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<br /> �� ` . . � _ _.- .- - y'�`;w_
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<br /> ' . ; patiods tT�t�nda��Nires. 71ie i�aurnocx c�rier p�avidi�@�e enwt�noe sh�it be chaen by BaeaNer ablec;ta irerder�s
<br /> app�ov�l which sht1l not be uncea�oea6ly wiWbetd. If Sar�ret fails b au�taio covet�e detcd`6ed above,i,ad`et tety.a1
<br /> ° . Lender3 apion.a6tain cav�e w pouct Laider�s ri�6ts in ebe Ftnpaty iq armtd�ace+hth p�a�ciph 7. .
<br /> AI[�ai.e'palicies and itnewats sbaU be aooeptabk w Ixntkr aed siult inelude;standud mort�ge cI�uu� Leader
<br /> �st�ll Aave the right to t�oid the policies aod eenewsis. If Lender c�equines,,Famwa ab�ll peomptip g"rve to Lender ail reeeipts.
<br /> ' �P�P�iwns and a�enewai notices. it�tbe evdtt of�OSS.BuROwa swll gtve pcompt nntice to the inwr�ce carrier�d
<br /> ..l,endat. l�ender mry m�ke proof o�toss if mt made pumptty by Ba�vwet •
<br /> � linkss lander apd Ba�rer atherw�se agee i4 vvriting.�msaeare pcoceeds sh�ll Dt applied w nstoration at tepair of
<br /> ��P�Y�8�.if tJ�e t+�csbae or ispa�r is�11Y feztibl�sad Lasda�s secaiiEy is nat ksu�ed. if the
<br /> • rataatioa or rep�ir is oot eooaomically:feas�'ble or Leakr�s securiry wootd be i�ssened,tbe insuraace'proaeds st�ll be
<br /> appliod to the swns soc9ued by this Saauity Lwmmau..whether a not thrn due.witfi�ny excess.�id to Barower. If
<br /> , Barowa ab�a�s tbe�ptoperty.or does na aa.sv�ra�rittiin 3U days.a not�x fmm Lender tLa[tAe i�wru�oe cariier has
<br /> of�'ered to settle a.claim.then Let�der mry cotlect'd�e ins�uaace pmcooda Lrnder mry use tLe ponveeds to�pa'v or tesia�+e
<br />, . ��Y��PaY snms sa�urod by this Security Tnsdnttnau,whetlier a uot tben due. 7be 34day petiod w�!begin w�eu: .
<br /> thc notice is given. - �< . .
<br /> Unkss Lmder a�d 8ortower atheiwise ag�ee�;:�!tidag.any applic�6an af,pioceods w pc�i sbait nat exknd ar�.
<br />, ; postpone the due date of the monthlY P�Y�ts e�efeaed tia ia p�ngnphs 1 and 2 or d�utge thc smouat af the pryrnans. If•
<br />, �P�S�21 the Pboperty is acquued by I.adeF.8o�wer�rigdt to any inwr�nce potscies aud p�aceads cesni�ng�
<br /> fivm a�nage to the Propeity prior ta tl�e acquis;tion si�n pass to Lenaer w tl�e�ent of a�e sums s�ued by this securit�,.
<br />• - '.TiL�tnttnent immediately p�ior w t6e acqaisir�on. ' ,
<br /> .� . � i. Ooa�W�c�y PreservaBo4 Mai�te�asce a� Protectios at tLe Propa�ty; Barrower's La�s Apppatia�;
<br /> - - �;t�oids. Borrawer s6att occapy.esqblich,aad use sIt��4+�pert�+as Borrower's principal tzs'sdaice rvit6ia sixty day$aftez:
<br /> � � tT�e�exa+rtim of tlris Savrity tnstnu�nt and shall c�e to accupy tt�e Pkapetty as Baca�rer's p�mcipat residem fa•ai�
<br /> �• f� oqe yeaF after the date of acc�pan�cy. nntess�E.eader o�agcees in writing, which consent•sha}I•not:bt-
<br /> un�a�abTy vrithheld.os ankss extaivating�exist w�id��e 6eyoatl Bomower's'commL Bomower s1u�11.1tM�
<br /> destroy,damagc or icnpair t6e Ptupetty.allow the Pkopetty w deteriarace,or caamit wuu on the Yt�opeRy. Boaower shall�
<br /> be'in defaWt if any forfeitee xtim oc pmoeod'mg,wl�er civ7 or critn6�a1,is 6eg�m t6at in Lender's guod�ti�b judg�t.,
<br /> coiald result in forfeitw�e of the PbpertY or otherwise.mauerially impair tbe lim c�rated by this Sacoiiry 1n�mcat,or�
<br /> , i�nder�security inteiest. Boliuwer may cune stich a d�f�a�nd ninstate.as provided ia puagrapb 18,by causing tUe�Ctiaa�,
<br /> or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling that,in Ler��s goal faitb detetminaaan.P�ecludes forfeitute of the Borm�we83t
<br /> intcrest in the Rvperty or ather material impairtaent of tl�e lien c�eatcd by this Socvrity Insbument or I.enderk'securitj��
<br /> inteeest. Bomnwtr shall atso be in defa�tdt�if Bocrc:�s�r. daring the toan appticaiion p�ncess. gave matecially false or,
<br /> inaccurate information or stacemenu to L+endes(or fa��'tn provide l.ender wid�any material mfonnadoa)in cam�ection witt���
<br /> the laan evidenced by the Note.including, but noi li�ited to,mpnsenrations codc�ping Bormwer's occapancy of the. .
<br /> Property as a prbxipal resideoce. If tI�is Seauity L�stnunent is on a kasehotd,Bunoerer shaU compty with aU the prov�oas
<br /> � of the kase.�If Bortower aoqaices fce title t#the Ptoperty.the leasehold and the fce atle shalt not merge unless Lender agcaes .
<br /> ' to the merger.in writing. � :: ;
<br /> - _7. -Prntection d-i.eader's�.iat the Yropertp. if Bomower fa�'ts to peaform the cureaants and agreanerrc� .:-. ,_. — �
<br /> - ' contained in this Security ri,a�,�r_•e�il�ei�e is a Iepal procee�ing sfiat maX si�tty aff�ct Lender's rights in d�e_:.;;•::.�"
<br /> � FroPenY(such as a procee�r�ux�ep,ptc►hate,�t�ndenmarion or forfeitme�#v eafoc�e L3ws or regatatios�s}.then
<br /> L�tder may do and pay for whatecer,i�:�tssary to�c�c�the value of the ptope�ty a�d I.e��rights in tIK i'topecty. ,
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any s�s secured by a lien which has priority over this Securfi��ir�strumen�appearing
<br /> in couA,paying n;asonable attomeys'fe�s x;,d entering on the Ptoperty to malce repairs.Al�o�li Lznder may taice actien
<br /> under this parag�aph 7.Lender does not t�=w to do so. _
<br /> My amounts d�sbu�E�9 Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additiixczt de6t of Bomower secured by this, _
<br /> Securiry Inswmen� Unless�'er�wer and Lender agrez to other teims of payme�n.du.-y.�snounts shatl bear interest�n tlte. =
<br /> date of disiwrsement at the�:u:r�._:e and shall be payable.with interest,upon ciaWx�f�Cm Lender to Bormwer rex�uestiag .'� �.
<br /> � .: .•.. , .,,. ,. .
<br /> PaY g Mortgage lnwrs�oe� if Lendes reyuired mortgage insurance as a'ccss�la.�f ma�cing the loan set�ed 6y t►�is� , :;
<br /> Security fnstrumen�Bomuu•er shall pay the premiums required to maintain the�a�age insuranc� in effect Ef,#or ar��`: �•
<br /> reason.the mmtgage insuiance caverage required by Lender tapses or ceases t�t�e.in effect. Bomnwer sEr�iL-�aap t�e ' "
<br /> ��emiums reqnired to o6taia co�•erage substantialty equivatent to the mortgage iir.;urance previously in effa�.:a�a cast
<br /> a:bstantially equivalent to the cast to Borrower of the moRgage insuranoe pmviously in effect,from an alte7nak mortgage —
<br /> insurer aE►�pro�:�by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insurarxe coverage is not availa..�E�,$orrower sha11 pay to
<br /> Lender each ar�r►ih a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage ir�surance prcmium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> insuranoe coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these paymenu as a loss reserva in lieu
<br /> of mortgage insurance. L�reserve payments may no longer be required.at the opion of Lender,if mortgage insurance
<br /> coverage(in the amount atui:f�cc the periad that Lender requires)pmvided by an insurer approved by I.ender again 6ecames
<br /> avAilable anc!is o8rained.94crasver shalt pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insuraaee nn effect,or to provide a
<br /> loss reserve.untii tf�e requirer.�ent for mn �Q.insnrance ends in ascand�ZCe with any written a�ent betweeo Bortower
<br /> and Lxnderor�piicable taw. _
<br /> 9 I�pectiou. Lertder or its agent nra,y make rea�onable enuies upon and i►rspections of thc Property. Lender shall • =
<br /> .e�ive Bonowcr notice at the ame of or ptior to an inspection specifying reasonabte cause for the inspectian.
<br /> 1!'Coodemeatbe. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages.direct ar consequential.in can�on K•ith any �.
<br /> Sinale Family--FaMie 1NatlFM/k Mst UtiIFORM I�STIpJNEhT—Unifam Cmentints �'N /pc�¢t3 nfb pc�esl —
<br /> . 4as t��l�Ue■ _
<br /> . bO��e1G�1 C/Aii1�Tlt�1131 _
<br /> — �� x:s�
<br /> ��'rLl'n�._.-,..- .�`.is'� �Y:--
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