���." . - - . - � - ' -- - - - - - __ :-. ._ : _- - : � ._-
<br /> ,
<br /> . _ - -
<br />_-:�:yct�i, , `� � �. , � ` � , - ; .-`` ` . .:.
<br /> . , � . ' � . �
<br /> 1. �tlere4�i.t.i�rw1 ari[:ale cln�e�ir. �on�wec.lru p.jr«!M��P�i�rl�l of'.�1 i�IMii�al, � `
<br /> -. � We de6t evi�da��ood b�►tba Hale ard I�c h�r�e s d Y e�d i e r d i e - -
<br /> 2, M�tYS�ta�b d'if��,trwta�oe Mi 01M�►C�a. �unoMt�r�hdl inrirde in acA tNO111A1y�
<br /> to�6x wr�h d�prn►cipil�ed i�Meieu�s Kt fa�d�id�Nole �aq l�ate cl�es.MA in�t�inl�t a�f+�r �t}M� ,
<br /> • special�an�leiried cG 1u De leviat ipie�!he Pt+opetty.(b}k'Me1�o�Td PrYi�aa ar pcw�r�at tl�e!�Mly*r�
<br /> , (c�prraaiu�fa eaw�aoe raM�d bY P�a�rapi�1. ' '_
<br /> ' ' F�ch�nontbly aatallmeet for'nans (�). (b)tud,(c�tiwU�eq�W aet-fweMh of d�ww�t�N�1nM�.M tMM�n�iy
<br /> qtim�oed by Lender, �o aa►o�u�t.wtticie�t ta n�in�a additiaai b�t�'e o[twe riwif+e�w+��si�tlM ef Ilw
<br /> : ��mamt�.-�fiup+�nu*1 �ma�fat esch i�m ai�1f be u�ed by f.r+idkr witid��priai � - _
<br /> � �mant6 bdae.�item�roWd becap�e delinqua�t. L�andet�dt�otd die amounts.cdlected irt trwt 10 p�ifw�trh lb w!
<br /> ,',, . � �c)befure t6ey 6ecome delinquaet. . � ` � �1�
<br /> -- - ==�-=�f��zj�#'�e-t�e-ir�ai��-{srr -�:l� :�l�! � s,N�a.hNina-�__`.�.
<br /> pymeats for sNCh iems payaDk to �prior�ta.tbe dre dMes a[�cA ifarw�e���oro Ywt oNe•�IYe
<br /> sc
<br /> �,m�ted�moue�of Paymars requtred wpay�ilenrs what due.aad if y�t oa d�1Wi1�iie c�tt�eM.d1�M I�MMMr
<br /> shilt either sefund tbe exaas ova aarsixW af tbe�e3 p�yn�w er rrodit 1be e�r a+�c�asixdt d d�s�MiMMMd
<br /> ':r P�Y���pY�bY Ba�O�re*.�t t6e optiat ot MrrNVa. If tl�e tnlai at die pryAeMr tarde bY Na�o+wM'
<br /> ;�., for ieae fak(b),a.(c)is insuR'ic�aK w pay dro ikm wLcadu!G.d�Bonorver dWl pnr a t�eader a�y�nww�t�wry w�
<br /> �% make t�t6e defick�ecy on or befare tbe d�te t4e iian beooi�p►due.
<br /> ;:ii;_ , As wed in Ws lastnwneut."Seccet+rY"roe�n�ilK 5ecret�i►of liau�+K�d Utb�a a I�it at M�
<br /> ,.,::;,' 3esig�. In any year�h tlit L�wfer mustpry artw�tp�e insur�nee p[smir�m b dfC SeCMUy����i�o�l�My�
<br /> sLali aLso inclade eitLer: (ia�n iasWimmt d'the amu� rtwctaage ins�u�nrr pamiwn to be pid try I.a�det la thtl
<br /> ----- -. Seccetacy.or(iij a maotB[�,�t�t�ts€a matg�e iaws=�x{�t:is�if thfa�!y.Is��nt h IreW 6Y IMe
<br /> Secoetuy. Fscb mon�hiy ia�a1L�#the mortp�e insu�nce�SnJmo s6�ll b�ia�n rnwwM iufiicisn�ta�o¢YqwiM Ibe .
<br /> n
<br /> {� ���:..a�.,..�...p� with Let�der ane ma�pbt ia d�t�te tiio fiiil���rwd p�e�i�wr�ua
<br /> - ptemiwn is doe w tiie SocReq�y,aa if diis Sec�it�r Inumm�ent h heW b�►tlta Sbc�wy»art#�n�aMhly s��.e�i�ll b�lIt�n� .
<br /> .,'; �maaot e�qnat m aoo-twelfl��,ade-half penca�c oFd�e outs�odin�pri��p�1 bJanoe due on ti�e iVofe. ' ,
<br /> - • If Bacmwer ten�lets ta 3,tt�der tbe tull payment of d{swn��vied Dy d�is Secutity InsttYment.$twro�re►i��caw�1 ,
<br /> sha116e c�edi�ed wirth tbe 6al�rie�tatWinina for dl uaqJM�awa[ar it�atu�(x).lbf rrW tc)and�ay nWel�e iwrr[�NU�
<br /> p+emiiun itutallment t6at I,ecWEe,h�notbecane obligs�ed w pay to the uSe¢rctary.�nd l.ender�IWt pe�ply�eflM!�y
<br /> excesa fw�ds w Bormwer. Irnmedi�oely priar to s[aeclowre s�le at�he Praperty tx its aoqwsitbn bX L.e�dM.�otnwWifll .
<br /> ,a
<br /> - �a�omt s�ll be aeditod with any kdaoca rqpaining far all iasWlments fae items lU�{b)rnd(c)�
<br /> � AppBcatloa d P�y�ts.Ali payments undCr Auag�phs 1 and 2 sNati 6e�ppliFd by l.ender ar fdlows: • '
<br /> ; �to the moitgage u4wnnce prcmiutm tp,be p�id by[xnder to the$ecnet�cy oR W the moetAly ch�e e!'d�e .
<br /> - ;•`':•,%�•;`:� �. 5e�etary instead of thc montNy mar[gage•i�sur�xa Qc�em�um:. .
<br /> _-_-_ � � ;:., �,to any taxes,spcci�l assessmen��:ldage[�obdpayments or ground trnts.and��e.ttaud and oll�h�x�+d �
<br /> ---_ �snra�P�e�uiums.as :
<br />_ • ,', �;to intecest due u�Note:
<br /> - - -. �j�,l to amocti�auian of�he principal of the Nate:
<br /> ---- . �,to late charges due under ihe Note.
<br /> �.�: .. • a
<br /> _ `.�`_ � , � - ' 4� �irti blood sd Otber Hsrard Imura�ce. Sorrower shaii insurc ill impto�cnw�ts an the Psapet�y.wi�het aow
<br />-�Q���•.��;�: .•ea'e�steoce or sabseq�entty erected.�8ainst any hazards.ca.�rrltirs.and contingc�ne�a3.inCtudina fire.f�t whitb L�endet
<br /> -_ : ¢aq�ues insurance. This�nsurance shaU be maintained in thc:amounGc and fa the prnads tAae I.ender ta�uircs. 6ot�ower
<br /> ;�,�.� sbaltelsv msum all improvements on the Propetry,whetfier now in existence or subseyutntly eroct�d,�ainst lass by tioatit
<br />�i���i, • ' �.to tIte e�ent tequi�rd by the Scxretary. All msurdnce shall be carried with con�pantes approved by Lendet.�7?�e itauance
<br />=r�-'�'' =' . ..p�cies az�d any nenewals sha11 be hetd by Lendcr:�nd shaA 'snclude loss pay�ble clauses in fa�•os.of�and in a fotm ,
<br />'-�„ �'. _ ' a¢c�ptabte to,Lender.
<br /> -+���' �• �In the event of loss,Borrower shall give Ixnder immediate naicc by muii. Lender may malce prooF of bss if na
<br />''��` °� ' ��P�P�Y 6y Borrower. Fach insurance company conremed is herchy�uthorized and dirccted to rtuEe p�)ment for
<br /> ``'9J�,;: ' • ssFCi�toss dizectty ta Lender.instead of to 8or�av,er�and to Lender joinUy. Afl ar any pan of trie incurrnce procoeds may bt
<br /> :'``'''�: sa�pIied 6y dxnder,at i�option.either(a)ta tr.��rcd;iction of the indcbtedncss w�der the Notc and this Secarity Instrwnent.
<br /> _ �. , ��n'st•w any delinqucnt amounts apptied iro��h.�t�otder io Parrgraph 3.and then tn prcpaymem of principal.or(b)w�he
<br />`:.�, ,;� 1 . ffesi�razi�n or repair of the damaged property. Any application of thc puxecQc en ihc princip�t sh�il ncx eaund or postponc
<br /> ,�.., ,:_ •. m�°.��;ae date of tha manthly paymen�c which are referred to in Para�raph 2.or.rhange�hc amaani of�uch p�yments. Aay
<br /> � � : �n�ss a�surance proceeds over an amount requimd to pny all outatanding mdchtedne+s undcr thc Notc�td this Secu�ity
<br /> , �;, � • Qr�-�.t s�sall be paid to thc entity legally entitled thereto.
<br /> • �m�the�vent of foieclosure of th�s Security Inswmcnt or olher trantifer af titie u.the Propcny that cxtinguishcs 11�
<br /> �;-•�L��', , ' , in�l�,t�dnecs.all right,tiUe and interest of Barmwer in and to in.rurance policieti in furce.hall pa+�ta the purchaset.
<br /> 3. tAocapaecy.Preservs�tion, Maintenance and Protection of tUe Property: Borrow�er'ti I.oa AO/IkatioMi
<br /> _ ', II,�se�s. Bortower shall occupy.establish.and ux:�he Praperty�y Barrawer�pnnripal re+idence witfiin�►ixly dsys
<br />- • nf'�r2be�x�tian of thi»Security Instrument and shafl continue u�c+ceupy the Pmpeny uy i3c�maw•cr�principal lrc+iAence
<br /> , • i�c,rai 2�st�yeas after tho date of occupancy.untess the Secretary determine+thi�rcyuircment wilt cau.se undue hud�hip
<br /> � .fca,��cnows,x vr uuless eztenusuing circunistances cai�t which :ue beyond Burrouer:cantml. Bnrmvver shall notifj
<br /> . Len��of�y eatenunting circumstances. Batrower shall not commit watite ur dc`Itoy.damage or subst�ntially change
<br /> � ,�he pro���oa a1(ow the PI•operty to dcteriorat��reasonable wr.�r and tcar ezccpted. l.cndcr may�ntipect�hc Ptopcny if the
<br /> . '.F:operiy�s va^.ant or abandoned or the loan iy in defaull. l.endcr may takc rc���+nahlc��ctiun to puKCCt and prrscrvc such
<br /> �;��___ vsi�anl tu''E�aadoned praperty. Borrower shall also be in defautt ii B�rtower.during�he Inan apQiicatiort procrss,gave
<br /> - - � mat�►l,lg�'�3se or inaccurate information or statement� to Lendcr lor failccl to pruvidc Lendcr with any matenal
<br /> _�-�� : ��'�Scn,?ui connection with the loan evidenced by the Notc.includinF,but n�N limitcd tn,rcprctieM�tluns cunceming
<br />-_ ;�1�cAS�au�r`s�aopupancy of the Property as a principal rc.�dence. If this Scrurity lnstrumcnt ia�m o icatirlwld,Horrower tsh�ll
<br /> _- - . , ,��+�aun4fii�provismns oF this leuse. If Barrowe��yuires fcc Iitl�•to tAc Ptoperty,the lea�ct�id and fce titk sh�li na1
<br /> _ ' [se�esge�nmmf�ssL'eader�gceestathemergerinwriting.
<br /> ': ' 6..Cl�t�sta F�a�+uwt��and�Protection of l.eedee'�Ri`hts le the�lropert}�. Bartuw•ci sh�11 puy all gavemmental
<br /> � .otr i�;rr;�a7��ar��..�es and imposirioas that are not included in H�r�raph 2. Rarcuwcr sh�ll p�y these oblig��ic�►�at
<br /> tzn�e dre�i.v�:stc.C�,e entccy�whioh�is�awed the payment. If failure to pay woufd;dvencly affcce l.enderk intrrcst in thr
<br /> p�,r,,�t�,�n;II.Pn�Ser's.requcst Borrower shall prompdy fumish w Lendcr rece�p�s evidcncinb thcsc p•rymenty. _
<br /> pff�aw�r�ffaily ttb make thesc p�yments ar the payments rcquired by Paragroph 2.ur fLils to perfurrn wny,a�her
<br /> � co�sv��tits�ont�inod in tfris Secnrity Inswrtrcm.cn thene is a kgd pr�ceedinE that m� .si�tfK+�rNty stfect
<br /> L•e�ea'`s a�fi,ts.ih�"e:IPErv�e»y(such as a pmceuting in banlwptcy,for condemnafian ur to cnfare��wr a rsaulMiontil,
<br /> --- then 1,e�des aiay.tla�qtay whatever is necessary to protect the vaiue of thc Pmiperty and Lcndcrk righty in�ht Plvperty.
<br /> _____ — includ-:rn�j�s.�ns�rnt asf r,�xgs,hazard insyrance and other items mentioncd in Pamgra 2 - -
<br /> • Amg+amru�s:�f'isbtaseil yteaddcvnder this Par�graph shall becortK an ilional de6t oC 11Mtowet rtd be!;ecurcd
<br /> � by thls �e.ri�'•h'I7�ese aatount�shall bear interost from the date of disbur�ement.rt the Nc�fe rue.a�l rt the '
<br /> op�on o1'�',�h�aceaiednacel�l'duo and payabte.
<br /> 7. Gde�r�atbi�.:�e�r000eAs of any award or claim for d�ages.dimt a e�x�sa�uerNial.in corrieclian wi�h My
<br /> candenwp�o a�s�r�Ci�•,of aoc,y part of the Ptoptrty,or for convc�ance in place of ca�demnwion.u+rt hereby Ns�i •
<br /> �nd ahail be���8�A�a�Bir al�the txunt of the fuU�unount of the indeMedness that rcmaini unpWl�!w�der tlk N"u1e �hi�
<br /> ' �as�.•:��an�iy sych gmcads to tba nduction of the indebtcdnes.+uttdet ihtl Nute�nd thl�Se�cwity
<br /> _----- , � --_ .
<br /> In�'�Z ai��+��amounts appiied ia the onde�'provkled in Fits=raph 3. �hJ tGrn to'�yirne� cif
<br /> ;' . � primeipal. `dA�i�'.��;,� t�e�ocetds to 1he priaciprJ shaU not eatmd.a postpone the dra a�te c�1 mnrNhl�r
<br /> �,?� � . �' � �pide2ajlpio��:) • •
<br /> • ;�.., `' ',,, ,.�•
<br /> . ' :. .i,: , .
<br /> ' ',� • '
<br />