, .. . � - _ _ .
<br /> - . .:....., . . ._.. . __ , ... . .�_. - - __ _ . . . _. .._ . ._. .....--- =� r- - �,-:��;:
<br /> �`.- �. �!wrlei�rie�n�riw�.i�4�se�lia�e[Iwiir.it�ir�ei�cea��is l��,, -: c
<br />,i'` ,:��1/�Mr.•�i!�!!o'riOM My+��i�rr��r'e'�'M ti����+�i'�Meoewis awiYbie a��iol�ui�A:-.�w+wwr fiii�r� '` R
<br /> , � ie f w�i�i w�ie�i�i��i�4i�ri�r i�w�es is iv.pt M�bq�a!o��ne,�Ii11M4�al�!�11��1r��� `
<br /> � � .i.ii�a�or..i�is.�e+�e«+i�ai�wd�+�!ew�M�t tiipw�'�ons�rr r�..iir a��ifoiit:M+!r.,t.:.: .,. . - ., � .
<br /> ` <<�i�di`if.t,�ilder ac#e��e�t a�r�Mdoe�R�����+��d lie tr�atr-l.e+�io4.if1�i+�s . �
<br /> � :� � ��rec�wRoe�t ia�i�e atECr.prior�b a i�cfia��p�y�Y�r+rble cawe/a IAe irpectio�.. : . <
<br /> � � . '.1i.GMIw�Mi�s.TYe pooeeie d�r awaid oc di�for d�ir jie�,diae�t or oo�e�l.�i�ao,�eeceio�.�►i��r. .
<br /> � aoide�liai a,r ad�aF o�Ci�of ai�jr p�t�d d�e l�opatX;a for,oowryace lrr 3ia o!ao�daee�lioa������ .
<br /> � � ._Si�llbe.p�idlal.er�e�� -. _ . �' . ,. - .... ._.� ' �._ . � � .._.`'�_ �; . ` ` . .
<br /> i ie eMa�of a iot�t Wci�ot�e Propeity.lre pRxtied��W!be.�ppiied io d�e w�iecreed by:dr�e Se�awity hMn�e�t, � �
<br /> � �«roc dia�d.e..ri1M�r:a�r�a Ho�,gwv. L t�e eveat ora.p�ai n�of�P�+cpaey ia��iQr�� ' ,
<br /> ae�1�eEYaire of 8ie Fioperly i�ee�e�r befo��e We t�luK is ari�o at:�tpia dNS.tie�ed�t af tre�t sec�rad by d�ub
<br /> Sec�iq.i�t�a�t.i�se�iii�ei�r 6e�tre p�:weiMs Bociv�ear�I;and�t�Le�se�writin�+tie��ec�iad 6�r .
<br /> � liit s«�eily L•w..�.c,wn r�e iea.oed b�r tfre amo�ee oE me ptpaeedi��Iliplied br�rie�a�p+� � t=)�� , .
<br /> �qc�t of tT�e s�s�ec�ed�edi�kl�be�a�'�tL��+alrn�,,'dirided`by.{b��d!4+iair drloet�Ye:of tre�mpatT�1�
<br /> befoc�d�e t�ki�.AsY bd�nae�11 bc,prd b Ha�atkat. �n�die:�eaE,l�i������is�rliiek tie bir `:
<br /> �rtet vai�re af 11�Yrvpetty i�edi�dy'befar die tit�iu��s k�tt�1�,tl�aaoaut of die wms�ec�u�dd i�ue8iat�iS►6cface We. .
<br /> taiud�;ediets 8an�art L�ader alie+nvi�t��ee is�ititin����miC�appliabla 4�r othenvi�e proride=,d�c p�a�c�eeda drll .
<br /> be'�pplfed W t6c�soi,vnd.6y,�is Sa�rit�►Ia�ame��6bher ac aut d�e am�ane tbea d�e. . .
<br /> if tbe Ptopartg i��biaidMred.by 8�xm�rer.ar i��fta natioc by I�eodet to Boa�tlut tbe coademoor oBea to�i�e aa �
<br /> �. i�'�l+�.aF<eatte a'Ctam'fCR�d�aap�i�-�a fa'fs'ia i�,oad to Learier wiitin 3tf driy's�ftei t1�difE itta�sec�giY�a, . .
<br /> � . lsnd�,r is�whocized w eoae�,t aud,4ppl,�;�e P�oc�edb+at�s aQtiai,Fi�er to iest�t�on u�reprir of t6e Pmpaty or w tbe wms "
<br /> iec�ed ly t1�is Sea�tity Im�romeot,w�fL4tac not thern doe. . � �. . '
<br /> Ualas Laider d Baro+re:o0kt�vise s�nee in writia�,anY �PPI���.P�'�s�P�,sL�ll not esomd�ar . '
<br /> .p�ontpo�e dre daa da�e of tbe iuoathlY P�Y���m in p��gr�Z aod 2 ar cl�e tbe a�t of such paymmts.' . `
<br /> , 11.11atwKr IV�t Relwe�Fiebeara�ae Ey I,e�ier Nof s Wairee:F�cteasion,of tbe tinte far payment.or modi5atim
<br />� , of�wordalioa of t6e sum�sxurod by this Socoriey I�an.graded bY Lmder to�sny aiooess.sor in iate�est of Barm�va ei�il �
<br /> � uot crptta�e a�nek�+e the liab7iry of the orig6W Bormwer or Hamovvcr's wocessots ia iptet�at,.Leodrr sh�11 mt 6e,roquit�ed-to
<br /> �P����Y��in iate�t or�efase w cxta�d tlnie for paymeot or athenvise modify aaaRizatiaq,
<br /> of We wms.sa.'upad bY this SavritY Ir�tcument by ceason of a�y`i�rr�ad made by the origim[Hotrowa or HamMe�s
<br /> saaoessors in itxa�st.Auyr'�Wsbearance by I.rnder in eaeccising aay rigbt a remedy s6aU not bt a waiver of or proctnde the
<br /> e�aeise of�r rigAe or�g. . :-r°`., . .
<br /> l2. S�eoe�pes a�i Asips Bo�d;Joint aod 5cveral Lia6ifity: C,o-�ie�:;;'Ibe covemrus ysd agcoanents of tbi5
<br /> �i. , 5oauiry Ins�n�nt shaU biM ao�l brne6t the su«xssors aod usi�ns of l.eader aQd�BoR+nwer,:��ubjoct to the pmvisions of
<br /> ;._ pa�h t?�Basrower=�mvaz�ts aad aynxmcnts shall be joint znd-stvaat. An}f-Hr�rt��:4�+�o ao-sigm thic Secarity.. . _
<br /> 'r% i�l3dttmedt bat doCS u0t CEMC[e tlte Nate:(a)is co-siguing this aecuriry bt�wme��y ta s�rit'�ge. BPant�WaveY that
<br /> `,. ;:�alt�+pWeit's intenst�in tl�e Ptupatty wder ihe terms of this Security InsUumeot: (b�ig`u�t P�lY�li8��??�Y��� �
<br /> satimod by.thi4�Sxuriry Instmment:and(c)ag�tes tltat Lender and any aherBorrowec may agfr,e`.to extend.modilq.forbear or
<br /> m�lce any��.'[k�tions with regard to the tertns af this Security I��ment or the Note.wiu�i�i:c:�t Borrowec's oonsent. ,
<br /> . 13.t,o�ii�:�es.If the loan senired by this Securiry ]nstrucr.�nt is subject to a law'.v�+�i-�s muimum loan chuges. _
<br /> � and thu law is ftnally inccapx��so that thc interest or other loan charges mllecte�or to 6e�olt�ed in c�msection with the '
<br /> loan exceaf the pem�itted lis.sts,then:.(a)any such loam charge shali be reduced by:'.ie art�cuat neoessary to reduae the charge
<br /> to the pemrittod limit:and(b)any sums already colIected from Borrower which e�eeeded per�c��d limits will be rcfundod to
<br /> Borrower. Letider mry choose to malce t6.is refund by reducing the principal owed under�i�.�ote or 6y m�king a dinet
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund redu�+:"s.principal, the reduction will 6e treated as a p�rti� prep�yment withont any
<br /> . ps�,nyment charge under the Note. �. � •
<br /> - , . 14.Nodces.Any ndice to Bormwu grovided.Eur in r,�is 5ccvrity Instmment shall be given by delivering:itor by mailing
<br /> it Iry first cta�s mail uNess applicable laa��ru�,+:ires u's�4S;�wther metfiod..74ie notice shall be dir�ted to the Fc y-gerty Address ,
<br /> or.any othec.u3dress Borrower designace4.,hy notice to Lender. AAy� notice to l.ender sha11 ti��^iven by first class ma�l:�f�i�
<br /> Lender's add►�.�ss stated herein or any wher address Lender design;drs iiy notice to Borcower. A�;3'r notice provided for in dlirr.�
<br /> 5eaurity Instrument shall be deemed to have beea given to Borrower or Lxnder when given as provided in this paragraph. ` � �".
<br /> 15.Corerais� l.aR; Seva'abil�ty: This Seeuriry Instcument shalt be'governed by fedtrai taw and the law ofthe �
<br /> � jur�sdiction in which the Property is lorated.!n the event tha�any provision or clause of this S,ect+rity inatrument or the Note
<br /> eonilicu with applicabte faw.such conflict shall not affeet other provisions of this Secudty lnsuu�i�t or the Nott which pn be'
<br /> . given effect without the conflicti�g provision.To this end the provisions of this Security InstmmuiY and the Note are declared
<br /> tp be severa6le. . ' .
<br /> � ' 26.Eoiruwer's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confom�ed copy of thc Note and of this 5ect�rity Instrument.
<br /> � ' • , Fa+n 8a2s !1!0
<br /> . . Py�e of e
<br />