov�era�e. �nd aNr ot�er luxn+df. .
<br /> indudinj�toods oc tlaod�n�.ta wt�h lwndre requiras inut�noe'1]�is imur�nae a�lt 6c enaintained�a the amax►ts
<br /> trtd�or the pe�iods thnt L�nder t�equit�.The inu�anoe curie�.ptpvidittj tbb it�ur�rac�h�t( be cla�at by Botto�er..
<br /> subject to L.end�+e's�pprovat Mfiicti a6�it�twt be tuit�e�ia�sblp�ridilietd if BorroKet faiis to studntain oovers�e deecri�
<br /> above.Lender nnay.at I.at�der's option.abt�ia oovet�o.w pc�otact I.endet'a rt�ftte in tbe Property ia aAOOrd�noa�rith
<br /> P�Ph� - —
<br /> AU i�ranve pdid�s aad reesewats et�all�b�accepable w I.ender and:e6d1 include a standard mort�a claue�. �
<br /> _ L�det sf�aU hsve the ri�hht tfl 6old the policiea aad tenewata.�If•I.ender teqtdtra. BorroMet absll PromP't1Y�f�ve to
<br /> --------- - Lender�Il ra�d'gRs of pud pe+emi�eeeand rme�rd antirea�I�thc eveat oi loes.Bara�rer s6a11�ive prompt notice tu th� _ _
<br /> ia�xaaca airrier and I.ender.l.ender msy mat�pmoi d laea ii aot m�de piomFtlY bY�R� ' .
<br /> ; Unlaas I.ender and BormFec oth�iwisea�nee in xrltia�.insuranoe prooeat+atssll be appliea w nstot�►tioa or sepir
<br /> : ,_. _=--oi tha p�.dsm�i[the.reaLoration or,raput is�onmmiaii,X io�`bt�uKi_Lende�a secuc�it�is aot teaeened.tf tb� -- ---
<br /> c�esoar+�t�an or repir is nut econoinic�lly fast'`ble or I�mdePa ecc�uity�eautd 6e-I"--we��.�a ias�anoe--Noceeds�II be -^
<br /> �`� appTied tQ tl�e s�ms aec�uad by thia Sa.�utity Iaswntan.�'l�ether ot nobtls�dne,�vith aay,e�ss P�id to Borrc�w�:If
<br />�� Boriawer aY�do�s tha F r o p e�t 7,or doea not�+rer�itbin 3U days a notioe irnm Lenda�t6=t sl�i�ranre c�rrirr�s
<br /> - offerod to s�tle.a etsim.then I�der msy ootIect tbe ina�aac��pc+oaeacl�I�nder may�tha pmaeeds ta rep�ir oc
<br />��'.;= reaont+�#tc��mpertq or to p�p soms exi�ced by tbis Se�it�Instcument,�rt►etixr ot aot ttradue.The 3Q'diy peciod,�r71 ,
<br /> /''":- > , :;': t�n��u tLe notive is given. .• '' '� ----
<br /> ::;;;,;=,,, U�le��.afider anc3'Horeo�ra othecwise a�e+ee scE.tsiiitt�.aay sgplication oT ptoceeds to principst.�att 3iot e�d,or
<br /> _ `r �r x p�stp�om tbe due dzte of t�c montWy P�sytineats i�feii+ed to ia pLs I aad 2 or clstng�tDe amouat at the payfln+euts. . __
<br /> ".';%`�f wi�er.prra�csph 21 tt�Piapercy is acquined,bg.�.mder.�xe�s right ta aay insurance policies and prooeeds
<br /> - , �.i�rsuldA�fmm iaras�e ta the Aropertg P,rior to�ie�eqnisitian shall g�ss to,Le,nder ta tiu eYteat af tha sums�by __
<br />;:.,� ihiaSee�tti'tyinstrume�.tisnmedistetypriorwtheacquiaition.. :� �. . . �-_
<br /> ; - ' 6:t�at,p�asy:�'vstian,llisiateaanoe smd Pratxtios ot ttt�lPcoperty;Bonower'a 1.o�a ApPticstioa; f�'E�__
<br /> ,_ L�e�G�:lgon+a��oocaP���taMist�,and use the.P�+vpeity�s Bor�oxer's pi�reaidence within sr�r.�c3�,qs �°r_
<br /> �::. ' after�tii�:�3�0� o� ti�is Se�uri�:�ment and sh�tlJ�m�e to uccnpy tl�e F�?Eietty as Bonoxer's g�niupil �, _-
<br /> ;, r : '.crsidr�e-�arstiastaae�euaftec�ac�oio�n�y.��.enderotherNiae���ritia�,Wluchco�`�:s�lt � - --
<br /> - , ,,�' 'iao��t�unably xit�etd,or un3ess eatien���ua�s.�nces e=ist�rhich ue bayon�'�how,es"�+�1�,�'o}i�'�oNer .� ;�
<br /> ` �:-r``�--!'•�•" y 1[yf,ti de&tt+O ditRa Ot tftt f!L�ile �W.tI1C.PtopePty to dCtellOi�tC,Of Co111i1fit�L`+t1C�t� � J���-
<br /> E" •, +�1• Y, Ee Pa Propa2a�... .
<br /> � E
<br /> _ ;F.�.y.� 'E-. ' `��ee�`�a11'be iri default ii any te,fe'st�ar���r�Y,�vheti�er eivil or erimins},is�,��a,�Fi�i�`�.,,',.,�'.��`.. . B ` =
<br /> `,,;�! �`e, ;ti;:;� � ,'�:���YJnent coWd resuit ci��iti��,t'�Frape��or other�viae maurially impair t�t 3iea et�eat�;6,�`�t�is '.` i� .a
<br /> �Sr� ^� `���r.,�;# ::5��ment or Lend�s s�itF"�ue'tti�.�as'�'�es cnap c�r�such a d�fi�fisat�d reinsat�s�-paa�i�as.��. �'{ f:
<br /> �<�' •�. ;°L. ,5 �b th�action or p��`t� bt c�a[isse�•`s�di a tating ttist� in l:asderrs ��f�t�'t; � , ��<t��_ -
<br /> �'t�, s., , � �����j-_� � �� os oth msteris�l im �a.tu�t�c�e�s �,��FNi;C° y��
<br /> L's�z�. �• �x�+�2��a,prectu8�s forteiture of the Bort+�n��'�s t�teres,L i�t�e�?C+ape�'�y �t P��. .,�{. -
<br /> -��.ti a•: � ., create�.(s�'!�s Securitty�inswment or I.ender's sec�.�it�iateres���oriaaer shall atso be in default if Baavirers d.�ung ' h ��::' --
<br /> , `rr� :;�; " the[a�a.�tiption pmca�.give matesiallq faLsti oc iaaoc�ira�e iufonnstion or statements to L.endet tor faaled m �,}�1,;�-
<br /> � _ pcovidcLeRder�rith my matesid information)in connoctian with the toan evidenced bp the Nota,including.�ut not �
<br /> - _ limited w.repn�entations conarning Bonoxes's aavpncy of the Propetty as a princip�l e+GSidena.If tl�isSecvrity . .� ,<
<br /> � Iastrumeat is on a le�sehold,Borrower shall oomply with sll th�provisions ot the Imse.Ii Bomna�et acquites fee titte to � � :^�.�j%��_?�,;
<br /> , - . . � - . the Pt+operty.the le�sehotd and tde fee titta stall�wt merge unless Lender a�tees to the merger is�wtitine. �� � , ' .".
<br /> � 7.Protection of Leader's Ri=his in the Property.It Borrower laita to perrorm the covenants and agreements �� . `'f:.;
<br /> � : . ; conttined in this Socurity In4truinent.or there is s lepi proccedin�that msy signiticantly dfect Lender's hghts in the . �`
<br /> ` .�. _ � _ � Property (such aa s procceding in bintcruptcy. probate. iot candemnstion or brteimre or to enforce bNS or '_ . �
<br /> ' : . ,� ",•� re�ulstians).then Lender msy do and pey for whauvet is n�ry to pratect the value o!the Ptoperey and Lender's � �
<br />- tip,hts in the Property.Lender's actians may include payin�my sums sxurcd by a lien �rhich has pnority over this , .. . ,_•-
<br /> . � ' � Security Instroment.appesrin�in caurt.psyin�aasonabte attomeys'fees and entenn�on the Prnperty to make repairs. • : i �
<br /> � Aithoup,t�Lender may t�ke action under this p�nYraph�.Lender does aot hive to do so. : � °
<br />� Any smaunts disbutsed bp Lender under ttus p�n�raph�7 sha11 beoome sdditional d�bt of Borrower�ocuted b�this ' � � �
<br /> ' ..- � Socurity Instrun�ent.Unless Bomo�ret and Lender agrx m other urms o!peyment��these amounts sh�ll be�t�intmest , . . . . �` ':
<br /> �. �= from the date of disbursement�t the Nato rate and shili be payable,with interest.upon notia from Lendes to Bomowa • -
<br /> . ' requrstin�PaYment.
<br /> ' � , � 8.Mort=sse lnavraace.I(I.ender required mortgsge insurance as s condition ot mstcing the loan secured by this �. : ,
<br /> � Security lnstnsmens.Borroket shsil psy the premiums tequited w maintain the mortgage inaurance in eftect.It.for anq ; �
<br /> .•� . . . reasoa,the mortgage insurance coverage rcqwred by Lender lapses or ceases to bc in•effect. Borroker sh�ll psy the ` .'
<br /> _.: . preieiums roquired to obtain coverag�e substentially equivalent w the mortgage insurartce previot�sly in eHect.at s cost � • . �
<br /> : ' - substsntially oquivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mottgage insurance previously in effect„from an aftcrmue ; ;-�„�`:
<br /> ��� mort�ge �nsurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurance ooverege is nat available. , ; ; _�:�:
<br /> u '
<br />` � BarroNer shiU psy w Lender eaciz month a sum equal to one-t�elfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premi�un,being ' ; , ° .-
<br /> ��. v or ceas�.•d to be in eftect.Lender w�ll acce t.nse and reta�i�f these � . � .
<br /> .�.; ��,,,,:. pid by Bocsuaer when the�nsurance co erage lapsed p ._
<br /> �;��;�:_:,:-.
<br />'i , ' . ;c:.f+��'°{r,�� psYments as a loss reserve.in iieu o! mortgage �nsura.�tx. 7.osn reserve payments may no longer be r;Guired. . ; .: . _ . -
<br /> . . ;;,.,,. . ,
<br /> . ,,;;� :;p; -
<br /> �, .�.R.f �)�;r • "' '
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