, ` _x�=—
<br /> —.._ _ -,-- --- — — — ----- - - —
<br /> .
<br /> _ _. . .. . -- ---- - - --- - — - - _
<br /> - - _. . , -, - - ; - �$- ��3.5 � ,
<br /> � � . �,i�:�Te,./�r�+l�c,�t�erty.r a�dkh!tutee�at r�•erw�ea tr�li or a�p�c of ine rnoperty or aa�t iaoa��n it :
<br /> . .i�iold qrtra�teened�ar�f a ba�ci�1 iate�t ia Horra�re�is wid or vaeifernd�od Bort�+er is�ot�m�dua!persnn)w�houi � .
<br /> ` ' �•s��� � � 'ml�l rrot e���I�,eder���p�,y� �att wu�s soc�rad fy 1i�i � .
<br /> . Savrity t�t.HowGrer.dus ophao if acercise is �bited federai la�v as of"tl�e�4e' .,
<br /> of t1�is Seeuritg to�na�d�t• . , . . '
<br /> If it�rda ex�rclsrs etw option,i.eader shatt'�tve Borrorrer notioe of aooclaa�on.T6e aotioe'slal{povide a periad of not ` .
<br /> �kss Nan 3Q sLys fcnm t�e due the�otia es deltrened or oniled widun whlch&�rtmker.must pry�saa�s s�ecurcd by thi.4
<br /> Sa,yrity L�shuma�t.If SoROwer fiuls to pty these s�um prior�to�eap�cition.of this period.i�der may invulce�ny�
<br /> � peemitted tiy this�ecuriry T�mebt�vit�o�t further notioe or dear�d oa BonoMrer. . ��sl�al! have the ri tu hava '
<br /> - IS. Qorn�e�s �i�t M 11Gei�`$orrower m�ets oectaia coMitians. Borfo 8�
<br /> eefv�o�aait.af shis Sa�rity'�t s�ued aE��tae pnoF tn th�rxlicr of: ts)S days(a�sutt�dAer geriad�s •
<br /> �pplicabte law msy specifY for �Manent) befac sale of thc PmQertY Purst�ant ta�ny puvver of sale ooat�it�ci in this .
<br /> � Soarity L�strm�ent:or(b)mt�Y of a judgme�t_�nfo�ing this Security��urot.Tlqse eoodifi�s�t+e that Ban�wa:(a)paYs
<br /> [,ecderaii sums�rhic6 tba�woWd be due under ilus Sa.�urity I�ttume�c aM tLt�Nota as if aa acceler�tioa had acturred:(b2
<br /> ` a�es aay defattt of my atbu oovemnts ar�Ceements:(c)P!►Y&aU expaues iacumed in eoforcing tlus Securiry_Insttument.
<br /> u,riudi�g,bot uoE li�ud D�.reasombk acwrneys f«s:aad t�t�tCSS such�aion as i.eadec may�ty rap,n w assun
<br /> d�t the iiea of tMs Secarity L�ament. Lender's rigMs in tlie�opa�ty aod Horrower s oblig�tion to pray tl�e sums secur�ed by
<br /> t6is SecwiRy I�mart shall conti�r undu�ed. Upon �einst�temeet by Bormwu. tfiis Sa'urity Inwatnent ud ibe .
<br /> obligations soeurod hcebY shall�emain Polly efToAive as if no aeoekratiao!ud accutreA:flowever,tbis right w re�astate s�alt
<br /> mc appty in tbe csse of aooder�tiaa w�der puag*�h.19.
<br /> N1.S�te af Not�C�e o[I�Servicer. 7i� Note or a psrtial� in the Nae tto8etficr with this Secutity ,
<br /> Ia�umeat)maY be soi�ooe or moce tiimes witliout prior mtice to Borrowa.A sale may�esalt in a c6ange iatLe endty(k�wwn
<br /> as tLe`La�Secviac')thu collects mar�thtq payments due under tt�e Note�nd this Secunty Ir�savmsnt.The�s aiso may be o�
<br /> or�mre diange�of the[.oan Servicer unrelated to a sala af the Note.If tt�r is a c6ange of the i.oau Savitcr;Hotrowc�will be _
<br /> - - givea written moioe of tTfe change ia xenrdanee whh pa�ap1t.14 abarve aM appliAbk law.The�mtire�t sta�tAe.tcame and
<br /> sddnss af the aew Imn Saviar and the address ta which pa,yments sliouid be made.Tbe aotia will alsa�contaia.��►��her
<br /> iefam�on zoq�n�odl►S►�pplirrDte faw_ ' �' `�
<br /> � 2�p�S�.Ba�rrowet shall not ctiuse or permit the presenoe.use. disposal.,stonge.or rete�se of any
<br /> Hazudaus Substanoes on or in the P�perty, i�omuwer shaU not do. nor a1low airyone else ta do, anytlung af�er.�ia,g tbe .
<br /> �''�P�riY�tha[is in viol�tion of at►y F�nvirrmuxnt�i Law.The perceding iviro seateaces sh�fl uot app1Y to the ptes�nc�iisr,or_
<br /> star�e an the Propaty of small quaatides of Harat+daus Substances tl�at aze generalty reoognized to be aPP�Priato oc�rrgm�al
<br /> residential uses aod to main'tenaaoe of the Pcopecty. . : . .� `
<br /> � Borrower si�ll PrompQY Bcvz Ltnder writttn rnotioe of aay investigatiae.clsiln.demand.lawsuit ur,othec�ctia�ti by any
<br /> govemma►tal or regulatory aS�Y�pn�f P�Y involving the Praperty and any Hm.andous Substance or Fnviroamentai Iaw
<br /> of which Bomower has actual lmoveled,�e. If 8ormwer leams.or is tionfied by�anY Sovemmenta�or regalatory authrnrity,that
<br /> ` any removal or ottxr nemediatiais afau�r Hazar+dous Substana affectuig the Praperty is nocessarY.Borrower shall Fioi�ptlY take �
<br /> al!noc�essaty nmedi9l actiot�in acao�with Ertvirot�mental I.aw. , `
<br /> • As used in dvs p�ztagraph 24. 'Haratdais•Substaoces"are those substances defined as toxic ar harardws su6s�a�'es by
<br /> •..:`:•.:� Environn�enta! Law a��.E�e.foilowing su�es: gasoline. {cerosene. othec flammabie or toaie petroleum�rod¢�s; toxic
<br /> :',;�::�:.;� pesticides and t�bicidc-si votatile solverrts.materials conta�ning asbestos or focmaidehyde,aad radioaetive matenals.'I[s nsed in
<br /> ;.;.;4. this-patagraph 20. "Fasvirotsme�1�nr" means federal laws and faws of the,jurisdiction where the Property is!a�that _
<br /> •. 'relate talsesttlr.safdy oreaviroiuneAtai protection. . -. .'';...� -
<br /> ':�•':�:� tid:!!'�-i7NIFORM COVE1vANKi'S':Earcower and I.ender furttier covenant arni agiree as G:IGiws: - -_
<br /> 21.A�edaattoe:Remedks:�l.�da s6at1 glve aotice to Borro�prior to accekr�i�'ii�ioito�i�BonowEr'',e�€�naacb =
<br /> � of any cavmaot or agreemeat id triis Secarity Imtrument pwt not prtor to acoeleratioa.���� �. P6 17'�nkss ��
<br /> applka6le law provides otherwise).TI�e aotice sl�ll spectty: (a)the detanit;N)the a�on dxitrir�,[�c�re tbe defaWt; �=
<br /> (e�a date,no!tess th�n 30 days frnm the dalc thc aotice ts gi�en to Borrower,Ay �hkb tbe defa�rm�st 6e curcd;aad ��.
<br /> (�tf�at failurr to cure the det�alt•nn or 6efore the date specified in t6e�otice may resuli in x�deration ot the snmc �:
<br /> s�+ed by t�s Security lastram�t and sale ot N�e Ptoperty.TNe noUce sha11 fuctber iniomi Borrower a�ibe rig6t to _
<br /> �+einstate�fta�oodeeation and tbe rigdt to bring a court actio�to assert the noncxisteace o!a default or aey other �
<br /> �{��BocroRer tu accekration and sale iE.the detault ts nW�urai on or before the date specitied in the natice. ,"�:
<br /> i.ender.at its optio�r,:�mty re9a3re immediate prsYment io fu11 of�II soti�g�:secnred by ihis Security InSirument witLout , �
<br /> tart6et demand ae�n�i�in�oke tlie power of safe.and any other remedlc��iern�ItteA by ap�61e law. Lendc�'Sba116e i'
<br /> eNiUed to colkct a11 ex�c�s inesrned in pursutng the cemedii�pto�ided in this paragraph 2l,inctudtug,but nnt 11it�ited �'
<br /> to,t+a�snnable attorneys'tees and clat�ot title evidence. `r
<br /> If the po�rer at sde is invaked,Trustee sh�ll record x gotioe oi detault in e�cl�county in whicf� any paat..ug tbe �r
<br /> praperiy is located a�8 s6aU mail copks of svch notice in the manner prescribed 6y applkabk la�tr�Borrower and to �:,
<br /> �. t6e ather petso��xlbed by applicable Iaw.Aiter the time reqaired by appticaWe I:�w.Trustee s�f�give public notice r_
<br /> • � ot ssk to the peison��nd in the manner presc�ibed 6y 9pplicable law.Tn�stee, w-ithaut demaed oo SorrowTer,sha{l sell -
<br /> � t6e property at po6iic aucNon to the highest biddQr at the time and pis�ce and unde�the tcrms desigeated in the notks of . _
<br /> sak ia.oee or nare�anYls and f�any order Tnastee determines.Truuee maY poctpone sate of�II or�ny parcel Qi the �
<br /> propeYy by public�eament�tt the tlme aad plxe of any previousty schedukd s�1e.l.cnder or its desig,nee nwy :-•
<br /> pore6au tbe Ptopat}�:wt any sak. �;`
<br /> . �:,
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