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<br /> ,� � . ' -,:t -_ --
<br /> t� - . .. _ -
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<br /> _ — - -- -- - - . _ -- = —'` --- - - _--_ - -_
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<br /> i7.'[�a■�r�t i� �r a�eM!(�MI�ieewE Y/�eesw�r.�f alt•or�a�r 1wt oY die Prcpatx a�ary.ire+pt ia k.. ; .<Y _:
<br /> . �`,da nr a�adat�ed t«if.��iA 8or�i�.da ar tr�rcnea.ed Horn�war�.ao�:..h�ai pa�o. �t� `�
<br /> ' L,et�de�'i prior wrktea aoe�eat. t.eadei m�S►, at hs c�ption.t�quit�e iiva�edl�t�e p�yrneoF,L!fidl af rt� ��i td� .
<br /> . Se�wtky Lwtiuemeot.How�Y4.this optioo�hWi not I�e e�ar�a�6y larder it exa�nsc is p�ddbited by f�derd 1�!a�a��he diMC� . �
<br />. oi this Secarity Inwnimeat: ` � : < � , < ,
<br /> � if Lender exerrise�t1�s aption,E,ender shti�ve B�cmwer qotiae of ac�oekratiori.77�e nodoe sl�ll oaoyide a pniad of not . �
<br /> lass t#W�3�dsys t:a�the date tl�not�is deliveeed�or mtited witlESn whkh Bomiwer must pay�li tums rewnpd bY d�is. .
<br /> ,Sewrity G�umpit.It 8ore�uwer faits to p�y these�s prior ta the expi�atioo of this period,l.ender mry imokt�ay e�dnediea
<br /> < `peemitted by tlfis 5ocurity Instrumeat wittwut iatWer notioe a demmd on Bortower. '
<br /> !S. l�re�wa's Ri�M b'1ls�tMe. It BorroMa�meets attai�t conditioes. BOR�OWR Sbfl�.�YVC 1IiC T!� f0 LiYQ
<br /> ' enfa�ncemmt of this Sacorit�i b�ma�t diropotinued it tt►y time prlar to tfie eadiec af(a)�dAys(ar su�adier peeiod as �
<br /> _ +�PP����Y �fY foc�aet)6efa+�sik of the Fiopaty puiswnt to my pnwer'of s�f�e cadained in this
<br /> Sentriry Imt�umm:ar @)entrY�of a jrd�nent mfarcins thu Sacurity I�auaaeat.Those oadldons ane th�t Bomo�rei:(�)Prys
<br /> ` � Leetidet all wn�s which t1Kn�vaald 6e due nnder ibis Savdty Iasttutnent and the Nok as if no aooektatl�on t�d oocurted:(b) • -
<br /> . cnas arty default of_�ey athe+r eovamts or a�raemeats:(c}P�3rs al!eapeMes irkurrM in a�foreing thia Socurity trouomak,
<br /> ' incl�dirta.bu[not limitad to.ras�ibk atton�s'fas:�rid id)akes auch act�oa as LeMer miy eeainmbty rapir�to at�ate
<br /> � � tt�the lien af this Sacurity ii�stnmr.at.L�der s rigfits ia 16e�P�opaty uid Borrower's obli�ttioa W psy tbe am�aecu�ed by
<br /> . lhis Sxurity l�uumeat. siull conttime �uoc6�eyod. Uport,i+e't�tatemeet by BoROwer. this Sawity L�aument �od t6e
<br /> abliEatians secueed lieneby sSsU n�ia tully effective ac if no acceletation ls�d�.However.this right to teinsnte sinU.
<br /> not ipply in the c�e ot�ekr�tioet�undet p�rage�ph 17. '
<br /> � 1f. Sde at Nat�C7ue�e oi��.Mn�Senioer.The"Note or a portiat inte�e.st in the Nate(WBeslter with this Sxurity
<br /> Instcua�ene)maY be sold ane or moce tie�es without prior notice ta BoRawe�.A sate may resWt in a change in ttx rntiry(known .
<br /> as the.'l.oan Servio�')th�coUoctc moHhty pryments dne nnder the Natc and this Securiry Inswment.Thetr also msy be ooe , .
<br /> or moie ct�ges af tlto Lwn Senrioer.w�nelatad w a sate nf the Nate.If therit is a cbnage of tbe imn Serviar,Bomower w716e .
<br /> given arritten mtloe of tbe d�ange in aoonrduiee wiW ptragr�ph 14 above and applica6le law.'I'he notioe wif!siaro tbe mm�and
<br /> adderss of tl�e new Laan Servicer and the address to which payments sbould be made.Thc aotice wi11 Wso cont�in auy other �
<br /> i�d'ormation roquitbd by�pptica6k law. ' � . � .
<br /> 2�.Baacaors Srbeh�esr Bonuwer sl�ll na c�use or permit tbe pRSa�oe. use,disPos�l.starage,or ntc�se.of�r►y
<br /> Nazacdous Substaaas�on or in the Pcapaty. Sorrowsr si�ll not do, tar allow anyna else to do. anythiag affxting tbe
<br /> : P�ope�ty that is in viotation af any EnvimrunaNal law.The preoeding two sentences sl�Il not apply to t�e tr�estt�oe�use.or
<br /> starage on the Pr+operty of small quandties of Harr�da�s Substanoes that u+e generally r+eeognized w 6e appropriate ta nam�l
<br /> . iesidc�rtial uses and ta,maintedance of the property. . .
<br /> . . Sarmwer s6a11 prampttp giye i.elder w�itten aotice uf mry finsr�sti8atian.clai�m,demand,lawauit os athe�aMion py any.
<br /> goveasaxntai or reg�Iatory ageac.y or private party involving the Prdperty acd any Hazardot�s Substance or Envitonmeatal Iaw
<br /> af wRich Borrower hac actuat knowlcdge.If Bomawex learns.or is not�fiod 6y any gov�ernmental or regWuory autLority,t�at
<br /> any mlavat oc ot6ei xecned'iation of any Hazardous Sabstance affecting th�Property is necessa�y,Borrowa shalt promptly take
<br /> �all necessary temadial actions in acoordarxx witd Environmental Law.
<br /> As usod in chis paiagraph�0,'Ha�dous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or harardaus substanaes by
<br /> Envimtunental Law and the following substances: gasolin�, icetosene, w2�er flu�ble or touc peunleum Frod�cts. toaic
<br /> pesticides and herbicida.vofaale solvents.materials oantaining asbestos or formaldehyde.a�xl radioactive n�atenals.As ased in
<br /> tisis paragraph 20. "Emironmental'Law" tt�eans federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is toratat that
<br /> relate to Gea[th,safety or envimnmeatal protxtian. .
<br /> NON-tJNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormv��er and Le�er further wvenant and agree as fallows: .
<br /> ' 21.Aaoetnation;Remcd'KS.Lenda�sb�aD give aoNce to Borrower prior to�enelention tWhwfng Barmwds bre�cb
<br /> oi any covenant or agreanenl�in�this•Sevusity It►steament (but not prtor to acaderation �p�ra�aph 17 ankss
<br /> appltcabk law provides otl�ec�ise).�Tde aotire shatl spec�fy: (a)the detault;(b3 the action requind to curc the ddanit;
<br /> (c)p date,not less than 30��mm t6e due t6e notke is given to Borrower,6�v�fiicl�tbe defaWt mt�t be cm+ed;and
<br /> (fi Nwt tailun to cure tbe def'ault on or�bef'ore t6e date speciiied tn the notice ma�resWt in acederation of tLe sueis
<br /> saatred by th(s 3avrfty Instrament and sate ot the Property.The uotioc sl�all fintHer Worm Borrower ot t6e ri�Lt to
<br /> n�state atter accdeation aad the rtgdt Cr�,brt�a rnurt action to�sserl the noatxlstenoe oi s detauR or any otl�
<br /> deknse of Bomnwer to acceleration and ssi;e. If t6e detault is not cured oa or 6efore tbe dats specitled ia tbe noiiae,
<br /> I.e�er,at its option,may reqaire imrnediate payment'rg fuli o!all sums secure��i,� this 5ecurity L�strane�-wltboat
<br /> tuc�er demand and may iavoke thepoxer ot saie and�ather remedles perm�dl.t►y stpplicAble faw. Le4ali�'shAll be
<br /> e�k�e�f to wAect alf expeases incurred i�pursuing the ne►�seilic.w provided in this�aph Zl;includl�g,6E!��oi IImItM
<br /> to,re�twt�a6le attomeys'tees atM costs of titte evidence. ' •','• '.• � .:
<br /> •!t the pa6+R�s.oi sale ts inroked,Trustee s6aI1 record a notiot�t3f�'ault in each cou�'��►.QSt�+su�y p�rt oi tbe
<br /> P_ro�etfy is k��d�ed sha0 mai!copies o!such notice��r•t�e ma»�,:rr pr�cribed by applia�tiie ra�s`,G�Se.�c'ru�a'And to.
<br /> t��t![er pe��tsscrfbe���i�licable IAw.After tl�i.+,'"aa�e�equircd by applicable law,Trnstee s��C�c�v1k aMke
<br /> � di!�sa�s to the petsons anc�ut9�14e�aaanner prescctbed� , � licabte taw.Trnstee,wltiwut deman8 oa B�,.sf�IL sell •
<br /> �,..:::
<br /> � � •:tNe Praperty aC�ialic au�tr�4��the hip,hest bidder�s��ime and place pnd under the terms desigtwted i6�he�otice ot
<br /> :�,��';'' 'sak in one or�r porrels al�d in any�.?�'n�st�al�etermines.Trnstee maY paatpone sale ot all or any parcel of the. .:'•
<br /> � Aroperty by pi�ic announeement s►t the.�,aad.�ce of any previously scheduled s�le.Lemder or its dcsigna ms� � �
<br /> � p�aae the Ptoperty at�a5�:r,ale. ' . � ,�. ' '
<br /> �::,�; ; ,
<br /> , . �
<br /> ,, • • ,�•, fonn 302i 91Sa , •
<br /> ' � »aye'9 0l B , . . ..
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