, . .- , _---_
<br /> , t ; • c t z:, .. . ,` . � �, ' ; � ��� ,. - — _ `- -
<br /> ; ` '_�i�lr.�►�b�f'i i��'d.�t ie a�lios at tiu�i�r,it�e�r�/e 4���'�C�Ibt��E a�!tos is%�ii� . .
<br /> � �' �I�t Ui�i��i�N���f►a��'r�!!�!e'MM�!�#�+�l��«�ardiiY at�s i0rl�nii.feewwr tM��1!.. . ,
<br /> . ,�; i��a�i�ii b suii�ii��i�+e ie�.�t b�avfie r tor�e.�.�Ii11Ye w*iiw�t tor�AI�/F .,``�`'
<br /> - . .Mwa�los Nli�ir�ooeii�x�iiW a�wtillMt�uArlrt Ml�wralaio+�ei�i�.1r1�t ar�tiar• , ` `
<br /> _-- . a�s�e�e�iiy����o■rLle,alri�tip•�3�!�c1ia�of IMe ho�eety.I�+�der irl yMe ,.
<br /> �oe�soaoe`�t�earut dar peiar�a a ie�pe�tiaa�pea�►i�zer�oM6k care ldr 1tie i�pec�. �� •� ` � �
<br /> l�. ��.'t�e pocbeds at a�r aNad as d�i�ior d�r�es,diroct w oo�byi�eatid. i�aoiatioo w�h aay
<br /> � o4tleai�tioe or otLer tairia�of�r pet of t6o Aopat�►.a�r ta aoarer�oe.i�Neo otoodes�tios.a�e 1w'ebSr aaiped.ad
<br /> tb�il6epidlolre�dec_ � . _- '` � '` � _.
<br /> i�.�eMat d a�oW t�is�oEtbe�opectr,t�e pnmeds�be_appied��e�y4c�red by d�Se�i�y�M�°1�► � .
<br /> ri�liot.as aot�d�e,wid�ae�r e�coas p�id w Baa�+ee:Le d�e er�a�t nf a preei�l t�tie f aE t6e reo�t7 m�r��e bir
<br /> s�rl�aE raire oi d�a PSnpeity i�edi�ely befa�e d�e t�id�is aqr�1 b a'Ve�r d�s�ie aea�t,cf dYe�ms aeCarod b�r.d�t
<br /> 8ac�tiil�r t�imi+dird�r belo�e d�e t�ki�.dt�s Dotnowv a�d l�der c�ri�e�r�"s niti�.�e sw�s�ec�ned b�1
<br /> �a Sec�rit!��tt Da nd�t�d A�t 1re�e�ornt ot die pvaeed��idgiied b!a 1be foilo+vi�f�a�tioa: (a)t�e toe!
<br /> �ea�af t1a s��ec�ued'vma�aWAdy_6do�e We dd�.divided bY(b)tie 8ic�dcet vaire of ttie Pfropaty iselad�IriY
<br /> bebe tt�a di�{.A�r 6d�cc�11 bc piid a�ato�. Ia ttie cveat cf a p�tid t�of t1K P�cpanp im�ici t1e fair
<br /> a�icet valre d ttie P�opaity ieomediakiSr be€aie dro t�luqs is 1as�d�e aipo�t of tb��mt sec�ted i�aedistr�p beione d�e
<br /> nitips.Nnips Baio�rar aed t.eades atbawife�x is�rit�or�less a�piir�6ie liir a�He p�+idGS.iie P�nared�a1vII
<br /> be applied a�e s��e�ed Iy d�is Secarit�r 1�ime��r�l�ar.cr not tbe s�oc a�e t�m doa.
<br /> ,_, t[t_i�e Ptu�pty es�bm800e�by►�.ar if.dror notioe by Isader to�mr+et t�ait.the aades�ar oRiQS to m�kt an .
<br /> — a�ad.ac xlde�daio�.fo�d�m�es,Baio�er tails ta:apa�od to,ImdQ�30 dtys�t1dt tbe d�e�tic notiae is pv�es,
<br /> Lmder is alboriaed to aoIIe�,t aod apply tbc pooeeds��t it�aptioe.adrcs IQ�ar tq�r of ttie Pt�opaty ur to tbe s�
<br /> �e�ted 69�is Seomt�1�eot.Mhed�er or aot dKS d�. . �
<br /> Oaieu Iead��r ad HamrMa►albec�►�Se apee a�rrirmi•ae!►aPpliqtia�,of.pooeals to priacepl s�not Wdd ot
<br /> pap�oeo t�e dse dre of tbe moatbip�p�ymeats iefa�ad to in prr�pbs 1�ed 2 a c6�o�e die amoimt of sac6 pya�ent;., . ' . ,
<br /> 11.�CS+r�eF N�t��F�ieaea�oe�I�r N�t s 11Y�i�r�er..E�easioo of�be time tor pymeaR ur modification
<br /> � of ama�mtiod of tbe sums eec,v�ed by this Soatity In�utpua�t��ared bs!Irndet W aay u�o�so�:ia inoe�st of Ba�to�s1d1
<br /> . noE opetate to eela�ee the ti�b�ity of tl�e a�i�t Har�o�ver ar Hoaa�ec's suooet�aa in io�r.st.Imdec tbaU not be�w_ _
<br /> oan�om�Pc�ceodi�a�ti�anY suooe�ar in iortiest or�efuse m acta�d time for pryment or athe�wise mod'dy�uatioo
<br /> of tse aum�secut+ed by tbis Seauiry Ias�ameot by'.teisou of aiq deaand rnde!ry tbe arigiml Hprm�ver ar Ho�:
<br /> seceaw�s ia intarst.Any focbe��ae by Leaderin eae�isin�aay tiEht or Kmedy sh�tl mt be a�raiver of a pnx3�dc tbe _
<br /> a�a+cix of my riEht ar iemedy. `
<br /> ' l2. S�acare�s�A�ips 30��ebit�sod Se�eea{ILb�it�r;C�S.7be oovaads aod a�eemeots of��
<br /> Securiry InAzumemt sl�ll bind ad 6meSt the s�ocessors aod atsi�.of Iroder aod Bamwer.subjax w tbe p�wisia�s of
<br /> p�apsp6 17. Bonu�er's oove�mts aod ag�eanents shst! be joint aoa seve�al. My Hornower who cosigos this Sa�rity
<br /> Ios�nm�ea!but do��s not eae�ata the Nde:(a)is eo-signing Wis Socarity L�suo�aa�t oolg.W mostga�e.Br�t�d CoaVai►�Iat
<br /> S�orm�r�c's u�tmst in drc Ptrrperty antier tbe ter�of this Sacvrity iratmmax:_(b)is nat Pe�somUY obliSs�d to pay tbe smas
<br /> secoce�.�ry this Sacarity Iautuaxnt;�c1(c)agees that Lender aod any ot6a Borrower mry agnx to estead,mod►fY,fo�bear a
<br /> mp��uty�000mmoda6ons wit6 cegud to tbe terms of this Savrity Lun�am�t os tl�e Note witboul tlnt BormvYer's cor�at.
<br /> I3.1�r Cvt�es.If the loan seairod by Uds Socurity tasuuma�t is subjoct w a taw wluch sds ma�dmum laan chuges.
<br /> aod tbat 1aw is finaliy intatpretod so t6at the interest or otba lo�n charges coUected or to 60 oollocted ia oasu�wic6 tLe
<br /> lo�n exaaed tho permitted limiLC.thm:(a?aay s�lo�n charge shall be redooed bS►the�mount nooessuy w rnd�ice tLe cfia�gc
<br /> ta tt�e peimittod limir.wd(b)any sums alre�dy witociod fmm Bomawer whic6 exccedod pamittod limits will be iefunded to
<br /> Hano+�'.Ladar mry choose to malce this �efwd by reducing tht princip�! owod utdar the Note ot 6y m�ldng a�diiect
<br /> paymau to Botrower. If a refund roduoes princip�l. tl�e reduaion will be mated ag a partial pnpaymex w�tb�aat ang
<br /> P�Y�chuga mtides tbc Nou. �
<br /> 11.l�iee.Aay notia to Botraa��er pravidod for in this Sxorlty InSUVmeat shaU be gi��n by delivering it or by mailiqg
<br /> it by first elass m�il antess applicablc I9w roquires use of another method.Tl�e notioa sha11 be dimted to the Pcvperty Add:as
<br /> : urr any other addnss Bu�wer designates by notice to l.ender. My natioe to i�erjder shall be given by first clus mail w
<br /> LendePs addnss statld Iberein or any otfrcr address le�der designazes lry�otioe to Borrower. My notioe.�fitsvidod for in this
<br /> ', :.�., Security Imtr�ment s1n11 be doemed to have ban given to Borrower or Lender whrn givrn a4 providad in tLi,s�.
<br /> IS.Coverris� Lw; SeraseiUty. This Security Inttruma�t shall be govemod by fodcral law acu# the taw..of ttie
<br /> . jurisdiction in whk�h the Pmpe��is ioratad.In the even/th�t any pcovision or clause of this Secnriry Iastru�m�nt-or rl'g Note
<br /> .' contticts with applicable law.such oonflict shalCnet affect�pravisions of�t6isSocurity l�uttumrn�or tfie I�Iute vihidfi.a�n be
<br /> � given effect without the oontlicting ptovision.Tn•ti�s'end the provisions of thie�Saxtrity Incwmrnt and ttx Note are dectmd �
<br /> '�• w be severabfe. , ,., .
<br /> ' lf.�orrowa'a Caps.Borran�'s�all be given one confomkd copy of the:�iote and of chis Securiry instrumrnt. •
<br /> � ' • ' ��� ia�302t 3N0 . ..
<br /> , , .
<br /> . • v,v.so�e • . ,
<br /> ,', r , , . i. , '!' .
<br /> , . . . . . . , .
<br /> ,. .. ..
<br /> . . ,..
<br /> „ �. - . .. .,., � - -. < < , ,
<br /> , .,. �...... � ..�...•.._ .°,__. _ ";.� . . _ _
<br />