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<br /> � `-election a exadse. . Coroeat b� H�► 1�say�c"tion a imctjon of Tiu�or MbicD is
<br /> . � �. . wbjei�t�o ca�n�arapp�rovat of Beoefict�t�t�aeasdec alnit not be deeoae�i�raivmr of t�e d�ht .
<br /> . tn�equic�e suc6 oomeat or apprnv�l�o fi�dua or snooaaiv�e ac6oas vr in�xioas: . `
<br /> � � I8. Pbmr�io�af die�a+t lh�parl�►. Ia il�aveoE o€a tcusox's a�flr foeee� =
<br /> . ° • ssk heiwader ud at�x tLi�time of�cb s�]e,aad Ttust�or oaa�pies t6e poit+oo�a�f d�e� T;ust
<br /> ,Pioputy so sold, a any put dr,�+eo�. Tiusoor atiall iodmed�lY becane t6e teaiat�o[ tHa .
<br /> . � �.pt�chaser at a�tch sila,�rbidt t�c.y sL�t 6e a Iwo�.q at t�n'li,�datimble at d�e�rvl of�aRber
<br /> ' :i�iWnt a�ndbal,at a�1 Per diy b�e�1 apon tbe v�e of thc poAi�a�of tha Tinst I�opaty-
<br /> so aoca�pied,swch�nl ta�be doa aod PaYable d�►to t�e:�n�ba� �n actioa of aaia�vFitl . `
<br /> deviner shsll lia if the�aomE 6oZds avu�itar i danand in 1�ttoa for poae�ion a�,�ch 1�t
<br /> property and p�inises; aod tbis agt�4�ud i tcus�ee's'deed sLaIl oo�e a le�s� aoc! ::��,
<br /> „ � ag�anent undar�rbich die t�iant'a pas�ession ame�snd oo�imed. Not6ioa.�ontrinecl in.-dd�'.: .; �,_;
<br /> � Deed of Tnist sball be ooa�ttued W coastrtute BaieficiuS►u i'aartgagee in po�oa'��th�:`,�:;".:;',,=:
<br /> .�
<br /> - - -- . � �seat�of its�aicing act�al possession o�tiisa Tiust Proptity pursu�ot�o ffie po�►ers En�be!�`:;:;;:;;;;;::.':.
<br /> ' herei,u. • . . , . �
<br /> , . ��'� 'i��:.
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<br /> — r: ; .t19. A�iri�ra�•Ad�iowol S�da�rbrp�ast...�k��� � - ` •�`• `;f;:{`;,Y�
<br /> s � �';.r. � � ��'=�:;. -: ;,.
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<br /> t^���:: _ ' �s � -�� of the Tivst ` "n`�terest in Tnutor(�ncluding bY ope�odo��►�v);or. .
<br /> � : .•. „.�;� ,_,;.Q�it Propeit��!�,r;�cry Y
<br /> � =�`����-�'.�` - <;�`-.etitet into any ag�eane�t��f��i�o any of ti�e fore�aing(the 'Pidu'bited 7�aasfqas".}:?;�q
<br /> ��#��t�}f��r H�r . ���n��UiW 1G1W�Q 11YilVi S���f�iaP�+akw
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<br />,�'�``-�t����Jf'r,'���; -_�f�iustc�r,ofr aay suc�xswr ia inte�est of�YnsWr,m�kes or agroes m m�loe a Pio�iibotE� . .
<br /> `�,`�a.:��. . � ':r�r u�iidpni�eipal b�l�noe and�ccniod�
<br /> .��� �:s � - - s�,�;uy�yae����
<br /> 'T,�'"`- "a=" . :;,�,:' � �({�'r,��ing default intetest)of tbe Loaa immec�'iat�ely duG.�nd p�yabte• -
<br /> . ,:'E� ,. .r�=,:. , �.
<br /> - . ; -. ; _ ., ::: (b� BeaeficiuY wifl waive its bg8t undtr t�e�fo�+eg�oing pto�naioos of dus
<br /> �:�....� _ ..;: :Sec¢��n if all of tLe folloxing coaditlons u+e met: (7 the cn�t and mamganeat ab�itY
<br /> � �- "`,�
<br /> �',`>:_';:� • , uf df�e pioposed traaaferee i�satisfactory to Beneficiary:(u�tLe Pmpo�ed transfet+x slnU
<br /> .� .q. .. ;..,, • . ,
<br /> ;,.;�;.-A: . assume full peraoeal liabi�ty for payment and perfoimance of tbe Socunod Obliguioos; .
<br /> - `��' �� and(iii�a�for adminis�►tive costs equal to 19G of the tben outslaoding pnacipal
<br /> - _ , . �:�:: t�Ce i��dt�o Beaefciuy upon demand. Without Wnitiag the genetatity or ef'fxt of �
<br /> :�a�.�. :'�;� �tE����going,aaiver by Beneficiary of its rigt�to accekr�te tlfe Lo�n upon u►y aaasfer � , -
<br /> �Y�`�.�� . :`�,:.;�:, or ���a�t to transfer, or W �qu�+e satisfaaiun of the canditioas xt foith ia this -
<br /> �..;.�:f.._ � ' ��. ...
<br /> - - . ���`� sc�bsoction @),sh�lt not be dxmed a waiver by Beaeficiuy of its rigiK to acc�ek�aoe the
<br /> ��.=��-�� . .' !' Lwn upon aay other transfer ar coaaact w trrnsfer or of ita right upon auch transfer W -
<br /> �r:{�.,�`,. � :'� . . � . . ,� .
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