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<br /> � _ ' . ` . pat�ar cf t1�1�mt Prcpeet�. � . `''; .. . `
<br /> I � � ' .� 16.. � 4f � If' aQ Bveat•af Da��t.�Il h�v��ooane�, '� . .
<br /> Be�iciary.,as sm�t�a of riSLtaed�aotioeto Tn�io�ocauy�e cL�u�der'11taMOr> . ,
<br /> � � and avh�t reptd.'v the t�a�v�Juc a€U�1Ymt prppr�y_ar Wa i�a�at oI1Ylr�ac d�a�,�1� . _ ° .
<br /> - hsve die ri�Lt�n appijr to au�/oaat hivio�lari�didion to appoint�reodver ar��eoe'�Mas af ti�� ,
<br /> T�ust Prape�ty�ad 1Yustor ba�eby ir�roc�biy c�on�mtt to�ucb�add�raiw�do�oe
<br /> o�aay�plip�ion tl�or Any sucb reoe�iv�er vr reod�vas�Il h�ro all We e�l po�ps md � .
<br /> �of iean►+e�s in tiix at sim�ur c�s and all t6a po�vers aad datia of�t ia cate .
<br /> of e�uy a�d si�t!oo�e.as auch md tyc�e aU wcb po+vtrs adi!tie d�oa of aoo�no�lioa �
<br /> oi�sal�of th�1T�ust Piopaty onias�ieodnra�ip is�oo�er tataninle�.
<br /> I?. le�e�s Net SxeG�drrt. Baae�rS►aidll ba a�titied to aofa�oe pnyn��ad �
<br /> pafanuanoe of m3t SacuredObU�doas�e�eby�odm�ata�e.all rijhts�d po�rr�r:nader this
<br /> �eed o€Tn�st:ex on&x�ry Laa Doa�mmb or at�or aa:ea�etK or�t llt�►s aoav a betaAec .
<br /> , i�`foncc, naR�iqilbsE�ad'�same ot �Il o�ti�a Sa�red �otts maty no�r Qt ba+eatEer 6e �
<br /> . � �er�riaa eo�rod, �rLetbec by mort�e, deed af t�t,ple�d�e,lien,as�m�t at c�C*'�a•
<br /> �`'., l�kidxr tUe aooeptanoe of tHis Doed o�Tmat mr its eafoioai�t, �►bul�ar by oo�et adiai o� . .
<br /> r � :;�;�� �;;:�w tha po�ver o�s�le,or ot6apoMe�s 6aein co�aine��11 pnjodix at ia aty d��tmrr .. .
<br /> :`�'i:� �;;�:'�t Beaefjciary�'s risLt w rali�upoa or eaforce aay atber�ecuatymw or heraRer Le�d by:
<br /> .,;,.. . �ficiary,�it being�grOCd.t�t BC�eFiCiaty sinll bC�iNod t0 CafOmC�his DOOd Of TtUSt�nd' .
<br /> . .`?.�. a�y atl�er socuilty a�v ur ha�er helRf by Beaetic�a�►in"soc�orj�e,i siiiid msmoar as it may it�
<br /> . its absolaoe.�iscntioa dete�mi�e. No nmedy ha�ein conrfcaat��ipan,6�`it�erved to H�cLry �
<br /> � " � is inteeded Cn be taclus�va of�ny other nernedy givea henaioii�r�e�s no�r'or betafter m�at .
<br /> law oc in equ�ty or by atatute. Bvery PoR+er o��iewodY.�!a�`fiy,s� a��be Lota Docnmeats -
<br /> _ : �. �o Ba��ci�pry� or to wbich Ba�fycisry ma�:,tK �iee �ed,� �nay ba..�. .
<br /> ���.o�:u,a�oaaaiy,�a�w a�eana��►�as�nsy t�a�ea o�ea�c by ��,
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<br /> � � TUe,�r�ptanoe 6y Bt�reficiuy of any s�wt�after the same is dne sl�ll na�t oonatib�a:.�.
<br /> � " - waiver of�tf�:s�ght eitl�er w raN� P�P� P�Y�� '�vLeA�due, of all dher sams hereby �
<br />= secured or ta�eClane a defautt as hetein pmvic�d. The a�oep�anve by Beneficiuy of�►y eum " �
<br />- in an amoun�less th�n the sum tLen dne shall be deemed aa�tanoe on acoount oaly aad_;
<br /> upon condition t6at it�s1�U not cwostitute a aaiver of tl�e obligation of Ti�uator to pany t1�e eat�+e �::,;
<br /> ' sum then daa, aad fa�ure of Tiustar to poty such entine sum then dne sbaU be aad oontinue to "�
<br />- be an Eveat af Defwlt nat�vi�ndiag such accept�noe of such amount oa accaunt,as�tforastid.
<br />= Beneficiary o�'�'n�atoe shall be, at•all times the�+eafter and wKil tLe entina sum then sfne ahall . --
<br />- . � Q��e been�3,and ndwiihstanding the acc�ptauice by Beaeficiazy d�e�r of fitrtbdr a�s,� •:
<br /> • s�r�, or c�the�wise,c�rYiYlod W exer�cise all rights ia th�s instrumeat coafemed upp�t tL�m vi. ;
<br />— _ , ei�her af��nd the rig5t W:s,p�aeod wit6 a sale under any notice of defwlt,ot Aa elecaa�` �� .
<br />- . w sell, ar�ue i�ot�rtxere�se a�y'ot6er rights or reme�dies be�ndet, stnll ia no way be ,
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