, :_�-�_, .. _ . _ __
<br /> '_ . �`_�'�, � . �' --
<br /> _ _- aF--e;i - -_ - - - _ ---- �'= - - �._. :
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<br /> , - - ._ �_ _ : .���.. -- - . - - -
<br /> -�-_- _--- -- - - --- . - . - -.- . - -_ ---
<br /> --�`• - � .� s , - . � �. ,_ �
<br /> i... . ��..� --�--� . . ' ` ' . � . �. . ,
<br /> •. .•, � ` ,.. , ; , ,. ` . �. � � ' .
<br /> , , . �
<br /> ' ` periods tmt l.ender mqnires: .11ra�c�sieF povi�,t�e it�si�[aooe sbaT!bc chaua!i�! � tkc3 , � _ .
<br /> �ppt+aval which ah�ll not!�e um�ooabiy widiheld. If$onuw�er faiTa,to ni�intsm cav+era,�dex,�n'6eid abave.tR+�det�Y•�
<br /> � I.eoder�optioo.obtain cover�e to Qrolei.t Lsnder8 n�bts in t6e Ttopetty ia��.vidtore wilh p�sg+rap6 7. � ' , �
<br /> Ai!asuranoe poliaes aod itaewali str�it be acce�R�l�ie�o Lender a�i sh�ll in�lud�a sco�dud mortgsge cl�use. l.ender
<br /> shall lave the rig6�to i�oid the poiicies and cenewals. ULeader�eqai�es:Bo�rower sHali p�omptly give to Len�ks alf noeipb
<br /> of p�id p�emiums ud i+er�ew�i noti�es. in the e�rent af loss.Bonowa sl�aU give ptompt notice to tbs inwracce curier aod �
<br /> Laoder: Leader may make p�oof of�oss if na mad�e P�PUY bY��'� � .
<br /> � Unless I,etider aad.Bo�rowu aherwise agax ai ariting,i�nssnoe pmcoeds s6a11 be applied w resta�tion ar repair of
<br /> . tbe Roperty d�naged,if the ee.u�ioa ar nepzir is�a�mi�FY°feas�'6k w� La�desh savsily;:is uot ksselyd. tf tAe . � _
<br /> ' cestat�dai a nQur is not a�aiamicaIly feasibk ot Lender's sacusiry wouh!be.lessened.dk.ingutaoue p�vcoeds si�alt be
<br /> - ap�li�[��sums socomt�this Saurity Iaucnmmt, _ _� . }r - pa!d -----
<br /> _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _..= w�esTxr a uot tbea due.with an excess ' to Ba�mwer.' If,
<br /> -. --- �--_---.__._.._
<br />�,.; Bosiowar-- a�u i}��y,or 3-oes not aaswer�-3Q-days�t�xieE��r tt�f - - -
<br />- - offered w sdtk a claim,tben Ler�der m�Y collect the iau�nce pioceeds. l�ee�tec tnay use t�e pe000eds w tepair a t�e.sWre.
<br /> -. the propettY ur to pay snros sepuod hy d�s SavritY In�a�,�belAet or mt t6en due. 71�30dsY Pet'iod wi1L b�in�e►he{t.�.
<br /> - the not's�is given. .
<br /> " Unkss Lender and Boimwer att�wise agnee iri wricing,any applicuioa af proceods to'lxiacipal slnlR.aot�xtend a
<br /> � postpone tt�e due date of the monthlY Wy»�ents tefernd ta in p�tgr+phs.l aM 2 or c6aaEe the�nount of the payments. If
<br />_'-•' under pa�agrapii 21 tbe Ptoperty is acquired by L.ender.BoROwer's rigitt to�ny frisurat�oa polictas and pooceodg:t�sulting
<br />= fran dataage to ihe Pt�uperty prio�to tLe acqaisitioa s6�ll psss to Lrndeir to the txte�►t of tha:&u��sa.vzed by�tpis.Secorirl/�
<br />��. - rns�ent iromeaiately prior w tl�e acquisition.
<br />-- 6. Q�, Pnsersstfan, M�ioteaaoce a�d Yrotat�oo d th! kr�opert9+.$arv�'s 1.o�R Applic�tiaq:,,;
<br />= Lease6oids. Bonov�rer s6aU occupy.establish.and vse the P�opaty as Basuwer.�priacipal residenca�itLin sizty days aftat;.�
<br /> __ tbe execuaon of tl�is Securiry Instroment au�d shall continne w occnpyr.ibe Prop�t�as Ramowa�s princip�t�dence foc at.�;
<br /> least one year aft� the date of occuparn.y. ualess Le�da othetwise agn�es m writinng. which conxnt shait nM.be:. .�
<br /> — ameasana6ly wittihelc�,�wiless eztenwtiag cincamstances exist.wfich Atr beyoad Bamwer�c�n�l. Honower s1�liia�t�r�j
<br />_- destroy,c�Cnage a iq�air the Pioperty.allaw the Pra�perty to deusiaraLe.ar connmit wa�te on d�e Pkvperty. BoRawer•si#�Itit;;�
<br />° be in dcFault if any fas£f�fi,Lne actian a procoedipg,.wbether civA o�criminal,is begun that in Lenda�goai faith judgmaiip i�f�
<br />� could result in forfei�e csf th� Piapeny or othets�+isc materially impair tbe,lien c�+eaud by this Secqeiy:�lpsuuanent a
<br /> Lender's security intea�.:�f�oirower may cace such ackfauIt aad ninstate.as gcv�cdod in p�iaagraph 18.bY•FR'+��tl►e action
<br /> ° or pcoceeding to i�e disr.s5'sed with a ruling d�at.��Snder�s good faitb deter�'tioa,pncTudes forfeidar�oF•6�e Borrower�s
<br /> - intenst in the Prnperty or other mat:erial impaimient of�he�ien created by tfis Security Instrumem or Lender�s seceiry
<br /> �4 �a'- interest. Bocmwer shall also be ia�efault if.Borrower, during the Ioan apptication process, gave matelially faLse or
<br /> E- G� inaccurate infom�ation or statements�Lender(or fa�ed to pcovide Lender with,�sy material ir�fonnation)in camectian witb
<br /> `� �'.� the laan evidenced b tke.Note i�c.�a`�in bat not limited to,re resentati�s:t�neemu� Bormwer�s occu of the
<br /> •.,�._. 3,:�.�,��Y.:�.F* Y . � S. P S P�Y . .
<br /> =s:j�n-:�:'�.s Property as a principal�ence. If t�.is Security lnsmunent is on a kaseholt�;�g�ower shall comply witb ail the pmv�ons
<br /> � '�':``�.�� of the lease. lf Bormvirer acquire���:te w the Pruperty,ttte leasekvid.and t3ief�atle sWll not merge unkss l.ender ag�ees
<br /> -:.•�':�'��-'�.y�=• tothcr�erinwriung.. , ' . . : ,
<br /> �:��.,��;"�.�: 7. �oteetion ot Lender�i�i� in the Property. t€6ac-awer faiJs�to perfortn the covenants and ag�em�tts-
<br /> ��. :.
<br /> . „ �,��=�`� contained u�'dUS Secaciry InstruciecKor thene is a 1�gaI•-Qrqe�u�;.tl�at�maY significanily affect I.endarEs,z�gbJ9idc►.,tliC,
<br /> ���'-''`L�''��• proPenY(sach as a in baz�lau ey. �at�.far con�e�a�,�rcn ar fodeimrc or to enforce laws ac tjx.m
<br /> `,�,.,., P�ng Pt rro �Subisnnsr.
<br /> _�f,�:i �: �� Lender may do and�for.whatever is nccessary tc��rotect tue:r�alue,of the,Ptoperty and Lenckr's rigit��e�►;�ha��9topeRy-
<br /> ...,.w.. .-,.,:. -F
<br /> • Lender's actions may i.rn�:rde paying any sums secured by a lien•:iaich.has prioriiyover this�Sectuity�d�k�appeating
<br /> .-. , �- in court,paying rease����e attomeys'fees and enteriag on the�P.^GpeTty,to make repairs.�Aiti��a�h��:enderma}�,t�tca action -
<br /> . under this para�aph 7.i.ender does ccat hava ro do so. '�•,''.: `
<br />