. - , . � . - ,:��-_-_
<br /> '1� . 1 '__ __
<br /> .-_' __-_-__- ' _-' ... ;...... .. _ ....._' '___'-__.'-'... _' ._ ___ .
<br /> --,"_ _"-_---'._ "'-_.____ "'_-"-_,_ i�_____-_ . _
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<br /> . ,
<br /> . patods a�.c l.aader t�. 't�e�x c�ier pnuvid�.�a�i�moe sl�u r�e ch�ey E«rnwer subjxc m t.eada� .
<br /> ' appnuval wl�ich.abail not be wneasa�abiy witi�held...If�a�awet:faits w nvi�tn cave�ag�descn"bcd above,Lecder miy,�t
<br /> '� L.ender�optiaR obtsin covenge to pnolect Ixrder's ri�es in tb�e:P�!oQeitY in snoo�d�nce writk pfragriph T.
<br /> All insurnnce policies ud�euew�ls s6all be saxpnbtc to�endes usd sdalI inctude a standa�M mortg�ge stausG Leader
<br /> . stwU Iwve tho rigiu to 6old the policies and reaewaLs: IiLsadeczeqaaes,Boimwu shalk P�P►Y 8tvc so Ixnder All reaipts
<br /> of paid pc�miums and n�wal notias. In tLe eveoe aE ioss.Hcavwer s�aII 8�P�P��tia m tl�insutaece cyrrier and
<br /> I.nxkr. Lender may mtice pmof of ioss if not mad�e p�txpptj�.:by�aamwer.
<br /> Unkss i,ender and Hamwer od�eivvisa agree ue�itia�•�oe-pracexds s6aU be apglied to reswratiaa or:npair of
<br /> the PropsnY dartagod.if tt�e testor�tiott ar rep�:is tcordo�iY ft�n'6k a�.�'�:s�:is nvt 1��:ff d�
<br /> nstorntian a npair is aot oconomical[y fea.s�bk.os:Ltoders soc�ity woWd be lesse�d,:the insutancc.p�ds!s1�U bc ,
<br /> appiied to tLe sums secund by this Saaairy,In.stiva�eat;.aztt�53t or.aot.t6w duo,a+ith any�e�ess p�id,to�Harrowec If
<br /> Borrower abando��s the P�operty,ar does aoc aaswer�rvit�aim�3Q':days a no6ce from I.ender that the��nlsuxuav�canier ha4
<br /> offercd to seale s claim,tt�en Lender may,colkct thc in�cp�o�eds. Lender rnay use th�prqo4ods!t4�rep�ir or t�estote
<br /> tbe Fmpetty or to pag sums savted by tbis Sawrit�insKUaa�nt;�vtrctha or ttot tix�duc.T6e 30�day.pe�i�tl will begin whete
<br /> the n�Ua is given. 1 , � '
<br /> Unkss Lender and Bor�owa otherwise agoa i@,writia�•anY aP?Ii�ion of.p�aooals�to,ptincipal s1�a11 not extend ar,
<br /> posqtoae the du�dat6 of the monthlY PaYmeats zefemed ta�s�ragraphs 1 aad 2 or chtingo.tli0 amomu of the payments. U
<br /> wider parag�aph 2i tbe Ptope�ty is acm�irai by,Lend�r:BoFrower's`right ta,any:irtsivaac��po6cies and'pince�ds resultrng
<br /> fmm damage ta the Rnperty prinr to tha aa�sivati st�U�s to.Lender w tba extaat�of�thh,sums secund by this Socariey
<br /> IusoRtment immediauly prior to the acquisitiex�� �
<br /> 6. Oaupancy. Pr�rvation, Mpintawatc suwS�Protectial,ot�t6e Fcop�cty};Borrow�er's I;oR�`�►PPIkalloa+ _-
<br /> . E.msx..ald� Born��er shatl occ7��y,establist�aod ase:ll►�.PropeRY as Boriower�pruicippi�resiilence within'.,aity days,afcec
<br /> the execudon of this Security Iiutrument ar�aisall'continue to axupy`ti�e Prnpeity as Soaoarer�s pr�ncipal nsideace fos at —
<br /> Ie�st;one year after the date c;f ocarp�ncy.:usdess Lender othecwcse �.�es in•wririag, whkh ennsent shall not be --
<br /> �aitably withheld,or unl��tiag c's�anas exist�fiis�ace&�ec�d:Bonower's coatml. Bormwer shail not
<br /> - -.� dest�,�;�amage or impair the:Ht�;:aL�uv�r tl� c��'�ias�;?�ca�mit a-a�ste.at the Pmperty. Boaower�all•
<br /> •":Tie icr t�e.�a�t�if aa��farfeituce�xr�c��c��s��T,"�s beg�n fliat in l.endecs good f�ith jdd,�a+tznt
<br /> . � casi��:�"t',�s'�cS�ce of ti�e c��is�m�a:F�.�i.�en c�3 by this Sacs,�t�+�iasai�uanror
<br /> . ��Y'..
<br /> � �3e�ss�it�6c�t Bonowecmayc�s�'nadefaultandi+ei�st2t�as�dedinparagraph'lS:by��gihaaccion �
<br /> � . or�r�ng,on be .��--mi.ssed with a ruling�,�c;.��Lender�s'goad faith d�ation,precIudes farfeiwre af di�BosQOaer'� �
<br /> � � mt�in d�e E'cr�ty or osl�er material i�:�t of the lien cmated Cry�this Sccurity Inshumerii or•�.ea�"r�seceuity ---
<br /> . iIDtBi�52. BOfiOWCr 5� 7LS0 I76 iR flCfBtLu�L�•E��[DOWCf.dczmg the loan applicatioa�roeess,gave ma�ai�3y��alse or �''
<br /> . . . ine�,�irate infom�atean nr statemeu�ta Lenclez ics;�a"rd w pr��ide L'ender wah any ss�xe�iz�informatioa)hi�an,arith � -
<br /> , the loan evidence�t�s�.�e Not.e.;i�cIading,Ea�a�t limitad to, re�set�urs•rqa ,c�niitig;$orrower's occnpar.cy of the ' _---
<br /> Prope►ty as a priac��.izsid�eicce: if this SeWiitr Ga�-tnunent is on a l�4d.Bartua�ee sh�I�ismply ai�i a:i tke proviscons. _
<br /> � of the lease. If Bo�s�acq�a�..�es fee atLeto ti��uperty,the Ieasehold air3 tfiz fee ritte shalt nat merge�ni�ss Lerrder�s •
<br /> to the merger in ari�i�. . . :. � _
<br /> 7. Proteetioo ol Len�a''s R�ightc ia tUe Property. -If Horrower fails to pecfarm the,covrnants and agr�'s --
<br /> containod in this Security lastnrmeat,or there is a legal proceeding that may significansly affect l.ender's rights r�e thc
<br /> Pmpetty(such aq a proceeding in 8aniwptcy.probate,for candemnat�an or forfeit�e or to enforce laws or negulations),theR:
<br />