_� �.. 'C- �� � _ _ . ' . . -
<br /> ':.�:� :-:,: . —
<br /> , ,..; . _
<br /> . �s . .
<br /> - -- - ,�.:,..:��� _ - _ _ - --
<br /> --�--- -- — -- — —
<br /> � . � - __ . . —
<br /> . .. .
<br /> : . :,
<br /> .
<br /> . , .
<br /> .
<br /> � �' .. . ._ .. , . ' - M1 .•�s��` . . . - (` ` �t., Y.'i "
<br /> . . • - . , / - '. . .} _. ... ..�. - ; , ' . ` ` ��"��/':. . ,.
<br /> " .�•� ' . . . . - . ;•l •�'� . ' ` 4/. � . ' . . . , .
<br /> '��;-f._.�� � the prope�y�:,'in'violatf.on af any laM, br�i:nance, or reqnlationf � ,
<br /> h
<br /> . �, and shal�''pay ana ,pra�ptly ..disrharge at ��dr�4s+er•s cost� �4nd
<br /> eupettse a].1: liens, encnmbrances and chargea levied,� iiposed� br ; � �
<br /> assessed against the Property or.any pa�t thereof. . , , _
<br /> ' �;' � `` 6.- . 8�3,nent Daaain: i,ender is hereh� �a�signed all � . � �
<br /> • - �c�■ipensaticn, a�var s. axaqe� ana� ather pay�ats or selief;
<br /> thereiaa�ter "Psoceeds") in conneation with condaasstian or othes •
<br /> lalcinq of tb►� Property or psrt thereot,� or for conv�y�n�e in liea
<br /> . o! �cond�ation. I+ender sha12 �e. entit2ed; at it: opt�oir. �to `
<br /> ` eprMnc�, appear 'in .aa!! prosec�ate in its owa nase a�nY=a�ction or , .
<br /> . pxoe�linqs, �n� shall also.ba eritftl�d to aalce any caMpro�isR. or
<br /> setti�nt tn cannection Mith such takinq� or da�►aga: In the .
<br /> � ev�at any gortioa of.the�Property is so tnken_or aa�aqed, I�nder:;�_:�": �- �
<br /> � ah�il havs the aptiion, iA its aole and absoiata disaration, to `�. .. .�.
<br /> _ _ .
<br /> . apply �11� such Psoceeds, after deductfaq therefront ail costs aiid �;.
<br /> expen�sa .inC�rred� by it in conaectfan ss3tte such 8soceeds. upott — ___ ,_..
<br /> attp indabtadnaes secured herebY �nd ia such order as Lender may _
<br /> . dete�iaa, or to.n�piy all such Praceeds, after se�ch deduations,
<br /> � to the restaratian of the ProperLy �upon such conditions as.I.endex -
<br /> � �ay detenaiae. AnY aPPlication of� Proceeds ta indebtedness� shall
<br /> '' � . aot extena oz postpone the due .date of aay payments,ander. the
<br /> , . �Tote, or cwce any default thereunder or hereunder. , °
<br /> - � � �. Performance lsy Lender. In the event of 8oszo�+er's . . - �,__-
<br /> — � failnre to perform any of e coa�nants herein or make az�g�:,paY- ��--°--.
<br /> - � meats required �ereby, or if any act is taken or 2egal p�eding �_;:=°--_
<br /> — -----_ � � conaaeneetl whicb neat�rially affects I,ender�s intesest .�.an...�''the %��==��
<br /> - � Property;. Lender map in its own discretion, bnt �►sthout;ta'l�liqa- �.-
<br /> - ---- � t�OA to do so, and rithout notice to ar demand u�mm.:Boi�ower, and � , ___ -
<br /> — --�' .� ``'�� Without releasinq Borrowe� fsom any obligation, d��anp 'ac� wbfch
<br /> ,,.,.. .:. t�-��'�;:
<br /> the Borrower has agreed b�m��fails to do and may alsa d�a aacp other ;__,�_-_
<br /> _� . �-� ��� act it deems necessary t� protect the secu�ity hereof. B�rro�►er f}_ ��r
<br /> ...�,:.,.
<br /> � m- _ - shall, immediateiy upon demrand therefor by Lender, pay ta�,7nencler x�
<br /> '��=: nd sums e ended by i.endes in �-��f=>a;�=�.��-_
<br /> all costs and expenses irrcurred a xP
<br /> '°��� _` ` � cenaectfon with the exercn.s� by Lender of the foreqoinq fa�bts, - , �;; '�- �` .;
<br /> �i�a�'``��„�� : tcqether witb interest t�nereon at the def_,,,,,ault rate prov�.a�� in
<br /> -�rm�rc�r .. >.:
<br /> -��' � � � '' .-� the Hote, wbich shall be _added to the indebtedness sec�red _��� °� �
<br /> hereby. Lender s?iall nvt incur any liability because of �ythinq � : � ,:
<br /> .�, ,
<br /> �'��'� ��� it may do or omit �o do hereunder. f__ _'� -�
<br /> .v :'�, �:,��;: . . . ;�•-
<br /> � h � ' . • �,.,^� .. �.. -
<br /> `"' " �' •` �� 8. Hazarcdo�as �aterfals. Sorsawer shall keep the �„�:. . .
<br /> �;.;��:�... . . , .
<br /> - - , ,; ��, _
<br /> •��.�'��4��% ' = Property in comp aance ���h any and all federal, state aana� local ��:,_.,�_.'.���-
<br /> ��r. . . �`� . . =
<br /> ��.,������� '. laws, ordinances and regu3ations zelatinq to industrial �n�giene �. _
<br /> �,, ,, t. . - _
<br /> �r_�S':�f;. , � or to env�ironmental condit�ons �a,. under or about the Property, '. :. _
<br /> "�-�� ia inclu8iag, but not limitea� ta, sQil and groundwater condi�ions. � 4.,.;' . . _
<br /> �•_�,�� `, ., -
<br /> ---_ � Truator s�tall not use, genexate, manufacture, store or dis�ase of i . ,
<br /> _� �� ��, on, under ar about the Proper ty or tr a n s p o r t t o o r £r o� ,t h e r -
<br /> �='��'" � ' " Propez�y any flammable explosives, radioactive materia1s,,D�azardoua s- : -
<br /> ��������y� wnstes, tox ic s u bs tances or r e l a t e d m a t e r i a l s, i n c l u d 3 n c�,:w i t h o u t � °
<br /> -���=�A:':. . limitation, any substances defined as or included in t�e deffni- ` � ��"`-
<br /> �`� ' tion af "hazardons s�s�aatces", "hazar8ous wastes", "haaar8ou$ � � '� `��;V?
<br /> �;.. � : , :.
<br /> ---���t--= materials" or "toxi� su3��tances" under any applfcable II�ws, ;
<br /> -- ordin�neea or rec�aala�ic��ns,, tcolleetiqely referred to heze�.nafter i�: . "::�r•,;
<br /> �� as "HazarBovs Matex�a�s"1 . Horsower hexeby aarrants and tepre- 1 .,. . s
<br /> sents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materials on �o� under �;?�� �� ,
<br /> � the Pzoperty. Borrcwer hexeby agrees to indenmify and hold ,;;;;•r',,`,:;�;s,.
<br /> ' harmlegs Lender, its di�ec�ors, offiaer�,- employees at►d aqents, �'' ���. �°� ',�;:'`
<br /> _. .
<br /> and any 'succeasors to Lender's intereat, grom ,ana against any and r,,.. �_ �: .
<br /> � , all alai�s, damaqes and liabilitiea .arising in co»nectiot► witih �:'-'... ��f: .
<br /> � the preaence,. use, storaqe, d3sposnl or traneport of a»y tiazsrdous ,. ,, � .
<br /> !laterials on, u�nder, from or about the Property, . including. With-
<br /> out li�itation, �a) all damages �ire��ly or indirectly ar�sing
<br /> out of the use, qeneratio�, stdrage or 8lsposal. of Hazardous ����: ":� ,,
<br /> Materials by Barrower or any prior oWner oz aperator of tfle :
<br /> Frop�rtiyr and (b} all co��s of aay required or necessarp repaiz. � . � :,,:;;,:
<br /> cYeannp or detoxificati:on sna the prepara�ion of any closure or �� �•�. .
<br /> i.� :•� .
<br /> other requirec� plans�, kheti.tter such action is regnfred o�t ns�es- ; � -. �.• •
<br /> � �`�:,';_�' . sa�ry prioi to or follo�ing transfer of ti.tln to the L�ca�erty. to ; "•I;;'.;. ;.;;; :
<br /> ' � thd �fnii :extent rhst .$uch. ac t 3.on is attributabl�e, di.re�tly or j' ` ��±��� �.�
<br /> ',' ' indirect.�,y� to:,the �presi�nce or ase, q�eratian�; storaqe,� release,
<br /> �., �..: f
<br /> . ..... ...
<br /> -- '�=-,-a:---.._= :.. :.: ..
<br /> - - --tlis�i�sne�-iel�tas� �ar'��8iaposai-=of S�zarc�a�s "l�ater#�2a by any,. � _. . _, --.- ..
<br /> .. �::. . �
<br /> , persan on the Property prior �o transfer o� title thereto by ,
<br /> ' " ,. ^4� . . �
<br /> , • � . � -3- � . . '
<br />