r� � �� Wi� . . . . . " . _..
<br />..-- _ .r'`.f �- . . _ _-..r� -
<br /> r -� �. �t ___ __ _ _-_ -- -- �----�-._"-- �
<br />... - .. . . .._.. . . __ _ _ _ -.-.
<br /> _ � ,�- • _. --_ _ _ �_ . ' ' ___ _ _ . .-_
<br /> ..... �_`_
<br /> _:' .' . '- " "
<br /> '-: ,�.. ._.._ ... .. v.� • i_ . . �
<br /> .._K_ ... � . • - , .. �:f�"_:.
<br /> .... . - . . . .. .. . _ _ . .. �� �� � . .._ ..
<br /> ply�1E�,Ml�iCS�LC�iQ iR aph Z.O!dlp�C d1E�1101�c1f 611�h p�7/�p�...�.�P�oe�CKlr� . ;
<br /> ,eornc,�a t�palr au amt�di�� ixexieas�e5e xae.od usi�so�ncy Im�meeoc�u 6a piid blre eat� -
<br /> . - i t�. Leede�ms�coileet fas aud cLai�es awdwriud bY t6e Saret�'• . ` � , .( � .
<br /> � � !. CTe+o�wi A�e Aecdar�dlkif. � �������ia 8�e wre of paymmt defwi�. . .
<br /> � <s)Def�l�. Lende+'�Y.except ts limiled 6S►�� : ,
<br /> . tequne i�ediatCp aynwit in fuit of aq atas tccu�ed bY this Sac�rity Inpcu�nait iL"
<br /> nw
<br /> . t�j Barmw�a deraalts 6�f�l�mpay���Y�r P�►Y����7'+��`��
<br /> to or an tbe dae d�te of d�e uext nrom�ly paYmm�or - ;
<br /> = Cu)BaQaM�tiefaWts by fs�7ia=,fa�s pe�iat oEt6uty dsys,in pedfam ang dba diligatiaas noal�ed in tbis
<br /> .
<br /> �--- -�-- � —_-=t�3����'=t=�de�sh�ll,.ift�t�dl�Y.�ic,abictaa!aadw�dttL�pru��a+iatofthe � �- -.
<br /> - ----- -
<br /> ---- -- -�_-
<br /> SacietacY;�u�e�e�od��Y�
<br /> m.fuU of att tbe sw�savo36y�s 5ecauTy�ri�--
<br /> � - (i)All or pnt of the Ptoparty.or a 6eneficisl iraec�est in s a�ua[owniag•siC�or pat oE dic Ploope�tY,,_is said oe
<br /> atbetwise tr�sfemd tolhet thao by dcvise or de�aW bY dre.Borrnwer�and .
<br /> (l�j'�e.pknpecty is mt occ�ied by the pw�Tu�ser ar gc�otee aa bis a b�ec p�inci�l ieai�dr�oe.u�d�e par�sar
<br /> , ar gantee does ea accupy tbe Ptope�ty hat Wa oc !xr crcdit lws mt boen �pp�wod i� �co�ed�noe- .
<br /> " with tl�e nequi�ernents of tlte Secretaty.
<br /> � (c3 No W�[va: If ci�saanQtu�ces uccur tl�aoa1d pa�mit L�cader�o iequ6e unmadiatc paymeet in fall.du Ld�dei . .
<br /> does not toquine suchpayments,l�eoder does not waive its ngMs witb�P°�issued by��Sac�aty wIl!ltmi�Lmd6�s .
<br /> d HIJD Se�tar9• Ln many cusumstances seguls�
<br /> n�ghts.��case of gsyment defaults, m iequirc immediate�t m full and faecloae P���y. , _
<br /> Soc�aity Inmmnrnc das not authortae x�xleration ar foreclosuse-i�aot�etmitoed by itg►�
<br /> (e)Ma�e Na T�ed. �w���s6auW dus Security In�c m�d tde note secu�ed d�a�ei�►not
<br /> � 6e elig�'b)e for insarauKx imder tLe N'aaan�l Housing Act wbhin. 8.flo�tits ., . : fmm tbe -
<br /> due hereof,Lender mry,at its op�ion aad natwitfuuandin&myd►ing in Fuagraph 9.talui�immediue P�Y��� , .
<br /> fuU of aU smns secu�ed.by this Security Insonm�enG A,wriue�e.statement of xmy authorizat aga�t of the Secntary
<br /> dueu subscyuent to 8 �ontbs [tom�he dasc i�of;declining co irwn�e t6is Socuriey ,
<br /> [nstrument ancf the note sec�aod ttteneby.shall be docmed coaclusive lmwf of such�iueligi'6�7ity.�Natwithstatbina
<br /> ' the tongoing,this optian may not 6e execcise�bY l�xier wl�en the w�va�aiiility of io.wrance is sokly doe to ;
<br /> Lender's failure to nmit a matgage insurance p�entium to the Societary. •
<br />- 10 Reieatahment Borrower has a right to 6e ninstated if I.ender l�ag zequind immediate payrt�ct►t in fuli hxause
<br /> ha
<br /> oi Sunnwerk fa�ur�e w pay an amotmt due�mder d�•Note or this Security Ludumant. This rigM apy�liea evai sfter
<br /> fnreclosure"PmceWinB,s a�e mstItuted. 'I b reinstate t h e S c c u rity I n s w m e n 4 B o r r o w t r shall under in a Iwn p sum aU
<br /> amuunts tequitcd to:bcmg Brnmwerk account cuneut including,to the exunt they are ubligat�oas of Bomnwer emder tltis
<br />_ Security Inshument,fa�ectosuoe costs and�saAa6le and custon�ary aaom�ys'fee�and ezpenses propedY a.�.SOCiatat arith
<br /> the faeclosute proceediag. Upon reinstatement by Bormwer,this Security Inswment and tbe obligarions tt�at it socuncs
<br /> sh�il:emain in effoct ac ff Lender i�ad aot��d�mmediate payment in fuU. Howevor,:l.endcris not�equined to�erntit .
<br /> - ninstatement i� Ca I.ender 6as aoceptat cemstatema�t atier tha Gormnencea�ent of.f+�closu�Pracoedm85 withm two
<br /> - years immediauly p�ceding the tommencement of a current foreclosure procce�r�:.'tii) rainstatement wjll pecIode
<br />.� foroclosure on dIffereat gmands in the fniime,or(iii)ceinstatement will adversety a�"e�:IIhe priority of tbe lien carated by
<br /> �
<br /> ,� . this Sa�trity In.ctrument •.
<br /> ' � Il. Bor�v�rec Not Rda�sed; For6earanee 6y Lender Not� Wsiver. Extension•of the tinie of paymait or
<br /> � � ' ��=:� ; '' modification of amoitization of the sums secured by this Setunty lnstrument g�ar►ted by Lender to any successot in inteiest
<br /> � �°?`�:'`;` � , � o;Bomower shall not operate to retease the liability of the originat Borrower or Bcarrnwer�s saccessor in inteRSt. Lender
<br /> '�""' �'`-� sha11 nat be cequired to commence proceedings agamst any successor in interest oc ipFuse to extend time for payt nt or
<br /> � • g n of an demand made by the
<br /> otTiawise modify amortizarion qf the sums secured by this Security lnsttument b��so. , y
<br />" " ` ':-= originat Bortuwer or Borrower's successors in uiteres� Any forbearance by Lender r�s exercismg any right or remedy shall
<br /> ' �"'�� � iwt be a waiver of or pneclade the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> + r' 12 Sooce�s and Assigns Bound;�aat nnd Several Liabiritq�;Ca5igners. 'R�a covcnants and agroements of
<br /> i':!ir.,:�„-,i . .
<br /> ���:�`�y=�.__•. tfils Security Insuumem shali bind and ben�t lhe successors and assigns of Lendes�.�3 Barrower,subjoct to the pmvisions
<br /> - .: -:�;;�::�;� of Parasrapb 9.6. Brnrauer�cmenan�.+and agree��.�sts shal! b°,ja�nt and seti��u. .Aay Borrower whn co-signs this
<br /> �- �t Q. Socurity Instrument bus daes nrn eaecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security��us�:sument only to mortgage.grant and
<br /> • � �.�;:_�t�., canvey that Bmrawer's interest in the Propecty under the terms of ihis Security lnsmrment:(b)is noi personally obligated to
<br /> ��_L,�.. ..,, pay the sums serured by this Security Inslrument;and(c).agrees that i.ender and any other Bonower may agree to eatend,
<br /> ..-� modify.forbear or make any accommodatians with regud to the terms af�his Security lnstrument or the Note without that
<br /> . � ,��-� Bortower's consent
<br /> .;� � !3. NWiees. Any notice to Bortower provided for in this Secarity Instrument shall 6e given by dellverin�.it or by
<br /> :���::� m�iling it by first class mail unless applicable law mqaires use of as�other method. The notice shall be direc3r,d'w the
<br /> '��•:` property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice ta l.ender. Any notioe to Lender shali be given by
<br /> ,-`'= : �� first class mail to Lendcr's• addrrss stated herein or any address Le�•�designates by notioe ur 8urcower. My ratia . �
<br /> provided for in this Suurity Tnstrument shail be deemed to have been�"rre:►to Bormwer or Len��a�wen given as prorided .
<br /> - -�'`��".� ' in this
<br /> �&� Severabitlty. This Secuat lnstrument shall be ovem:{!b Pederal law and.the law of the �
<br /> 14. Governfa6l.aw: y 8 Y
<br /> jurisdi�an ln which the�rty is tceated. in the cvent that any provision or cE•:use of this Security InsUUment or the
<br /> Note cadlieit with applicab law.such conflict shaU not affeci other provisions af this Security Instnrment or the Note
<br /> which can de given effect without the conflicting provisian. To this�:!'•rhe provisions of this 5ecurity/nstrument and the • ,
<br /> _- ' Hae are dectarcd to be severable.
<br /> -- �� 1S.Borrvwer's t,"op. Htmowet shafl be given one conforme�o�,;"ag titis Secariry lnstrument. • •
<br /> if� A�prseN d�ts. Batmwer unconditionaliy nssigns ans!transfess co Lender al!the cents and nevenues of the
<br /> • QMnperty. $ortvwet aut}�orius Lender ot Lender's agents to oo118et the rea�s sa�!ce��ues and hereby directs eacfi tenant of
<br /> IAe Aropeny to pay the ra�ts to l.onder or lrcndecs age:ns. How�ever.preor'to Lender's notice to Barowtr oi�Bwrower�s
<br /> beraCh ot any eovemnt or agument in the Security Instrument.Borrow�'3ha1!collect and reoeivt all tcnts and tevenues of�
<br /> IAe HropeAy as ttusce�for the 6enefit of Lender and Borrower. 'Il�is assgzgr►ment of rents constitutes an absoluto auignmen�
<br /> irid not�n assi�rnene far additianl savrjty only. '
<br /> It IRnQ�er 6ive�notice of breach to Borrower. ta)all rrnu rcoeived by Borrower sh�ll be held by Bonower as wsca
<br /> � ta b�enefk ot t.ender anly.tn be�pplied to t6e sums savrod by the SecnrIry lnstrumen�(b)Lender st�ll be entided to
<br /> - mikct and receive atl of the rcnts of the Property:and(c)each tenant of the Roperty sfiall pay all rents due and unpaid to
<br /> - l,enckr nr I.ender�n,�erlt on l�cndes's wriam demand to rhe tenant.
<br /> Banower has not eaxated�ny pior assi of the rents and hos not and wi1!not perform aoy act that waild
<br /> pKVeat L�ender ttan exencis��ts d6hts ueder�riragspl�16.
<br /> L.eader�ha11 tat b,e tequiced w eMer upon,take control o!ar m�intam the Prvperty befon ar�Eter gtving notice o!
<br /> 6Nnch b Banower. However.l.ender a s judiciaUy ap�ointed roceiver m�y.do so�t aoy titee there is s brcach My
<br /> � d�aM�riNll nw curc.or w�ive�ny Aehult or urvalidite any dher nEht or remtd�r of L.ender. 'f�is usigmnrnt
<br /> ai�ia��d d�e ll+nperty�lull lamin�te wt�en t6e debt securod by the Security Iastrument is pud in flill.
<br /> . . �P�xri o1�pnaes�
<br />