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<br /> . T�r1u ii��iie���a�is�11��It 1R tie 1�wf��'le�es t�1��ci�ri e�t�e��[�a�adi�`I��re�'K �
<br /> ` ,wiR�d tie a�le.t�cl��i tre ryie�t�f!Mr Tnrtee's iws a�t�t!►l�i�erei►rMt es ezeai �� ` '�
<br /> . rt�e�eirei�!a��f eir�.1e,�t drc ti■e�oc a�e iedlratk.�[ad..�t,a:e e�Lie auoneys'�ea as..pe�tt�ed .
<br />--- � b�R�l�ti aN�I�t Meir�y!W 3�aelt�LMtr�eit+a�d(c)M4 aoe�fo tie peoo�ee��fe�riTy e�id fa �
<br /> ` �' 2�. ��qa�o� �Pp'a P�Y�Qf,a11 wmc tepubd b� ihii�eauitY �ntmeat, t�ad�r�ull��que� Tcu�iee iv
<br /> � :: teooavly d�e Propeity aod�tI �uda t6ts Se�ucl►Y Ia�ameat��d atf no�a�r�caai �_�� ��� ��
<br /> �srMmiaK b?rnMqe�T�nstee si�tl eeaoav�Y ibe Pcopaty wilhout w�amoty,�aq�witT�ont chu�e to t6e pet�ort or penaas Iepil�r.
<br /> eatitled to k.9ucb pe�soa or pasont�l!pty�reoord�tioa cats. . . _
<br /> `2�.8�i�tlt�e Tr■�[ea i�erder,at ib oQtion,mry fian time to wra namove Tcuate�aod�ppoi�ut a suooesaor uu�te�W .
<br /> �ryr:T�oMae-�ppoin�ed baeonda bY an inst�ummt reoaded in the oouaty in�fiicb tbis Sactttity ImRCUaxae ia taooided.Wi1�wt
<br /> c+oarryaooe d We Fmpaty.We wooa�r uarta eball ax�cad to atl tGe dde,Power aod duti�s oaofened upoa Tivaee 6aein
<br /> ��2�4.� .�at tir�Tifie�.Borro�er iequa�ts tlut aipia nf tbe mtioes of defadt�nd sile 6e sait m BoRO�res's add[at
<br /> w6'tcb is tHe Pia�aty Addnxa.
<br /> . 1S.ltii�i�tiis Sp�Ity L�fe�ot.If oa4.or mon riders aie exavoeci f?i!Borrower s�ad re�onded togdher wi16 tl�
<br /> �,�'::�GeCiitity Ia�nt,tbe�ts and a��eameab af a�3 sodt�ider�11;be i�q�a�tad iuta aod sh�lE ammd md soppianmt, _
<br /> ; q�ad / af tl�is Socari[y L��nnaetas�t�e�s}+�.a�of tGis Sa�uity Iast�uromt. ..
<br /> � � `E��� �`��',1,��.f:: . __ _ ' ) f j Y t• 1 {. .
<br /> " _ G_ ' .-✓.�' <�t . _ .(���.::L:�:•. ":'. :C� : .. _. .. _
<br /> ,,�;r,,a, ;} f I .2 S � �'�.r,•�",, • .��.�,�'sl,I�il ��, ` �� �
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<br /> , _ ' ���'. 1:'� ' ��.'�:a�1Aeq'�apment lt�''�^��9 PrymentR�es _ ,
<br /> . . . B�v�ri'i�de'r • �;: `.� h�e`lmptowe�erirt�l�,i3e� � �5ecoed Home Rida
<br /> V.It:,tt�i+�ei . . .'�'�Ot1ur(s)i�9� ' .
<br /> � sY&K3NII�Ia BPJ.OW.Horrowa aooept��nd�eea w the terim ud o�ve�u�s contdaal in this Securlty lnurument w�
<br /> h an�►.�iderti)e�oeated byr Hoem�rer�rd re+ooeded vv�th i� ' •
<br /> ,R►N�: - '
<br /> (5a1)
<br /> OHN W TTWER •��
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<br /> . �/ (Sal) .
<br /> (Sea1) <�)
<br /> _g��p -Horro�er
<br /> � .:,", ._
<br /> ,
<br /> SPA1E QF.�1tASKA, Coant9 as:HALf�.:.
<br /> 11ie fi�ing instnunent wu x'laiiaivlodgod before me dtis 28TH day of NO�i��Ir18EA .4 993 . .
<br /> wit�s my 1�siid i�otuia]a�l s�QRAND ISLAND, NE8 "�� ,•�� .
<br /> My Co�ion Facpires: ,• --
<br /> �••i ��'�M� NonryPublie /� .".
<br /> ' , IrCN01/i�1MR0► � � �
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