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<br /> , � <<� �7.h���! �R�j�l���l 11!lMI�.I���OC j�Of.�1E�[O�i![�y d[�l�id IO Il.
<br /> �i�Of 11�l1fOd(Of If����t1�f[10 BO!lOIM![1f 90a f1C f[����OO[i�i�'pQfOO)M�O�
<br /> {`��!�[f0��000�l�. �'IDfy.� �t Opt104. 1�IIO�WC�I�IIDp�@�Of�����
<br /> $OL71tlISI/Oi�fROmt.�C�N�EYCf.f�lit O�t�tl�Ifl�OD!bE ���rE�E[�E�CIiQ 1i Q[O�Q�����illl.�t.Of'�G f�t
<br /> Of t�SOW1$Y I�f�. . . �
<br /> ��.�!'�d!?!�!!�t�5 OjIdOU.l�lt iVt���IYC�Of10MC�'IIOttOE Of�Q�IOQ.��1C nOfiOC 5bf1�������[bd OF IfOt ,
<br /> �Gii t�l�!30 di�s�[GO!fnC dYC 1�lC OOf�OC 15�IYC[Ed Of IDil��YIt21I0 M/b1C�BOf'taN�QrLS�Qly a11��3��j/t� .
<br /> $OWI![�t�tlYm',Ot.U BORn'NCf�S W Q�t�llSE SOmS Q[10[LO tbC C1I�lTXIOq O�(�1IS QC[Wd.�.�Gf mij►1IIPObC i�ICmO{�1Gi
<br /> �If�E��1SIS SON�Itj►j�illt��fOtl�fCl n0[IOE Cf�0�HDfNM1Ct.
<br /> 1=. b�lnrwlr'f lU�t i� Reidt� If BoRO�ver B1Elt6 oaf�ie Goadltiaas.�BOrtOwer 56�11 hiva f11C rigbE to 6avE
<br /> mfa�cemeat of tais Secvrity�dis�+�n��t aay timt prioc ta tbe arlier:of•tn)S dsys ior socle utber periad at-
<br /> �appliabl�e I�nv�ma�►�apecify for ieinwrsmeat)befae s�ie of die pmpeity pu�su�ot-w a�►Power of sak ooataine�d ia tbis
<br /> Sawity Iasqntaida�;oa(b)eatrY�sNdE���E���Y�.1Lase ooad�ans ace t!n[Bornower:(a)pa�ia
<br /> I.eoder�all sams whica theo�voWd be dne�nda this Securiry Iashume��oid tbe Nott as if no accda�tiao had accurred;N)�
<br /> aurs any dd�it of aay alba oovmots os�:(c)PaYa sU espeo�es inc�ed ia mfaeins tbis Sacarity L�stnaneae,
<br /> iedndins.but not lim�ud to.ressomble auotneys foa:aod t�)taica�h utian as I.et�maY�o�MY roqait�e w sswre
<br /> th�t t6e liea of thit Seauity Inst�umeat.lrnder's rights ia,ihe Propaty�nd BamNds a6ligxiaa to piy the su�sacm+ed 6y..
<br /> . this�SacvritY Insuumaat sboll oo�inrie-tinch�M- Qpoa�temenl by Bomn�ve�. Wis Soauity lasuume� md iht
<br /> abliptio�sccuned hreby s6�ti cem�in fa11�+ef�axivt as if ro aoxier�non 6�aavriro�.Hawever,t6is rigDt to niaStaoe sivi!
<br /> not�pply in the case of axdaati�mder pa�gnph 1�. .
<br /> I! Sde a[Not�Cint�t of I.aM Senicer.Tt�Nate or a pa�w! iotmst in the No�e(w8ether with tLis SocuritY
<br /> Iusautna�t)any be sotd oac or noon tinaes witdout pciot aotiae to Bocto�ver.A sak may ra�tlt in a c6aage in the taaity(lmown
<br /> as the'Laan 5avioer')tb�t aolle�ts montWy PaYments due�er the Note�nd this Seanty I�ume�.l7�ect atso tmy be aae
<br /> - - - --- - , oc wore c1�ng,�-af tLe Lo�a Sc.�t�ioet u�elaocd ta a ss2e af dx N�e.If t3me is s c�han�e of t!r L�n Servioer,Barmvra.�r�!be
<br /> . giveu wriaen aotioe of thc d�ngc in aa�ocrlanoe with p�ag�pb!4 above and applipblG tak.T6e norioe will state t6e u�ne and
<br /> addc�s of the aew Loan Serviaer and the zddncs to whicb payments sbould 6e m�de.�T6e notice w�aLw oaatain any utbet�
<br /> , inf�mt�n�eqaaad b3►aQPlic�hk la�'• -
<br /> 2�.H�s Sita�on.BoROwer slull rat p�se or Qermit tLe pieseace.use.d�posal•stota8�.or rda.se of a�r
<br /> H�rdoux Snbstances on or in.the A�ape�ty. Borrowec s6aU not do. tn� albw an}rone else w do,a�rtbu►B affa�a8 iLe
<br /> Propeity th�t is���io�ation of aay Fmironmenral i�w.The proroding twv�st�ati aot app1B w tbe�c�esenoe.ase.or .
<br /> stor�ge an t�Ptopei�of s�mll quantities oF Hazardoos Substanx�s tliat ue gmeratly riecognized ta 6e appropriate to aorm�l
<br /> nsidauial ases ao�a��ta�anoe of tbe FrvQr�ty. - . :.
<br /> - � Borrawer�il pran�p8�give Lender anittea�of uny iavesti�rion.clai�.dem�nd,lawsuit-ar atber action by�ny
<br /> --- govemmental rn�egulat�'?�i-�g�or pdvate parry mvoIv�g ihs Property uW uty Nazardous Substance or F.nviroamenql i.aw
<br /> of which Bomnwer has acnr��iwle�iga If Horrower lranos.or is no'ht'ied by aay govemmental or regulatory authority.tbat .
<br /> -- - • any maoval ar ahe��on of arry Ha�dous Substance affoceing the Property is aecessaryr.Botmwer sball Pro�Y� -
<br /> aU ttieoessary rem�Y acG4�s in aceocdat�ce witb Enviroumental i.aw. • �
<br /> -----�= As used ia�%s�tr�gtaph Z0. 'Hazasdaos Subscanoes"aze those substances def'ined as waic or ha7a�dous su6stances by . ,
<br /> Eavimna�ax�l I.aar and'tir�f�i'lowing substances:,gasa3ine. kerosene. ottkx flaam�3z or macic parolaim�rnducts.W�ic � ,.
<br /> _����„� pesticides a�hstb4cides;vat�soiveats.materiais conC3sAing asbes�tos or fomialdet�;�..aM radioactive matenats:As iued in , .
<br /> tlus��20: "Emiraus��al Lzw" means federal faVvs and laws of the jurisdi�ti�n where the Property is larated th�t ,
<br /> - retatGto�lth,.�fes3+or ea�viiit�'neata�pratecciun. 'c:. . .
<br /> NON-iJ1YlT-��t14t COVENAN'fS.Ba��xet and I.ender further coveautt and agree�s,fa�a�s:-
<br /> Z1.Aco�oo;Rapa�es.Leodtu s�gtve�wtioe to BurraRSr prior to�f�ng Bonmre�s breaelr"�t
<br /> ,�;� ; of aay covenset or agrnmeaet in tLis�ec�iity Instrameol (b�! not prtor to�� pamgrapb 17 anless
<br /> ;�,;_,,• a�Me b�v p+nvidls at6�4se).Tbe notke s6alt specity: (s�)the defaW�(b?tfie�ction r�oind to care t6e defauh;
<br /> .�'�. (c)a date,not tess t6an 3Q�s trom the dAte the notke is gi�en to Borro��,bF�36e def�Wt mmt be wred;aad
<br /> � ... .', '� (�ths�t iail�tia e�ue the defaWt on or beforc the date spedfied Tin t6e notioe n�ay resait d�aoceteratbn o!tLe sad� �
<br /> •� •_s,�� secaKd bY tbig�'ec�ity I�sts�mt and s�k oi the AvpMy.The»Mic�sh�ll turtbtr id'a�m f�'orro�es of t6e
<br /> : rfgLt'�a� �
<br /> rei�ate aRer s�ao�erat�on aad t6e rigbi�o bring a coart ac�ioe to assati�he non-ex�scenor mt a detaW�or any,or�er �
<br /> ..�{� ddease oi Borrower to aaor�eratton and sa1e.U the defanit is Aot cured on or 4�ef�nne tLe d�te specitied Fa:the 6vtioe,
<br /> .��'�?a_=. I.e�irs,at its�optiou.mn}`c�,q�ire immediate payme�.en[ull of all soms secare�tay ihLc Securtty Instr�t w�ithoat
<br /> �;;;;::_'��; fdai�eer demand�nd may im'oke the pn�er of sale ath�any other rtmedies petraf�by applicabk law.I.esder shall 6e
<br /> -- - r;,� .'._,�::• +aoti�ed to ooUe�aIl expeases incurred in�nving the semedlcs provided in this paragrapb 21,findading,bat not timited
<br /> :'•:�r���� to,reasona6lrWiorneys'fees aad rnstsn6t�iUtevldence.
<br /> :.� •:,:..... U t6e power oi sale is iavoked.'i'enieya�:��1 ceonrd a notice ot ddautt irt eacb coaat�;r,�+wbic6 aay.put at tt�,.;
<br /> �:�-*•r•,• ••
<br /> _ ,�..:-:�:.�;. �►r�nty is located and siwll mail wpics�snch eocit�in the manner prescribed by�ppqca6Pe�aw to��er and.i�
<br /> - "_�:�:: `t�Me bthar peesons prescrfbed by appikable law.Aftest5ie time reqaired by applic�8e law,Tn�stee s6A11�C�e�notEce
<br /> .'`-,u's� �Csak to tlie pasoas smd fr�fIrc maoner prescn'bed by applicable Is�w.7'nute���hout demand on Bon�a��,:s4hll�b..
<br /> 4 �'� t�e Propa�ty at pu6lic aoc�i�,e!o the 6igljest 6idder at the time w�d place and ueder the terms desig�wted iq t6ae aoRic�pl��, "
<br /> --�LrT��';� sAite lo oae or more p�ts��d In nny ader Tn�stee determiaes.Trustee msy postpoce sale of all or any. a�'t11� .
<br /> `—`-- �Y bS' P�611c anno�ene at the time and place ot Any previously sc6edWed sak. Lender or its.�-+�rwv� ,
<br /> ===�TM��=� g�O�CWee t6e Yrapaty at r�np s� `. . ,
<br /> ., aJ:aw� � '�... . .
<br /> ���M.1 ' � � � � �, ` �
<br /> • ' ��
<br /> ' � ' FQMf'$��,�4?�G`'�
<br /> • Pp�bofB • ' �
<br /> , . �
<br /> . . . . . ,;�.
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<br /> - -^i��".w.'s�x_ t.-�ig+•5� •ihc���t�tlYk�'Y!' ��h.--
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