t� l�W� r��:i . , ' ..,-1�'_
<br /> -w..::. ....�._- , .. u
<br /> +r�_' " _'— __ ._
<br /> _ --:.. . . .�_...._...—'_'v...�...�-�_
<br /> _'^ .' —" '_ — __ —
<br /> =�_ - .. —^--- _ _— — _
<br /> ...T.�,.- "' ' _ ' -_'_" ___"__ ____—'__-�. ._...__.
<br /> ._ .. . _.__ _' - . . �_ . . .— _._ _.-� _ . _'-
<br /> - '°�-`r^�' -. r , — - — - — —
<br /> �i-.- ' ' � ♦ . . � . . .. --'-. . __ �_ .. _ . , —. . .,s._L`� � .
<br /> 'L.� : 1 . . t: , . c � `
<br /> r_.�_ ._. ,. -yi�'S . �� C ��_ � � . . .. . � � � . � � �` . � ``'<` ,..` � � , •�i - _ •-`' ` `� - r
<br /> . ' � . � . � -k . . L .. ��� �. . .
<br /> • " . Lender�. Th��.forieqa#.a9 ��sranties �an�d reprase»tatfcns, and � ..
<br /> � . Borrovsx•s< obl�qa�ions pursuan� t+� tha loreqoia9`iad�nfty, �hali� .
<br /> ' , sarviv� xapaywent of< tfis liot�. a�d ths s�conv�yanc� o� thf s Deed � <
<br /> : ' . a! 1'suilt. � � .; , .
<br /> . � . � ;'g., lk��i �nt of �teAts �tana e�e�t ot P rt . �1s '-
<br /> � additional .secns, ty er�a er. � �cro+rer esa Y as� 9n� ta Lend�r .
<br /> tKe sants, isaues and profit� of the �Proparty, �pr�avidtd that .
<br /> Horrar�r �ha21� priar, to accelerdtion under paragtaph 11 hereof, ,
<br /> � or abaudon�nt of •the Propazty, hava tha right, to ca2leat as� .
<br /> �retaia such reats, isauss end profits as they. beco� dnc and.pa►y- ;
<br /> ab;e. tlpon acceleratioA or abandot�es�t of the Pzo�erty. Lettder
<br /> - �nay, either f»;persan�_o� �bY ag�nt, Mitb or vi.thouti bringiag�ar►y.
<br /> � �scti.on or proceeainq, �or -by a receiver appointed bp_ a caurt and
<br /> Withou� seqard to� the_aSequacy of its securftp, entez upa� and
<br /> take possessio» of the Property, o� any part thesedf, in its o�
<br /> ---°-° _� na�e or fn the ��aanes .of. the 'Tru�tee, 'ana do any acts Wbich it -�- _---
<br /> � dee�as nec�aary or desizab2e to p�reserve the val�e; marketabiiity ,
<br /> . os sentability of the Froperty, or aay part thereof..or •interest
<br /> therein, increase the iacaas therefr�wa or proteaC -�e secprity
<br /> , : , hereof and, aith. or �tlaout �akinq posseaa£oa of �he Proeeitx•
<br /> ` sue for or athezwise collect .the rents, €ssnes and p�afa.ts
<br /> . ' theseof, inciui3fnq those past_due� and unpafd, and apgly ttie same,
<br /> less costs aad eapenses o€ aperation and -co�.Lectfva� ineluding
<br /> � � attorneys• fees, upon "a�y indebtedneaa aeca�ed herebY. all fa _--_-
<br /> � ,,,:. such order as &enaer'may determine'. The entering upen and takinq ��
<br /> � � . possessian �r�.::�� Property. fhe collection e�`such rents� issuea �_._.-_---
<br /> ---;�;,,,,.�,��.� a�td profits -�iz#s� the.applieation thereof as �ciresaid, shall not �_:=�r_
<br /> � cure or .wai.d�'�'�ang.a��au�t or notice of d�fa'atlt het�eunder or �
<br /> ��_=-
<br /> ----- --- � inaalidate any act :��a,e in response, to such defaul�.:�� pursuant - _
<br /> � to such notice of 3e�anit and, notWi�t�standiag the c"sz���inuanae in �
<br /> �. �;:.';..`:. possesafon u�•.�fihe Prapertp ��.�he collec�ior�R' �eceipt an8 '����ica- ��.-�°--_-�-
<br /> ` ��: � tion of ren�s; .;issues or p�rof�ts, and Trustee �and Lender s�tn�.� be ��;.�_,�
<br /> . . entitled to�ex�rcise. every icigUt provided fas. in an�*. of the Eoan _+�,_'j�s'r�i_� .
<br /> Iastruments e� by �law upon occurrence of any 8vent of Default, ����"?`�=-
<br /> ' * r�sR ' Kfl .' . "''' --
<br /> , `r ' �'���'�}�,�� - includinq, �3:�hout �Iithitation, the riqht to exercise the power of �
<br /> _x''4*� -�•�:sp,�'>; � ` �:
<br /> ��• %t�Y..;�=.N .:. gartl'neic; �7�ender's rights and remedfes.�ander this paraqraph ��� . J
<br /> - -� .pt�,=.,_,•x;._ , sale. E ..;;;�::;;', ��=
<br /> �' � ` ' '��'' �' . 9 shall be ctuaulative with, and in no wa� 'a► .limitation on, M:.;:;� . ,
<br /> ' �.p `ri �.ei+t'. ("�`'.,::;�. _ �e
<br /> ,�v =�����:��,H� Lender's riqh�s and remedies under any Assic�uaent of Leases an d F :.•:;��..`� •�.;:
<br /> +� `• �.'.
<br /> '�,:�;. � ..: . . �.� -�
<br /> .`•t w ��';;�t, ,':,�;�;{� Rents recor8ed against the Property. Lende�,� T�ustee aad the '., . �',�:
<br /> '�`�=��.'.:' :� receiver shall be liable to account .e�1y for �hose sents atetually � �. � •��;:
<br /> , f"�':';". ���� � received � ' ���,<�, �
<br /> ;y; If�t '-- • � �"f`.ti''' .
<br /> �� ' � c; �.
<br /> f,,� ��._ hall const�tute °����;'�":i`�� '��;
<br /> ,t'�",,''' , The follaasi� s "��;�.•
<br /> �����;'`��''� ��'" 10. ,Events of Def��lt. 9 .5- � •�.,
<br /> ' k��� �:,•,''��; Deed of Trust: � ' '
<br /> � : ���:�}.�-;;- an Event of Default under th s ,
<br /> ,���"�':�'�;'f:;� � . `` . :; '"�'�
<br /> �'�r':"� � '�`} (a) Failure to pay any irastallment of ' '�:<:�f;`�''
<br /> __ � ,•.�i%�� � '�`�i;,y;����r
<br /> -�`�`.�'��%�='� rinci �al� or interest �r any other s�e secured hereby � ��=•���sr,� :�
<br /> _-.._ P P s ,';':-;r:�''� :,
<br /> ---_:_•,�;;��':':`.;:;'� ° ;{,:;,_i... • ,.,
<br /> -:�.„ .��.�;•, when due, or Fa�lure �� pay when due ��p other indebted- ,�.,xk.,,.. .
<br /> ��c`���.�;�°%���'�'. . nesa of Bcrrawer to Lender t . . � . . �'�
<br /> �'�"t-:r'rt�:._, ,, ... .. . .`` �:
<br /> ----�.L� : ,�, �. . i . . ,.
<br /> ,x�,.��;;•.-; (b) A breac�t of or detault, under an.g provs-
<br /> ����- r.�-•. sion contained in the Nvte, this Ueed �£' Trust, any of �;';�,'�;�:_ ,. �
<br /> �'° the Loan Instruments, or an othex enc�brance upon the }";;�;:�:.;_ .. ..
<br /> y �'t::-;.. �: :.
<br /> _ _ Property, aftex�.�gfvinq effect to aay app].icable cure . ,,, ;. ,
<br /> - - period contaiaed ��herein= � + ;;.`:.. ::
<br /> — !�'�.",;"�':'! . .._
<br /> .�r,,,.,,
<br /> � �(e) A writ o� execution or �tttachment oz any : `:• �
<br /> similax�process shall be entered �tgain�t �Bvrroaer which i- ` � �-:�-�-:-
<br /> � ahall become a lien oa the Property or aay poxtion � . . �.
<br /> — theseof oz intcreat thereinr �
<br /> �
<br /> �d) There. shall �be filed by or against �'_ � _
<br /> � Horrower an aabion uader any present or future federal�, , ,
<br /> statie or ot�er statute, ' inw or requlation relatinq to � _ ��
<br /> --- - - banlcruptcy. inso2vency or other relisf for deb�osss or - � -
<br /> ' th�re ahali be appointed any tru�tee, receiver or � ,- - -- ---
<br /> • 13guiaator of Harrower or of all. or .a�y part of the .
<br /> �. proparty, or the sents,, iasues. nr profits tihereof, or ;
<br /> aorraror sliali wake any qeaersl• �ssigrunent for the �.. . �..,� �
<br /> ' ' b�netiti o! craditorat �:��',
<br /> - - = -- - • . _ _ � _ �, ..:.. .
<br /> _--------- ..__..- . -.--._.. ._ _.. _ . . _ . __ .... _ . _ .. . _ . _. . __ -- -- -
<br /> .. • � . � . , �.;_4�. ,
<br /> . .. ,;,t.:, .
<br /> . , , . , , • ;Jl<: .
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<br /> �. • � ' -�- � . . =}.`
<br /> • . , . . __ ' ��-�
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