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<br /> � l�js��q m loyer���d.a�ttie uptim d[.eo�kr.sf mo�t�e i�wwaoa oa�r(ri�c(ia�t i�o�t i�d io�tYa��eio�� �
<br /> �1R i�� eeqritba) iy��+r�p�ro+�ad bY.I�e�er�pir b�o�oe��v�ib�b�¢�1 is a6ei�ed��oe��iri�r � :
<br /> 1�e,�alillra't�aNieed to ariotain ieo�y�/e i�r�ce in ef�xt,Qt b pl�ovid0 s lo�.tef�C.tstillie leiAiro�er fOr nd��� , ,,
<br /> � .�nawaoe e�i��aoadlrlce�ri�h�ey�vtitle��t bat�raea DacaMer�d LxMp'eRitappli�ble ht��. � ,
<br /> ' '` 3. Ii�efiiR:�eader or its�ecie mry mMae n�wa�6te a�es tpan�rd�af d�e P�+cpeAy. l�aitles t6�U�tve ` ..
<br /> H+orro+Mer uati�,e�u tbe time of o�ptlor ta m Ie�eaio��poafyioi rau�on�ble.a�m.fota�it;in�peeion: � _ . .
<br /> l�..Co�ie�tire.The pnooee�of any a�ra�d or d�im far d�..dinect:oc,a�equa�ial,to oo�at�oo,wi�h�qr
<br /> 000deamtlae a�athec t�of any p�t of d�e Pmgaty.a for convryanoe in IidtolEoorYlmnortioo.m l�eteby�d a�d
<br /> sM�il irt pid ta irend� .-�� : _
<br /> � t�tbe eveat•af a wu[takit��of thc Plapaty,tLe prooe�ats ahalt ba app�ied ta tLa:saaae s:r�uued by dus Soauity lnmummt.
<br /> w�pher a uot�n due.writ6 any a�ass pid to Bonu+ra. In tbe.eveut of a p�rWil fi�idnz�,.,;the Pmputy ia whidi t6e�fiir��
<br /> m�rlmt vslue of.the'Ptupaty immodiateiy befa+e d�e taki�u eqoal to oc ge+aWer t1wn�tiaf:auuuwt of tli�sums seatta�d�6y�hia=.
<br /> ' Seca�ity'I�t immeQ'w�sly.befone the takiug,uolcss Born�►er�ad Ltader�othcnrise.�tic.in�rritios,tbt sems;�ecmed b�r•:�
<br /> dus Searrity Ls�wma�siWl,be rodu�t,d by the amount of tbe p�aoeed9 mnitip{sad�by,�ftlrfoUo�ein�f�c6on:�(;}tbe tdat�l
<br /> �moanc of t6e wass socored ionaie�iiwdy Ixfac�d�e.tal3ng,divided by•(b)the 5ic.ma�irW-vatue of the Pto�ety lnameditfd�!;
<br /> befae d�e ddua.My bdaiae s6�ll ba.ppid ta BoRU�var.Ia tHe eveat of a pwtiAt:-t�i'pgi��tbe Property Ia�fi+ch dk,fair�.
<br /> a�valoe of drc Pruperty,immodi�td9 befone tbse ai3ng i�kss tl�t dia�mowwofdiq�e�ltus sewned immodi�tdyl pefa�e tbt
<br /> tdcin�,naless Bariower md�.earkr otl�i+Ise agnx in w�ing ar anlas a�ptic�hle:li+�•.otT�rise pmvicf�s,tht�Ca�eeds's6vl�`
<br /> 5c ta tha aums seanai d�s 1�u�wLetbet�otaoE the�ems�are.�tl�atiilo:
<br /> �PP�� � . ��T�y...,
<br /> It the_Pio�tty'is ab�doued by Bo�su�ra:ar.�:ifter aotice by IIxader to Hotcc�i�ei�t tbe ooadamor offas to m�c an
<br /> a�atd or se�Se�a.claim for dam�es,Bot�vaet•fiDs°ia irapand da�xoder.wit6jris:�t.�tays:a�erii�dsbe t6c mtke Is•giYeg, .
<br /> � i.eadet is aNwtiz�d to c�dlect�od app1Y tLe p�a�ipe�ds;,�iits op�ion,�eit6er ou�+estaratiat�'pn�epir of tf�e Yropetiy or to�s�s
<br /> �ocund�r this Savrity i�max,+vLe�et�,qdraia4t�iefi%�tet� �;?;;�.
<br /> • ' Uniat Lc�atler u�d�B6[��rwer othenira�;�':in;�ia�amg►�.�l►��ua±alfj$t�oeed��W priricipd etwll�eot exteod oE
<br /> . poslpone tba�d�te of�th�.�OaRhly RYn���in:pRrag�apl�.I and:�:�i�!r,,b�nge tt�e arno�mt of w�t paya�eats. '
<br /> ' it.aer�virer Nat ReTea�ed;F�'�-�+`�t'�Nobol:�'13�ta�r�:�c�dt�ioa of the dme,fwa�p�yrneac a modifkation -. .
<br /> of amo�ti�tion Q€tbe sums s�cuned byr titts;�ty i�as�lmpse gr�nfed ti�r>. '�aiidt'ta any socaasq�:"�s"�oenst of Borrower shali .
<br /> . � ,not opa�te ta i�ase t6e lia6nity of tbe aiiginal Bot�eic.4r�"�`��a`�btt,s.'�ots.ia�inoecsa�:I�der s(n�aat be zequited to" :
<br /> �Ra'����Y a�ccessor irt�er��ir3�fuse ta�ext��tctiifise forpay�nent or otherwise,modify amottizttiwi
<br /> of tbe swaa secated 6}c t6is Soouriry Itutniment 6y�te�on�•�i�nj�e:•dein�a�d macte 6� thc original Bormwer.ar 8orrowet'�
<br /> s�uaoessois ia moerest. Any forbearance by L,eader in exenisu�p(a�iS!`�ht'+or renaadg sUaU aoE be a waivei oF or ptrctude tb�;`'
<br /> exC�sa of a�iight or rea�ody. • . : . . �. : :� �:,'=�.:�
<br /> l2.S�oee�oc�fmd A�Bomd;Joii�t�ad;5ksenl'I3ab11ity;•CA-s�nas:,The�oaver�ants and agKme�ta`af+ti�:;;':
<br /> Seatdty Im�nent st�alt bind and benefit tLe sucee�tr�s and assigns of i,endar��Borrower,subjxt to dt�:.�acisia�s af
<br /> pa�raEraph t�: Borrower'.s�vven�nts and agroemaus shaU be joint and sevetat:�1qri�:�}�orroRec wlw co-signs tStS's Saurity.
<br /> Instmmeat bnrdas nat�ihe Nd�';ta).0 oo-sigaing this Security Inti#rume�t:nrl"ytosiri.i�i�ge,grant and oonvey tlr�ES
<br /> Borrower's i�in tt�c Yn�ertyu�eti�termsr of this Secarity lastrumcnt:.(b)�s��ot�.*Lq obligated w psy d�e s� ,
<br /> secuKd by this Secvrity ldstia,ment;a»�l�:i�;;grees tbat.Lender and any other Borra:�ec muy agrce'to exund,modify.fori�car or
<br /> make any accommodations Riti�r�egard to"tiie tarn�s ut liis Securiry Instrument or tFre�ote withnut that Borrower's consenG
<br /> 13.Lo�n Clwrges.If the[oan secured by this 5��.ty Insuument is subject to a law wtricfi sets maxiinum loan charges.
<br /> and that iaw is finally interpreted so that the inter�t r�r3��,er loan gTrarges ooltected or to l�e coltected'm oom�oction with the
<br /> loan exceed?��itted limits, then: f�r any such ie�:;�t�arge sha�lc:b:reduced by�he amount neoessary to rednee the charga
<br /> to the pemuv�.Zimit;and(b)any sums:lready coi:r�d from Borro�rer which exeeeded pemutted limits will bc refundod ta
<br /> $orrower. I.on�ei may choose to make this refunei:,�a�1��educin�the principal�owed und�r the Note or by making a dira�
<br /> �payment to Bortoa;e,r. CE';��refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as•a partial prepayme�t�without�any
<br /> prepaymem charge�,ii�:�i.rllTote. � .
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Borroa��rovided for in this Security lnsttnment sh�ll�bc siv�p3�Iiveri�g it or by�mai��$;�'�,';_.,•':�,
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable'G3�,Fequires use of another meihod.The notica sh�ll�ba di�iaci�cE to the Property Ad�:,'�:'-.",--.,'�
<br /> or tity odur address Boqo+!gr designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fixst.class mait t4 '. '.`
<br /> Leccder's addn.ss stated h�r,�i or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Sorrower. Any�otice pfi�a;�;io��for in this
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall be'damod to have been given tn Borrower or l.cnder when given as provided in this gz�z�pl�:� .;.:��;;
<br /> 15.Coveretua I.sw; 5eve�abilit�. This Seturity Instrument�sh�ll be govemed.by federal law and.���tai4•-o�'�
<br /> jurisdiction in whieh the Property is,tocated.In the event that ar�y�pmvision ar ctause of this Secvrity instrum�',bs t1o��Not+`
<br /> conflicts with applicabte t�tv;such confliet shall not affed othet provi�ions of this Securinj Inshument or the N,��a{�ti;i�ii�e
<br /> � �riven effat without the cau�icting provision.�'o this�'erc!the provisions of thiy�Security Instrument and the C+7de�u'��e�IIarod
<br /> tn bc severablc. . • , ',�.`,, � .
<br /> 16.Eorrower's Copy.Horcower shall be given vieticonformed capy of the 1Vote and of this 5ecurity�Instcument. �
<br /> ' Fam 30� sll0
<br /> . . ..vaye�o+e ,
<br /> � � .:
<br /> �
<br />